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1、Comic “rip & Weicoine Io (he uiiil 一、根提句意及汉语提示完成的词.I .Cnukl you tell me About your hnmetawn in different(时代)?.He asked about our health(无论何时)be niet me.That boy gcy(头M).二、阳括号中所给堆词的适当形式墙空.This is my(one) time to 8nle to Nnnjing.hi should buy a new pair of Gia f up six tonwtmw morning.4.How many place

2、) of iMcrest in Nanjing hove you been to?5.1 would never forget those I moment).次效tlffi等第19.5Rtadinxil)一、短语互降L答加选拔 2.从那时&3.更加努力地训统 4.成功地做茶事5.losc heart 6.bxausc of7,go on to do Mh 8-docidc (o do sth 二、用括号中所窗的词适当形式填仝.l.lbm is much(snialbihan the w many(point) did you get in the niatch?.Hw can I draw

3、Toms(ancnion)to his Mudy?.Qian Xuucn had lots of(achieve) during his lifeline.三、他据句格及汉语提示完成叽I .Hi% father is lite(领导 ) of ihtr company.Do you know how many(大学)there arc in( Nanjing?.Hk brother(筒 ft) hns no imcrv5t in music.Are there any(国亲的)parks in China?.1 believe we will成功)in the near future.次数日朋

4、的就29.6Comic 乂rip & Welcome to the unit 一.根据句危及汉语耍示完成单词。I .Could yixi tell me abcxit your hometown in different(时代)?.He kel atxui our health(无论何时)lie met me.Thai boy got the job(以免借)his uncle in the company.We enn find n great(很多)of infomiacion on the Internet.1 have sunKlhing un my(头前X二,用括号中所给小w的适当彩

5、式埴空.I.This is my(one) lime (o come(o Nanjing. Ybu ibould buy a new pair af shoes for(you).Please wake(I) up al mx loinorrou morning. How many(place) of intcrcM in Nanjing have you been to?5.1 would never forget those(fnexnent).次数H期等第19.5Reading h一.短语互评I.Ol选拔 2 .从那时起3.史加努力加训练 4.成功地做柒事5. lose heart 6,

6、because of7.jo on(o sth 8,dcckk to do Mh 二、用拈号中所给单词近当形代填空.LTbm is muchnull)than (he other students in hk class.(final) bail her in the match.Hdw many(poinl) did xxmi gel in the mulch?.How can I draw Totns(aiicn(ion) to h 丸udy?.QUn Xuesen had kxs of(ochicvcj during his lifetime.三、界枢旬立及很出提示完成单词.Hi* ti

7、lber n the(帙号)ut lle company.Do you know how many(大学) ihcrc arc im Nanjing?.Hw brother(简 ft) has no intcrcM in music,.Are there any(Ifl家的)parks in ChinT?次政H期等第29.6Read*nc(2i一、短i5互译L被迫做某2注强觉察3 通过辛苦的工作 4.放弃5.onc proudest moment 6$edue from7.al dial lime8Jiave many greal aehievcmeolx四.用所给调的正彩式填空.Hcs al

8、ways been u fbllowcr ruihcr than a.N for an kuf every day.Millic would rather go(joj) (han ride a bike.?iwly nften joe% co Ihe Radi” Club ai *nocd D. slopped ()2.you have pmbkmx. yu urn call me.A.Whaiever B.UrMil C. Whenever D.WTitleKcadingl2次数liffj等就49.8一、福语互降1.技迎做菜2.注意,觉察3.通过辛苦的工作 4.放齐5.one*s prou

9、dest momcni 6.gcaduutc from74il that lime8.havc many great dchievemcncs四、用所给词的正确形式填空.I .Hc,s always been a follower ratber than a(lead).2 Nothing can nuke them chungc their I mind).3.1 felt a grciil cnx nf(achi-) when I reached the u)p of the mnunUin.4.1 bought the house(simple) became i(环第 large.5.

10、Ydu have to work evenhard)(0 gd ahead.6.1he (winv arc unequal in(high).次如LI期等第39.7Grammar一、危语互译.l.修刽粒痰力竭 2.回到中恒3 .训嫌打SK球 4.准条上床暖tt5.做许多第鲁工作 6.go jogging7.lake part in 8.ai any time9.conw btack from wo2.you have problemK you can call me.A.WTialcvCT B.Until C. WTienewD.While第4 交.共8页Integrated skilb一、基

11、配词汇过关I.熔发3.人类的精神的胜利5.死干疾病7. Mirvive (he war二,完成句子.I .展争可能墀发的消,以传来了.2.慈个时代的记录4、般酸起来6.写下他的.梃法8. admire .for (heircourage.Word comes (hat war is likely(o. 工生活在战争中的那”孩子不能裾像我们一样享受幸如生活. The children tn the war cant a happy life wc do.观光名就窈北京的美丽,VUitcini Beijing ilx beauty.你H好修一下你的破口行车.太危险了!Ybu had belter

12、your broken bkyclc and it,s too dangerous.5.2008年她的很多余就死于地震,Many other rehlivesthe earthquake in 2(M)8.次敏H用等第59.9Intn*rtcd xkilk&Study vkillxi、根据句京利中文提示写出审词.Wcn be was al junior.hc broke (he(记3#)of the 100-mdrc dash.People in the cily held a great puny lo celebrate their(胜利).The book ii mainly cm th

13、e scknlilic 思想)in the 19* cenlury.(don,t think 1 have the(明气 io cell him the bad news.(层we live in peace, some children in ocher pans of the world still live in fear of their live、二、阳所治埴词的适当影式埴空.1,Those fbccigncrs are(Germany).Havc you lud ynur bicycle(repair)?. Ttie book(wiite by Lu Xun. in 1927.4.

14、ln the diary .wc can write down our(think).fcclinjs.lKpcs and so on.次攻I1KJ等第69.10Intcurated Uulk一、基德词汇过关h爆发3、人类的精神的触利5、死于疾磷survive the war二、完成旬子.战争可能爆发的消息传来了.一、基德词汇过关h爆发3、人类的精神的触利5、死于疾磷survive the war二、完成旬子.战争可能爆发的消息传来了.2、那个时代的记录4、躲微出来6,写下他的如法admire. ,.fot their courageWord comes that war k likely t

15、o.生活在横争中的那些核子不能够像我*1 一样享受木福生活.The chiltfaen in die war cant a h3Ppy lifewe .观光看炕赏北京的关Hh Visiwrs Beijing its beamy.4你最好修一下你的破仃行车,太电1险了 ! You had belter your broken bicycleand is too dangerous.2008加地的极多亲戚死于地表,Many of her rclutivcsthe earthquake in 2(X18.次数U期瞥第59.9Intreratnl skills&Sludy sMIk一.根捺句意和中文提

16、示写出单词When he was at junior.be broke ih(记录N (be lOO-incirc dash.People in the ciy held a great party co cclcbraie (heir(胜利,The bewk ix mainly on Ibe wiemiGe (思也!in ihe 1州 ynlury.I don*t think I have the 再气“o tell him the bad news.(m we live in poicc. some children in other pans of the world Mill live

17、 in feur of their lives.二、用所绘雌词的适当形式地窑.I .Those fbreigneni urc(Gemuny).Have you had your bicycle(repair)?. The book(wri【e) by Lu Xun. in 127.4.ln the diary .we can uritc down our how hard the job K until you do it yourielf.Mr Li is alwa),s(kind lu uthet than himself.次出79.11根那么汉语总叫完成句子.他妈妈三十多岁。His nx

18、Mhcr is,.我爸爸是对我影N最大的人.My father is.四百元钱足修买这倚白行不了.Kcur hundred yuan isIhix bike &小时帔.我不能够戌解我父以为什么对我如此严格.When I was young.l mc.年个人都应该娟有一强充满爱的心.Everybody %!iuuld.次效H用国第89.12第7页,共8级一、短语互降.I.在某人五十多岁的时快 2.把描然出.乐惠跖助某人 4.carefor.can*( afford io 6,to ones surprise.3m to be kinder(0 others g.have n heart full of lo*c二、用所绐柒词的理当形K项空.LThai was anusual) day.l will never forget iL.My fuihcr is the person who linnucnce) me moM,.-HOU long you(work) in the factory?-About 12 yean.Ybu(ikk find) how han! the


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