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1、牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案Unit 3Understanding each other词汇导练1Dust and dirt soon a_ if a house is not cleaned regularly.2It would be u_ that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.3Despair is a s_ of weakness.4He told a rather rude joke,and everyone looked e_.5The teachers explanation c_ the puz

2、zling problem.6We have several questions _(关于)the report.7This button is for _(调整)the volume.8The equipment must be bought from a supplier _(认可)by the company.9His remarks show that he _(误解)my position on the question.10Please _(包,裹)the box in red paper.11A company cannot be sold without the_(approv

3、e) of the shareholders.12She fulfilled her_(ambitious)to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres within 30 minutes.1.accumulate2.unbelievable3.sign4.embarrassed5.clarified6.concerning7.adjusting8.approved 9.misunderstood10.wrap11.approval12.ambition短语汇集1_庆祝2_ 参加3_ 总的来说4_ 释放;散发,分发5_ 属于6_ 举起,抬

4、起7_ 讲和;求和8_ 调整;适应9_ 占据(时间或空间)10_ 对关心11_ 打猎;搜捕12_ 遇见,碰见1.in celebration of2.take part in3.in summary4.give out5.belong to6.hold up7.make peace8.adjust.to.9.take up10.be concerned about11.hunt for12.meet with语句试译1(回归课本P38)_ _that there are so many French words in English_ _the French ruled England for

5、 quite a number of years.英语中有许多法语单词的一个原因是法国人曾经统治英国好多年。2(回归课本P33)Do you know of any other_ _ _that people around the world use?你了解世界上与人打招呼的其他方式吗?3(回归课本P41)_you get into university in the future,you would have to go and_the opportunity.如果你将来进入大学,你将不得不去利用这个机会。4(回归课本P47)_ _ _the Maori people came from t

6、he Pacific islands of Polynesia.人们相信毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚岛。5(回归课本P34)He _ quite _ whenever it comes to this topic.The British teachers didnt know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving was held in celebration of.每当谈到这个话题他就格外兴奋。而英国教师就不知道对方在说些什么,也不知道为什么要过感恩节。1.One reason;is that2.ways of greeting3.Sh

7、ould;take 4.Its believed that5.gets;excited核心知识1.celebrationn庆祝会;庆祝;赞美(回归课本P34)The British teachers didnt know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving was held in celebration of.英国教师不知道他(美国教师)在谈什么,也不知道为什么要过感恩节。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P304)There will be a party in celebration of Joan and Daves 40th anniver

8、sary.将举办一个聚会来庆祝琼和戴夫结婚40周年。(牛津P306)The service was a celebration of his life.举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆贺新年?易混辨析celebrate,congratulate(1)celebrate表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接sth.。(2)congratulate表“祝贺”,其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语congratulate sb.on sth./doing.。名词congratulation可构成短语:

9、congratulations to sb.on sth./doing.。1.The students coming from all over the world held a party to_their teachers 70th birthday.AcongratulateBmemorizeCcelebrate Dhonour解析:选C。句意:来自世界各地的学生为庆祝老师的70大寿举行了一个聚会。congratulate“祝贺”;memorize“记住;记忆”;celebrate“庆祝”;honour“纪念”。2Every year the CCTV will hold an even

10、ing party_the Spring Festival.Ain celebration of Bin honor ofCin memory of Din respect of解析:选A。in celebration of“为举行庆祝活动”,in honor of“为了对表示敬意”,in memory of“作为对的纪念”,in respect of“关于”。2.adjustvi.适应vt.调整,调节(回归课本P35)Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.观看那些新外教

11、努力去适应那样做法非常好玩。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P24)Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.当心急转弯并相应调整车速。(朗文P26)Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than I had expected.适应热带地区的高温比我预料的更为困难。Weve had to make some adjustments to the schedule.我们不得不对日程安排作了一些调整。3完成句子(1)你将很快适应学生生活。Youll quickly_yo

12、urself_student life.答案:adjust;to(2)她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。It took her a while _ _ _living alone.答案:to adjust to4.My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.AtreatedBadoptedCadjusted Dreminded解析:选C。adjust意为“调整,调节,适应”,符合句意。如The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature.身体能自行调节以适应温度的

13、变化。5.I have just been in Australia for a week and I am trying to _ the new climate here.Aagree with Bfit inCadjust to Drely on解析:选C。句意:我在澳大利亚呆了一周了,正在努力地适应这儿的新气候。adjust to意为“调整以适应”,符合句意。rely on意为“依赖”;agree with有“适合”之意,但多指气候、品味适合于某人;fit in常和介词with搭配,也指适合之意。3.participatevi.参加(回归课本P35)If a man participa

14、tes in a wedding reception in Brunei,he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men.如果一个男人在Brunei参加一个婚礼,他就得和新郎和其他男人坐在一起。归纳拓展participate in参加participant n.参加者,参与者participation n.参加,参与例句探源(朗文P1489)More than 400 children participated in a cleanup of the park.400多个孩子参加了公园的清扫活动。(牛津P1450)She didnt pa

15、rticipate in the discussion.她没有参加讨论。He has been on an active participant in the discussion.他一直积极参与这次讨论。易混辨析participate in,take part in,join (in),attend上述词(组)都表示“参加”。(1)participate in(较正式)与take part in(较口语化)同义,表示参加活动或在活动中负责。(2)join为及物动词,表示“加入某组织(团体、机构),并为其中一员”,也可用于join sb.(与某人一起),join sb.in sth./doin

16、g sth.(和某人一起做某事)。短语join in指参加正在进行着的活动或游戏等,有时可与take part in换用。(3)attend用作及物动词,相当于be present at,指参加会议、典礼、演讲、上学等活动。6用participate in,take part in,join(in),attend的适当形式填空(1)I hope you will_ _all our club activities.答案:participate in(2)Kate_us in dancing and singing,and had a good time.答案:joined(3)The head

17、master promised us to_our class meeting next week.答案:attend(4)Chris_ _the class discussion enthusiastically.答案:joined in4.requestvt.& n请求,要求(回归课本P42)He kept making an OK sign and my classmate and I thought it was a request.他不断地打出“OK”的手势,我的同学和我都认为那是一个表示请求的手势归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P1693)He was there at the reques

18、t of his manager.他按照经理的要求到了那里。(朗文P1737)Further details will be sent on request.详情承索即寄。Students requested that the school provide more computer classes.学生们请求学校安排更多的计算机课。Guests are requested to wear formal attire.要求客人们穿正装出席。易混辨析request,demand,require这三个动词均有“要求,请求”之意。(1)request是正式用语,指非常正式、有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担

19、心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。(2)demand一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。(3)require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。He demanded an apology from the student.His health requires that he(should)take a good rest.May I request your attention?7完成句子(1)我们将努力满足你的要求。Well try to meet_ _/_/_.答案:your requests/needs/demands(2)要求参观者不要触摸绘画。Visi

20、tors_ _ _ _touch the paintings.答案:are requested not to(3)我要求他离开。I requested that_(_)_答案:he (should) leave8(2010年河北冀州中学高三模拟)It is _ that all the celebrities in the entertainment circle pay their taxes to the government.AcommandedBrequestedCadvised Drequired解析:选D。句意:按规定,娱乐圈所有的名人都要向政府缴税。四个选项中只有require指

21、根据事业、需要、纪律、法律等而提出的要求,故选D。9.The manager of the hotel requested that their guests _ after 1100 pm.Anot to play loud music Bshouldnt play loud musicCdont play loud music Dcouldnt play loud music解析:选B。考查request的用法。句意:宾馆的经理要求客人在晚上11点以后不要大声地播放音乐。request后的宾语从句中应用“(should)动词原形”,故选B。10. (2011年成都市高三检测题) Dont

22、respond to any emails_personal information,no matter how official they look.AsearchingBaskingCrequesting Dquestioning解析:选C。ask for sth.和request sth.都可表示“要求某事物”;而question sth.为“对某事物提出质疑”;search a place表示“搜查某处”。5.Account(回归课本P46)You will have the opportunity to take part in the drumming and dancing,an

23、d listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games!你将不仅有机会玩游戏,还可以参加打鼓、跳舞,听人们讲述传统的勇敢的故事!归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P13)Delong gave an account of the incident in his book.德龙在他的书中记述了此事。(牛津P13)On no account should the house be left unlocked.离开住宅时千万要锁门。The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the companys

24、revenue.日本市场占该公司收入的35%。11完成句子(1)由于身体不好他退休了。He retired_ _ _poor health.答案:on account of(2)他们在起草计划时不得不把各种可能性都考虑到。They had to_every possibility_ _/_when drawing up the plan.They had to _ _ _every possibility when drawing up the plan.答案:o account/consideradion;take account of(3)无论什么理由我都不做。On no account_

25、 _ _it.答案:will I do(4)那是他延误的原因。That_ _his delay.答案:accounts for6.powern能力;权力;能量(回归课本P47)The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals,trees,stones and clouds.平原印第安人信奉the Great Spirit,他支配着包括动物、树、石头和云在内的所有东西。归纳拓展the power to do sth. 做某事的权力be in power 在执

26、政,在掌权be in ones power 在某人的控制下be beyond ones power to do sth. 某人无权/无能力做某事take/seize power 上台;当权;执政come to power 上台执政;掌权例句探源(牛津P1549)The present regime has been in power for two years.现政权已经执政两年了。(朗文P1592)De Gaulle came to power in 1958.戴高乐于1958年开始执政。As general manager Wolf has the power to fire or ret

27、ain the coach.作为总经理,沃尔夫有权解雇或续签教练。易混辨析energy,power,strength,force(1)energy主要指人的精力、活力和物理学中的能、能量、能源。(2)power主要指政权、权力,还可泛指做某事的能力,也可指物理学中的动力、功率。(3)strength强调一个人所具有的力量、力气。(4)force主要指为克服阻力使事物运动而实际发出或施加的力量,即物理学中的力;也可指兵力、势力、武力。The boy used force to open the door.Some animals have the power to see in the dark

28、.Union is strength.Young people usually have more energy than the old.12完成句子(1)他当权已有8年了。Hes been _ _now for eight years.答案:in power(2)这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。The party_ _ _at the last election.答案:came to power(3)音乐可以让你忘掉悲伤。Music_ _ _to wipe your sadness out.答案:has the power(4)医生们正在竭尽全力救他。Doctors are doing

29、everything_ _ _to save him.答案:in their power7.give out散发;分发;释放;被用完,耗尽(回归课本P43)Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others and get upset if people do not look at the cards carefully.与别人见面时,日本人会鞠躬,甚至送给对方名片。如果对方不仔细看他们的名片,他们就会不愉快。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P874)She gave out copies of

30、the report to the committee before the meeting.开会前她将这份报告的复印件分发给委员会成员。(朗文P861)The radiator gives out a lot of heat.散热器释放出大量的热。Her patience finally gave out.她最终忍无可忍了。13完成句子(1)过了一个月,他们的食物贮备消耗殆尽After a month their food supplies_ _.答案:gave out(2)飞机飞到大西洋中部时,其中一个发动机出了故障。One of the planes engines_ _in midAt

31、lantic.答案:gave out(3)老师把试卷发给学生。The teacher_ _the exam papers to the students.答案:gave out(4)这台机器闪闪发光。The machine_ _flashes of light.答案:gives out8.in contact with与接触(回归课本P43)When you are in contact with people from different cultures,it is important to understand what you can and cannot do.当你与具备不同文化背景

32、的人打交道时,了解什么是你应该做的,什么是不应该做的,这是很重要的。归纳拓展例句探源(牛津P427)Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college?你和你大学里的朋友还保持联系吗?(朗文P430)Ive made contact with most of the people on the list.我已与名单上的大部分人取得了联系。Health care workers who come in contact with flu victims should wash their hands frequently.与

33、流感病人接触的卫生保健人员应该经常洗手。14完成句子(1)自毕业以来我和我的同班同学通过电子邮件保持联系。My classmates and I _ _ _ _/_ _each other by email since graduation.答案:have kept in contact/touch with(2)每天与这些可爱的孩子在一起他觉得很快乐。He felt very happy _ _ _ the lovely children every day.答案:in contact with9.belong to属于,为的财产;为的一员(回归课本P47)There are many di

34、fferent tribes that belong to the Native American Indian group.美洲印第安土著民族有许多不同的部落。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P162)Do the books belong to the school?这些书是属于学校的吗?(牛津P168)Have you ever belonged to a political party?你加入过什么政党吗?15Dont forget the things_your own!Abelongs toBis belonging toCis belonged to Dbelonging to解析:选D。

35、句意:别忘记带上你自己的东西!belonging to your own作定语修饰things,相当于which belong to your own。16.Just a reminder,please put the book_it belongs.Ato which BwhereCwhich Din which解析:选B。句意:温馨提示:请把书放回原处。此处where引导地点状语从句。belong意为“应被放置在(某处)”。句型解析1【教材原句】Should you get into university in the future,you would have to go and tak

36、e the opportunity.(P41)如果你将来进入大学,你不得不去利用这个机会。【句法分析】Should you get.相当于If you should get.。在虚拟语气中当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有had、should或were时,就将这样的词had、should或were移到句首把句子写成倒装句而将连词if省略。If you were the manager here,what would you do?Were you the manager here,what would you do?你若是这里的经理,你会怎么办?If he should act like that

37、again,he would be fired immediately.Should he act like that again,he would be fired immediately.要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。17_I known it,I should have told him.AHave BHadCHaving DIf解析:选B。考查虚拟语气。句意:我要是知道这件事就告诉他了。条件句中省略if要把had提至主语前,故选B。18.(2011年岳阳模拟)_for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on h

38、er way to school,she might have passed the exam.AHad it not been BHadnt it beenCWas it not DWere it not解析:选A。考查虚拟语气。句意:要不是她在上学的路上被车撞断了腿,她就会考试及格了。条件状语从句中若去掉if,则had或were应前置。本句是对过去事情的虚拟,故had提前。19.(2010年长春外国语学校期中考试)_ I attended the lecture,I _ a good knowledge of how this happens now.AWere;would have ha

39、d BHad;would have hadCHad;would have DWere;would have解析:选C。考查条件句中的虚拟语气。但是条件句是对过去的虚拟,而主句则是对现在的虚拟,因此我们要采取“分段处理,各个击破”的原则,即:分清虚拟时段,采用相应的虚拟形式。本题条件句部分用had done形式;主句部分用would do形式,所以答案是C。19.(2010年长春外国语学校期中考试)_ I attended the lecture,I _ a good knowledge of how this happens now.AWere;would have had BHad;woul

40、d have hadCHad;would have DWere;would have解析:选C。考查条件句中的虚拟语气。但是条件句是对过去的虚拟,而主句则是对现在的虚拟,因此我们要采取“分段处理,各个击破”的原则,即:分清虚拟时段,采用相应的虚拟形式。本题条件句部分用had done形式;主句部分用would do形式,所以答案是C。2【教材原句】He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic . The British teachers didnt know what he was talking about or what Tha

41、nksgiving was held in celebration of.(P34)每当谈到这个话题他就格外兴奋。而英国教师就不知道对方在说些什么,也不知道为什么要过感恩节。【句法分析】该句使用“getadj.”的形式。(1)“get过去分词”表示使自己处于某种状态和情况,或表被动意义。get dressed穿上get married结婚get burnt烧伤,晒黑get paid得以付钱get drunk喝醉酒get started开始(2)“get形容词”表示达到某种状态或情况。get well/bored/hungry/worried/fat/fit/cold,etc.变得(身体)很好/

42、厌烦/饥饿/不安/胖/健康/冷等20完成句子(1)他们刚结婚。Theyve just_ _.答案:got married(2)你认为他能再次当选吗?Do you think he will_ _?答案:get reelected(3)听到这个消息他变得不安起来。He_ _/_at the news.答案:got worried/upset21.(2011年衡水中学高三调研)Where have you been?I_in the heavy traffic,or I would have been here earlier.AstuckBhad stuckChave been stuck Dg

43、ot stuck解析:选D。get stuck in.陷入。由语境可知,此处应用一般过去时。作文指导说明文【体裁导航】说明文,顾名思义,就是要说清、道明。可见,清晰的描述、不紊的条理、分明的层次和准确的用词,都是说明文最明显的特征。无论是文字叙述还是图表标识,只要无时间限制,说明文中一般都要用现在时态。图表说明文是近年来高考英语写作的重点、热点,也是国家英语课程标准所要求掌握的。做这一写作题型时,同学们最好能在分清图与图之间逻辑关系的基础上,列出要点,逐条予以说明。这样,既能避免主次不分,又能有效防止要点的遗漏。巧用过渡性词语,能使文章结构紧凑,条理清晰。中学阶段常用的过渡词语主要有以下几类:

44、1表示时间顺序:first, then, afterwards, to begin with, meanwhile, later, soon, finally .2表示空间顺序:near, next to, far from, in front of, on the left, on one side .3表示并列关系:and, as well as, also, too .4表示因果关系:because, for, since, as a result (of), therefore, thus, thanks to .5表示递进关系:besides, whats more, moreove

45、r, furthermore, in addition, also, one more thing .6表示比照关系:like, unlike, such as,but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary .7表示条件关系:if, unless, as long as, so long as, on condition that .8表示概括关系:in general, in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up .【写作示例】由于现代科学技术的发展,人们现在的日常生活已与几十年前的大不一样。那


47、从人们日常生活的各个方面(工作、交通、教育学习、休闲娱乐、环境等)入手。第三部分(第4段)提出建议,表达自己美好的愿望。【金点模板】一、开头(表达个人观点)I suppose that .Personally, I think that .With science and technology developing, it is certain that .二、主体1句型In the future we will.More people will be able to .At that time, people will be using .There will be no need to .

48、2过渡词besides/in addition/whats more/furthermore而且for example/for instance/such as举例instead of代替,而不是not only .but also .不但而且in other words换句话说that is to say也就是说三、结尾1句型Compared to the life today, the future life will be .No matter what happens in the future, we will .2过渡词altogether总之;above all 最重要的是;ho

49、wever然而【范文点评】The Future LifeWith science and technology developing fast, it is certain that the future life will be more convenient and fastpaced.In the future we will have more free time and we may change jobs several times in our career.More people will be able to work at home, doing less manual w

50、ork but more learning and thinking, which will make our brains bigger and bodies smaller.Besides, transportation will become cleaner, faster, cheaper and not so crowded.There will be no need to worry about the environment being polluted while traveling, for new fuels and engines will be used.At that

51、 time,people will be using the Internet to shop and do business while stores will be more like entertainment parks.People will live in green houses and keep in touch with each other by using advanced videophones which can also be used for shopping and banking.Altogether, compared to the life we live

52、 today,the future life will be totally different. However, no matter what happens in the future, as long as we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different,we will be well prepared for whatever the future may have in store and enjoy a happier and healthier life.点评:由复合结构“with宾语宾语补足语”引出话题,自然流畅。此句准确得体地运用了非谓语动词作状语和非限


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