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1、Module 6 PetsUnit 11 Theyre lovelyPeriod 1课堂导入你能在图中看见哪几种小动物呢?牛马鸡兔子猪鸭狗猫鸭子例句:There are four ducks. 有四只鸭子。单元新词duck单元新词fish鱼例句:The fish are pretty. 这些鱼很漂亮。单元新词monkey猴子例句:Its a clever monkey. 它是一只聪明的小猴子。单元新词bird鸟例句:Its a blue bird. 这是只蓝色的鸟。单元新词chicken鸡例句:The chicken is eating lunch. 这只鸡正在吃午餐。单元新词buy买例句:M

2、um is buying fruit. 妈妈正在买水果。单元新词shop商店例句:Lily is buying a dress in the shop. 莉莉正在商店买裙子。单元新词over在的上方例句:A light is over the table. 桌子上方有一盏灯。单元新词over there在那边例句:Two birds are over there. 那边有两只鸟。单元新词those那些例句:Those are my books. 那些是我的书。单元新词has有(have的单数第三人称形式)例句:He has a brown dog. 他有一只棕色的狗。猜一猜方块后面藏着什么小动

3、物。3单词巩固1245678Are there any cats in your shop?No, there arent. But we have many dogs.Yes.Those ducks are lovely. My cousin has one. Let me buy one,too.Look,Janet. There are some little ducks over there.dogsmonkeyfishbirdsduckschickensrabbitsGreat!Lets talk Are there any cats in your shop? 你商店里有猫吗? N

4、o, there arent.不,没有 。 句型“Are there.?”用来提问有没有某物。肯定回答用“Yes,there are.”,否定回答用“No,there arent.”。例:Are there any fruit on the table? 桌子上有水果吗? Yes,there are.是的,有。知识讲解1 some 与any some与any都是表示一些,但两者用法又有所不同: (1)some用于肯定句,any用于否定和疑问句;(2)表示建议、反问、请求的疑问句用some,不用any。例:(1)I have some books. 我有一些书。 some用于肯定句 知识讲解2(

5、2) I dont have any books. 我没有书。 any 用于否定句(3)Do you have any books? 你有书吗? any用于疑问句(4)May I have some grapes?我能吃一些葡萄吗? 表示建议、反问、请求的疑问句用some,不用any知识讲解随堂练习1. A. fish B. bird C. pet D. dog2. A. sister B. uncle C. duck D.grandmother3. A. baby B. funny C. lovely D. heavy4. A. over B. where C. on D. beside5.

6、 A. there B.some C.any D.many圈出每组单词中不同类的词。随堂练习选词填空。1. A: Are there any ducks over there? B: Yes, _(they are, there are, there arent).2. A: Are there _(any, some, a)monkeys in the zoo(动物园)? B: Yes. There are _(any, some, a)cute monkeys in the zoo.3. A: Are there any apples in the bag? B: No, there_(a

7、re, arent, is).there areanysomearentLets talkAre there any cats in your shop?No, there arent. But we have many dogs.Yes.Those ducks are lovely. My cousin has one. Let me buy one,too.Look,Janet. There are some little ducks over there.dogsmonkeyfishbirdsduckschickensrabbitsGreat!课文回顾Janet: _ any cats

8、in your shop?Saleswoman:No, _. But we have many dogs. Xiaoling: Look,Janet. There are some little ducks _.Janet: Yes._ ducks are lovely. My cousin_one. Let me buy one,too.Xiaoling: _! Are therethere arentover there Those hasGreat 本课需要掌握的单词(短语): any shop arent duck over over there those has buy fish monke


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