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1、Unit11 Friendship第1页,共23页。 学习方法教学步骤教学方法教学目标学情分析教材分析教学重难点第2页,共23页。一、教材分析本单元话题是“友谊”,谈论有关交友和什么是真正的朋友,让学生从中增强对友谊的理解。Reading部分承载着整个单元最重要的语言和文化信息,也是教师在整个教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。文章的标题是“交友”,叙述了人们在生活中有很多朋友,但什么人是你真正的朋友,那就是可以同甘苦共患难的人,一个可以依赖的人。最后,文章提出,友谊是人一生中最宝贵的东西之一。通过阅读本篇课文,学生不仅要进行阅读技能的训练,学习一些新的词汇和短语的表达方式,还要在阅读过程中了解如何

2、认识结交真正的朋友。第3页,共23页。二、学 情 分 析 高中我们所面对的学生刚从初中升入,他们的英语基础整体薄弱,参差不齐。他们大多数来自偏远的农村,练习英语的机会不多,因此英语表达能力不强。这就使得他们缺乏学习英语的自信心和兴趣。所以在本节课中我通过熟悉的话题鼓励他们说英语,增强他们学习英语的信心。第4页,共23页。三、教学目标1、知识与技能(1) 掌握本单元单词和词组的用法。(2)表达关于交友的建议。(3)通过听说读写来练习本节课单词和词组的用法。(4)通过本课的学习让学生知道友谊的重要性和应该如何交友。2、过程与方法 通过听说读写的方法让学生学习英语和了解如何交友。3、情感、态度与价值

3、观(1)表达关于交友的建议,激发学生学习英语的积极性。(2)通过学习Friendship让学生知道什么是友谊和友谊的重要 性,并且让学生知道如何交友。 第5页,共23页。 4 教学重点(1)让学生掌握一些关键词和短语的用法。(2)让学生阅读课文,理解朋友的真实含义。(3)针对不同的任务学会使用不同的阅读方法,以便 提高学生的阅读能力。5 教学难点(1)提高学生的阅读能力。(2)通过学习Friendship让学生知道什么是友谊和友谊的重要 性,并且让学生知道如何交友。第6页,共23页。四、教法分析 大家都知道,中学阶段学习英语的目的是培养学生听说读写的能力。为了完成上述目标,我主要使用的是任务型

4、教学方法,以学生为中心,鼓励学生team work, pair work and individual,以便有更多的机会相互学习,相互检测。老师充当组织者、倾听者和帮助者的作用。我将根据学生的实际水平,设置适当的练习来逐步完成。另外, 我将帮助学生使用不同的教学方法更好地理解课文,来培养他们的学习兴趣,提高他们的阅读能力。第7页,共23页。突破重难点的策略和方法 教师利用多媒体课件、学生学件、投影等信息化设备辅助教学,有效激发学生的学习兴趣,优化课堂组织结构,让学生通过听说读写的过程理解友谊的真谛,即教师提出问题-学生进行小组讨论-整合记录-交流反馈-分析归纳-得出结论-实践应用。学生在教师的

5、指导下主动思考、主动探索、情景演练,从而体会到友谊的重要作用,以及在以后的人生道路上如何交友,如何做一个合格的朋友第8页,共23页。五、 学法分析(1)为了培养学生的学习自觉性,我要求学生课前预习新课,上网查阅一些与友谊有关的名言警句,小故事等。(2)指导学生掌握和使用skimming, scanning and careful reading,来学习和掌握文章中的生词及课文内容。(3)指导学生相互合作,探讨问题,这有利于帮助他们思考并表达他们自己的观点,这样的氛围就会使学习变得既轻松又愉快。第9页,共23页。六、教学步骤Step1 Lead-in(Using Ssstories or ppt

6、. or teachers ppt.)1 What have you learned from the stories or pictures?2 Do you want to make new friends?3 What should a good friend be like?.第10页,共23页。Step2 Pre-reading1 Look at the title and the pictures, can you predict what might be mentioned in the text?2 Please read the text and check whether

7、 your answers are right or wrong.第11页,共23页。Step3 Reading Task1 Skimming Main idea: This text tells us that friends play an important part in our lives and friendship is treasures of peoples life. Para.1 Friends play an important part in our lives.Para.2 People use the “word” freely.Para.3 What kind

8、of friend is the best friend.Para.4 Friendship is treasures of peoples life.Divide the class into four groups, ask Ss to read the text by groups, and each group find the main idea of each paragraph .第12页,共23页。 II Tell if the following sentences are true(T) or false(F) . (By rushing to answer)1 We ma

9、y get on well with many people, but we make friends with only a few of them. ( )2 People have different kinds of friends. ( )3 Close friends are those who can share joy and sorrow with you. ( )4 A good friend is someone who will do anything for you. ( ) 5 A good friend is someone you can rely on whe

10、n you are in need. ( )6 Friendship is only treasure in peoples life.( )7 We should expect too much to our friends. ( )8 A chess partner is not a friend. ( )Task2 Scanning I . Have students read the passage and underline the words and sentences they dont know, then discuss in pairs, if necessary, tea

11、cher gives help.FFTTTFFF第13页,共23页。Task3 Choose the best answer to each question. Careful readingFriends play an important part in our lives. Which of the following statement is not right( ) A They can share joys and sorrows with us. B They can play with us. C they are members in our families. D We c

12、an rely on them.The way people choose friends is( ) A. according to time. B according to relationship. C according to peoples appearance. D the same way. CB第14页,共23页。Careful readingWhy one may have many good friends, but only have one the best/close friend?( ) A Because best friend can be satisfied

13、with your any need.B Because the best friend can help and support you whatever you do . C Because the best friend is peoples only treasure. D Because people may choose different good friends for different activities ,but a close friend is a person who you can rely on when you need help and who is ab

14、le to share joys and sorrows with you.A good friend is a person _.( )A who always helps and supports you whatever you do.B Who only helps you when you are in trouble but never help others. C who always follows you.D who often walks beside you. DD第15页,共23页。Consolidation(rush to answer) Friends import

15、ant our lives.We may a number of people,and we usually friends them.You may have many good friends but only them are your “close friends”.A close friend is someone who is able to joys and sorrows youThis is a person you can when you need help and this is the person to whom you lend a helping hand Fr

16、iendship is one of lifes greatest treasures. Yet , it would be to expect a friend to do everything for you. As a French writer said,“Dont walk meI may not follow. Dont walk me - I may not lead. Just walk me -and be my friend”get on well with makewitha few of with too muchbehindbesiderely onshareare

17、willing to in front ofplay an part in 第16页,共23页。Discussion1. What should we do we our friends are in sorrows?2. How to make friends and how to keep friendship? 第17页,共23页。Summary 这节课我用图片伴英文歌曲或利用学生的学件导入,既可以调动学生的学习积极性和兴趣性,又把这单元的话题“友谊”引出来。再以一些“友谊”有关的问题让学生做热身运动,使学生在不知不觉之中训练和提高了口语表达能力。在教学中我让学生预测大意、找主题句,来培

18、养他们略读的能力,然后设置一些细节性的问题让他们仔细阅读课文,来培养学生的精读能力,步步深入,层层推进。让学生边读问题,边找答案,来加深对这篇文章的理解。通过阅读学生可以了解友谊在生活中的重要性,用心感受友谊带来的快乐,从而学会去珍惜友谊。本次教学设计有群体合作练习,也有学生个体练习。不同的方式可以达到不同的效果,尊重了学生的意愿和情感的需要,让学生能在民主化的氛围中学习。让学生复述课文既能让学生加深印象,又能提高学生对词汇的掌握程度。第18页,共23页。Practice1 Translate the following English into Chinese.1.A life withou

19、t a friend is a life without a sun. 2.A friend in need is a friend indeed.3.Friendship is love with understanding.4.Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs. 5.Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.第19页,共23页。II Do EXX.12 in the exercise books.III Written work: Write a composition, the title is “How to make friends ”Homework第20页,共23页。Blackboard Design Unit11 Friendship Making Friends Paragraph 1: Friends play an important part in our lives.Paragraph 2: People use the word “friend” freely.Paragraph 3: One may have many good friends and only one best friend.Par


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