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1、I Warm upHave you ever been abroad? Have you ever taken a plane?Have you ever bought anything from abroad?What do you think of the Customs Officers?Lesson 11 Not guilty New words and expressionsguilty 犯罪的,违法的tolerate 宽容的declare 申报hardened 有经验的professional 职业的,专 业的smuggler 走私者officious 爱管闲事的confident

2、ly 自信地dreadful 可怕的,一团糟的pounce 猛抓,扑住 perfume 香水sarcastically 讽刺地exempt 被免除的duty 税gel 凝胶mixture 混合物unscrew 拧开nostril 鼻孔chalk 粉笔baggage 行李Guilty adj.犯罪的,违法的- Hefeltguiltywhenhedidwhatheshouldnthavedone.- Hesaidthatwithaguiltysmile.guilt (n.罪行, 内疚) guiltily (adv.有罪地, 有罪似地)反义词:innocent (adj.清白的, 无罪的) inn

3、ocence (n.清白)tolerant adj.宽容的 Tolerantly (adv.)- A tolerant person must be easy going. 一个宽容的人一定是很好相处的。Tolerance (n.宽容, 忍受, 容忍) Tolerate (vt.忍受, 容忍)Tolerable (adj.可忍受的) hardship (n.困苦, 艰难, 辛苦)- The hardship is tolerable. 这种困苦还是可以忍受的。hardened adj.有经验的(侧重于老练的) - ahardenedplayer ahardenedthiefexperience

4、d adj.富有经验的 (侧重于有经验的) - anexperiencedteacherofficious adj.爱管闲事的 Officiousness (n.)- Alotofoldladiesareofficious.Officious adj.多管闲事的, 非官方的, 非正式的, 专横的- civil(adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的, 国民的)- servant(n.仆人)- civil servant n.文职人员,公务员,公仆,(联合国等机构的行政人员)- officiouscivilservant 爱管闲事的的公务员- anofficiouspoliceofficer 专横的

5、的警官Officiously(adv.多管闲事的, 非正式的, 非官方的)official adj.官方的, 官员的, 正式的- Anofficialinquirywillbemadeintothismatter.(inquiry n.质询, 调查) 此事将进行一次官方调查。Confidently adv.自信地(= withconfidence充满信心的)- Hewenttodothework confidently.Confident (adj.自信的, 确信的)Confidence (n.信心) - haveconfidence 有信心 / gainconfidence 获得信心inco

6、nfidence (悄悄的,秘密的) = secretlytakesb intoonesconfidence 以某人为心腹- The boss takes his secretary into his confidence.dreadful adj.可怕的,一团糟的 (= frightful adj.糟糕的, 讨厌的)dreadful(侧重于可怕的, 乱七八糟的) - The room is dreadful. a frightful dayfearful(表示胆怯的, 恐惧的)- she felt fearful particularly when she went out at night

7、.(adv.独特地, 显著地) duty n.税- CustomsDuty 关税 dutyfree 免税的- StampDuty 印花税 (stamp n.邮票, 印花, 图章, 标志)同义词:tax n.税, 税款, 税金 - incometax 所得税1.What does it mean if you go through the Green Channel?2.Can a customs officer still stop you?3.How do even really honest people feel when this happen?4.What about the har

8、dened professional smuggler?5.What did the Customs Officer ask you?You have nothing to declare.Yes, he can.Guilty.Hes never troubled by such feelings.Have anything to declare.TEXTEvenreallyhonestpeopleareoftenmadetofeelguilty.aremadetofeelguiltymake, have, let及感官性动词see, hear, notice, feel用于主动语态, 符合宾

9、语不定式的符号to应省略。但这种结构改成被动式时, 不定式符号to必须还原。- Weheardsomeonecomeupthestairs.- Someonewasheardtocomeupthestairs.Thehardenedprofessionalsmuggler,ontheotherhand,isnevertroubledbysuchfeelings,evenifhehasfivehundredgoldwatcheshiddeninhissuitcase.evenifhehasfivehundredgoldwatcheshiddeninhissuitcase.= Evenif/tho

10、ughhehasfivehundredgoldenwatchesthatarehiddeninhissuitcase.hiddeninhissuitcase(过去分词短语作定语, 修饰watches)Ontheonehand., ontheotherhand。- Ontheonehandwecouldstayandhelpyou, butontheotherhanditmightbebetterifyouwentto helphiminstead.Haveyouanythingtodeclare?heasked,lookingmeintheeye.lookingmeintheeye 两眼直盯盯

11、的注视着我= looksb intheface = staresb intheeyes = lookdirectlyatsb- Notoneofthemendaredlookhimintheeye. 没有人敢正眼看他。AllthethingIhadpackedsocarefullyweresooninadreadfulmess.inamess 乱作一团介词in和名词搭配,表示一种状态- ingoodorder 秩序井然 ingoodhealth 身体健康- inagoodmood 心情好 - inagoodtemper 脾气好 Hehadspottedatinybottleatthebotto

12、mofmycaseandhepouncedonitwithdelight.withdelight 欣喜若狂地 (with和抽象名词搭配, 表示内心充满了一种感情)- withconfidence 自信地 - withcare 细心地- withpride 骄傲地 / - withdelight 欣喜若狂地pounceon 向.猛扑过去, 对.大做文章- Thepolicemanpouncedonthethief. 警察向小偷猛扑过去。- Dontpounceonmymistake. 不要对我的错误大做文章。Perfume,eh?heaskedsarcastically.Youshouldhav

13、edeclaredthat.Perfumeisnotexemptfromimportduty.shouldhave和过去分词搭配(表示本应该做某事却没有做, 具有谴责性的味道)- Youshouldhavearrivedherefiveminutesearlier.- Youshouldhavetoldmeaboutit.shouldnthavedone 本不应该做某事exempt v.免除 adj.被免除的(be exempt from)- Drinksarenotexemptfromimportduty. Perfumeisnotexempt fromimportduty either.A

14、sIexpected,hedidnotbelieveme.As:关系代词(引导非限制性定语从句, 它所指代的内容就是主句的整个句子的含义)- Asweknow, theearthisround. 众所周知, 地球是圆的。- AsI mentioned 正如我所提及的- AsIsoonlearned, he was English himself. 正如我很快得知的,他也是英国人。关系代词as和which的区别:as所引导的非限制性定语从句, 可用在主句之前。which引导的非限制性定语从句, 只能用在主句之后。直接引语变间接引语1、人称的转变 1)直接引语中的第一人称一般转换为第三人称如: H

15、e said,“I am very sorry.” He said that he was very sorry. 2)直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,转换为第一人称如: “You should be more careful next time,” my father told me. My father told me that I should be more careful the next time. 3)直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,转换成第三人称。如: She said to her son, “Ill check your homework

16、tonight.” She said to her son that she would check his homework that night. 4)人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等,如: He asked me, “Will you go to the station with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?” He asked me whether I would go to the station with him to meet a friend of his that afternoon. 总之,人称的转

17、换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。 2、时态的转换 直接引语改为间接引语时,主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时,从句(即间接引语部分)的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化,变成过去时范畴的各种时态(实际也是宾语从句的时态要求),变化如下: 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般过去时 过去完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去进行时 过去进行时 一般将来时 过去将来时 3、直接引语变成间接引语时,从句时态无须改变的情况 1)当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时的时候,如: He always says, “I am tired out.” H

18、e always says that he is tired out. 2)当主句的谓语动词是将来时的时候,如: He will say, “Ill try my best to help you.” He will say that he will try his best to help me. 3)当直接引语部分带有具体的过去时间状语时如: He said, “I went to college in 1994.” He told us that he went to college in 1994. 4)当直接引语中有以when, while引导的从句,表示过去的时间时,如: He s

19、aid,“When I was a child, I usually played football after school.” He said that when he was a child, he usually played football after school. 5)当直接引语是客观真理或自然现象时,如: Our teacher said to us, “Light travels faster than sound.” Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound. 6)当引语是谚语、格言时,如: He s

20、aid,“Practice makes perfect.” He said that practice makes perfect. 7)当直接引语中有情态动词should, would, could, had better, would rather, might, must, ought to, used to, need时 如:She asked, “Must I take the medicine?” She asked if she had to take the medicine. 注:此处用had to代替must更好 8)此外转述中的变化要因实际情况而定,不能机械照搬,如果当地

21、转述,here不必改为there, 动词come不必改为go,如果当天转述yesterday, tomorrow, this afternoon等均不必改变。4、时间状语、地点状语及某些对比性的指示代词和动词变化 1)时间状语:直接引语 (间接引语) now (then); today (that day); tomorrow (the next / following day ) next week (the next / following week) yesterday (the day before) two days ago(two days before ) this week/m

22、onth/year (that week/month/ year) 2)指示代词:these 变成those 3)地点状语:here变成there She said, “I wont come here any more.” She said that she wouldnt go there any more. 4)动词:come变成go,bring变成take5、直接引语变间接引语,句子结构的变化 1)陈述句。用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直用接引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that, to

23、ld sb. that,不可直接说told that, 如: He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.” He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. He said, “Ill give you an examination next Monday.” He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.(不可说told that)2)直接引语为一般疑问句,(也称是否疑问句,)间接引语用连词whether或if引导,原主句中

24、谓语动词said要改为asked(me/him/us等),语序是陈述句的语序,这一点非常重要。如: He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?” He asked(me)whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation. 3) 直接引语为选择疑问句,间接引语用whetheror表达,而不用ifor,也不用eitheror. 如: He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” He asked me whether I spoke E


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