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1、Lesson 1Your Choice.短语翻译把下列短语译成英语。1穿上_2准时 _3例如,诸如 _4树立榜样,作出表率 _5保持镇静 _6接管,控制 _7迄今为止 _8交朋友 _9尽可能多地 _10与其毋宁 _答案:1.put on2.on time3.such as4.set an example5keep calm6.take charge of7.so far8.make friends9.as many/much as possible10.rather than.课文理解阅读课文Survival of the Fittest,选择正确答案。11What does the firs

2、t paragraph mean?ADeveloped countries will meet with more difficulties in the future.BDeveloping countries will catch up with developed countries soon.CDeveloped countries will get left behind.DThe world is changing very fast.解析:第一段的意思是说“富裕发达国家的人们将会发现很难跟上将来变化的需要”,实际上作者旨在说明世界变化之快。答案:D12Whats the mean

3、ing of the sentence “You dont need to be Einstein to predict.” in Paragraph 3?AIts easy to predict the job areas which will be most affected by such change.BNo one is able to become another Einstein.CEinstein was good at predicting things that would happen.DIts hard to tell what will happen in the f

4、uture.解析:该句本意为“要预测你不必是爱因斯坦。”即“普通人都可以预测到”所以答案为A项。答案:A13What does “job for life” mean in Paragraph 5?It refers to the job_.Aone does in order to liveBone does for all his or her work lifeCfewer and fewer people doDpeople do in the future解析:根据原句以及之后的解释判断,job for life指的是人的“终生(不变的)职业”。所以答案为B项。答案:B14Whats

5、 the main idea of Paragraph 6?APeople will move around to do different jobs.BMany more people will work for small,dynamic companies.CCompanies will operate in different ways.DCompanies will require people who are flexible and can work on their own.解析:该段第一句即是主题句,说明了“各个公司将以不同的方式运转”。然后介绍了不同运转模式公司的情况。答案

6、:C15The last paragraph mainly tells us that_.Athe way we work is changingBmany people will work at homeCpeople can live where they wantDpeople in poor countries wont experience these changes解析:该段第一句即是主题句,说明了“新的科技正在改变人们的工作方式”。后面“不去办公室而在家办公”“能够住在想住的地方”“能够继续学业”“能够享受拥有很多自由时间的舒适生活”等,都是说明工作方式的变化。答案:A.语法初试

7、对下列直接引语或间接引语进行互换。16She said,“He came here to see Tom.”She said that he_.答案:had gone there to see Tom17He said,“Can you come this afternoon,John?”He asked_.答案:whether/if John could come that afternoon18The teacher asked Nancy,“What are you doing now?”The teacher asked Nancy_.答案:what she was doing the

8、n19The boy asked me if I wanted to be an Olympic volunteer.The boy asked,“_.”答案:Do you want to be an Olympic volunteer20Mr Li asked Sara what she wanted.Mr Li asked,“_?”答案:What do you want,SaraLawyers charge higher fees than doctors.(教材P21)律师收取比医生更高的费用。归纳charge vt.收费,要价;n.费用,负责charge sb.for (doing)

9、sth.因(做)某事向某人索价/要价How much do you charge for your eggs?你的鸡蛋卖多少钱?The restaurant charged us$ 40 for the wine.饭店收了我们40美元的酒水钱。拓展charge的相关短语:charge sb.with sth.指控某人干某事sb.be charged with sth.被某人指控干某事in the charge of.在掌管之下free of charge免费take charge of负责;主管in charge of负责;主管Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。H

10、e took charge of the farm after his fathers death.父亲去世后他掌管了农场。He was charged with murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。应用1.The former mayor of Shanghai is_taking bribes and appropriating government money.Acharged ofBreminded ofCaccused of Dspoken of解析:本题考查短语。句意为:前上海市长被控受贿、挪用公款。charge控告,但其后不用of,而用with。be accused of被控诉。答

11、案:CMy parents both work and our family income is about $ 4,000 per month.(教材P21)我父母都上班,我们家每月的收入大约是4 000美元。归纳income n收入He cannot support his family on his income.他的收入不能养家糊口。Tourism is a major source of income for the area.旅游业是这个地区的主要收入来源。比较:income,pay,salary与wageincome指经常得到的“收入”,可以是工作的薪水。pay指定时领取的“报酬

12、,工资”,有时特指军队服役人员的军饷。salary通常指按月发、付给脑力劳动者或经过培训、学习有专门知识或技能的人的“薪水”。wage指付给体力劳动者的工资,通常以劳动时间、熟练程度、定额多少来计算,一般按天或周支付,常用复数形式。应用2.用表“收入”的词语填空(1)They could earn_from $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 one year.(2)He takes his_home to his wife every Friday.(3)Have you any_apart from your pay?(4)All officers in the army got a

13、n increase in_.答案:(1)salaries(2)wage(3)income(4)payA friend is having problems writing a plot summary for a book report.(教材P22)一个朋友在为读书报告写情节总结时遇到一些问题。归纳summary n摘要,总结;adj.摘要的;即刻的in summary总的说来,概括起来Give a summary of this story.把这个故事做个摘要。He presented a summary account.他做了扼要的说明。In summary,the film has

14、been a great success.总的来说,这部电影是部成功之作。拓展表示“总的来说”的常见英语表达方式有:in summaryto concludein conclusionto sum upin a wordroughlyall in allin briefgenerally speakingin a nutshellAll in all,you have failed again.总之,你又失败了。应用3.完成句子(1)他对一天的事做了简要报告。He _ of the days events.(2)政府即刻采取行动救济地震灾民。The government _ to aid th

15、e earthquake victims.答案:(1)gave a summary report(2)took summary actionHelp her after school.Tell her to phone you if she needs any more guidance.(教材P22)放学后帮助她,并告诉她如果需要更多指导可以给你打电话。归纳guidance n. U指导,引导,领导under ones guidance/the guidance of sb.在某人的指导下Under his guidance,we finished the work smoothly.在他的

16、指导下,我们顺利地完成了工作。We would appreciate guidance from an expert in this field.我们将欢迎该领域专家的指导。拓展guide vt.指引,指导,领路;n.指南,路标;向导guide book旅游指南He guided the man through the streets to the railway station.他带这个人走过街道到火车站。应用4.句子翻译应该在医生的指导下用药。_答案:Medicine should be taken under the guidance of doctors.You are working

17、 for an institute that gives aid to the poor in a small village.(教材P22)你正在一个小村庄的慈善机构里工作。归纳aid n援助,帮助come/go to ones aid 帮助某人in aid of 作为对的帮助with the aid of 在的帮助下first aid 急救I didnt speak any English,but a nice man came to my aid and told me where to go.我不会说英语,但一个好心人帮了我的忙,告诉我怎样走。Were collecting money

18、 in aid of cancer research.我们正在筹集资金以资助癌症研究。拓展aid还可用作动词,常用结构:aid sb with/in sth.帮助某人做某事Do you often aid your mother with the housework?你常帮妈妈做家务吗?应用5.If we know more about how to give_first aid,we may help people in_emergency.A/;the Bthe;anCthe;/ D/;an答案:DYou are on a school trip and the coach has an

19、accident when a deer runs across the road.No one is hurt,but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic.(教材P22)在一次学校组织的旅游中,长途车在躲闪一只冲过马路的鹿时出了事故。虽然无人受伤,但车陷在了一条不能通车的林间小路上。归纳stick vt.& vi.粘着,附着;卡住;困住be stuck in陷入之中They stuck the notice on the wall.他们把通知贴在墙上。The paper is sticking to my hand.纸正贴在我手上。H

20、e was stuck in a bad traffic.他的路被堵住了。A fishbone stuck in his throat.他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。拓展stick的常用短语:stick to坚持stick out突出,显眼,伸出Whatever happens,I will stick to my point.无论发生什么事,我都坚持我的观点。应用6.介词填空Suddenly the car got stuck_the mud.答案:inTell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.(教材P22)告诉车上的

21、每个人多穿点衣服保暖。归纳put on穿,戴;上演,演出;增加体重She put her hat and coat on.她戴上帽子,穿上外套。A film will be put on tonight in the cinema.一部影片将于今晚在电影院上演。I put on weight again recently.我最近体重又增加了。比较:put on,dress,wear,have on与be in(1)put on指穿的动作,可用于穿鞋、戴帽、穿衣服等,其反义词为take off。(2)dress指动作,但其宾语是人而不是衣服,dress sb./onesey通常用be dress

22、ed in表示“穿着”,指状态,宾语既可以是衣服,也可以是颜色。(3)wear穿着,指状态,可用于进行时,宾语除衣服、鞋子、帽子外,还可以是首饰、眼镜、发型、胡子、表情等。(4)have on穿着,指状态,没有进行时。(5)be in穿着,指状态,宾语既可以是衣服、帽子,也可以是颜色。此外,还可以用pull on表示“随便穿上袜子、戴上手套等”,用throw on表示“匆匆穿上”,指动作。应用7.用put on,dress,wear,have on,in填空(1)Hurry up!_(把外衣穿上)!(2)They were all _black.(3)He_a puzzled look on

23、his face.(4)Do I have to_a tie?(5)Get up and get_!(6)She_herself and the children in their best clothes.答案:(1)Put the coat on(2)in(3)wore(4)wear(5)dressed(6)dressedSo far,nothing has been done and there are only ten days until the performance.(教材P22)到目前为止没有采取一点措施,并且离演出只有十天时间了。归纳与far有关的搭配:so far意思是“直

24、到现在,到目前为止”,表示对某一点(程度、距离)到此为止,常和现在完成时连用。I have built 3 houses so far.到目前为止我已经盖了三座房子了。So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless.到目前为止,还没找到那个失踪的男孩。拓展与far有关的搭配:as/so far as就而论,在的范围内by far远远,得多(修饰比较级、最高级)His parents supported him as far as they could.他的父母全力支持他。Amy is the smartest by far.埃米

25、显然最聪明。应用8.The weather has been cold_this spring.Aby far Bso farCthe other day Dat one time答案:BHe should consult Mr Jensen about the new account on the 24th.(教材P23)他应该向杰森先生咨询有关于24日的新账户的问题。归纳consult咨询,请教,查阅consult sb.about sth.就某事向某人咨询consult with sb.与某人交换意见We lost our way and consulted the map.我们迷了路因

26、而查看地图。He consulted his lawyer about it.他向他的律师请教那件事。If you are confused,you should consult with an expert.如果你有疑惑,你可以请教专家。提示:“查字典”可以说consult a dictionary或refer to a dictionary,也可以说look up a word in a dictionary。例如:He consulted his dictionary to look up the meaning of the word “apotheosis”他在字典中查看“apoth

27、eosis”这个单词的词义。应用9.译成汉语The students are consulting their teacher how to consult the dictionary._答案:学生们正在请教老师如何查阅词典。listen rather than speaklearn as much as possible about your job and the company(教材P23)去听而不要说尽可能多地了解你的工作和公司。归纳rather than而不是prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做也不愿做would rather do.than do.宁愿做

28、也不愿做prefer doing.to doing.更喜欢做而不做would rather宁愿;更喜欢I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。Shed rather die than give a speech.她宁愿死也不愿意演讲。比较:rather than,more than,other than与or rather(1)rather than而不是,其后一般接动词原形、名词或形容词。其前后为平行结构,即相同的语法成分。大部分情况下,rather than相当于instead of。(2)more than不

29、仅仅,与no more than (仅仅,只不过)相反。(3)other than除了,相当于except。(4)or rather更确切地说,用于修正前面说过的内容。All parts of the house other than the windows are in good condition.除窗户外房子的其他部分都很好。应用10.He is an ordinary teacher _a film star.Arather than Bmore thanCother than Dless than答案:A直接引语和间接引语 (Reported Speech )直接引语:直接引述别人的

30、原话。一般前后要加引号。间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,不用加引号。通常是变为宾语从句或动词不定式。“I like singing,” she said.(直接引语)“我喜欢唱歌,”她说。She said she liked singing.(间接引语)她说她喜欢唱歌。“Dont touch anything,” he said.(直接引语)他说:“别碰任何东西。”He told us not to touch anything.(间接引语)他告诉我们别碰任何东西。直接引语变间接引语应注意四个变化:时态变化直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语中谓语动词一般按下列规律变化: 直接引语时态间接引语时态

31、一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一般过去时过去完成时“I am a student,” he said.He said he was a student.“I have learnt the poem by heart,” he said.He said he had learnt the poem by heart.提示(1)直接引语表述的若是客观真理,变间接引语时时态不变。Our English teacher said,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”Our

32、 English teacher told us that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(2)若直接引语所表述的事在目前或在说话时仍然有效,变间接引语时时态可不变。Charlie told me,“I am just helping my dad on the farm right now.”Charlie told me that he is just helping his dad on the farm right now.(3)直接引语如果是一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性动作,变间接引语时时态可不变。He said,“I get

33、up at half past six every morning.”He said that he gets up at half past six every morning.(4)主句的时态如果是一般现在时、现在进行时或一般将来时,变间接引语时时态不变。He often says,“Ill never forget that kind woman.”He often says that hell never forget that kind woman.He has said,“I wont see her.”He has said that he wont see her.Hell s

34、ay,“I have done my best.”Hell say that he has done his best.(5)直接引语如果是过去完成时,变间接引语时时态不变。The boy said to his parents,“I had finished my homework before supper.”The boy told his parents that he had finished his homework before supper.(6)如果直接引语中的情态动词(如must,ought to,had better等)没有过去式,或已是过去式(如could,might,

35、should,would,used to等),变间接引语时可保留原来的形式。She said,“You ought to have more rest.”She said I ought to have more rest.人称代词变化直接引语变为间接引语时,其中的代词要根据在句中的意义做相应变化:“I am hopeful,” he said.He said he was hopeful.She said to me,“You must do it.”She told me I must do it.直接引语代词Iweyoumeusthisthese间接引语代词he/shetheyI/meh

36、im/herthemthatthose提示人称代词的变化可遵循以下口诀:一看主,二看宾,第三人称不变形。状语变化直接引语变为间接引语时,状语一般应做下列变化:直接引语中状语间接引语中状语nowthenagobeforetodaythat daythis morning/week,etcthat morning/week,etc.yesterdaythe day beforeyesterday morningmorning beforetomorrowthe next day,the following daylast week/month,etc.the week/month,ect.befo

37、renext week/month,etc.the following/next week/month,etc.herethereShe said to me,“I lived here five years ago.”She told me she lived there five years before.“I will do it today,” he said.He said he would do it that day.“I did it yesterday,” he said.He said he did it the day before.提示如果在当地转述,here不必改为t

38、here,come不必改为go;如果在当天转述,yesterday,tomorrow等时间状语不必改变。句型变化(1)直接引语是陈述句的变法直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语为that引导的宾语从句。He said,“I go to work at seven.”He said (that) he went to work at seven.(2)直接引语是一般疑问句的变法直接引语是一般疑问句时,间接引语为whether或if引导的宾语从句。He said,“Can you come this afternoon,John?”He asked whether (if) John could come

39、 that afternoon.(3)直接引语是特殊疑问句的变法直接引语是特殊疑问句时,间接引语为连接代词(副词)引导的宾语从句。She asked,“Which one do you like best?”She asked which one I liked best.He said,“Where is Mr Wang?”He asked where Mr Wang was.(4)直接引语是选择疑问句的变法直接引语是选择疑问句时,间接引语为whether.or引导的宾语从句。He asked me,“Will you go abroad or stay in Beijing?”He ask

40、ed me whether I would go abroad or stay in Beijing.1Mrs Johnson said,“I drew the picture last week.”Mrs Johnson said that _ the picture_.Ashe drew;the week beforeBI had drawn;that weekCshe had drawn;the week beforeDI drew;the last week答案:C2Jane said,“What did he hear about a week ago?”Jane asked_abo

41、ut_.Athat he heard;a week agoBif he heard;the week agoCwhat he had heard;a week agoDwhat he had heard;a week before答案:D3I said to my daughter,“Dont make any mistakes in it.”I_my daughter_any mistakes in it.Aasked;dont makeBordered;didnt makeCtold;not to make Dtold;to not make答案:C4Linda said that she_America the next week.Ais going to travel to Bwas going to travel toCwas going to b


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