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1、高中英语词汇量测试复制来测一测你的词汇量水平吧本次测试题目共60道,共分为三种难度:初级30题、中级20题、高级10题,分别对应1、2、3分。题型分三种:英选中,中选英,填空基本信息:矩阵文本题 *暑假后年级:_学校所在省:_您的选科: 单选题 *文理不分文理1. Applaud 单选题 *喝彩,鼓掌(正确答案)延迟预定,预约2. Crisis 单选题 *危机(正确答案)信用脆的3. Moral 单选题 *道德,道德的(正确答案)永生的凡人4. Addict 单选题 *使上瘾;入迷的人(正确答案)游戏英雄5. Adjust 单选题 *调整;适应(正确答案)公正偏好6. Absorb 单选题 *

2、吸收;理解(正确答案)超常海绵7. Appreciate 单选题 *欣赏;感激;增值(正确答案)邀请铭记8. Assign 单选题 *分配;指派(正确答案)设计呼叫9. Advanced 单选题 *先进的;高级的(正确答案)智能的坚决的10. Declare 单选题 *宣布;声明(正确答案)清楚使不明确11. Circumstance 单选题 *环境;状况;境遇(正确答案)偶然;巧合条件;背景12. Diligent 单选题 *勤勉的(正确答案)智能的开化的13. Instinct 单选题 *本能;直觉(正确答案)立即;立刻连贯;连续14. Caution 单选题 *谨慎;警告(正确答案)耐心

3、;细致通知;公告15. Harmonious 单选题 *和谐的(正确答案)环保的谦虚的16. Adapt 单选题 *(使)适应;改编(正确答案)容纳演算17. Domestic 单选题 *国内的;家庭的;驯养的(正确答案)集成的;加工虚构的,虚拟的18. Frustrate 单选题 *挫败;使灰心(正确答案)复杂的使惊奇19. Conquer 单选题 *战胜;征服(正确答案)占领,占据确认,确信20. Contemporary 单选题 *当代的(正确答案)临时的流行的21. Occasional 单选题 *偶然的(正确答案)坚定的特定的22. Gracious 单选题 *亲切的;雅致的(正确答

4、案)谨慎的,小心的细致的,仔细的23. Ignorant 单选题 *无知的,愚昧的(正确答案)敏捷的,快速的令人满意的24. Inevitable 单选题 *必然的,不可避免的(正确答案)缺乏营养的不可获得的25. Liberate 单选题 *解放,释放(正确答案)自由的文学26. Calamity 单选题 *灾难(正确答案)冷静气候27. Leverage 单选题 *手段;影响力(正确答案)工具;扳手地平线28. Implicity 单选题 *含蓄;隐晦(正确答案)实施,执行简化29. 可获得的;有空的 单选题 *available(正确答案)affordableamendable30. 吸

5、引;呼吁;上诉 单选题 *appeal(正确答案)accuseapply31. 人造的 单选题 *artificial(正确答案)fakecosmetic32. 分支,分部;树枝 单选题 *branch(正确答案)brunchbrochure33. 诊所,医务室 单选题 *clinic(正确答案)emergency roomhospital34. 结果 单选题 *consequence(正确答案)coincidenceacceptance35. 承认;坦白;忏悔 单选题 *confess(正确答案)confirmconcentrate36. 信用;学分 单选题 *credit(正确答案)deb

6、tvisa37. 精通;大师;硕士 单选题 *master(正确答案)acquiredominance38. 职业;占有;消遣 单选题 *occupation(正确答案)recreationprofession39. 理想的 单选题 *ideal(正确答案)idolidle40. 免疫的 单选题 *immune(正确答案)vaccineresistance41. 典型的,代表 单选题 *representative(正确答案)delegatededicate42. 商业的;商业广告 单选题 *commercial(正确答案)financialprofessional43. 遗弃;逃走;沙漠 单

7、选题 *desert(正确答案)dessertdeserve44. 边缘;利润 单选题 *margin(正确答案)profitedge45. 客观的;目标,目的 单选题 *objective(正确答案)subjectiveexternal46. 模糊的;晕倒 单选题 *faint(正确答案)blurpaint47. 击打;罢工 单选题 *strike(正确答案)strakestroke48. 分别的,各自的 单选题 *respective(正确答案)respectfulrespectable49. 见多识广的,消息灵通的;明智的 单选题 *informed(正确答案)sophisticated

8、delicate50. 前途;预期;勘探 单选题 *prospect(正确答案)promisepropose51. The injured in the valley were not _ to the rescue team as a result of the landside. 单选题 *accessible(正确答案)addictedabsorbedadjusted52. To the amazment of London citizens and tourists, cable car provides them with a (an) _ means of transport ac

9、ross the River Thames. 单选题 *alternative(正确答案)aggressivemaliciousmisleading53. Youd better _ these patients from other people in the neighborhood to aviod infection. 单选题 *isolate(正确答案)insolateillustrateexpose54. Dr. Subroto questioned the scientific _ on which the global warming theory is based. 单选题

10、*assumption(正确答案)contributionaffectionassignment55. At first we were good friends, but when he found that I _ him. He did not say a word to me any longer. 单选题 *deceived(正确答案)decorateddelivereddevoted56. When you are scanning such a long passage, remember not to be distracted by the _ information. 单选

11、题 *irrelevant(正确答案)interactiveenlighteningobedient57. The officer ordered Ms soldiers to _ fire as soon as he recognized the opponents. 单选题 *cease(正确答案)catchchasecause58. The professor required his assistant to make a (an) _ of the paper in English. 单选题 *abstract(正确答案)brochureplagiarismmetaphor59. After the earthquake, the government tried to supply the victims with food and clothes, but it was still _ for them. 单选题


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