已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section A 1a-2c)本单元以 “How do you make a banana milk shake”为话题开展教学活动,其主要功能为:describe a process and follow instruction. 要求学生学会banana milk shake, fruit salad 等食物的制作过程. SectionA部分让学生在听一系列任务中学会关于食物的基本词汇到用英语表述制作食物的过程,学生在学习过程中观察了可数名词与不可数名词的区别,并学会如何使用 “How many/H

2、ow much?进行提问。本课时是本单元的第一课时,1a是语言知识的铺垫,1b/2a/2b是听力练习,1c/2c是操练巩固重点句型。根据教材内容分析我确定本课的类型是听说课,新课标对听力的要求有:抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,简单记录信息等。本节课的听力教学我将紧紧围绕这些要求而展开。我们的学生已经学习并掌握了许多关于物品、食物、饮料等名词,可以利用所学知识以旧带新来学习新单词,同时,七年级教材中已涉及到可数名词和不可数名词的用法,学生也就具备了学习本课知识的认知前提。新课标指出英语教学的目的是培养学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力,根据课标提出的英语教学的五维目标的要求,再结合学生的学情,我把本

3、课的教学目标细化为:1培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,记录信息等听力技能;能使用how many和how much分别对可数名词和不可数名词的数量进行提问;能描述制作食物的过程,如:First,Next,Then,Finally,。2学习词汇:表示物品和食品的单词或动词短语 milk shake, fruit salad, blender, cup, teaspoon, yogurt, ingredient,描述制作食物的动词或动词短语peel, cut up, putinto, pourinto,turn on, mix up; 掌握句型: How do you make a bana

4、na milk shake? First, Next, Then, Finally, How many apples do we need? Three. How much yogurt do we need? One cup. 3. 通过pairwork, group work 的练习中,学会描述制作食物的过程,培养他们的动手能力与合作精神。4通过学习奶昔的制作过程,培养语用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化;了解中西方饮食文化的差异,学会尊重他人的风俗。根据教学目标和新课标,我确定本课的重点:培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点的听力技能, 用英语对事物的制

5、作过程进行描述根据学情分析,我预测本课的难点为:用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问并作出相应的回答 正确区分可数名词和不可数名词。 用英语对事物的制作过程正确进行描述。教材处理:由于1b listen and put the instructions in the correct order,内容如果在全部教授完奶昔的制作过程再做,学生可以完全不做听力就可以做出来, 所以我就把这个内容提前,在教授奶昔制作过程前教授,可以让学生对奶昔制作过程有个大致的了解。为了突出重点,突破难点,本课我以3P教学法为主,配合任务型教学法和情景教学法,并借助多媒体进行辅助教学。

6、Next, I am going to talk about my teaching procedureStep 1 Warming up 1. First , get the whole class to watch a flash and sing the song: food , eating (直观的flash and song,既活跃了英语课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,又营造出一种和谐融洽的氛围,使学生在获取有声信息的同时,轻松的进入课堂学习。)2.Brain storming: Then ask Ss “Do you like eating, do you like food? Ss

7、 says Yes, I will take you to a good placea food festival. T show Ss a picture of different foods, ask students, There are so many foods there. what can you see? Ss say out the food as much as they can. (通过带学生去参观美食节,给学生创设了一个真实的情境,美食节上各种美味可口的食品给学生带来了很大的视觉刺激,学生可以自由回答自己所看到的食物,预习习惯较好的学生会说出本课堂将学的单词。这时,我就

8、可以顺势呈现相应图片,教授新单词milk shake ,fruit salad。)Step 2 Presentation1.Also, I will take two people with me ,one is xiaoying, which is from wenzhou, and Linda, which is from America. They are exchange ideas about western food and Chinese traditional food. Which foods are Chinese traditional food, and which f

9、oods are western food. Give Ss pictures of milk shake, salad, hamburgers, French fries, dumpling , noodles, zongzi and so on, ask Ss to classify them.(我这样设计的目的是为了让学生很好的区分西方食品和中国传统食品,学生能很好的了解中西方饮食的差异,学会尊重他人的饮食风俗。)2. On the food festival , xiao ying is quite interested in milk shake ,and ask Linda, “

10、how to make a banana milk shake. Then Linda tells her.First, what tools do we need? 以图片的形式,展示出blender , knife, plate, cup, teaspoon, What ingredients do we need? 展示出banana, milk, ice cream How many bananas do we need? two bananas How much ice cream do we need? a teaspoon of ice cream a box of milk T

11、wo teaspoons of ice crem two boxes of milk(在此过程中体会how many用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问并做出相应的回答)And then Xiaoying tells Linda how to make a banana milk shake .3.Listening (1b) 1. Pre- listening, let the Ss predict what the process will be and do 1a.(1a 看图将动词turn on, cutup,drink, peel, pour put

12、 填如与其相对应的图片中,学生就会对奶昔制作中的步骤有一个大概的了解,听前铺垫活动为听中)2. While- listening Listen and put the instructions in the correct order, then check the answer.3. Post listening (1)Ask one students to read the instructions out loudly.(2). Let Ss watch the video about how to make a banana milk shake . Show the sentence

13、s and actions on the screen ,ask them to watch and repeat.Peel the bananasCut up the bananasPut the bananas and ice cream into the blender.Pour the ice cream into the blenderTurn on the blender.Drink the banana milk shake.通过观看录像,学生能加深印象,并容易记忆。Step 3 Practice1. A guessing game .ask one students to go

14、 to the front, and show him some pictures. Let him look at it and act, and the others guess. Let Ss confirm the keywords like “peel, cut up, put into, pour into, turn on , drink.”模仿幸运52节目中的游戏,一人根据图片上的提示做动作,其他人猜这个动词的含义,这样,既能活跃课堂气氛,又能锻炼学生的表演能力和口头表达能力。2. Pairwork Ask the students to work in pairs to ma

15、ke conversation on how to make a banana milk shake and fruit sald.这是一个合作互助的学习过程,既巩固了该课的生词和短语,也巩固了本课的重点Step 4. how to make fruit salad. T: Xiao ying is also interested in fruit salad, and ask Linda how to make it .1.2a. 2b Before listening. Maria and Katie are making fruit salad. What ingredients do

16、they use?Get the Ss to know the ingredients of making fruit salad, and ask them to write the names of the ingredients under how much or how many in the chart(maybe Students answer is wrong)While listening: 1. Listen to the tape, ask Ss to listen and check if their answer is right.2. Listen again and

17、 write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.Post listening 3. Listen and imitate, pay attention to the intonation. (由于在制作奶昔的过程中,学生已经学过了可数不可数名词的用法,所以将2a 的听力作为辅助材料,先让学生填空,然后做听力来检查他们的答案是否正确,。2b要求学生抓主要信息,记关键词,培养了学生相关的听力技能。)Step 5 Production1. PairworkMake conversations about how to make

18、 fruit salad. (巩固和操练所学的新句型,让学生进一步理解听力材料。)2. Group workLinda has told Xiaoying how to western food, milk shake and fruit salad, and Linda is also interested in Chinese traditional food, like Jiaozi. Can you tell her how to make dumplings.(Give Ss some pictures and expressions if they need help , then

19、 one students give a report学生通过小组之间的合作来复习和呈现食物的制作过程,其效果远远大于教师自己反复的说教。3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Weshould eat more healthy food.(要求学生养成健康的饮食习惯)Step 6 Summary 总结制作食物过程中表动作的词汇,如何用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问并作出相应的回答做一些适当的练习Step6 Homework 1. Listen to 2a/2b, and imitate.2. Make a con

20、versation like the model in 2c.3. Write down the steps of making a dumpling.Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section A 2a-4)本单元以 “How do you make a banana milk shake”为话题开展教学活动,其主要功能为:describe a process and follow instruction. 要求学生学会banana milk shake, fruit salad 等食物的制作过程. SectionA也是紧紧围绕并

21、服务于本单元的大话题,安排听,说一系列任务,在这些环节中让学生学习了用英语表述制作食物的过程。本课时是本单元的第二课时, 2a/2b是听力练习, 2c是操练巩固重点句型3a是巩固fruit salad 制作过程中所使用到的表顺序的词汇,3b要求学生根据3a的内容来讲述制作爆米花的步骤,进一步提升了前面所学的知识。根据教材内容分析我确定本课的类型是听说课,新课标对听力的要求有:抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,简单记录信息等。本节课的听力教学我将紧紧围绕这些要求而展开。我们的学生在第一课时已经学习并掌握了许多关于物品、食物、饮料等名词,同时也初步理解了可数名词和不可数名词的用法,学生也就具备了学习本

22、课知识的认知前提。新课标指出英语教学的目的是培养学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力,再结合学生的学情,我把本课的教学目标细化为:1培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,记录信息等听力技能;能使用how many和how much分别对可数名词和不可数名词的数量进行提问;能描述制作fruit salad, popcorn的过程,如:First,Next,Then,Finally,。2学习词汇:表示物品和食品的单词fruit salad, cup, teaspoon, yogurt, ingredient, popcorn, popper 不可数名词量词的用法 a teaspoon of two te

23、aspoons of 描述制作食物的动词或动词短语mix up, turn on, put in 掌握句型: How do you make a fruit salad/ popcorn? First, Next, Then, Finally, How many apples do we need? Three. How much yogurt do we need? One cup. 3. 通过pairwork, group work 的练习中,学会描述制作fruit salad, popcorn的过程,培养他们的动手能力与合作精神。4通过学习fruit salad等食品的制作过程,培养语用

24、能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化;了解中西方饮食文化的差异,学会尊重他人的风俗。根据教学目标和新课标,我确定本课的重点:培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点的听力技能,巩固用英语对事物的制作过程进行描述根据学情分析,我预测本课的难点为:用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问并作出相应的回答 正确区分可数名词和不可数名词。 用英语对事物的制作过程正确进行描述。教材处理:由于2a 听力要求学生用how much , how many 来区分可数名词与不可数名词相对简单,不用做听力学生也能做出来,在这一步骤,我先让学生先讲ingred

25、ients 归类,再听一遍录音来检查他们的归类是否正确。为了突出重点,突破难点,本课我以3P教学法为主,配合任务型教学法和情景教学法,并借助多媒体进行辅助教学。Next, I am going to talk about my teaching procedureStep 1 Warming up 1. First , get the whole class to watch a flash and sing the song: food , eating (直观的flash and song,既活跃了英语课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,又营造出一种和谐融洽的氛围,使学生在获取有声信息的同时,轻松

26、的进入课堂学习。)2.Brain storming: Then ask Ss “Do you like eating, do you like food? Ss say Yes, I will take you to a good placea food festival. T show Ss a picture of different foods, ask students, There are so many foods there. what can you see? Ss say out the food as much as they can. (通过带学生去参观美食节,给学生创设

27、了一个真实的情境,美食节上各种美味可口的食品给学生带来了很大的视觉刺激,学生可以自由回答自己所看到的食物, 复习第一课时所学过的词汇)3.Also, I will take two people with me ,one is xiaoying, which is from wenzhou, and Linda, which is from America. They are exchange ideas about western food and Chinese traditional food. Which foods are Chinese traditional food, and

28、which foods are western food. Give Ss pictures of milk shake, salad, hamburgers, French fries, dumpling , noodles, zongzi and so on, ask Ss to classify them.(我这样设计的目的是为了让学生很好的区分西方食品和中国传统食品,学生能很好的了解中西方饮食的差异,学会尊重他人的饮食风俗。)4. On the food festival, xiaoying is quite interested in milk shake ,and ask Lind

29、a, “ how to make a banana milk shake. Then ask one students to describe the process of making milk shake.(在一个真实的语言环境中要求学生讲述上节课所学过的奶昔制作过程,学生很乐于接受这种形式的提问,会很乐意表达自己所知道的知识,很快沉浸到课堂学习之中。)Step 2 PresentationT: Xiao ying is also interested in fruit salad, and ask Linda how to make it .Show Ss a plate of frui

30、t salad, ask some to taste it, and let Ss discuss what fruits and ingredients are in the salad. List the words on the blackboard, divide the words into two parts:countable and uncountable nouns , and let Ss read the words together. (向全班同学展示一盘水果沙拉,并请几个同学品尝,然后分别说出沙拉中所包含的水果及调料,自然而然地引出了本节课的生词, 可数名词与不可数名

31、词的分类,巩固了学生对其的区分。)Step 3 Practice 1. Pairwork: Show some pictures about different kinds of fruits and ingredients, let Ss ask and answer in pairs , according to the pictures on the screen.S1: How many bananas can you see in the picture?S2: I can see five five bananas How much money can you see?S1: Ic

32、an see one bottle . A bottle of honey.(通过这个对话的操练,使学生能分清how much 和 how many 的用法,同时也巩固了本课的生词) 2.2a. 2b Before listening. Maria and Katie are making fruit salad. What ingredients do they use?Get the Ss to know the ingredients of making fruit salad, and ask them to write the names of the ingredients und

33、er how much or how many in the chart(maybe Students answer is wrong)While listening: 1. Listen to the tape, ask Ss to listen and check if their answer is right.2. Listen again and write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount.Post listening 3. Listen and imitate, pay attention to the i

34、ntonation. (由于在制作奶昔的过程中,学生已经学过了可数不可数名词的用法,所以将2a 的听力作为辅助材料,先让学生填空,然后做听力来检查他们的答案是否正确,。2b要求学生抓主要信息,记关键词,培养了学生相关的听力技能。) Step 4 Practice (1). let Ss read the passage of 3a, and fill in the blanks with first, next, then, and finally. (2). Pairwork how to make fruit salad (3) groupwork ask Ss to make fruit

35、 salad in groups in the classroom.( The material should be prepared before class). Ask several studengs act as a journalists and interview the groups how they make it, to see which group is the best and give them prize. At last ,one student in each group give a report of the process of making it.开展小

36、组活动,共同制作水果沙拉,通过让学生亲身参与实践活动,培养他们的动手能力。安排记者采访各组,评出最佳食品,从而达到在采访过程中实际运用语言的能力。 Step 5 Production 1. A recipe game, make two teams, one team write a recipe, then cut it up, the other team have to put the recipe in order. Ask them to use “ first, then, next, finally学生通过小组之间的合作来复习和呈现食物的制作过程,其效果远远大于教师自己的反复说教

37、。2. PairworkMake conversations about how to make fruit salad. (巩固和操练所学的新句型,让学生进一步理解听力材料。)3. Group workLinda has told Xiaoying how to western food, milk shake and fruit salad, and Linda is also interested in Chinese traditional food, like Jiaozi. Can you tell her how to make dumplings.(Give Ss some p

38、ictures and expressions if they need help , then one students give a report学生通过小组之间的合作来复习和呈现食物的制作过程,其效果远远大于教师自己反复的说教。4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Weshould eat more healthy food.(要求学生养成健康的饮食习惯)Step 6 Summary 总结制作食物过程中表动作的词汇,如何用how many 和how much 对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问并作出相应的回答做一些适当的练习Step8Homewor

39、k Make dumpling with your family if possible, then write a short passage about how to make it.Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section B 1a-2c)本单元以 “How do you make a banana milk shake”为话题开展教学活动,其主要功能为:describe a process and follow instruction. 要求学生学会banana milk shake, fruit salad 等食物的制作

40、过程. SectionA部分,学生学会了如何用英语描述milk shake, fruit salad的制作过程,使用how many, how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问, SectionB也是紧紧围绕并服务于本单元的大话题,安排听,说一系列任务,在这些环节中让学生学习了用英语表述制作sandwich的过程。本课时是本单元的第三课时,1a是语言知识的铺垫,2a/2b是听力练习, 2c是操练巩固重点句型。根据教材内容分析我确定本课的类型是听说课,新课标对听力的要求有:抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,简单记录信息等。本节课的听力教学我将紧紧围绕这些要求而展开。我们的学生在前面两课时

41、已经学习并掌握了许多关于物品、食物、饮料等名词,同时也初步理解了可数名词和不可数名词的用法,学生也就具备了学习本课知识的认知前提。新课标指出英语教学的目的是培养学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力,再结合学生的学情,我把本课的教学目标细化为:1培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点,记录信息等听力技能;能使用 in my sandwich, I like .表达自己所喜爱的sandwich 的类型及其原料。能描述制作sandwich的过程,如:First,Next,Then,Finally,。2学习词汇:表示物品和食品的单词 bread, butter, tomao, relish, onion, t

42、urkey slices, lettuce 掌握句型: In my sandwich, I like Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? Yes, I do. No, I dont.How do you make a sandwich? First, Next, Then, Finally, 3. 通过pairwork, group work 的练习中,学会描述制作sandwich的过程,培养他们的动手能力与合作精神。4通过学习Sandwich等食品的制作过程,培养语用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化;了解中西方饮食文化的差异

43、,学会尊重他人的风俗。根据教学目标和新课标,我确定本课的重点:培养学生抓关键词,获取主要信息和观点的听力技能, 巩固用英语对事物的制作过程进行描述根据学情分析,大部分学生没有接触过三明治的原料,我预测本课的难点为:Sandwich制作的原料的学习 用英语对事物的制作过程正确进行描述。 听力语速较快,学生很难完成2b的听力任务为了突出重点,突破难点,本课我以3P教学法为主,配合任务型教学法和情景教学法,并借助多媒体进行辅助教学。Next, I am going to talk about my teaching procedureStep 1 Warming up 1. First , get

44、the whole class to sing the song:Noodle, noodle, dumpling (一曲轻松的歌曲,既活跃了英语课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,又营造出一种和谐融洽的氛围,使学生在获取有声信息的同时,轻松的进入课堂学习。)2.ask some students to make a report about how to make popcorn.通过对制作爆米花的描述, 学生对前两节课的内容有了一次综合性的复习Step 2 Presentationshow Ss a picture of a sandwich and ask “ do you like sandw

45、iches? Some may answer “yes”, some may answer “no”. T: Whats in the sandwich? Help students to answer this question by presenting pictures of sandwich ingredients and the words on the screen.学生根据已有的知识进行问答,通过形象的画面,学生既复习了以往学习过的单词,又接触了本课的生词。 Then ask Ss to finish section B 1a, then ask some Ss to read

46、it out.Step 3 Practice A guessing game, let Ss ask questions to find out what the teacher likes in the sandwich.S1: Excuse me, Miss Chen, do you like lettuce in sandwich?T: Yes, I do/ what about you?S1: I do,too./ I dont either.S2: Do you like tomatoes in sandwiches。学生非常喜欢这种猜游戏,这可以调动他们个方面的情绪,激活他们已有的

47、知识,再一次巩固本课的生词2. Pairwork: Show some pictures about different kinds of sandwiches and ingredients, let Ss ask and answer in pairs , according to the pictures on the screen.S1: whats your favorite sandwich?S2: My favorite sandwich is S1: Do you like lettuce /tomatoin your sandwich?S2;Yes, I do. /No, I

48、 dont(通过这个对话的操练,能使学生了解自己的同伴所喜爱的三明治的类型,通过相互交流,增进彼此之间的友谊,同时也巩固了本课的生词)Step 4 Listening 1.2a. listen and circle the words Before listening. Let Ss look at page 441a, and tell them were going to listen some ingredients of the sandwich and let them predict what they may hear.听前预测为听力任务的梳理完成奠定了坚实的基础While li

49、stening: listen and circle the words they hear 要求学生要听关键词,2b listen and write the ingredients in the order they hear. Pre listening: let Ss look at the chart of 2b carefully 告诉他们记录信息时要记关键词,然后将其补充完整。While listening: ask them to listen and write the ingredient in the order they hear.因为听力语速快,这个任务难度较大,所以

50、让学生听两遍,(培养学生听记笔记的技能) Post listening; play the tape again and let the Ss imitate. Ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation intonation and the target language.Step 5 Production 1. Pairwork my favorite sandwichAsk students to work in pairs and tell your partner how to make your sandwich with the

51、ingredients you like, the other students listen and draw the sandwich your partner describe , then show the picture to the class and describe the sandwich like this: This is my sandwich, first, I put some butter on.next,. 此活动始终围绕本单元的主题展开, 既是一次听的训练,又在一定程度上锻炼了学生动手和动口的能力, 同时也活跃了课堂气氛。make a survey let S

52、s to work in groups and make a survey what the food do the members of his group like? And how to make them?在屏幕上给出本任务所需要的语言结构,然后其中一人做报告。nameFavorite foodHow to make it我这样设计的目的是巩固操练目标语言,并就个人喜爱的三明治等食品加以交流,增进彼此之间的友谊,同时也培养让学生学会合作。3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Weshould eat more healthy food.(要求

53、学生养成健康的饮食习惯)Step 6 Summary Help Ss summarize what they learnt today, and let them to summarize listening strategies.Step8HomeworkListen and imitatemake a conversation acoording to the listening material of 2a/2bwrite down the report of the survey Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (SectionB

54、 3a-4)本单元以 “How do you make a banana milk shake”为话题开展教学活动,其主要功能为:describe a process and follow instruction. 要求学生学会banana milk shake, fruit salad 等食物的制作过程. SectionA部分,学生学会了如何用英语描述milk shake, fruit salad的制作过程,使用how many, how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词进行提问, SectionB也是紧紧围绕并服务于本单元的大话题,安排听,说一系列任务,在这些环节中让学生学习了用英语表


56、读写能力,能用英语正确描述某食品的制作过程。能使用how many和how much分别对可数名词和不可数名词的数量进行提问;能描述制作sandwich, Beijing Duck的过程,如:First,Next,Then,Finally,。2学习词汇:表示食品和动作的单词 bread, butter, tomao, relish, onion, chicken slices, lettuce, two slices of bread, Beijing Duck, sauce, pancake, roll 掌握句型: Here is a recipe for a great turkey sa

57、ndwichHow do you make a sandwich? First, Next, Then, Finally, 3. 通过谈论描述制作sandwich的过程,培养他们的动手能力与合作精神。4通过学习Sandwich,Beijing Duck等食品的制作过程,培养语用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化;了解中西方饮食文化的差异,学会尊重他人的风俗。根据教学目标和新课标,我确定本课的重点:培养学生的阅读和写作能力 根据我班学生的实际情况,我预测本课的难点为为写作,针对这种情况,我决定在写前先和学生一起收集大量的信息和材料,写时对他们进行及时指导为了突出重

58、点,突破难点,本课我以任务型教学法为主,配合情景教学法和提问引入法,并借助多媒体进行辅助教学。教材处理: 由于3b要求学生用词填空制作三明治的过程,上一节课已经学过,所以我就将这个内容提前先做,然后再去做3a 的阅读。Next, I am going to talk about my teaching procedureStep 1 Warming up 1. First , get the whole class to sing the song:Noodle, noodle, dumpling (一曲轻松的歌曲,既活跃了英语课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,又营造出一种和谐融洽的氛围,使学生在获

59、取有声信息的同时,轻松的进入课堂学习。)2.Brain storming: show Ss pictures of food, fruit, drink, relish and ingredient. Give them one minute to remember the things and the number. Divide Ss into two groups. Let them ask and answer in turns, and see which group can answer more questions correctlyS1: How many tomatoes a

60、re there?S2: Only one tomato.S3: How much bread is there?S4: Two slices of bread.学生非常喜欢这种记忆游戏,这可以调动他们个方面的情绪,激活他们已有的知识,再一次巩固how many 和how much的特殊疑问句形式及可数名词和不可数名词的用法。Step2: Pre-reading 1.Help Ss to finish Section B 3b. then show a slide on which the recipe in random order. Ask Ss to put the sentences


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