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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业情态动词李仕才情态动词练习题单项选择1. I _ have met him a long time ago. Both his name and face are very familiar. A. may B. can C. would D. should 2. Shall we go shopping? Sorry, we _ buy anything now because none of the shops are open. A. mustnt B. need

2、ntC. cant D. shouldnt3. I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She _ have spoken at the meeting. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. couldnt4. He _ the test again, in which case, his mother will be very disappointed. A. might fail B. must have failedC. should fail D. could have failed5. Wh

3、y didnt she come to the meeting yesterday? Im not so sure. She _ ill. A. should be B. should have beenC. must be D. might have been6. Why did you just sit and watch? You _ me. A. could help B. should helpC. could have helped D. must have helped7. You _ your teacher for help. He is kind-hearted. Yes.

4、 A whole day _. A. can ask;will wasteB. must have asked;had wastedC. could have asked;was wastedD. shouldnt have asked;would be wasted8. Is there a flight to London this evening? There _ be. Ill phone the airport and find it out. A. must B. mightC. would D. can9. Show me your permit, please. Oh, its

5、 not in my pocket. It _. A. might fall out B. could fall outC. should have fallen out D. must have fallen out10. Look at these tracks. It _ be a wolf. Dont be so sure. I think it _ be a fox. A. must; could B. may; mightC. need; must D. could; need11. I thought you wouldnt mind. Well, as a matter of

6、fact I dont, but you _ me first. A. should ask B. should have askedC. must ask D. must have asked12. I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didnt recognize her voice. Oh, it _ my aunt Jean. A. must be B. must have beenC. might be D. can have been13. That car nearly hit me; I _. A. might be

7、killed B. might have been killedC. may be killed D. may been killed14. My cell-phone has disappeared. Who _ have taken it away? A. couldB. shouldC. mustD. might15. You _ practise the drums while the baby is sleeping. A. neednt B. mightntC. mustnt D. wont16. _ more careful, his ship would not have su

8、nk. A. If the captain wereB. Had the captain been C. Should the captain beD. If the captain would have been17. Its too bad that I failed in the math exam. If only I _ hard at it! A. workedB. had workedC. has workedD. would work18. Its suggested that some activities _ to celebrate the 30th anniversar

9、y of the Reform and Opening-up. A. should holdB. are heldC. be heldD. will be held19. Your sister really worked hard on her science project during the summer. Yes, otherwise she _ the first place in the competition. A. would have wonB. didnt winC. wouldnt have wonD. won20. Would you mind if we set o

10、ut earlier tomorrow morning? Well, Id rather you _. A. dontB. wontC. didntD. wouldnt21. If he _ his legs in the last training, he _ the coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in. A. hadnt hurt;would join inB. hadnt hurt;would have taken part inC. didnt hurt;would go in forD. didnt hu

11、rt;would have taken part in22. It was urgent that he _ her immediately. A. calls B. called C. call D. would call23. What a pity! If I had caught that flight, I _ over the Pacific Ocean now. A. would fly B. would have flown C. would be flying D. were flying24. The task is challenging and demanding. W

12、ho do you think can make it? _ my partner have a try? I think she is the right person to do it. A. WillB. MightC. ShouldD. Shall25. _ you disturb her with these annoying questions just when she was busy cooking dinner? Sorry, I _ that at that time. A. Should; must not have doneB. Shall; may have don

13、eC. Must; should doD. Must; should not have done26. The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they _ win the championship. A. should B. might C. would D. could27. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think we _ it without you. A. can manage B. could have managedC. could manage

14、 D. can have managed28. Jenny took the 8: 00 bus to Guangzhou this morning. Really? She _ the 9: 00 train. Its much more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A. could have takenB. should takeC. must have takenD. can take29. Experts believe that most diseases that commonly affect men _ be avoide

15、d by preventive measures. A. mustB. mayC. shallD. can30. I would have helped you, but I _ really occupied the whole week. A. wasB. amC. had beenD. were1. A 解析:根据后句所提供的信息可知此处表示对过去可能发生的事情进行推测。may have done sth.意为:可能做过某事。can表示推测,通常用于否定句和疑问句中。2. C 解析:根据because引导的原因状语从句可知此处表示:不能买东西。cant 意为“不能”,符合句意。mustn

16、t 意为:禁止,不许;neednt 意为:不必要;shouldnt 意为:不应该。3. D 解析:句意:我今天早上在会议室没有看到她。她不可能在会议上讲话。couldnt have done sth. 表示对过去的情况进行推测,意为“过去不可能发生过某事”。4. A 解析:根据下文的 will be 可知,“他考试又不及格”是将来可能发生的事,用情态动词might 表示可能。B、D都表示对过去发生的事情的推测,不符合句意;should “应该”也与句意不符。5. D 解析:从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测“她生病”也是在昨天,故排除A和C。从语境上看,既然上文说 Im not so s

17、ure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D。6. C 解析:根据上文的过去时态可知,此句谈的是过去的事。could have done 表示“本来能够做某事,但事实上未做”,符合句意。7. C 解析:could have done sth. 结构在此表示责备,指过去本来可以做某事但实际上未做。第二空陈述的是过去的事实,应用was wasted。8. B 解析:根据下文的Ill phone the airport and find it out 可知,说话人对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选 might。must语气太强,不合语境;can 表推测,通常不用于肯定陈述句中。9. D 解析:

18、既然“通行证现在不在口袋里”,那么它“掉出去”应发生在过去。must have done “肯定做过某事”;should have done “应该做某事”,根据句意,应选D项。10. A 解析:根据Dont be so sure 可知前面一空应填must。第二空填的could表示推测,虽为过去式形式,但表示现在的意义,语气较委婉,可以用于肯定陈述句中。11. B 解析:should have done“本来应该做某事,结果未做”,此处含有责备之意。12. B 解析:句意:我昨天给你打电话了,一位女士接的电话,但是我没有听出她的声音。噢,她肯定是我姨Jean。表示对过去情况的肯定推测,应用“情

19、态动词+完成时”。注意can表示推测时通常不用于肯定陈述句。13. B 解析:表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的事,用might have done。句意:汽车差点碰到我,我可能会被撞死的。14. A 解析:考查情态动词。句意:我的手机不见了,会是谁把它拿走了呢? 此处could have done表示“可能做过某事”,用于否定和疑问句中。should have done表示“本来应该做某事(但实际上并没有做)”;must have done表示“一定做了某事”;might have done表示“也许做了某事”,用于肯定句中。15. C 解析:mustnt 表示“禁止,不许”。16. B 解析

20、:由主句中谓语可判断,表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,所以虚拟条件句中的谓语应用过去完成时,Had the captain been = If the captain had been。17. B 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:我数学考试不及格真是太糟糕了,要是我之前努力学习就好了。if only后面的从句要用虚拟语气,从语境可知此处是对过去的情况的一种虚拟,所以谓语动词要用过去完成时。故选B。18. C 解析:考查虚拟语气。suggest作“建议”讲时,后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词应该用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。19. C 解析:考查虚拟语气。答句句意:是的,否则她就不会在比

21、赛中获得一等奖了。此处表示的是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。20. C 解析:would rather后接从句时,从句若表示现在或将来,从句中的谓语要用一般过去时;若从句表示过去,其谓语用过去完成时。根据语境可知,此处是表示“我希望你们(明早)不要早出发”。故选C。21. A 解析:根据句子结构可以知道,该题含if引导的条件状语从句。分析句意,该句表示一种假设,从句中的动作表示与过去事实相反,主句的动作是在将来发生,即表示与将来事实相反,故从句的谓语动词用had done,主句用would(could, might)动词原形。22. C 解析:在It is/was urgent that. . .

22、 句型中,that引导的从句中谓语动词应用“should+动词原形”形式,should可以省略。类似的形容词还有necessary, advisable, desirable, vital等。23. C 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:多遗憾!如果我能赶上那班航班,现在我就正飞越太平洋了。从句是对过去发生的动作的虚拟,主句是对现在正在发生的动作的虚拟,故谓语动词用would be doing。24. D 解析:考查情态动词。句意:这项任务很有挑战性,要求很高。你认为谁能完成?我的搭档能试一下吗?我认为她是做这项工作最合适的人选。shall 在疑问句中用于第一、三人称,表示说话人征询对方的意见或请求指示。25. D 解析:考查情态动词。句意:你非要在她忙着做晚饭的时候用这么烦人的问题来打扰她吗?对不起,我不该在那个时候那么做的。must 表示“偏偏,非要”,should not have done sth. “本不应该做某事,但事实上已经做了”。26. A 解析:考查情态动词。句意:那支足球队这个赛季一直做得很好,因此他们按理该获得冠军的。should在这里意为“按理说,估计应该”,需要有一种逻辑推测。句中的h


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