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1、John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”Language pointsdefeatvt. 击败,战胜;使受挫;把(某人)难住; 阻挠a defeated army败军It was the last question on the paper that defeated me.译:是考卷上的最后一道题把我难住了。defeat the enemyC a big defeat 大败 a narrow defeat 惜败 U admit defeat 认输inexpert 不熟练的expertadj. an expert driver 技术超高的驾驶员译:日本人在降低生产成本方

2、面很在行。 Japanese are expert at lowering costs.n. an expert in/on/at .方面的专家 an expert in child psychology 儿童心理学家be expert in/on/at (doing). 擅长.attendattend to sb./ sth.参加,出席,到场attend college处理,照顾v.照顾,照料经常去,定期去(某处)attend a wedding attend churchattend a meeting attend Queen VictoriaI have some urgent bus

3、iness to attend to.attendancen.full attendanceattendance rate出勤率全勤我有一些急事要处理exposeDont expose babies to strong sunlight.v.暴露;显露;露出v. 揭露;揭穿Dont have babies exposed to strong sunlight.She was exposed as a liar.她说谎的真面目被揭穿了curev.n.治愈,治好(病人或动物);治好(疾病);解决,了结(问题)治愈,疗法,措施There is still no cure for a cold.尚没有

4、治疗感冒的特效药。an effective cure for social problems.解决社会问题的有效措施The doctor cured him of his headache.cure him of his bad habitschallengen.挑战face/meet a challenge 面对/迎接挑战accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战a challenge to 对的挑战 to为介词Mike challenged me to(play)another tennis game.vt.向挑战;对质疑,对怀疑chance and challenge

5、 机遇和挑战absorbvt.吸收(液体、气体等);理解;使并入absorbinto 把吸收进;将并入absorb water/light/heat 吸收水/光/热absorb oneself in=be absorbed in 全神贯注于译:男孩全神贯注地在看书。The boy is absorbed in the book.The boy absorbs himself in the book.neither.nor.就近原则Neithernor.(既不也不)Eitheror.(或者或者)Not onlybut also(不仅而且)Notbut.(不是而是)Either Tom or yo

6、u going to do it. 或者是汤姆或者是你要做这件事。Not you but I to blame for the mistake. 不是你而是我对此错误负有责任。amareSo many thousands of terrified people died every timethere was an outbreak. conj. 连词每次见到他,我就想起发生在我们之间的事情。Every time I meet him, I always think of the things happened between us.注:immediately, directly, insta

7、ntly, the instant, the moment等与every time一样都可以用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”I went home directly I had finished work. 他一听到那则消息就立即把它告诉了我。我一干完活就回家了。Theinstantheheardthenews, hetolditto me.the first timefor the first time作连词,连接两个句子只在句子中作状语I loved this picture the first time I saw it.Ive been there for the first t

8、ime.blamevt.n.UShe doesnt blame anyone for her fathers deathThe translator was to blame for the misunderstanding.Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving.We laid the blame on the driver for the car accident. The government will have to take the blame for it.责备,谴责,把归咎于过失,责备removeReference

9、 books may not be removed from the library. He removed his hat and gloves. vt. 参考书不得带出图书馆。(拿走)remove from移动他摘下了帽子和手套。 (脱掉)这个处理方法能去除最顽固的污渍。This treatment removes the most stubborn stains. handlevt.n.If you lose your job, youll only have yourself to blame.Shes very good at handling her patients.The la

10、bel on the box said: Fragile. Handle with care .I wasnt sure if I could handle such a powerful car.(=operate)(=deal/cope with)小心搬运link A to/with Bv.linkn.For elderly people, TV is a link with the outside world. a link between A and B / with与相连;与有关Exposure to ultraviolet light(紫外线) is closely linked

11、to skin cancer. Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.have/get sth done(1)(主语)请/派别人完成某事, 完成某事(可能参与)(2)(主语)遭受某种不幸的情况I had that door painted last week.They are going to have some trees planted.I had my hat blown off.上星期我请人把那扇门做了油漆。他们打算植些树。我的帽子被(风)吹掉了。I had my leg broken when I got

12、 off the bus.下车时我的腿摔断了。have/get sth to do (1)动作由主语来完成需其用主动形式。(2)不是由主语来完成需用其被动形式。 I have some letters . 我有很多信要去写。“Do you have any clothes today?” the servant asked. 你有衣服要洗吗to writeto be washed 课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编

13、版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPThave sb doing(1) 肯定句中,让某人一直做某事I have a car waiting for me. (2) 在否定结构中,表示“不能让”,“不允许”。have sb do (1)(主语)请/派别人完成某事。可以用“make/let sb. do”结构来替换。(一次性的动作)We cant have him getting away from punishment.I had him repair my bike. (2)表

14、示主语无意识的行为,这时“have”作“有”解。 These small animals seem glad to have people visit them.课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTinstructive adj.instruct v.a most

15、 instructive experience获益良多的经历It is instructive to see how they deal with this problem.了解别人如何处理这个问题是具有启发性的。He instructed that a wall (should)be built around the city.他下令在城的周围筑一道城墙。He instructed me to handle the matter immediately.他命令我立刻处理这件事。课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 lan

16、guage points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTinstruction n.to ignore/carry out sbs instructions忽视 / 执行某人的命令Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.仔细按照包装上的说明操作。Each candidate is given instruction in safety. (U

17、.)向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTHe contributes regularly to the magazine New Scientist.他定期给新科学家杂志撰稿。contribute v.contributor n.co

18、ntribution n.Old buses are major contributors to pollution in British cities.破旧的公交车是造成英国城市污染的主要因素make contributions toWe hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.我们希望大家都能参与讨论。课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPT课件PPT部编版课件统编版部编版人教版必修五Unit1 Great Scientists Reading 1 language points(共23张ppt)课件优质课课件免费课件PPTapart from1.除之外(别无)except I like all sports apart from football.除足球外,我喜欢所有的运动。2.除之外(


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