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1、 PAGE 页码 18 / NUMPAGES 总页数 18冀教版三年级英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习名校习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 单词拼写。1.来_ 2.和_ 3.玩_4.好的_ 5.好极了_ 6.兔子_2. 看图,用所给字母组成正确的单词,补全下列句子。1This is my_. (o r t e h r b)2Shes my_. (n u t a)3Its a_. (a t c)4This is an_. (y e e)5I like the_. (d r b i)3. 单词拼写。1.什么_ 2.名字_3.你的_ 4.我的_5.猫_ 6.狗_4. 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句

2、子。1. What do you want to drink? I want to drink C_.2. Mary always w_the plants, but she never washes her c_.3. Bobby is w_TV in the l_.5. 单词默写。1.一_ 2.二_ 3.三_4.四_ 5.五_ 6.六_7.七_ 8.八_ 9.九_10.十_6. 写单词。1.谁的_ 2.夹克衫_3.衬衫_ 4.雨伞_7. 根据图片补全单词。1duc_ 2_outh3_eg8. 小朋友快来试一试。(根据汉语提示补全句子)(1)What can you _?(看见)(2)Is

3、it a _ under the desk?(椅子)(3)This is a _.(猫)(4)I like _.(唱歌)(5)His pencil is _.(长的)(6)I _ find my pen.(不能)(7)_,wheres the book?(打扰一下)(8)_!(早上好)(9)I am _ on paper.(写)(10)He is flying his _.(风筝)填空题9. 根据图片选择恰当的单词,补全句子。grandfather brother grandmother sister1This is my fathers father. He is my_.2This is

4、my mothers mother. She is my_.3This is my mothers son. He is my_. 4This is my fathers daughter. She is my_.10. 用“This is.”的正确形式填空,完成句子对话。1_Amys cat?2_father Bears bag.3_Bobs house.4_Sams cap? Yes, it is.11. 给下列单词按不同的类别分组。A.grapeB.eighteenC.shortD.watermelonE.twelveF.longG.pearH.bigI.sixteenJ.banana1

5、水果:_2数字:_3形容词:_12. 根据图片及句意,选择单词填空。fourteeneleveneighteentwelvenineteen1How many apples do you see? I see_.2How many pencils do you see? I see_.3How many eggs do you see? I see_.4How many pens do you see? I see_.5How many crayons do you see? I see_.13. 根据图片,选出正确的单词写在四线格上。1I am from(Canada; China).2Lo

6、ok at that cute(bear; monkey).3The giraffe is so(fat; tall).4Look! The elephant has a long(tail; nose).5Who is that(girl; boy).14. 从方框中找到所给单词的同类词,并写在四线三格上。sixteen open beautiful bird you1see have 2duck dog 3short small 4we I 5one four 15. 填空题。1Is it on the_?No!2I have a_nose and_eyes. And I have a l

7、ong tail. I like fish.3Where is your ball?_.4Where is your boat?_.5Where is your pencil box?_.16. 根据句意选词填空。Policeman hands ten sad China green1I live in_.2My mother is sick. I feel_.3Clap your_!4The crayon is_.5My father is a_.6Im_years old.选择题17. Dannys hand is _. ( )A.blue B.green C.black18. 根据汉语意

8、思,选择正确的单词。1在哪里( )A.what B.where2在上( )A.in B.on3椅子( )A.chair B.desk4在下面( )A.under B.in5书桌( )A.table B.desk19. 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )A.like B.apple C.banana20. Danny has one _ . ( )A.tail B.leg C.finger21. Is it sweet? ( )_A.No, it isnt. B.Yes, it is big. C.Its blue.22. 你想知道远处的那个男人是谁时,你应该说:( )A.Where are you

9、 from? B.Whos that man? C.Whos that girl?23. 看图,选择与图片相符的句子。1( )A.This is woman is my mother.B.This is man is my father.2( )A.This girl is my sister.B.This boy is my brother.3( )A.They are my grandpa, grandma, father and sister.B.They are my grandpa, mother, father and brother.24. He _ tall. ( )A.am

10、B.is C.are句型转换25. 根据要求改变句子。1. They arechicks.(根据句子意思提问)What _ _?2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)_ _ a playground.3. This isa bee.(根据句子意思提问)?4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)_,_ isnt.5. It isblack and red.(根据句子意思提问)_ _ is it?26. 按要求完成下列各题。1 I like the story book. (根据提示完成句子)(我也是。)2There are twelve months

11、 in a year. (变一般疑问句)_twelve months in a year?3He has two balls under his bed. (用there be句型改写)_under his bed.4There is some milk in the bottle.(改为否定句)_milk in the bottle.5There are56students in the classroom.(对句子提问)_students_in the classroom?6There is an apple on the table.(变反义疑问句)There is an apple o

12、n the table,_?27. 按要求完成句子。1Shesmy sister. (句子提问)2My name isJack. (对句子提问)3Mike is fromAmerica. (对句子提问)4Are you Chen Jie? (作出肯定回答)5This is my father. (变为否定句)28. 句型转换。1. Wangwang isin the box. (对句子提问)_is_?2. My cap isunder the box. (对句子提问)_is_cap?3. She is there! (改成倒装句)_is!4. is, it, time, to, get up,

13、 (.) (连词成句)29. 句型转换。1Wego to school by bikein summer. (根据句子意思提问)2She doesnt like apples .(变为肯定句)3I like football .(主语改为he)4The dog likes meat .(变为否定句)The dogmeat .5They go to school on Saturdays .(变为否定句)Theyto school on Saturdays .30. 句型转换。1. He is tall.(变为相反意义的句子)2. She is cold.(变为相反意义的句子)3. It is

14、small.(变为相反意义的句子)4. They are happy.(变为单数句)5. She is cold.(变为复数句)31. 按要求回答问题。1. Whats your name?(用“Tim”回答)2. What time is it?(用“eleven”回答)3. Do you like a rainy day?(作否定回答)4. Is this a pear?(作肯定回答)5. How many books are there?(用“ ten”回答)32. 按要求写出下列句子。1. her, homework, this, is(.) (连词成句)2. Are these on

15、ions? (否定回答)3. What are these? (用cabbages回答)4. Are those animals? (用vegetables回答)5. are, tomatoes, they(.) (连词成句)连词成句33. redismyskirtThis (只写序号)_.34. is for This you (.)35. pigbigLooktheat. (只填序号)_36. Me your Show book (.)37. Mike, This, is, (.)38. is , it , blue (.)39. 用所给单词组句子。1the door close plea

16、se (.)2run dont the in library (.)3is up down Mike jumping and (.)4cake dont my eat (.)5LiuTao shout Dont in library the (, .)40. like, a, panda, Act (.)阅读理解41. 读短文,选择正确的图片。Hi, my names Bo B. I am a boy, Look at me. I have a big mouth. I like ice cream and water. I like green. Today is my birthday.

17、Look, a big cake! Yes, Im six years old. And I have two gifts(礼物),a toy monkey and a green bag. I like them very much!(1)_ is Bo A. B.(2)Bob: I like _, because(因为) I like the colour.A. B.(3)Bob: _ is my birthday cake.A. B.(4)Bob: I like_.A. B.(5)Bob: _ is my gifts.A. B.42. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致。I hav

18、e a good friend at school. He is an English boy. His name is Tom. He is twelve. Were in No. 2 Middle School. Were not in the same class. He is in Class 4. Im in Class 2. Toms father is an English teacher. He works at our school. Toms mother is not a teacher. She is a doctor.( )(1)My good friend is a

19、n American boy.( )(2)Tom is in No. 2 Middle School.( )(3)We are in the same class.( )(4)Toms father is an English worker.( )(5)Toms mother is a teacher, too.43. 阅读理解。In a shopIn a shop, a woman wants to buy a skirt.Shop assistant: may I help you?Woman: yes, please. Id like to buy a skirt.Shop assist

20、ant: what colour do you like?Woman: I like red.Shop assistant: ok, here you are.Woman: thank you. how much is it?Shop assistant: ninety yuan.Woman: ok, I will take it.(1)Where is the woman?(2)What does the woman want to buy?(3)What colour does she like?(4)How much is the skirt?(5)Does the woman buy

21、it?44. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Jane: Nice to meet you, Chen Jie.Chen Jie: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?Jane: Im from the USA. Look! This is a photo of my family. My grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my mum, my brother and me.Chen Jie: Wow! Is itDisney land Park(迪土尼公园)?Jane: Yes, it is. Disneyland isa

22、theme park(主题公园).Look!Snow White(白雪公主) and theseven dwarfs(七个小矮人).Chen Jie: Wow! Snow White is so beautiful.Jane: Yeah! Look, I love this game. How many cars do you see?Chen Jie: 1, 2, 3 I can see twelve.Jane: Youre right! I love teddy bear very much.Chen Jie: Me too. How many teddy bears do you hav

23、e?Chen Jie: Fifteen?Jane: No. Lets count together.Chen Jie: 1, 2, 3 Oh! You have twenty.Jane: Haha! Yes!Chen Jie: I love Disneyland.(1)Jane is from the UK.( )(2)Chen Jie can see twelve cars in Disneyland Park.( )(3)Janes family has six people (人).( )(4)Chen Jie has (有)fifteen teddy bears.( )(5)Chen

24、Jie loves Disneyland.( )45. 阅读短文,将正确的选项序号写在横线上。Hi, Im Amy. Im from London. Look at this book about London. This is the River Thames. Its very long and wide. This is Big Ben. Its an old clock. Its very tall. And Look at the big wheel. Its the London Eye. Its new and round. Welcome to London.(1)Amy is

25、 from _.A. China B. England C. America(2)_ is new and round.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye(3)_ is an old clock.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye(4)_ is long and wide.A. The River Thames B. Big Ben C. The London Eye46. 对话阅读。Alice:Hi,Peter, is this your pencil?Peter:No

26、I dont have a pencilAlice:Mary,is this your pencil?Mary:No,it isntMy pencil is yellowAlice:John,is this your pencil?John:NoLook,this is my pencilMy pencil is blueJoe:I cant find(找到)my pencilIts greenDo you see it,Alice?Alice:Is this your pencil?Joe:Yes,it isThank you,Alice(1)doesnt have a pencil( )A.Mary B.John


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