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1、辞典第 116 天(2018/7/13):第 1151 页:1)第 1 个讲解词:productive, prolific, fruitful,(无星)productive 和 prolific 都有多产的意思,含义有所不同:productive 借助 product,强调资源产出多(a large amount of resour), 因此多数和 productive 相关的名词也和资源分配有较大的关系,如 fertile and productive soil(土地肥沃高产),也可以说 a productive farmland(高产的农田),而 prolific 就不太一样了,它更强调创

2、作的作品多,因此虽然都是“产出巨大”,搭配是很不相同的,一般是 a prolific writer(多产作家),a prolific artist(多产艺术家),a prolific comer(musin) (多产的作曲家/音乐家)productive 该词的第二释义值得注意,“富有成效”和 fruitful 比较类似,可以互换使用,该词的英文解释和 productive 相似,也强调 good, useful result,而 fruitful 借助“结果实”作引申,写作方法更趋向于喻体表现,比 fruitful 要生动一些。第 1152 页:2)第 2 个讲解词:proficiency

3、(无星)虽然 proficiency 是熟练的意思,但并不是任何技能的熟练操作都可以用 proficiency,这个词一般是于技术、语言、读写能力之类的词搭配使用的:technical proficiency,language(linguistic) proficiency, reading and writing proficiency,由于 proficiency 和技术、语言等能力的紧密联系,这就使得该词经常用于自我介绍,尤其是在谈到自己的语言熟练度是,可以替代 I can speak and write English fluently. 用词的级别要高一些:vacancy (itio

4、n). It is idealt the applicant is inses ofreion skills, and relevant experience as a translator is also preferred he procedure. (语言熟练度在该职位的申请中是一个重要,申请人应具有翻译机能,在申请程序中,会优先考虑是否具有翻译的相关经验。) 这样写,是不是比 I can speak and write English更一些呢?Linguistic proficiency is one of major factorshe application of this第 11

5、53 页页:3)第 3 个讲解词:profound, abstruse(无星)曾经看到过一些同学的作文,写成 The meaning is very profound. 这里是没有必要添加 very 的,因为 profound 本身就是 very great andense 的意思,如果再加上 very,岂不成了 very very profound?可以这样使用 profound第 1154 页:4)第 4 个讲解词:prohibit在使用上,prohibit 要比 forbid 严厉得多,该词的用法非常正式,只有明确以法律形式的事情才用 prohibit(If a law or someo

6、ne in authority prohibits something,they forbid it or make it illegal.),大家看到了吧,如果使用 prohibit,要费多少话,需要 a law, someone in authority,才能和 forbid 形成搭配使用,所以 prohibit 是程度很重的词。例句 1:Theernment roduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV. 这里能不能使用 forbid 呢,当然是可以的,但是程度有点弱,用 prohibit 就正式得多,有时候还可以是 str

7、ictly prohibit(明令)例句 2:The environmental group is demanding a complete prohibition against the ting of whales. 这个句子里面的 prohibit 做为名词使用后,可以在形成 demand a complete prohibition against,这种情况下 against 的出现,就能将名词和 prohibition串接在一起,和例句 1 一样都是好套写的结构用法例句 3:Laws should be enacted, which strictly prohibits +词,与上述

8、两1)2)(这会对的繁荣产生深远而积极的影响)3) Its a profound trend, not the passing excitement. 这种趋势极其深远,而不是 一分钟的热度(短时间的兴奋) 这里需要复下 A 字母曾经学过的一个词 abstruse,这个词也有深奥的内涵,但是强调的是“难以解释、难以理解”(difficult to understand, difficult to explain simply),因此并不是说“高深”,而是强调“晦涩难懂”,要注意识别,不要This will have a profound anditive impact to the prosp

9、erity of .The whole room fallso a profound silence. (整个房间陷入到一片寂静中)第 1155 页:5)第 5 个讲解词:prolong 到底在延长什么?(无星)prolong 的英文解释为:make something longer,但是这个 something 到底是什么呢?如果说“延年益寿”,是不是就可以说 prolongones life 呢?辞典上给出的例句中,首先强调的是 prolong the war(拉长了的时间),其次是 the actual actionof the drug can be prolonged(药效延长)在学

10、习这个词的时候,我还是有一些疑虑,prolong 还可以和什么词进行搭配使用呢?于是我查了其他辞典的释义,发现了一些不太相同的解释:高阶词典的解释为:to make something last a longer time,这个解释和柯辞典略有不同,强调的是事情的持续时间更长。而传统词典的解释则是:lengthenthe duration(持续时间变成),看来 prolong 更强调的是持续的时间长:因此是可以说 prolong ones life 的,尽管可以说 extend ones life expectancy.个例句相比,这个结构是最好套写的,可以将 law 做成结构,然后用定从+p

11、rohibit,然后填词就可以了,在环保、食品安全、交通安全等话题中,都会涉及到建立机制,进行的写法,这种情况下 laws 和 prohibit 就是比用之词了。例段:he i e of advertisements, it is imperative t the central authority provide an effective mechanism. And his framework, laws must be enacted, which strictly prohibit those TV commer ls with deceptive and misleading inf

12、ormation.格,带有和误导信息的电视商业)例段:he i e of food safety, it is imperative t the central authority provide an effective mechanism. And his framework, laws must be enacted, which strictly prohibit those unhealthy foods o the domestic market.(在食品安全问题上,中 央 建立一个有效机制是刻不容缓的。在这个框架里,可以严格 , 不健康食品进入市场。)换个 词的事儿。(在这个问题

13、建立一个有效机制是刻不容缓的,在这个框架里,可以严6)第 6 个讲解词:promote 在促进什么?(二星)promote 是推动和促进的意思,那么都可以 promote 什么呢?只认识 promote 是促进的意思,还是无法使用,对不对,必须研究 promote 后面的名词搭配,才算真正掌握promote.将 promote 和 pro s 放在一起,加上形容词,就能变成各种表达,即灵活多变,还好套好用:Our ention is to rely on dialogue to promote democratic pro s(我 们的意图是通过 来推动 进程),在这个句子里面,promote

14、pro s 是 结构,只要将中间 democratic 替换为与社会、经济、 、和平相关的词,就能学会很多表达了:historical pro s, so l pro s,industrial pro s(推动工业进程),urbanization pro s(市区化进程),peace pro s(和平进程),legal pro s( 进程)将 promote 和 development 放在一起,如 The pur e of this plan is to promo ocal economic development (这个计划的意图是推动本地经济发展),与 pro s 的使用类似,这里的

15、promotedevelopment 是 结构,和经济、社会、教育有关的词,都可以和 promote 进行搭配使用,如 promote rural development(带动农村地区发展), suburban development(郊区地区发展),educational development(教育发展)将 promote 和 progress 放在一起,如 promote cultural progress(促进文化进步), promote cultural and ethnical progress(促进精神文明进步)贸易、商业、安全等词都可以和 promote 进行搭配使用,如 pr

16、omote regional security(促进地区安全)、promote bilateral trade(存进双边贸易)等promote 是比较大的词,也是比较“俗”的词,但是属于写作中不能随便放弃的词,关还有那些词可以与 prolong 形成搭配呢?和会议、仪式有关的词:prolong the meeting unnesarily,prolong the ceremony (ritual):这里的 prolong,既可以是延长,也可以是拖延。和停留相关的词,如 prolong the stay by anotherk. (延长停留时间)和人类情绪有关的词,如prolong the pl

17、easure(让感持续下去),prolong the agony(让痛苦延续下去)药的使用期限:the prolonged use of a drug 第 1156 页:7)第 7 个讲解词:代词的使用意识:说说 pronoun(无星)这里讲一讲代词在写作中的作用,给很多同学修改作文的时候,我发现大家不太使用代词,导致句子和句子之间缺乏联系,比较散。那么怎样将代词用于写作呢?可能写起来比较繁琐,大家别着急,慢慢读:(一)描述段写作中的名代替换技巧的图画,在名代词切换思路引导下,就会变得十分清晰,串接也简明得多。 例如,在 2001 年商业捕鱼一文的写作中,就可以这样直接写出描述段,句子句子写作

18、要领提示句 1The pictures dct various kinds of fishes用最普通的句子开篇,如 thcture dcts,先写数字名词,但是先不要写其所在地点(这样会干扰第二句话的主语指代,形成歧义)句 2They were flourishing in a vastocean in 1900.将 fishes 变成 they, 形成第二描述点。句 3These fishes were decreasing ra ly in 1995, while fishing boats were increasing at anaccelerating speed.将 variou

19、s kinds of fishes , 将其变成 the fishes 进行特指,形成第三描述点,带出 fishing boats句 4Obviously, these fishing boats can be regarded as a symbol of r ant commer l fishing by human beings in the pastdecades.将 fishing boats 由泛指名词变成特指名词 these fishing boats,用象征为串接动词,点中心 结束。有了名词代词替换这招,句子和句子之间用名词、代词、定冠词交替掩护,就能给每 个句子自动提供一个主

20、语,剩下就是依次填空。这有点像步兵班组进攻时的战术,即一个士兵向左前方行进,然后另一个士兵向前一个人的侧后跟进,形成交叉掩护跟进,而不是一才能算是 working vocabulary.键不在于认识不认识 promote,而在于怎样将它和其他名词搭配使用,名词搞通了,promote(二)考博在阐述段中怎样运用名代替换技巧不仅在描述段写作中可以用名代替换,在较为难写的阐述段中也可以运用类似的原则,简化阐述写作的框架问题。具体要领如下:例如,在 2001 年商业捕鱼一文的写作中,就可以这样直接写出描述段:句子句子写作要领提示句 1Clearly, th ctures l us t overfish

21、ing threatens todo more harm n good. However, many fishing companie dom give priority to its potential threat to theenvironment.商业捕鱼为 判定,应该用有害形成 的态度判定,然后说很多公司不重视其危害,名词应为泛指限定,如 many companies。句 2Byng so, these companiesover-exploit ocean resour用 Byng so 串接,将 many companies 切换为特指 these companies,然后用环保

22、的内容填空。拥而上,能用实词写作,使用的是蛮力,而用代词,借助的是巧劲,有点四两拨千斤的意思。Th ctures describe various kinds of fishes. They were flourishing in a vast ocean in 1900. These fishes were decreasing ra ly in 1995, while fishing boats were increasing at an accelerating speed. Obviously, these fishing boats can be regarded as a symb

23、ol of r ant commer l fishing by human beings he past decades.(52words)这里 再学 个变招:将第二句话的 they 变成 which/who,形成非限定性定语从句,写起来就更快啦:Th ctures describe various kinds of fishes, which were flourishing in a vast ocean in 1900. These fishes were decreasing ra ly in 1995, while fishing boats were increasing at a

24、n accelerating speed. Obviously, these fishing boats can be regarded as a symbol of r ant commer l fishing by human beings he past decades.(53 words)in order to earn tremendousprofit.句 3On the other hand, they refuseto shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection.用 On the other hand 串接,将

25、many companies切换为 they,继续填空。句 4As a result, it issible for these to destroy the habisof many marine species.用 As a result 串接,将 they 替换为 It is sible for these companies, 继续填空。句 5If this situation remains, their destructive behaviors will disturb the natural balance, thus leading to theextinction of s

26、ome fishes.用 If this situation remains 串接,就爱那个 it is sible for these companies 替换为 their behaviors will probably 继续填空。全段如下:Clearly, th ctures l us t overfishing threatens to do more harm n good. However, many fishing companie dom give priority to its potential threat. By ng so, these companies over-

27、exploit ocean resour in order to earn tremendous profit. On the other hand, they refuse to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection. As a result, it is sible for these companies to destroy the habi s of many marine species. If this situation remains, their destructive behaviors will p

28、robably disturb the natural balance, thus leading to the extinctionof some fishes.(90 words)名词-代词替换,是最次的写作技巧之一,不钻研这个,等于背而不悟,那就就接着背吧第 1157 页:8)第 8 个讲解词:propaganda(无星)在 传媒 中经常会听到一个说法“加大宣传力度”,英语是不是就可以直译 为 enhance the propaganda 呢?最好不要这样做,因为 propaganda 在英语中的内涵为: information, often inaccurate information

29、, which a political anization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people. 大家看到了吧,propaganda 在英语中首先强调的是 确的信息,如果是加大宣传力度变成 enhance the propaganda,岂不成了increase inaccurate information?这和 中文所要表达的意思完全不是一回事儿啊。辞典对于 propaganda 的解释比辞典更加直白,强调这种信息 是不真实的( information, espelly false information,t aernmen

30、t oranization spreads in order to influence peoples opinions and befs)。而牛津高阶词典则明确该词系贬义用法:(usually disapproving) ideas orsementst may be false or exaggerated andt are used in order to gain support for a political leader, party.由于文化差异,东西方在宣传这个词的理解上,出现了不小的差异。那么如果说“加大宣传力度”,应该怎样表达才更符合英语的表达,不至于造成呢?用 launc

31、h a hugen for/against用 There should be more publicity to第 1158 页:9)第 9 个讲解词:proportion, proportionate(无星)学习图表写作的时候,要注意 proportion 这个词的用法,这个词其实很好用,因为它的后面既可以选择可数名词、也可以选择不可数名词,阅读辞典的例句:A large proportion of the dolphinshat area will eventually die. (dolphins为可数名词,可以与 proportion 搭配)A proportion of the re

32、nt is met by the city council.(rent 为不可数名词,可以和 proportion 搭配)The proportion of womenhe profeshad risen to 17.3%. (women 为可数名词,可以与 proportion 搭配)The radio sion has to include a substantial proportion of classical music.(music 为抽象名词,不可数,可以与 proportion 搭配使用)所以问题并不在于是不是应该背或者翻译这几个例句, 而在于注意到 a large propo

33、rtion of和 The proportion of 这两种结构,而且 of 的后面可以 名 词,这样就可以将 proportion 用于写作了,这表面看起来是一个背的过程,其实是一个遣词造句的过程:它的结构是 A proportion of 名词+动词,还有一个更简洁要套用的:The proportion of +名词 increased(decreased/grew/declined/diminished)+to +数据,这种情况下只要加入 名词就可以了:例:The proportion of part-time work students increased from 61% to 8

34、2%. (兼职学生的比例从 61%上升至 82%。)例:The proportion of Chi automobiles he domestic market increased from25% to 30%. (中国车在国内市场的比例由 25%上升至 30%)大家看,如果会组织主语,是不是在写作的时候,只要坚持上述句型,很多句子就成了填空呢?如果你觉得背不下来,学会句式和是非常关键的一招,在什么都记不住的时变成结构:It is essentialt (should) be widely advocated. It is nesary to give wide coverage to 以上三

35、法都可以通过名词填充的方法,从英文角度来表达“加大宣传力度”这层意思。第 1159 页:10)第 10 个讲解词:prose(无星)在辞典中, prose 的解释比较概括,强调是普通语言,不是诗化语言(Prose isordinary written language, in contrast to poetry),似乎 prose 仅仅是语言,而不是文体,牛津高阶词典的解释则是:writingt is not poetry,注意这里使用的词汇是 writing(作品),而不是 language(语言),这就是说,prose 不仅是选择语言的方法,还可以是一种文体,即通过通俗不押韵的语言写成的

36、文章。用“土装版”和“散文腔”写出的 2016 年作文,效果是不同的:土装版:As is impdhcture above, some Chiparents lack self-discipline, meanwhile taking much time on entertaent activitie ch as watchin. However,importantn their own recreation.his situation, they seldom play their partinheltheir children with theoretical knowledge, ind

37、ependent thinking andthey seem unawaret the healthy and balanced development of children is more 有些同学可能会说:这会不会让作文写出来显得平淡无奇呢?这种担心是没有必要的,prose 做为一种文学形式,虽然不像诗歌那样有丰富的韵律,但是平和的语言,所体现出的语气和风格是不同的,它选材于日常生活,语言看似平和,但是内容是具体的,内容看似松散,但是 却是清晰的,它摒弃了华丽的辞藻,带来的却是内容的详实和心态的真实流露。其间还可以加以一些修辞手法,如排比、类比,或者用倒装句进行语气增强,词简单点没事儿,

38、咱换句型不就行了吗? 候,要回归到句型思维,就能学会写作,而不是单纯的背诵。下面我再教大家一个使用 proportion 的“小招数”,就是将其换成和 percentage 连接 起来,形成一个小段儿:The proportion of Chi automobiles in the domestic market increased dramatically he past two years. In comparison, the percentage of Japa cars was on the decline he same period. 大家看,如果将 proportion of

39、和 the percentage of 放在一起,然后用 increase 和 be on the decline 形成正反呼应,不就可以通过词汇的替换,写出两个句子了吗?散文杂文风格:分析以身作则未必那么直白,可以借助着时期著名作家斯.的自然主义文学创作观:探讨客观环境、个性以及生活对于人类生活的影响,强调环境即命运、个性和个人即命运,对于现在这个至死、网络电讯万能的社会,可以提出一个不大不小的警告,但是未必上升到对于机械化文明对于人类和命运的。结尾我可以调侃,一个整天搓麻的家庭,怎么能够出现读的孩子呢?is addicted to alcohol can hardly instruct h

40、is childrent the best virtue in the world is temperance. Similarly, a father who simply wants to satisfy his own无成。to work diligently for a brilliant future. In such a home environment, the childrenlack instructions, enlightenment and supervi, thus gradually livingheshadow of their parents. Instead

41、of striving for a goalhe future, these youngpeople end up at home, staring at the flickerin screen and do nothing at all.如上所示,孩子 运掌控在父母 中:酒鬼父亲沉溺究竟,无法教导孩子世界上最好的美德是戒酒,同理,只顾满足自己 的父亲,也无法教导孩子 ,更不用提鼓励他们为了未来努力工作。在这种家庭环境下,孩子缺乏教导、启蒙和监督,逐渐生活在家长的 里。这些年轻人不为未来奋斗,整日待在家里,等着电视屏幕发愣,一事desires can hardly help his chil

42、dren resist tempions, let alone encourage themThe future of children ishe hand of his parents: A drunkard father whochildren to truly improve their academic studies, let alone obtain profesalknowledge and practical skills nesary for their future development.最后一段比较 ,用两个倒装加一个 otherwise 即可结束,少废话,快打快撤。y

43、 view, only when the Chi parents improve their overall qualities can their children e difficulties heir academic studies. Similarly, only when the Chi parents show good ex les can their children work diligently to achieve further academic progress. Otherwise, they will live he shadow of their parents over-expec ion, full of depres and disappo ment blem solving abilities. Clearly,his environment, it is unrealistic for their大家看,第二种写法第一种写法的生活气息浓厚一些呢?


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