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1、Unit5 First aidLanguage pointsVocabulary一Please translate the Chinese into English.毒药,使中毒(n./v.)_ 2. (使)膨胀,隆起 _榨,挤,压榨_ 4. 倒,灌,注,涌_5. 治疗,对待,款待_ 6. 涂,敷,应用,申请_7. (对伤患者的)急救_ 8. 生病_9. 触电,电休克_ 10. 榨出,挤出_11. 反复,多次_ 12. 在适当的位置,适当_13. 若干,许多_ 14. 找到_15. 区别对待,有影响,起作用_poisonswellsqueezepourtreatapplyfirst aidfa

2、ll illelectric shocksqueeze outover and over againin placea number ofput ones hands onmake a difference二、word formationinjure(v.)_ (adj.) _(n.)2. poison(n./v.) _(adj.)3. vary (v.)_(adj.各种各样的) _(n.)4. bear (v.)_(adj.可忍受的) _(adj.难以忍受的)5. tight(adj.) _(adv.) 6. firm (adj.) _(adv.)7. brave (adj.) _(n.)

3、8. treat (v.) _(n.)9. apply(v.)_(n.申请人) _(n.申请)10. press (v.)_(n.)11. bleed(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(n.) _(adj.)injuredinjurypoisonousvariousvarietybearableunbearabletightlyfirmlybraverytreatmentapplicantapplicationpressurebled- bledbloodbloody三、认词辨义1. temporary ( ) 2.ankle ( ) 3.barrier( ) 4.essential ( ) 5

4、.cupboard ( )6. complex ( ) 7.radiation( )8.mildly( ) 9. stove( ) 10.liquid( )A. 辐射 B. 屏障,障碍物 C. 脚踝 D. 炉子 E. 液体 F轻微地 G. 复杂的 H. 暂时的,临时的 I. 最重要的 J.橱柜,衣柜HCBIJGAFDE1.basin( ) 2. bandage( ) 3. symptom( ) 4.kettle( ) 5.damp( )6.sleeve( ) 7.throat ( ) 8. ceremony( )9. ambulance( ) 10.firm( )A. 喉咙 B. 症状,征兆

5、C. 救护车 D. 潮湿的 E. 壶,灌F. 袖子 G. 绷带 H. 盆,盆地 I. 稳定的,坚定的 J. 典礼,仪式 HGBEDFAJCI1. fall ill生病,从没病到有病的短暂动作1)A few aches are nothing, but if you go on sleeping youll really _. 2) He _ for a long time, so he cant take part in the examination. A. fall ill B. have fallen illC. is ill D. has been illAD be ill生病,处于有

6、病中的状态2. injury _(v.)_(adj.) Many people got _ in the accident. After the accident, all _ were sent to the nearby hospital. It did an _ to Toms legs and arms. That is to say, he suffered serious _ to the legs and arms.injuredthe injuredinjuryinjuriesinjureinjured辨析:wound; injure; hurt; harm1.This _ s

7、oldier was unconscious from his loss of blood. 2.He was deeply _ by her dishonesty.3.I _ my back lifting that box.4.In the traffic accident ten were killed and eight were_.5.Smoking does _ to your health.woundedhurthurtinjuredharm wound:战斗中刀、枪的伤 injure:平时的大、小伤害,也可以用于无生命的东西。 hurt:尤指精神上的伤害、肉体上的伤痛。 har

8、m:指精神和肉体的极大伤害,可用于生物或抽象事物。 3.variety _(v.)_ (adj.)1. A variety of books _(publish). 2.The variety of goods in this shop _ (be) rich. 3.There are _ colors to choose from.4.Your age _ from 15 to 18.a variety of:各种各样的 the variety of : 的种类 vary fromto: 由到情况不等 vary with: 随变化 variousvarieshave beenispublis

9、hed变化,多样化varyvarious4. affect vt. 影响,感染 effect n. 结果,后果,效应have an (good/bad) effect on 对.有影响1.Their opinions will not _ my decision.2.Did the medicine have any bad _?3.Children are easily _ by surroundings. Good surroundings will have a good _ on them.A. effected, affect B. affected, effect c. affec

10、t, effect D. effect, affectaffecteffectB一些人被胜利冲昏头脑。 Some people_. 5. swell _(过去式) _(过去分词)Vi&vt. (使)膨胀;隆起swelledswollenwere swollen by victory6.squeezevt&vi 榨,挤,压榨(1)She squeezed some juice _ from a lemon. (2)The car was full, but I managed to squeeze _ .outin 7. in place 反义:(1)_ (你最好把东西放回适当的地方).Othe

11、rwise, it will be difficult to find things.(2)The arrangements for the concert next Saturday _ (全都准备妥当).(3)他那番坦白话实在不适合在宴会里说。 His frank statements were really _. 在适当的地方out of placeout of placetake place: take the place of 发生代替Youd better put things back in placeare all in place8. vital翻译: 养成一个好的学习习惯是

12、非常重要的。(多种翻译)(1)_ keep a good habit of studying.(2)_ a good habit of study.(3)Keeping a good habit of study _.至关重要的,生死攸关的Its vital that we should Its vital to keep is of vital importance to us9. pourVt&vi. 倒,灌,注她经常向朋友们倾诉自己的苦.the pouring rain She often pours her troubles to friends.倾盆大雨bleedbled/bledb

13、lood/bloody对那些不幸的穷孩子我心里感到很难过。 My heart bleeds for those unfortunate poor children.1)He gave his blood to help his sister because of her losing blood too much. 2)It was a bloody battle.3)He came home with a bloody nose. n.血adj. 血腥的adj.流血的填入适当的词Every year there will be a variety of electronic(电子的) products on show in the area. In order to attract _ (variety) groups of customers, the variety of the products _ _ (change) from time to time. Their prices also _ (variety) from hundreds to thousands _ d


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