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1、 成都外国语学校 英语 学科教学设计 姓名_周霜_ 教学基本信息课题名称Descriptive Writing授课时间40分钟教师姓名周霜学生年级高一课时1课型课题课例是否实施是一、教学分析设计教材分析 本节课选用的教材是外研社出版的悦读联播分级群文阅读(高一)。本单元的主题是“地标”(landmarks),涉及三个阅读语篇,分别名为小测验:美国的地标、埃菲尔铁塔奇遇记和再不去看就要消失的地方;单元最后提供了写作练习,即运用直接引语为陌生人指路。 本单元第一个语篇是关于美国景点的小测试,由一个介绍段和6个选择题构成。选择题分别涉及美国的六个景点的背景知识,难度较大。第二个语篇是关于两个女生去埃

2、菲尔铁塔游玩的故事,包含对铁塔和游览过程的描述。第三个语篇描述了世界上即将消失的六个著名景点,文章结构完整,具有明显的描述文特征。学情分析 授课对象为成都外国语学校高一5B班的学生32人。该班学生属于理科实验班,英语基础较好,能用英语提取、处理表层信息,表达自己的观点,同时也能使用英语进行文本分析和评价。但其迁移英语并运用到实际生活中的能力还比较弱。本节课将该单元作为群文阅读语篇进行描述文教学。学生之前的学习中接触过描述文,但未在考试中进行过描述文写作,对于描述文的结构、常用语和写作步骤缺乏系统的学习,针对该体裁的写作掌握程度较低。学生不具备独立写作高质量描述文的能力。设计思想分级群文阅读模式

3、;互动模式下的语篇分析与阅读(What/ Why/ How)- 描述文的主题、文体、结构、语言;Anderson和Krathwohl 的认知模式,即记忆、理解、运用、分析、评价、创造; 新课标指导下的英语教学活动观,以学生为中学的课堂教学。新课标(2023)提出学习理解类活动,主要包括感知与注意、获取与梳理、概括与整合等。教学方法Fast reading; Detailed reading; Discussion; Comparison; Application; Ideas-sharing; Descriptive writing;教学目标 经过本课的学习,学生能够:通过阅读、分析与讨论,总

4、结出描述文的写作目的、文体结构、段落组成以及常用时态和语言;通过小组讨论,确定写作目的并分享景点背景资料;在课后基于本节课内容,改写单元第一篇文章,由小组完成一篇描述文的写作;学生从宏观上掌握描述类文章。教学重点描述文的文体特征和常用表达;描述文的写作目的;描述地点的内容要点。教学难点学生能否顺利通过比较的方法总结归纳出相同和不同体裁文章的异同点;学生能否顺利产出完整的地点描述文章。教学实施设计教学环节设计教学环节 学生活动 教师活动设计意图lead in activitiesStudents read passage A andB before class.Ss finish the wor

5、k list before class by surfing information about US landmarks.Ss learn new words on their own and find out the writing style of passage B.Teacher introduces the letter of introduction to Ss. T asks Ss how to describe a place and what aspects should be covered. t因为课堂时间有限,而群文阅读需要学生大量接触同类互异文本,所以,部分阅读只能

6、在课前进行。给学生提供学习动机,即地点描述。Review of textbook passageSs talk about the descriptive contents learned in the former passages from textbookTeacher leads all the Ss to review the contents of mysterious stones.T leads Ss to the topic of today - landmarks.联系教材知识。激活学生已学相关知识。引入话题。Fast reading - Passage CSs predi

7、ct the common points of all the landmarks.Ss read passage C as quickly as the can and find out differentLandmarks in each paragraph.Ss divide passage C into three parts.Ss judge the writing type of passage C.Teacher shows pictures of all the landmarks.T assigns tasks of fast reading and provides a c

8、hart of landmarks for Ss to fill in.T asks questions about the structure and writing type of passage C.学生通过图片预测语篇内容。学生快速阅读语篇,核查预测结果,整体感知语篇结构和文体。培养学生的分类能力。Jigsaw reading - Passage CEach group of students read one paragraph and summarize the descriptive aspects. Then share with group members.Teacher l

9、eads Ss to summarize the contents of descriptive writing.学生借助旧的知识去总结新语篇的内容要点,内化描写方面。培养学生的分析能力。Writing purposeSs analyze other contents in main parts.Ss find out the writing purpose of descriptive essay.Teacher leads Ss to infer the meaning of a descriptive writing from title,main parts and last para

10、graph.写作目的及价值观的引领,即写有所用,呼吁环境保护。Comparis-on between passage B & CSs recall the writing type of passage B.Ss find out similarities of passage B & C.Teacher leads Ss to analyze the similarities and differences between passage B and C in tense/ language/ type.培养学生的比较能力。学生学习和判断语篇的时态,语言和文体。SummarySs use o

11、wn words to express the definition of descriptive writing.Ss go through all the important parts of the description of a place.Teacher asks a question: What is descriptive writing?T summarizes how to describe a place.通过总结描写文的定义,培养学生的概括能力。教师在产出活动前,梳理描述文知识点,搭建脚手架。Output activitySs share your notes from

12、 Internet about US landmarks with group members,Ss rewrite passage A into a descriptive one with a group.Ss discuss the purpose of their descriptive writing.Teacher assigns three tasks as homework.因群文阅读课课型时间的限制,产出活动置于课后。培养学生收集资料和迁移创新的能力。为学生提供真实写作任务。Evaluatio-nSs write their own work.Ss check each ot

13、her groups work according to the assessment.Ss revise their work.Teacher introduces the writing process and the assessment.Teacher correct the final version of Ss work carefully.完整的写作过程由写作、修改、再写作构成,一步一步指导学生掌握写好作文的步骤。通过同伴互评,学生内化写作评价标准。作业设计分享网络查询的景点资料和数据;课后小组完成一篇地点描述文写作,同伴互评,小组修改,教师评阅。板书设计Part 1: para

14、graph 1Part 2: paragraph 2-7Part 3: paragraph 8Contents:Location/ history/ traffic/ feature 教学流程图Fast-reading: read passage Clearn the structure and writing typeJigsaw reading: Ss analyze the contents of descriptionWriting purpose & meaningComparison between Passage B and CTalk about tense/ language/ type.taSummary of the definition and contents of descriptive writingEvaluation & Revis


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