苹果树(中英文) 2_第1页
苹果树(中英文) 2_第2页
苹果树(中英文) 2_第3页
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苹果树(中英文) 2_第5页
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1、The Boy &The Aplle Tree1從前有一棵樹2一個小男孩天天都會跑來,她好爱那个男孩。3吃吃蘋果,Ate the apples, 4抓著樹枝荡秋千,Grab on to the tree branches to swing,5收集她的葉子,把葉子編成皇冠,扮成國王。Collect the leaves from the tree to make into a crown,act like a king6他們會一起玩捉迷藏。They played hide and seek.7玩累了,男孩就在她的樹蔭下睡覺Tired of playing,the boy took a nap u

2、nder the shadow.8男孩好愛這棵樹樹好快樂。He loved the tree and the tree was very happy.9日子一天天過去,Time went by. 10男孩長大了。the little boy had grown up11他不再天天都来了,树常常好孤獨。he no longer played around the tree every day,the tree was lonely 12樹說:來啊,孩子来我的樹下玩耍吧!有一天,男孩來到樹下,看起来有点伤心One day, the boy came back to the tree and he

3、looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. 13我不是小孩子了,我不要和樹玩耍。男孩說。我需要錢。“I am no longer a kid, I dont play around trees anymore.”The boy replied, “I need money.”14真抱歉。樹說我沒有錢。孩子,拿我的蘋果到城裡去賣。這樣,你就會有錢了。於是男孩高兴地爬到樹上,摘下她的蘋果,通通帶走了。樹好快樂 。“Sorry, but I dont have money.but you can pick all my a

4、pples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.The tree was happy too.15之后,男孩好久都沒有再來樹好傷心。The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad. 16有一天,男孩终于回來了,樹高興得發抖,她說:來啊!孩子,爬上我的樹幹,抓著我的樹枝盪鞦韆。One day, the boy returned and the

5、tree was so excited. “Come and play with me, grab on to the tree branches to swing,” the tree said. 17我太忙,沒時間爬樹。男孩說。我要构建我的家庭,我需要一間房子,妳可以帮助我嗎? “I dont have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?”18抱歉,我沒有房子。樹說。 不過 ,你可以砍下我的樹枝,去蓋房子, 這樣你就會快樂了。“Sorry, I d

6、ont have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.So you will feel happy”19於是男孩砍下了她的樹枝,把樹枝帶走,去蓋房子。So the boy cut the branches off and left happily.20看到男孩开心,樹好快乐。The tree was glad to see him happyFor a long time,the boy never came back. The tree was again lonely and sad. 此后男孩很久没有

7、再回来,苹果树再次感到孤独与伤心。21一年夏天,男孩再回來了, 樹太快樂了,快樂得幾乎說不出話來。來啊!孩子她輕輕地說過來,來玩呀!One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said slightly.22我又老又傷心,玩不動了男孩說。我想要扬帆远航離开這裡去放松。妳可以給我一條船嗎?“I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give m

8、e a boat?”23砍下我的樹幹去造條船吧。樹說。這樣你就可以遠航你就會快樂。“Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.”So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat.於是男孩砍下了她的樹幹,造了條船。24男孩坐船走了,再也没回来。He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. 25樹好快乐但不是真的。The tree was happy, but it was not true. 26過了好久

9、好久,那男孩又再回來了。我很抱歉,孩子。樹說:我已經沒有東西可以給你了,我的蘋果沒了。Finally, the boy returned many years later. “Sorry, my boy. But I dont have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.27没有可以让你攀爬的树干了。苹果树又说。 我的牙齒咬不動蘋果了。我也太老爬不了树了。男孩回答。“No more trunk for you to climb on.”the tree said.“I dont have teeth to bite, I am t

10、oo old for climb,” the boy said. “I dont have teeth to bite,” the boy replied. “Im sorry.”The tree sighed. 我很抱歉。樹嘆了口氣。28我真希望我能給你什麼可是我什麼也沒了。我只剩下一塊老樹根。我很抱歉苹果树流着泪说。“I really cant give you anything. the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.“I dont need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.我現在要的不多。男孩說。只要一個安靜,可以坐著休息的地方。这些年我好累好累。29好啊。樹一邊說,一邊努力挺直身子。正好啊,老樹根是最適合坐下來休息的地方。來啊!孩子,坐下來,坐下來休息。“Good!”the tree drew himself ,“Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, Come sit down with me and rest.”30男孩坐了下來。樹好快樂。The


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