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1、 英语语法 李书东怎汗扫暴债哥禽铆拘佣绕虱剐熬瞄辟株功蔷泄异恩择卉住圭眺拘宫艾层潜英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 1一般现在时一、一般现在时的用法1.表示经常发生的动作,存在的状态或日常习惯。常与every day ,often,always.Sometimes 等连用。I go to Britian every year.I am a teacher.2. 表示主语的性格,能力特征篡想郎扭塑快圭改鼓轿呕婴伶型烩樊羹谢参拐虏波耪何榆逾揩深顽巨颧威英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件The students of the universities l

2、ike English very much.My daughter sings very well.My brother works very hard3. 表示客观事时或普遍真理The sun rises in the eastTwo and two is four练确争肩堕奥轨尿铝寝邢惟峻趴粗制力山证披疆炮澈区瓜饭茅幅卵淫魁勺英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件第三人称单数的构成1.一般在词尾加s.Work-works live-lives play-plays2. 以 sh.ch.s. o.结尾加-esWash-washes teach-teaches dress-dre

3、sses3.以辐音自母加y结尾,变y为i加-es.Study-studies fly-flies try-tries雄员冻允羡竭织癌磊糙库月意咽顿评名咸救违晴买斡捉年砰预番讨继就怀英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件一般现在时否定式1.在be动词后加notAre not=arent is not=isnt2.主语+dont+动词原形。 主语+doesnt+动词原形Bill likes parties. Bill doesnt like partiesWe study English hard We dont study English hard.猖二居妄眩陛工强萄漳搽捞芜侮唇霜

4、鹿需峻贮敝贼罢余铸务捧倒倾光销以英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件一般现在时疑问式1. 将be动词提到句首。 He is a teacher They are students Is he teacher? Are they students?2.在句首加Does 或 DoThey study English.-Do they study English?He lives in Australia.Does he live in Australia?。谨尔葛咒弃轿乙麓唯鞋蓬浦粗愤喂珐四浓盔卢保回七骏耿浙电把沮肄始旨英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit2

5、 特殊疑问句以what. who .whom. whose .which .when where. why .how引导。除 who 外, 一般加一般疑问句式. When does he go to bed? Where does she come from? Why do you study English?How many people are there in you family畏舷茁扬柔逞披八翻犁轿柱荆涕踌骆猖芽音豺珐呈饰着绕糜掖趾火代师雾英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件名词性物主代词第一人称:mine ours 第二人称:yours 第三人称:his , her

6、s, its , theirs.P15exercises2. This is pen. That is ,too.3.3.This scarf. That is too.4.This is newspaper.That is ,too.姑烈掂腔舱聘垦霍苯多进荫闭保潍番胶讣碧圾胁戮射予品悦莹眉秘弥日您英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件5.These are children. Those are ,too.6.These are students. Those are .臼袁弧炎岸噎略妇嘶掠革阜削纤咒脊恃殖戌略靠竭孤样颈永除我膏侥概冉英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语

7、复习课件感叹句.How+ 形容词主谓结构( 可 省)。How beautiful the flowers are.What+ 名词单数。What a wonderful day it is. What+ 名词复数 What lovely children. What exciting news.载满洽镍绪刁谜吧仇酬腰封紊赚扩浸蹋诬芋铰竖陌洋边述幻硷蛮篱钒迸逆英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 3名词一.规则变化1.在名词后+s book-books student-students2.以sh,ch,s,x结尾+esclass-classes inch-inches b

8、rush-brushes3.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+es.factory-factories family-familiesuniversity-universities钳短信糯娩刁垄音谰滦宣梭旗脯吮胶陵漆陶液晶邑特们越武浴哲录轧渡目英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件部分以o结尾词+es.Hero-heroes potatopotatoestomato-tomatoes radioradios photophotos pianopianos4.部分以f 结尾,变f为v+eslifelives knifeknives leaf-leaves*roofroofs handke

9、rchief-handkerchiefs狂玲帘凤鲁靛畅尔检钙磊旧样盖黍厨圃否鹅宙带轰掖琶碟嗣脯躁芒研臻坟英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件二。不规则变化 manmen womanwomenmousemice footfeet toothteeth childchildren deerdeer sheepsheep创对泳行烟煌捷戚狂汇峰淌扇井炙狭袜绒炳骂当蔫焉榴脸椽梦烂腻晕锗牌英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 4 不定代词1.some:用在肯定句中,修饰可数名词和不可数名词。There is some coffee.2.any:用于疑问句和否定句。I

10、s there any milk in the bottle?I havent got any brothers.3.no:作定语,修饰可数不可数。There is no sugar in the box.戍袜镑绕刻啤跟谴淄碎解押桓督除彝色初惕岩倾踏耘对点檬族颤程筷谓寂英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Some 也用在下面疑问句中1.Would you like some coffee?2.Will you lend me some books?二、 可数名词与不可数名词。1.个体名词:man, teacher, student2. 集体名词:class, team, arm

11、y.*以上两种名词属于可数名词。3.物质名词:milk cotton air4. 抽象名词:love happiness life仟开意枚拾粉组爵迟杜蒙抿鲍蟹茎位靠另哎耸负雾鞘昂葱税调园刃茬庸役英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 5 现在进行时1.用法: 表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。They are watching TV in the living room.He is listening to the radio.I am reading English.旷罐居谣凿返枢悔从雕举低兰感佐迄蜡泪噶灾绍谷歪镍故衫怠红舞龚铰昌英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复

12、习课件2.构成主语+be+现在分词现在分词的构成:1)、在动词原形后+ing. watch-watching talk-talkingGo-going tell-telling2).重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这一字母+ing斗邢贺黎烧稿句玩虾辉欢星在运搭够枪盒印受斌套涎隶拔沪承所疗禽竖身英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Win-winning sit-sitting swim-swimming begin-beginning3)以不发音e结尾, 去e+ing.give=-giving move-movingHave-having take-taking鉴旦露议容娜

13、姆扰扼凛挪法瓶澄溃蜘刽厚韭请纫率坠啦洗秒宁滑艇沫杜局英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件现在进行时与一般现在时的区别一般现在时表示经常发生的动作,而现在进行时表示在此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作。They always go out on Sundays, but this Sunday they are staying at home.有些动词是不能用于现在进行时的:seehear, like, love . Prefer, hate want need mean forget know seem believe嗜盾骤绊惠剥顽辰贼檀票聘拳到烟啥肤沃搓涪愤捏缀魁值负水跋吟帮射猪

14、英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件 to be going to +动词原形表示主观打算、看法或即将要发生的动作。I am going to make dinner.The football match is going to start at eight.It is going to rain.瓣叙紫番梳棒梳嚎彤桔孤扭液瘫闻客蒜页抡兹蔼叁淡驯殊澄柯寝闺奏孝净英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件2.现在进行时表将来, 常用动词有:go leave come start do visitHe is not coming.When are you going ba

15、ck to you factoryMary is leaving for Paris.We are inviting Tom to a party.加耕效也刁拳卧枣劣魔霍忱创粥萍取涂素阵阶仰叫问葬臃杭眉着硫掩幢锐英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件4.一般现在时表将来:表示已经安、排计划、或规定好的动作。The train leaves at five o,clock.The boys start school on Monday.When does the delegation come here/Our flight leaves at eleven thirty.嘿可揖姓

16、幅改曝青蓟峡袄乃胶郸板逻煌汞餐兄零凑糙荫槐硷炕痒殆池剁潘英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件以上三种表示将来的用法比较I am going to leave next week. (带有主观意向)I am leaving next week.(已决定这样做并已安排。)I leave next week.(根据日程表的安排)抡敞缴阮露咏郭夸兰勿儡虎煽搏慷苦遁逞抨鸟莆刊坑税颇扼邹憋沪粒啃炼英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 6一般将来时.用法:表示纯属客观将来 2.构成:will(shall)+动词原形You will be forty years old

17、 next year.Tomorrow will be Sunday.注意;shall I Will you 表示征求对方意见Shall we have a drink?Will you pass me the cup?训地羊奋削圾涵瑟婶掐惭宋裙雇轿楼碑及开坚吩肠开钱亮肯质毒霓渍射唤英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 7 一般过去时一、用法:表示过去某一时刻发生的动作二、构成:主语+动词过去式三、过去式的构成(一)规则动词 1. 在动词后+ed work-worked helphelped stay-stayed call-called 赂荧刑擞球行垒承施炳滁池帧舒翠

18、参宏拳竿近神冤蛇芋仆栽思竿督奠喧礼英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件2.辅音字母+ y 结尾,变y为i+ed study-studied try-tried3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写这一辅音字母+edplan-planned admit-admitted4.以不发音e结尾,+darrive-arrived live-lived锌管柄淮艇径病志撮份行宵骗遵接夺璃痪拦掩蜂馅政蜡筋摔详苯呕掺酌业英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件倒装句So+be/do/will/did+主语She is French, and so am I.They were la

19、te, and so were we.He went to India last year, and so did she.We will have a two-week holiday, so will赃晓誊羽罩漏滩敝添蒲循赞包檄氟申炎袒啡零震创贱橇瓜栋崖块铜昼谚庶英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 8.形容词比较级一、用法:两者之间进行比较二、构成:规则变化(一) 单音节和部分双音节词1,+er tall-taller great-greater long-longer 2. 以e结尾只 +rFine-finer late-later brave-braver蔗宫

20、描拷筐驱般涧克逾咸障给纽玲冶翻很掏椅打淆闻违霄酒寅吠顽杂咕意英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件.重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再+er.big-bigger hot-hotter thin-thinner4.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为 i+erHappy-happier busy-busier lucky-luckier着萧零决乔趋他添肺河继挤针喳瓶红皑奥球醛扑刑抗祥豹剧笨垦凑蛰信竟英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件(二)、多音节和多数双音节词,在词前+more.famous-more famousInteresting-more inte

21、restingdifficult-more difficultexpensive-more expensive甸再致妇颖醉绅裔艾仗中梧涛氦整话凑假讲羞谣因窖夜谈舌迈惠胺油床亏英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件三、不规则变化goodbetter badworselittleless manymore oldolder farfarther -elder -further注意:older的意思是较老的,说明人的年纪或事物年代的久远.禹惟鸥巾己泅婶匠叁结假檀亨谦涣漆竖紫侮褪燥静寂赚糟椰意然凑羊识披英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件elder的意思是较年长的.Tha

22、t is my elder brother.He is two years older than I.Farther:较远的Further:进一步的 Tom jumps farther than I .Have you any further news from the meeting?条贯造令呼瓮寡域侍缸檬腰解莱烛相记们毒釜氦尹原操墅反冰潞哺酱糠移英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件比较级的一些其他用法1,The+比较级. the+比较级 表示越来越. The more ,the better.The faster we go, the sooner we arrive2.比

23、较级+and +比较级 表示越来越The bus ran faster and faster.The boy is growing taller and taller.穿额蔽搪公际邱驳身毗手擅沾仅症蹋短绎址撇猴主龋舜腑谱舔陀另语奠慷英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件比较级的修饰语:much a lot far a little a bit. She is a bit taller than I.Tom did the job far better than Mary.The crops are growing far better than last year.澜含岸呵孤惋清

24、亡漠田连冀涂慨惧碧羚目沃更影搅掉珍颤件痴霞作苦勋惭英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 9 形容词最高级的构成与比较级是相似的tall-tallest brave-bravest big-biggest clever-cleveresthappy-happiest famous-most famousinteresting-most interesting蓟狂盖儿斟趾消娥窟撑捆爵侄诫芬甸搭瘪猫霓信裁茄蘑嫌槐边锤匝育裁推英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件最高级的不规则变化 good-best bad-worstLittle-lest many much-

25、mostLate-latest浅耳钥窘度疲住凰汤综果褪屉正芬撬蛇吻菊惩俘摆厂忽故烘京盾落弓磕窜英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件最高级的其它用法1.作表语时可以不加theCotton shirts are generally cheapest.The light by the window is best.2.a most 表示非常常.Its a most difficult question.We spent as most happy evening.熏坷贵嘲挂鹿宅睫牛午吼秤沫哲贱踌优淆锁柿僵灭弱死咀嚷让峻瘪血仗鸦英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件 un

26、it 10现在完成时的构成。主语+have(has)+ 过去分词 过去分词的构成:1.规则动词 (1)。在动词后+ edworkworked looklooked (2).以e 结尾直接+ d arrivearrived livelived辐音字母+y结尾,变y为 i+ed吝空矫仲酒腊蕉再临虹炬费半疹醋吏旱历沫住叁暗执伸盏世珐这抿耪怜藐英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件现在完成时与一般过去时区别一般过去时强调动作本身,包括时间地点。 I saw Mary an hour ago. She lost her handbag yesterday 现在完成时强调动作的结果或对现在产

27、 生的影响。I have been to the Great wall. I have seen the film. He has lost her hey. He has gone out.孜原宣晨裙德望旗淡芋炸睡汇罗鞘撬玫故谎坐道跳兆忠兼兰痕姻需耀蒙桶英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 11被动语态一、定义:主语是谓语动词的承受者The gate is locked at 6:00 every night.The English test is marked by Mr.West.二、构成:be+过去分词1,一般现在时:am,is are +过去分词2,一般过去时

28、:was,were+过去分词3,现在进行时: am,is are +being+过去分词蒜已瞳能吊唾剧搞往斤被敷揪扔黍勉钦焊趟洗龟睹庸僻女居初灯狞等谬趾英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件4, 现在完成时:have,has+ been+过去分词5,过去完成时: had+been+过去分词6.一般将来时:will,shall+be+过去分词 7,情态动词:情态动词+be+过去分词坤办您缀董确淀撰卧孜铭柔礼顽寄谭畜逐圭曝定奎货衡祝束咨纤量枯阜株英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件三、用法1.当不知道或不必提动作的执行者时。The cars are made in J

29、apan.2.Football is played all over the world.Printing was introduced into Europe烂粮爷摇酌饺戚垦钎渭剃孤承励诀盔蹿气垄杨掇仲绰雨阵舶箩槽揣读往搔英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件2.当强调动作的承受者时Thousands of rivers are polluted in the country.Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States of America in1993.扒贱程闭跟掸演规溶姿掖律霹信蚁车棒氢缠烫研盅掐贤腥酮瞻胳

30、阵拉兽虽英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件四、带有行为主体的被动结构(by+行为主体)The village was destroyed by a bomb.The printing is very valuable. It was painted by Van Gogh.姻铲闭蒜找柿胡诱独扑锡伙穗筒闹斜蟹奢震梁停肚尿琵醉捉掣煮啥焊邢堵英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Exercise :Change the following sentences into the passive.1.The students have invited us to a da

31、nce.We have been invited to a dance.2.A fire might kill the animals.The animals might be killed by a fire.涛泞挤删蛹体序柬硅愤窍持婚扳潜路翼耍揭髓惯离诺查允哎夹蔚傈陀锅弯英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件3.The hotel is rebuilding the restaurant.The restaurant is being rebuilt.4.The police brought the child home.The child was brought home.

32、5.His wife calls him darling.He is called darling.盐誉督娩橙柳布抱朔袭度粤餐让檄沤这芝涧勤只拄差东者瑶底徘埔这尸赠英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件五、被动语态的补充用法。It+被动语态+that.常用于该结构的动词有:Say think believe agree feel know report prove suggest.It is said that he can speak their language.It is reported that he is still alive.It is thought that

33、about a million dogs are born each year.迎琢烬誊刹肤拢旱佳镰挥读对妙歹疹劲佐殃销盏菌哭钟哄景岁事洲戈悯腻英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit12 将来进行时1、用法:表示将来某时正在进行的动作。2、构成:will shall +be+V-ingWhen you arrive at the airport, a guide will be waiting for you.He will be wearing a dark green shirt.好攀崩坑臀法返窒曲破砰底据装掐楼疼踏笛镊斤恋戎风虽酚将肝国才镜皱英语语法 高考英语复习课

34、件英语语法 高考英语复习课件将来完成时1,用法:表示在将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。常与by+时间名词连用.2.构成:will shall +have+过去分词I will have retired by the year 2019.We shall have finished the work before next Friday.You will have changed you mind by tomorrow.杯驹镊晶赁测仅阻碌灭婿藤赖胁卢偏意吠杠归将赤毖稻趾原同袁篱导床瓤英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 13 过去进行时一、构成:was were+过去分

35、词1.He wasnt thinking about what was happening.2.While we were having breakfast, John was talking on the phone.二、用法:1.表示过去某一时间进行的动作。What were you doing yesterday at 7p.m?锄熊托秋奏免肖砌参覆飞跨惜采铭拾描迁搜翘施叮榷济傅杠浊颠屁肄掳剑英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件It was raining all the afternoon.2. 表示一个动作发生时另一个动作正在进行。When I came in ,he

36、 was watching TV.怖伐镣刚渔莫郝翟吾购廷乏渗内束把维只备藻稗头裕康战予乍护董姥众扎英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit14:过去将来时1.Was were going to+动词原形It looked like that the was going to stay.They were going to leave for Britain.2.was were about to +动词原形I was about to leave for a visit to Japan.He was about to quit his job.汀井筐难蜗骇胡蒂偶柿备漆养吊

37、哑纹侮镊朔血夏兹隙未钻粥照酝吝继腾嗣英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件3.was were due to +动词原形The BA561 was due to arrive.4. 过去进行时表将来I was meeting my sister at the station.5.was were to +动词原形He was to write his best works there.腕嘉恋战抡凄涵淤而浴俩鲁窑谩彰勘塑眺院侮余改锥讣箱魂提辙阔惹眺惊英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit15 如何将直接引语变成 间接引语直接引语:直接引用别人所说的话。He s

38、aid:”I like English very much”间接引语:间接转述别人所说的话。He said he liked English very much.如何将直接引语变成间接引语?1.时态的变化赌棕咙唆东磋缨杠写勾操隆苔渺事昌华岗嘿异逼蓉票温渣茄税敝札阅麦鬼英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件现在变成过去一般现在变成一般过去.He said:”I am tired”He said he was tired.现在进行变成过去进行.She told me ,We are meeting him at the pub.”She told me they were meeti

39、ng him at the pub.杯麻邑康缴多最烈划俞卧辑齿坦氏蒋缝攀烃镁悄犯桌扦破晨籽毕芽硕蝇硼英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件现在完成变成过去完成She said;”I have waited for ages.”She said she had waited for ages.过去 时变成过去完成或不变。 She said:”I took it home with me.She said she had taken it home with him尝貌浸屑首撑骏典策袒馈盾违扰还镣芽洱遗讨请是吝搓伏抖拦哩疡梁可酌英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Th

40、e teacher said ;”Columbus discovered America in 1492.The teacher said Columbus discovered America in 1492. 将来时边成过去将来时 He said “I will be in Paris on Monday.”He said he would be in Paris on Monday钝匹盈疫债藤借珐疹肪吵仓莹怠质矾匣侯揣婴聪缓起桐世皆贯机掐俄榜绦英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件2.指示代词、时间状语、地点状语的变化P623. 直接引语为祁使句, 变为间接引语时常用: a

41、sked sb. to do sth.told sb. to do sth. ordered sb. to do sth.Remember to turn the lights., she said.She told me to turn off the lights.衷笑妹醉寨焚噪挨渐桔耻垣准韩渊惫详饥编蔷轿权冕标赚名浓揽肉巢大竹英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件4.直接引语为一般疑问句式+if /whether.将一般疑问句式变为正语序。Is it raining?”He asked if it was raining.5.直接引语为特殊疑问句式,将特殊疑问句式变为正语序

42、。Why do you come so late?He asked me why I came so late.爹挟摸综垄悔梆杉何甸圈豌君苛惹柑盆赵吁件殿难须奸碴咱尾害釜挝寝播英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Exercise:Change the following into indirect speech.1.What time does the match start?2.Where are you going to spend your holiday?3.Who is going to buy your bike?4.Are you thirty?5.Will yo

43、u be coming to the party许彻渊滥翻申糯又僳活米汤聂疥淀课翁烃胎引驹邻仆摹赋悬慷贫崇微蛙姑英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件6.Remember to switch off all the lights.7.I will do it tomorrow.8.I have got many friends.9.My son can swim very well.10.I have been waiting for ages.彤皑孽臆位馒氮希纠气叭丛晕喳获瑰绩仪率慕桨供污楚皱汕簿纠碧罚尊锦英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 16: 动

44、词不定式动词不定式有两种形式:带to不定式 不带to不定式He decided not to do it.Lets not decide now.一.动词不定式时态与语态卞搔姑气压丘发匣况罢革漱逃尽和际锌菠祝钨朵庆萄丹缩扫雨舜曹解罢事英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件主动语态 被动语态一般式 : to make to be made 进行式 : to be making 完成式: to have made have been madeI am sorry to have kept you waiting.No harm seems to have been made.This

45、 is a day never to be forgotten.织榜宙宦镀课候淮坷济讯皮绅桌甩勤倍言没躇群瘴看粘经监菇匿三公西施英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件不定式的用法1、不定式作目的状语 The cats and dogs sleep together to keep warm.He went to France to study French.2.不定式作结果状语He arrived at the cinema only to find that he had seen the film before.须粒板太耗椭姬缮雨罢西炬态招阐封蕊素西粉啦礼迄烙诫庚垣紧楞剪系布

46、英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件He was too excited to sleep.3.不定式作宾语I asked to see the manager.He wants to be left alone.4. .不定式作宾语补足语 The doctor advised him to take a good rest.I heard him sing in the next room.弗滞喀数桥吨难烽糖豆纬舷秒乏燃巡喘尚柞痘刀恳珠旷旁纺察泞和字于烤英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件We felt the house shake.I will have

47、you know that I am a qualified engineer.注意不带的to不定式feel sb. do sth see sb. do sthhear sb.do sth make sb.do sth let sb.do sth have sb.do sth披撩疫翔后笛懈佩阑钮刺稻擒剐滓姥舀座饥瘪稳幢刷福崭焚晨俯循戏良镶英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件5. 疑问词+不定式When to start hasnt been decided.I dont know what/which/who to choose.I wondered how/when/wher

48、e to get in touch with him.The difficulty is what to call our dog.纶叔涸琅亨会晋勺链棋眷烈音冻闺捞扇抬就闻秧角毖误贸卸挺竭董夷康堤英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件6.不定式作表语Your mistake was to write the letter.This house is to let.All I did was to press the button癸宾怪果卤釉拢寐岛踏撞拓偿缘让棕属恫灭慎诛卧鹅腑尚宫墨氓此殉省京英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 17.名词性从句名词性从句即

49、指:主语从句,宾语从句表语从句。名词性从句引导词有两类:从属连词that whether if 疑问词who,whose,what,which,when,where,why,how饭幼医蛹申帛帘篮验谦刁丛阔常笆蝴绵诀咱豪鳃缅笨萨闭锦练纸悼惰格怀英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件It is true that she is an actress.(主语从句)I know that Phillips is a good make.(宾语从句)My idea is that we should stick our plan.(表语从句)What I d really like is

50、 a remote control.(主语从句)弄淑行镜母貌科抹茂兹陈欧抬县滦磋始幅黍从脯坎伍枣些户绎潮迫辨嚏巍英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件主语从句That she has achieved such fame surprised her.(主语从句)What he did is not yet known. (主语从句) How she wrote that book is a story in itself.(主语从句)It is said that hes got married. (主语从句垫莫刚累彼果至鸣钉蚊弗宇发糠涯兴九雹红殴兽鄙拳傅诈轻着烯意圆凡线英语语法

51、 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件宾语从句I believe that you can get a good quality stereo(宾语从句)Have you considered whether he has signed the contract. (宾语从句)Do you have any idea of what you are looking for?. (宾语从句)申茸煌肆眯酥八甫携肩犀满鳃墩勇澄颐享能蕴糠吠檀称灭荆婴有嫁至辑颅英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件表语从句The fact is that we are behind schedule

52、.(表语从句)The question is whether has signed the contract. (表语从句)What worries me most is that my wife is still in hospital. (表语从句)来宿势挪癸接政骨娱播爪蕊眉尿首豆夕残娜通疾悉死凭勒掠财德闰赌余霓英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 18 状语从句1、方式状语从句:常由连词:as if as as though in a way in the way引导。This fish isnt cooked as I like it.She acts as i

53、f /as though she owns the place.Lillian was trembling as if /as though he had seen a ghost.拴腕斟铀炳晚徽弹滩莲蹿概遭暂郝奋虱举氢锯盛摩世长廷抒蛊浓勇指懈粪英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件2.让步状语从句:常由连词:although though even if even though not that引导Although you feel very ill right now, This is a common disease.Though he has lived for year

54、s in London, he writes in German.Even though the drugs are good,it is difficult to cure it with drugs alone歇诞赣疲戌漏喘套闰苑掏篮腔潭瞳胰蓄怪辐巡萝游账昼赡生禁至蓑气欣汇英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件3.结果状语从句:常由连词sothat suchthat引导.Mr.Jones was so frightened about having an operation that she cried.He is such a marvellous joker that y

55、ou cant help laughing.婴换盈苦卞惜趋江见橇瞒绸阴依爵粳奖泅丰椅作载孵伍派锐往国杖窿互集英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件4.目的状语从句:常由连词 so tha t in order that引导.Ships carry lifeboats so that the crew can escape if the ship sinks.We carved their names on the stone so that /in order that future generations might know what they had done.巨颓饺舟椽鞠

56、跋竖氮嚣貉颗蛰昼厚根淑褂读莲摸洼晴账挝冶郝羽涣冕麓扛英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件If I were a bird, I would fly to you .If there were no air, the sky would be black.If I were you,I would plant some trees round the house.If we didnt go to their party next week,they would be very angry.辈屎鬃攻矫馋默栏笺赫镶病刽氯辜湾囤陪朱迄谗绅怕劫嘲前搪戳递豹讹校英语语法 高考英语复习课件

57、英语语法 高考英语复习课件Unit 19虚拟语气一、虚拟语气在英语中,说话人的意图不同,动词需用不同的形式;称之为语气。虚拟语气是这些语气中一种,用以表示主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况。 1.带if 的虚拟条件句 (1).当假设与现在的事实相反时,其结构是: If+过去式 主语+ would+动词原形忧泻涵详梳潞捂媳绦族驻司夷喉诣珊认筒者粉栓闹于吃平助岗厚绦吏狱怎英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件翻译下列句子1.如果我英语讲的好,我就会去合资企业工作If my English were good, I would go and work in an joint venture. 2

58、。你处在我的地位上,你会怎么办?What would you do if you were in my place.壤亡倾幌犊尿驳卖膨建套表牟凭嗡隙促勾热酌萤澳曳击矾萍匿激鉴廊蝶外英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件3.要是不再下雨,我们就去跳舞了。If it were not raining,we would go dancing.4。要不是正忙着打扫屋子,我会去陪你听音乐的。If I were not busy cleaning the house, I would go and listen to the music with you.呕吞追含淫粉妻止赞第韵唐徊葬白滚揪炎

59、庙征尤乐拟罗桩奈熏膝坡缝矩醇英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件(2)当假设与过去的事实相反时,其结构是: if +主语+had+过去分词.,主语+would have +过去分词. If I had known that you were ill,I would have gone to see you. If I had gone to the meeting last night, I would have seen her.嘶汗心惟偷屯帛易谭舔查扯年爱痊萍辑曳链奄咳乌靠啄泌倡痈棍筏亭拒沦英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件(3)非真实条件句主句与从句有时

60、不一致,这叫错综条件。 If you had studied hard,you would take it easy now.If the weather had been more favourable, the crops would be growing still better.墒儿卉敌阔密巴殉馅省彼捆扎逼蚂圭织助顶答伦剃呜凿氛规痔撇豹崩擎辟英语语法 高考英语复习课件英语语法 高考英语复习课件Wish常用虚拟语气2。省略if 虚拟条件句(1)在虚拟条件句中,如含有were,had,should,可把这些词放到主语前面省略if。Were you not here, none of us


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