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1、历史文化类(二)中国传统节日 TOC o 1-5 h z 中国传统节日 traditional Chinese festival过节celebrate a festival 放假have a holiday / vacation文化积淀 cultural accumulation文化凝聚 cultural cohesion 记录社会文化生活record the moments of social and cultural life节气 solar term 季节变迁 seasonal change / transition 公历历法 solar calendar 地球绕太阳公转的周期perio

2、d of the Earth农历历法 lunar calendar 月球绕地球公转的周期period of the Moon农业生产agricultural product ion 科学指导scientific guidance / instruction日常社会生活everyday social life s revolution around the Suns revolution around the Earth TOC o 1-5 h z 祭祀活动 ritual / sacrificial activity庆祝活动 celebratory activity; celebration春节

3、 the Spring Festival 元宵节 the (Spring) Lantern Festival清明节the Qingming Festival; Tomb-Sweeping Day 端午节the Dragon Boat Festivals Day 七夕节 the Qixi Festival; the Double Seventh Festival; the Chinese Valentine中秋节 the Mid- Autumn Festival 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 农历几月几日 fall on the 序数词 day of the 序数词

4、 lunar month 追溯到 date back to; be traced back to有年历史 have a history of XX years传说 According to legend,/ Legend has it that 为了庆祝 in celebration of 为了纪念in honour / memory of 风俗习惯 social customs and habits 中国农历新年Chinese lunar new year TOC o 1-5 h z 腊月 the twelfth month of the lunar year正月 the first mon

5、th of the lunar year迎接新年的到来welcome the arrival of the new year 除尘 clean the house 沐浴更衣 take a bath and put on clean clothes 理发 have a haircut 祛除晦气和霉运get rid of one s bad luck- /foilrltune TOC o 1-5 h z 置办年货 purchase necessities for the new year招待亲朋好友entertain relatives and friends烘托节日的气氛 add an air

6、of festivity大年三十 Chinese New Year s Eve 贴春联 paste Spring Festival couplets贴“福”字 paste the Chinese character“ Fu”贴窗花 paste window paper- cuts 吃团圆年夜饭 have New Year Eve reunion dinner 看春晚 watch the Spring Festival Gala 燃放烟花爆竹set off fireworks and firecrackers辞旧迎新 ring out the Old Year; ring in the New

7、Ye ar 正月初一 the first day of the lunar new year穿上新衣新鞋 put on new clothes and shoes 祈求新的开始 pray for a new beginning in life新年贺礼 New Year gifts / presents 走亲访友 visit / call on relatives and friends给拜年 give sb. New Year greetings红包 red packet /envelope压岁钱 money given to children as a New Year gift好运 goo

8、d luck / fortune 长寿 longevity 幸福 happiness 喜庆场合 festive occasion 灯会 lantern show / exhibition 赏花灯 appreciate colourful lanterns 猜灯谜 guess lantern riddles 观看舞龙舞狮表演watch the dragon- lion dance performances 悠久历史文化 time- honoured history and culture TOC o 1-5 h z 精神文化遗产 spiritual and cultural heritage全球

9、化飞速发展的今天in this rapidly globalizing world西方文化思想Western cultures and thoughts 过洋节 celebrate the Western festivals传统节日的传承inheritance of traditional festivals弘扬中国传统文化 carry forward traditional Chinese culture传承中华传统美德inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation增强民族凝聚力enhance / strengthen nation

10、al cohesion中国饮食文化 饮食文化 food culture 春卷Chinese spring roll 汤圆tangyuan (sweet rice dumpling)青团qingtuan (sweet greenrice ball)粽子zongzi (Chinese rice-pudding)月饼mooncake 重阳糕 Double- Ninth cake饮食习惯 eating / dietary habits 主食 staple food大米/水稻rice 馒头 steamed bun 面条 noodles 农作物 crop 小麦 wheat 副食 non- staple /

11、 subsidiary food鸡肉 chicken 鸭肉 duck 鱼肉 fish 水果 fruit 蔬菜 vegetable 维持均衡的膳食 maintain a well- balanced diet摄取所需的营养 obtain adequate nourishment确保健康 secure physical health避免疾病 avoid / prevent diseases传统待客之道traditional hospitality菜品种类丰富a rich / wide variety of dishes宴席 feast / banquet 凉菜 cold dish 开胃菜 appe

12、tizer味蕾 taste bud主菜 main course 热菜 hot dish 肉类 meat 家禽 poultry 海鲜 seafood 时蔬 seasonal vegetable 甜点 dessert 清淡食物light food解油腻 get rid of the greasy feeling after eating fatty / oily food助消化 help / facilitate digestion食材 ingredient烹饪风格 cooking style 菜系 cuisine 家乡菜 hometown dish八大菜系 China s 8 major reg

13、ional cuisines川菜 Sichuan cuisine鲁菜 Shandong cuisine粤菜 Cantonese cuisine苏菜 Jiangsu cuisine浙菜 Zhejiang cuisine闽采 Fujian cuisine 湘菜 Hunan cuisine 徽菜 Anhui cuisine特色菜 speciality色、香、味俱全a perfect combination of appearance, aroma and flavoursoursweet苦辣咸大佐bitter spicy salty柴 米 油 盐 酱 醋 茶I chef* seasoning fir

14、ewood rice cooking oil saltsauce vinegartea神农氏 Shennong尝百草taste hundreds of herbs解毒 clear away toxic materials; get rid of the poisoning effect茶馆 teahouse茶树 tea tree种植在山上plant on hills茶叶的质量 quality of tea leaves 得名于 get name because 浓郁 持久 清淡 香甜strong long- lasting faintsweet唇齿留香修身养性陶冶情操去除杂念feel the

15、flavour in mouth / on lips for a long time cultivate moral characterscultivate sentiments remove distracting thoughts【补充词汇】.二十四节气立春 spring begins雨水 more rain than snow惊蛰 hibernating insects awake n 春分 spring center 清明 clear and bright 谷雨 wheat rain 立夏 summer begins 小满 creatures plentish 芒种 seeding m

16、illet夏至 summer maximum (solstice)小暑 a bit sweltering大暑 most sweltering立秋 autumn begins处暑 heat withdraws 白露 dews秋分 autumn center寒露 cold dews霜降 frost立冬 winter begins小雪 snows a bit大雪 snows a lot冬至 winter maximum小寒 a bit frigid大寒 most frigid.中国传统节日s ancestors黄金周 golden week 国家法定假日official national holid

17、ay烧香 burning incense纸钱 joss paper祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one 孔明灯 Kongming lantern 子孙后代 offspring 纪念碑 memorial tablet 悼文 memorial essay 网上祭扫 online tomb- sweeping 扫墓 sweep tombs 扫墓者 tomb sweeper 踏青 spring outing 绿机P green willow伟大的爱国诗人great patriotic poet楚国 the state of Chu 爱国主义 patriotism 奉献精神 dedic

18、ation 不朽的著作 immortal masterpiece赛龙舟 dragon- boat racing 带香囊 wear perfu med medicine bags鹊桥 the bridge of magpies王母娘娘 Goddess of Heaven银河 the Milky Way庆祝丰收 celebrate harvest拜月 worship the moon赏月 enjoy the moon s beauty; appreciate the full moon合家团聚 family reunion 嫦娥奔月 Chang e Flying to the Moon登高/爬山

19、mountain climbing去除厄运 dispel bad luck去除恶灵 dispel evil spirits带来好运 bring good fortune 尊敬老人 show respect for elders .中国饮食文化谷物 grain 面粉 flour面包 bread 糕点 pastry小吃 snack 菜谱 recipe菜单 menu 全鱼 the whole fish 汤 soup 美食家 gourmet餐具 tableware菜肴的装盘和摆放the layout and design of the dishes佐料的搭配 the blending of seaso

20、ning调味的艺术 the art of proper seasoning烹饪艺术 culinary art煮 boil清蒸 steam清炒 plain- fry油炸 deep- fry 烘培 roast刀工 slicing technique烹饪餐具 cooking utensil饮料 beverage茶具 tea set茶壶 teapot茶杯 teacup茶托 saucer紫砂 purple sand陶器 pottery瓷器 porcelain茶道 tea ce remony食疗 Chinese food therapy食补保健 maintain good health through t

21、he intake of nourishing food.其它文化类词汇文化多样性 cultural diversity 多元文化社会multicultural society 跨文化交流 cross- cultural communication 文化交流与合作cultural exchange and cooperation 文化繁荣 cultural prosperity 东方文化 Eastern / Oriental culture 民俗文化 folk culture传统意识形态traditional ideology丰富文化生活enrich cultural life中国结 Chin

22、ese knot手工艺 handicrafts手工艺人 handicraftsman祈求好运 pray for good luck辟牙B ward off evil spirits中医 traditional Chinese medicine 针灸 acupuncture穴位 acupuncture point推拿 medical massage拔火罐疗法 cupping therapy理疗 physical therapy医疗保健 health care 心 heart肝 liver脾 spleen胃 stomach肺 lung肾 kidney中草药 Chinese herbal medicine副作用 side effect切脉 feel the pulse偏方 folk prescription秘方 secret prescription传统中国画


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