高三英语培优外刊阅读 残奥会话题 学案_第1页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 残奥会话题 学案_第2页
高三英语培优外刊阅读 残奥会话题 学案_第3页




1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I残奥会,何时才能真的出? 第16届残疾人奥运会已于本周二在东京开幕。近日,东京奥组委表示,原那么上,此次 赛事将在无观众模式下召开。面对这样的情况,东京残奥会将收获多大的关注度?残障人士 是否还能获得他们所应得的社会关注?Paralympics to Open With Empty Stands but a Bigger StageBy Gwen KnappLike the thousands of Olympians who competed in Tokyo weeks ago, the Paralympians will take to f

2、ields, courts and courses a year late, without spectators and under a threat of contagion that, at least by the measure of television ratings, has dimmed so many other major sporting events over the past year and a half.The Paralympics, though, might be the rare athletic spectacle that reaches consi

3、derably higher levels of engagement during the pandemic, accelerating its momentum in a way that old-guard sports cannot. A restlessness generated by multiple lockdowns, coupled with the cultural democratization shaped by social media, has amplified a shift in values and tastes, particularly among y

4、oung people, that emphasizes the overlooked and undervalued.Yet resources for the Paralympians, from news media coverage to sponsorship deals, hardly approach what is available to Olympians. The cavernous main press center in Tokyo is a desert these days, and searches online for Paralympic news tend

5、 to yield mostly news releases from organizers of the Games.On Thursday night, just days ahead of the opening ceremony, more than 125 landmarks around the world were bathed in purple, the color that has long represented the disability community.“We have seen other movements like Black Lives Matter,

6、the #MeToo movement,Andrew Parsons, the president of the I.P.C., told The Associated Press last week, “and we need a similar movement for persons with a disability/7【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。.Paralympics . pasro li mpi ks n.Olympian o li mpion n.fieldfi: ldn.court |ko : t n.course ko : s n.spectator s

7、pek tel to n.contagion kon tel dj on n.contagious adj.dim di m v.rare reor adj.spectacle spektokol n.considerably kan si darobli adv.momentum ms mentsm n.14.old-guard.restlessness resthsnss n.shape el p vt.amplify aempll fal vt.shift f I ft n.coverage kA vori dj n.approach o prou tj v.yield ji: Id v

8、t.【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。1.去到某个地方2,以作为标准来衡量,就某个方面来看.参与度加上.文化民主化.倾向于;通常会怎么样拓展练习阅读理解She wears many butterfly clips (蝴蝶夹子)in her hair-each unique in size and color. There are butterfly wing designs on her clothes. Her wheelchair is lined with butterfly stickers. No wonder the 73-year-old Paralympic (

9、残奥会的)person Kimie Bessho is known as the Butterfly Lady.Bessho, born in 1947, grew up in Hiroshima, Japan, in a house at the top of a mountain. One of eight children, Bessho says she was a fast runner with strong legs that allowed her to cross hills to get to school each day. She loved volleyball an

10、d skiing from a young age.But when she was 38, her husband fell ill and died. Bessho was left shocked and unable to find the strength to go to work. When she was finally starting to move on, her legs were unable to feel or act nonnally. Two years after her husbands death, she was diagnosed (诊I断)with

11、 cancer. The treatment left her paralyzed (瘫痪的).Yet Bessho didnt give up. She attended a school that teaches the disabled how to drivedriving the car only with her hands. At a gym near the driving school, she read about Paralympic sports. It inspired her to take up table tennis to help with recovery

12、.Five years after becoming paralyzed, at age 45, Bessho began playing the sport. By 56, she was playing in her first Paralympic Games. I became disabled, but I was also given a great gift-to play wheelchair table tennis.But in 2018, after her fourth Paralympics, Bessho suffered another misfortune: s

13、he was injured in two serious car accidents. In the first, a car hit her as she was out in the city, injuring her arms and hands. In the second, a truck hit the back of her car, hospitalizing her for seven months.But Bessho knows she wont give iru Ive been through so many hard times,“ Bessho says. “

14、I have dealt with so many things. I am strong. I have a fighting spirit in me.” 44.Why is Bessho called the “Butterfly Lady”?A.She raises unique butterflies.B.She likes butterfly-related things.C.She designs clothes inspired by butterflies.D.She regards butterflies as an image of good luck.What can

15、we learn about young Bessho?A.She lived in a city center.B.She was a lover of sports.C.She was good at table tennis.D.She was injured in an accident.What did Bessho experience after she was unable to walk?A.She suffered from cancer.B.She lost her loving husband.C.She learned to drive in a school.D.S

16、he developed an interest in volleyball.Which of the following can best describe Bessho?A.Warm and generous.B.Calm and confident.C.Positive and brave.D.Helpful and patient.外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。一1 .Paralympics , paera li mpi ks n.残疾人奥运会;残奥2.Olympian o li mpion n.奥运选手.fieldfi: Id n.户外场地.court

17、ko : t n.(网球等的)球场.course ko : s n.比赛场地;跑道;泳道.spectator spek tel n.观众.contagion kon tel dj on n.传染.contagious adj.会传染的;有传染性的.dim di m v.使失去光泽,变得暗淡.rare reor adj.罕见的11.spectacle f spektokol n.壮观的场面,壮观的景象.considerably ksn si dorobli adv.非常地,相当多地.momentum mo mentom n. 势头14.old-guard 保守派.restlessness res

18、thsnos n.烦躁不安.shape f el p vt.塑造.amplify aempll fai vt.放大;加强.shift I ft n.转变.coverage kA vorl dj n.报道.approach o prou tj v.接近.yieldji: Id vt.产出;产生结果【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.take to去到某个地方.by the measure of以作为标准来衡量,就某个方面来看evel of engagement 参与度.coupled with 力口上.cultural democratization 文化民主化.tend to倾向于;通常会怎么样全文番神译残奥会即将开幕:看台虽空,舞台更大和数周前在东京参赛的上万名奥运选手们一样,残奥会选手们也将在延期一年之后,冒 着感染的风险,进入没有观众的赛场、球场和跑道。至少从收视率来看,在过去的一年半中, 新冠疫情让其他大型体育活动纷纷黯然失色。不过,残奥会可能会成为难得一见的体育盛事,在疫情期间创下参与度新高,并以传统 体育赛事所不具备的劲头持续快速升温。屡次疫情封锁带来的焦躁感,以及社交媒体塑造的 文化民主潮流,共同加剧了社会在价值观和品味方面的转变,让原本被忽略和被低估的人群 受到了更多的重视


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