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unit 1《friends》知识讲解(牛津英语八年级上)doc-初中英语_第5页
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1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数PAGE 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数牛津英语8AUnit 1 知识讲解(2)重点讲解His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks. 他的双腿很长,放在桌子底下不舒服. fit动词,过去式和过去分词要双写t加ed,现在分词也要双写t加ing. a作不及物动词,意为“合适”“合身”。如: Your clothes 6t well你的衣服很合身。 The door fits badly这个门装得不合适。 They dont 6t together它

2、们配不起来。 b作及物动词,意为“适合”“装上”。如: The coat doesnt fit me这件大衣我穿不合身。 The suit fitted her nicely.这身衣服以前很合她的身。 The key doesnt fit the lock这钥匙不配这把锁。 They fitted the doors with a lock他们在门上装上了锁。2. he often knocks over our books and pens.常常把我们的书和钢笔撞落下去knock over意为“撞翻”“碰翻”,over用作副词。如: Who knocked that bottle over?

3、 谁把瓶子撞翻了? He knocked over a cup of tea他碰翻一杯茶. Who knocked it over? 谁把它撞倒了? 注knock over常指“使往前倒”或“绊倒”之意。Knock down可指“打倒”“撞倒”“击落”“拆除”等。如: I almost knocked him down 我差一点把他撞倒。 They knocked down an enemy plane 他们击落一架敌机。 These old buildings will sooner u later be knocked down 这些旧房子迟早得拆掉。Knock (up) against

4、碰撞 同冲突3. I thought of my great friend May when I read your advertisement. 读了你们的广告后我想到了我的好朋友梅。 think of athink of意为“想到”。如: We often think of you我们常常想到你。 This made us think of our days at school这使我们想起求学的日子o He thinks of others more than himself他想到别人多于自己。 We have to think of away to help him 我们得想个办法帮助他

5、。 b与what连用,意为“对的看法如何”。如: What do you think of the film? 你觉得这电影怎么样? What did you think of his talk yesterday? 你觉得他昨天的报告怎么样? 4. When something worries me, I can always go to her.当有什么事令我担忧时,我总是能向她求助。go to her 向她求助5. say a bad word about sb意为“讲某人的坏话”=speak ill of sb如: He is an man who never says a bad w

6、ord about anyone 他是一个从不说任何人坏话的人。 It is impolite to say a bad word about someone behind him 在别人背后讲别人的坏话是不礼貌的。 注say a good word about sb意为“讲某人的好话”;=speak well of sb 如: He often says a good word about you before me 他经常在我面前讲你的好话。 注 此短语中word一般不用复数。6. Help him fill in the blanks此句中的fill in意为“填写”“填上”。如: Fi

7、ll in your name, please请填上你的名字。 Please fill in this form请你把这份表填一下。 Letfill in the hole in the wall咱们把墙上这个洞堵上。注fill inwith用“填”。如: Fill in the blanks with suitable words用适当的词填空。7. Mr Zhou dropped got mixed up此句中的get mixed叩属系动词加表语结构。其中get可换be或become,意为“弄糊涂了”“搞乱”“卷入” “和搅在一起”。如: Im a11 mixed up我完全给弄糊涂了。

8、His ideas are all mixed up你的想法全乱了。 Im getting mixed up in my old age我有点儿老糊涂了。 How did you become mixed up in such affairs 你怎么会卷入,这种事情中去的呢? They advised me not to get mixed up with such people 他们建议我不要和这种人搞在一起。8. What are they saying ? say作及物动词。试比较:say,tell,talk,speak。 atell及物动词,通常用tell sbsth(双宾语),除开一

9、些名词(a lie,story,the truth)之外. He told me the good news他告诉我那个好消息。 They told us useful information他们告诉我们有用的信息。 bsay作及物动词。通常接一个宾语。 Please say it in English请用英语说。 He didnt say who told it to him 他没说谁告诉他此事的。 ctalk不及物动词,后接about,意为“谈论有关”。towith sb意为“与某人交谈”。如: He talked with me about his studies 他和我谈了他的学习情况

10、。 What are you talking about? 你们在谈什么? dspeak通常作不可数名词(当表示讲语言时可作及物动词,后接语言作speak的宾语。) He was too excited to speak.他激动得说不出话来。 Whom are you speaking to? 你在和谁说话? Can you speak English7你会讲英语鸭?(及物动词) 注speak to sb=talk to sb , speak about=talk about。9. Vote for the best friend其中vote for意为“投票”“投票赞成”。反义词为vote

11、against。如: I1l vote foragainst you我投票选你不选你。We vote for /against your plan .我们投票赞成/反对你的计划。I have reached the age to vote .我已到了法定选举年龄。10. Can l have something to drink ? something,anything,nothing,everything是不定代词 a作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如: Something has gone wrong with my watch 我的表坏了。 Nothing was left after th

12、e fire 火灾之后什么也没留下。 Everything is ready 一切准备就绪。 bsomething用于肯定句,用于表示“请求”“邀请”或“建议”的问句。 如: He has something to tell you 他有事想告诉你。 Can you give me something to eat9 给点东西我吃,好吗? Why not have something to drink? 为什么不喝点什么? canything用于否定勺或问句或whether,if引导的从句中。如: I didnt have anything to eat yesterday 昨天我没吃任何东西

13、。 Do you have anything to tell me? 你有事要告诉我吗? We cant do anything about让对此事我们无能为力。 He asked if there was anything wrong with the radio他问收音机有没有出毛病。 注 notanything:nothing almost nothing:hardly anything We didnt have anything to eat=We had nothing to eat我们没有吃的东西了。 He ate almost nothing. =He hardly ate a

14、nything. 他几乎什么也没吃。 danything作主语时谓语一般用肯定式。如: I am very hungryAnything will do 我很饿,任何充饥都可以。 everything与否定词连用时,意为“并非一切都”,表示部分否定。如: Everything that glitters is not gold发光的并非都是金子。11.What about some milk?(=Would you like some milk?)表示邀请、建议或询问对方的意见。其中What可用How代替。如: What about something to drink? 喝点东西怎么样? W

15、hat about going shopping? 去购物怎样? What about the pizza in your bowl ? Maybe we can share讧 你碗里的比萨饼怎么样?也许我们可以分享。 How about a party for your birthday? 给你的生日办个宴会怎样? 注about是介词后接名词、代词的宾格,动词的ing形式或代词的宾格加ing形式。如: What about us going to see a film? 我们去看电影好吗?12.Can l have some more food,too ?此句中的some more food

16、意为“再来一些食物”,其中some作副词,修饰more表示数量或程度,在比较级前面可加一些数量词来表示超过或少于的数量或程度。如:a little more a few moresome more some moremuch more +不可数名词 many more any more(否定句/问句) any more (否定句/问句) +可数名词复数no more no more 基数词+moreI have much more milk than he. 我的牛奶比他的牛奶多得多。He has many more friends than I 他的朋友比我的朋友多得多。She has no

17、 more money than you 她和你一样没钱。 My brother has two more books than I 我哥哥比我多两本书。There is nothing else in the fridge.此句中的else可用在不定代词后疑问句后面,意为“别的”“其它的”。如:Does anyone else want to SO there? 还有别的人想去那儿吗?I have nothing else to do now现在我没别的事要做。What else do you want? 你还要些什么?Is there anything else I Can do for

18、you? 还有别的事我可以为你效劳的吗?13. Qualities of a good friend其中quality可作不可数名词和可数名词,意为“品质”或“质量”。指人的品质时是可数名词,通常用复数;指物的质量时,通常作不可数名词。如: He is a man with many good qualities 他是一个有许多美德的人。 These goods are of high quality. 这些货物质量很高。 One of his good qualities is working hard 他的一个好品质是勤劳。 We should keep the fine qualitie

19、s Of the working people 我们应该保持劳动人民的优良品质。 注 作定语时不用复数。如: Poor quality goods wont sell easily 劣质品不易销售。14.friendly是由名词friend加后缀-ly构成的形容词,又如lovely可爱的, brotherly兄弟般的,motherly母亲般的。形容词作定语、表语。如: He gave me a friendly smile 他给了我一个友好的微笑。 She is friendly to others 她对人很友好。 What a lovely day it is today! 今天天气真好!

20、politely是形容词polite加1y构成副词。如clearly清楚地,secretly秘密地,honestly诚实地。副词作状语,修饰谓语动词。如: We should speak politely to old people对长者我们说话要礼貌。 He came into the room secretly 他悄悄地进入房间。 Could you explain it clearly ? 你能把它解释清楚吗?15.good-looking属复合形容词,由形容词加现在分词构成。类似的还有 nice-looking好看的,bad-looking难看的,strange-looking样子古怪

21、的,ordinary-looking相貌平常的。 She is a good-looking 8id=She is a girl who looks good 她是一个好看的女孩。 Our English teacher is an ordinary-looking man =Our English teacher is a man who looks ordinary. 我们的英语老师是一个相貌一般的人。 He lives in a strange-looking house =He lives in a house which looks strange 他住在一所样子古怪的房子里。 注

22、复合形容词一般放在名词前作定语。15. 形容词一般由名词加一些后缀构成。后缀有: 加y windy刮风的,cloudy多云的,snowy下雪的, rainy多雨的,hilly多小山的,sunny阳光灿烂的 加ful hopeful有希望的,harmful有害的,helpful有帮助的, careful小心的 加less homeless无家可归的,hopeless无希望的, helpless无依无靠的,careless粗心的 加al musical音乐的,physical物理的 加ous famous有名的,poisonous有毒的 加ableible comfortable舒服的,unfor

23、gettable难忘的, terrible可怕的 加ly lovely可爱的,friendly友好的,orderly有秩序的 加some troublesome讨厌的,tiresome令人厌倦的 注 动词后+ ive或ative构成形容词 talkative健谈的 protective保护的 attentive认真的 active活跃的16. Daniel wants to describeClub其中的describe sthto sb意为“向某人描述某物”,describeas意为“把说成”。如: I cant describe my joy to you with words 我无法用言

24、语向你描述我的快乐。 Can you describe it to me? 你能把它描述给我听吗? He describes himself as 9 doctor 他自称是医生。 People describe him as really clever 人们说他是真正的聪明。17.在英语中有些描述性形容词。如: abeautiful,pretty通常只用于修饰女性,也可修饰物。beautiful意为“美丽的”“美观的”强调天生的美。自然的美。如: a beautiful faceflowervoice美丽的面孔花朵嗓音 beautiful weathermusic悦人的天气音乐 bprett

25、y意为“可爱的精致的”“漂亮的”“吸引人的”(并非华丽),侧重经过人的加工而吸引人的精致或漂亮。如: a pretty girlgardenpicture漂亮的女郎花园图画 chandsome用于修饰男性,意为“英俊的”,用于修饰女性时意为“俊俏的”,侧重指女性的体态。也可用于修饰物。如: He is S handsome fellow他是一个英俊的男子。 Would you describe that woman as handsome Or beautiful? 你觉得那女子是体态俊俏还是美丽? What a handsome old building it is! 多么美观的一座古老的建

26、筑啊! d1ovely意为“可爱的动人的美丽的”(:beautifulpretty)“令人快乐的”。如: a lovely(=beautiful)view可爱的景色 a lovely(=pretty)woman美丽的女人 a lovely(=pleasant)holiday快乐的假期 esmart 意为“漂亮”“时髦的”“聪敏的”(=bright,well-dressed,fashionable,quick-minded) a smart(=pretty)hat漂亮的帽子 a smart(=fashionable)dress 时尚的衣服 a smart(=clever)student有头脑的学

27、生 fgood-looking意为“好看的”,通常只指人,不指物,程度上不如beautiful和pretty那么强。如: Who is that good-looking boy? 那个好看的男孩是谁? Do you know that good-looking girl? 你认识那个长得好看的女孩吗?18.outdoor 户外的 反意词为indoors“在户内”。如:outdoor sports户外运动 an outdoor theatre露天剧场an outdoor life野外生活 go outdoors for training到野外进行训练indoor gyms室内体操 indoor

28、 exercise户内锻炼keep indoors呆在家里 go indoors进屋stay outdoors on summer evenings夏日晚上呆在户外19. I try my best to help themtry ones best后接to do sth,意为“尽力做某事(但不一定成功)”,与do ones best to do和try to do同义。best作宾语看作不可数名词,不能加“s”如: I tried to pass the exam but failed 我尽力想通过考试但却失败了。 He will try his best to catch up with

29、his classmates 他将尽力赶上同班同学。 We1l do our best to complete the work in time 我们将尽最大努力按时完成工作。 They tried their best to make their mother happy. 他们尽量使他们的母亲开心。 注 在这个短语中best不能加“s”,后接to do不接doing。例如表示“我们的队员尽力想在比赛中打败他们。”20. I hope toin the future句中in the future意为“在未来”,in the past 意为“在过去”,at present意为“在现在”,它们表

30、示不同的时间故与不同的时态连用。如: He says he will be a doctor in the future 他说他将来要当医生。 He will join the army in the future 他长大后,将入伍。 My parents lived a hard life in the past 我父母过去过着一个艰苦的生活。21. What is he like?此句型用来问一个人的外表(appearance)或品质(character)。如: “What is sb like?”He is tall and thin” “他长得怎样?”“又高又瘦。” “What it

31、your sister like?”“She is beautiful and polite” “你姐姐是怎样的一个人?”“她美丽而有礼貌。” “What is your English teacher like?”He is strict with us but helpful tO us” “你们的英语老师怎样?”“他对我们要求严格但是对我们很有帮助。” 注 What is sb?意为“某人干什么工作的?”用来问职业。How is sb?意为“某人身体怎么样?”,用来问身体情况。如: “What is your father ?He is a driver” “你父亲是干什么工作的?”“是

32、司机。” “How is your mother?”“She enjoys good health” “你母亲身体如何?”“很好。”22.Whos the girl next to Peter?中的next to意为“紧靠”(:beside)或“仅次于”“几乎”Next to the cinema is a bookstore电影院的旁边是一家书店。He sits next to me他坐在我的旁边。Which is the largest city next to Beijing? 哪个城市在规模上仅次于北京? He has eaten next to nothing. 他几乎什么也没吃。注

33、 next也可作介词,如: Sit next him坐在他旁边。 wear a shirt next ones skin贴身穿衬衫23.I am very unhappywith my new school此句中have some problems with意为“在某方面有困难”,其中problems可换成difficulties。have some problems with(in)doing sth意为“在学做某事中有问题”,其中problems可换成difficultytrouble。如: Do you have any problems with your English? 你英语方面

34、有问题吗? Do you have any difficultytrouble(in)studying English? 你学英语中有困难吗?注 problem和question problem意为“需要对付或处理的问题”或“理科中的难题”。question意为“需要回答的问题需要讨论或考虑的问题”或“疑问”。 solve a problem解决问题 social problems社会问题 a maths problem一道数学难题 “Can you finish the work today? No problem” “今天你能完成作业吗?”“没问题。” ask sba question 问

35、某人一个问题 a question of time时间问题 answer my question回答我的问题 There is no question about his honesty. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。24.“I missvery much”中miss意为“想念”。miss作及物动词意为“想 念,错过”等。 amiss作及物动词,意为“想念”。如: How l miss my parents! 我好想念我的父母啊! We are missing you very much我们非常想念你。 I miss you terribly我非常惦记你。 bmiss作及物动词,意为“错过误(车)”

36、“未击中”。后接名词或名词(doing),不能接动词不定式。如: He got up late this morning and missed his usual bus 他今天早上晚起,没赶上他通常乘坐的那班汽车。 I missed my footing and felt down 我踏空摔了下来。 She missed seeing the film 她错过了那场电影。 I am sorry to miss the chance错过那个机会我感到很难过。 cmissing意为“丢失的”“缺席的”。如: a book with some pages missing一本缺了几页的书 a mis

37、sing child丢失的孩子 a missing bike丢失的自行车 missing lessons缺的课25.I hopesome advice此句中的advice意为“劝告”“忠告”,作不可数名词,apiece of advice一条忠言,Up也可作“告诫”“指示”解释,作可数名词。suggestion也作“建议”解释,作可数名词。如: Please take my advicemy Up and dont run the risk 听我的告诫别冒这个险。 He gave me the tip to make friends He gave me some advice on maki

38、ng friends他给我一些交友的建议。 They are some tips for making e-friends这儿有关于交网友的几条建议。 They made some suggestions at the meeting. 在会议上他们提出了一些建议。advice可组成下列短语: ask for sbs advice征求某人的意见 give advice提出劝告 follow ones advice遵照某人的嘱咐 take ones advice听取某人的劝告 do sth byon ones advice按某人的劝告做某巩固练习I单项选择 1.Is he going to th

39、e cinema?_. AYesI think so BNo,I dont think CNo I dont think DI think not 2.All the students are busy_the test Apreparing B. preparing for Cdoing Dfinding 3.I feel_every time l think of the traffic accident Afrightful Bfrightening Cfrightened Dfright 4.The film was so_that 1 was_when l saw让 Afrighte

40、ning, frightened Bfrightened, frightening Cfrightened,frightful Dfrightening,frightful 5.This is_interesting work We really enjoy it. Aa Ban C Dthe 6.The sign_,“NO Parking” Aread Bwas reading Cwas read Dhad read 7. _your coat at onceWe must hurry AWear BWearing CPut on DPutting on 8.Having too much

41、soft drink is bad for your_. Ahealthy Bhealth Chealthily Dwell 9.The twins are much_. Asimilar Blike Calike Dmore like 10.Please do it _ I show you Alike Bas Cfor Dalike.翻译下列词组 1.看报纸_ 2.与某人共事_ 3.准备晚饭 _ 4.考虑_ 5.征求某人的意见_ 6.紧靠_ 7.在未来_ 8.尽力干某事_ 9.交朋友 _ 10.投票_用动词适当形式填空 1.What_they_ (do)last night? 2.Are

42、you good at_ (swim)? 3. _ (not be) 1ate again, 九m1 4.Myparents_ (clean)the car now 5.Lucy sometimes_ (watch)TV at home on Sundays 6.What are yon going to do? How about_ (have)a walk? 7.Im going to play football Would you like_ (come),too? 8.We _ (not have)any classes next week完型填空 Mr Smith lived in a village far away _1_ a town One day he fell very ill and everyone _2_ he would die They sent for a doctorThe doctor _3_ and looked at the man closely The doctor asked for a


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