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1、阅读理解(1)判断正误复习资料Passage 1 Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal (偷) the bell on his neighbours door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went h

2、ome.Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, Ill put some cotton in my ears. Then I wont be able to hear the noise.”The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled

3、 even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out. “Steal my bell? Ill teach you a lesson(教训),” the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.The foolish thief did not know how the n

4、eighbour found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered(感到疑惑).The thief was trying to get his neighbours doorbell. (T 正确)The thief out some cotton in his ears so as not to hear anything.( T 正确)The neighbour ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being sto

5、len. ( T 正确)the neighbour hit the thief to punish him for stealing. ( T 正确)the thief thought the neighbour couldnt hear the noise of the bell. ( T 正确)Passage 2Miss Grey lived in a small house. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when her noisy neighbor moved out. A you

6、ng man moved in and Miss Grey thought the man seemed to be quiet. But at three oclock the next morning, the noise of a dog woke her up. She thought she had never heard a dog there before. It must be the young mans dog. So she telephoned the young man, said something bad about the dog and then hung u

7、p the telephone before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three oclock the next morning. Then Miss Greys telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, “You telephoned me twenty-four hours ago. Now Ive rung you up to say that I havent a dog.” 1. Miss Grey felt sorry when her noisy ne

8、ighbour moved out. ( F )2. Miss Greys new neighbour was as noisy as the old one. ( F )3. Some noise woke her up in the early morning. ( T )4. She thought the new neighbour had brought a dog with him. ( T )5. The young man rang up Miss Grey in the early morning, because he wanted to punish( 惩罚 ) her.

9、 ( T )Passage 3Yesterday evening, when I went to town with my mother, we met a strange old man. It was raining hard and we had no umbrella. We were trying to get into a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give it to us for only a pound. He had forgot

10、ten his wallet and he said he needed a taxi to go back home. My mother didnt believe what he had said at first, and asked him a lot of questions. But she finally believed the man and gave him the pound. But the old man didnt get into a taxi. We followed him and found he went into a pub and bought hi

11、mself a glass of whiskey with the pound. After he drank it, he put on his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one. Soon after that, he sold it again.1 The old man sold an umbrella to the writer and her mother. ( T ) 2 He gave it to them for only a pound beca

12、use he had forgotten his wallet and needed taxi fare to go back home ( F )The umbrella was worth more than one pound. ( T )The old man sold his own umbrella. ( F )he was an honest man.( F ) Passage 4December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the p

13、eople come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children. On Christmas day bells ring everywhere. The ringing bells tell people Christmas is coming . People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time. Most families buy a Christmas trees for their children. And the

14、re are some presents hanging from the tree here and there. People also put presents in childrens stockings/ in many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents. Christmas is also a da

15、y when people enjoy all kinds of food. But some poor people have no homes and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger (饥饿) on Christmas day.Christmas is a very important day in some countries in a year. (F)many people have a good time on Christmas Day. ( T )Father Christmas wears red clothe

16、s.(T )there are a lot of Christmas trees in Father Christmas bag. (F)some poor people die on Christmas Day because they have no home and no food to eat.(T)Passage 5.Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he

17、carried a club and in his hand he held a bow. He was known as the hero of a hundred adventures. Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden o

18、f the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was. So Hercules went away. He walked the whole day and the rest day and the next. He walked for months before he saw mountains far in the distance one fine morning. One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and

19、arms and huge shoulders and a bugs head. He was bolding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help. Atlas answered, My head and arms and shoulders all ache. Could you hold up the sky while I fetch the golden apples for you? Hercules climbed the mountain and sh

20、ouldered the sky. Soon the sky grew very heavy. When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, Well , you are going to carry the mountain for ever. Im going to see the king with the apples. Hercules knew that he couldnt fight him because of the sky on his back. So he shouted: Just o

21、ne minutes help. My shoulders are hurting. Hold the sky for a minute while I make a cushion (垫子) for my shoulders. Atlas believed him. He threw down the apples and help up the sky. Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king.Hercules was the tallest man in the world. (T) Hercules was

22、given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him (T) Atlas was the giant who held up the sky (T) Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because he wanted to be the king himself. (B)Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas. (B) Passage 6“Get up, the water is

23、 coming.” Yan Xinzhi, director of the neighborhood committee of Chaoyang Street, Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Province, would knock at the door of every household at midnight to have people collect water; otherwise, the tap water would soon run dry when everyone in the city got up and joined the “wate

24、r rush” in the morning. Yan, an elderly lady about 60, had served as committee director for more than 20 years; her major work was to rouse her neighbors from their sleep to get water. As time went by, residents could not go to sleep before one oclock in the morning.Chaoyang Street was not the only

25、street in Taiyuan that lacked water, and Taiyuan was not the only city in China with water in short supply.Niu Maosheng, Minister of Water Resources, told China Today that more than 300 cities nationwide lack water; in 108 cities the situation has become critical. The annual deficit of water has rea

26、ched 6 billion cubic meters, leading to a loss of RMB 200 billion (approximately US $24 billion) in industrial output.1. As neighborhood committee director, the major part of Yan Xinzhis job was to wake up her neighbors at midnight to get water. (T) 2. The passage reveals that all the cities in Chin

27、a suffer from water shortage. ( F)3. The passage is written by a water expert.( F)4. The lack of water has lead to a loss of US $24 billion in industrial output. (T)5. Xian is another city with water in short supply. (F)Passage 7 People who cannot tell all colors apart are said to be color blind. Mo

28、st color-blind people can see yellow and blues, but confuse reds with greens. It is very rare for a person to be blind to all colors, but they may see everything in shades of black, white, and gray.It is interesting to note that many color-blind people dont even realize that they are color-blind. Th

29、ey dont know that the colors they are seeing and naming are not the actual colors that people with normal vision can see. This can be particularly dangerous when a color-blind person confuses the red and green of a traffic light.Color blindness is thought to be inherited (遗传). And although doctors h

30、ave thought up tests to determine(测定)color blindness, there is no cure to treatment for it.1. A color-blind person can tell correctly red and green. (F) 2. Many color-blind people are unaware (没意识到) that they are color-blind. (T)3. Its especially dangerous for a color-blind person to cross a street

31、when there are no traffic lights at the cross of the streets. (F) 4. A person who is color-blind is not allowed to drive. (F) 5. Up to now, doctors have found a way to free a person from his color blindness. (F) Passage 8Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us

32、about caring for her mother.I wake up early every day, its usually about 6.30 am, and wait until I hear Tilly, my mum, moving about. Then I make her a cup of tea. At about half past seven she gets up and we have breakfast together. We normally just have toast, but on Sundays we always have bacon and

33、 eggs. After breakfast she reads the newspaper, then she sits by the window and waves to the neighbours as they walk by.She hardly ever goes out but she is very proud of her personal appearance, so she goes to the hairdresser once a month.She doesnt like being left on her own for very long, so I alw

34、ays arrange for a neighbour to come and sit with her when I go out. Now and again, my friend and neighbour, Joan, comes to spend the day with her, and I can go and have lunch with another friend, May, who lives in town.I have a brother, Syd. He comes to stay two or three times a year. He is very goo

35、d and keeps in touch, but he lives 300 miles away. Once a year, he collects mum and takes her to stay with him in London for a week. She doesnt really like going because its a long journey, but I need the rest.Sally, the nurse, comes to see mum regularly. My next-door neighbour, Jack, often calls in

36、. In the evening we usually watch TV and we sometimes play cards. Mum is fantastic for her age. But I can never decide to go anywhere spontaneously. I always have to plan it, so I feel a bit trapped. But what is the alternative An old peoples home I couldnt do that to my mother.1. Lily wakes before

37、her mother. (T)2. Tilly is satisfied with her hairdresser. (F) 3. Joan sometimes spends the day with Lilys mother. (T) 4. Lilys brother comes to visit every three weeks. (F) 5. Lily and her mother play cards more than they watch TV. (F) Passage 9Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime

38、 minister, said, “London is not a city, it is a nation.” Today this is an understatement; London, with its vast range of different ethnic groups, is a world. Certainly, London is the most culturally diverse city in the world. The city was founded by the Romans and since then new arrivals have consta

39、ntly added to its character and prosperity. Within 10 years 40% of Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups, including the growing number of Londoners of mixed ethnic origin, but most of them will have been born in Britain. Children of Caribbean-Chinese marriages will go to school with children

40、 of Russian-Irish couples. None of them will be English, but all of them will be Londoners.Most of Britains ethnic minority residents live in the capital, speaking over 300 languages. Nearly all of the African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London (83% and 58% res

41、pectively); 39% of the Chinese population of Britain and 36% of the Asian population of Britain live in London. The largest migrant community is from the Irish Republic with 256,000 people, 3.8% of the total population of London.There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in Lo

42、ndon, with most recent arrivals coming from Eastern Europe, North Africa and Kurdistan. Young people, in particular, are skilled at dealing with a large number of different and hybrid cultures. They themselves often have several different ethnic identities since their parents and grandparents may co

43、me from several different backgrounds, and their friends and partners do also. They are “skilled cross-cultural travellers” without leaving their home-town.1. London is a nation. (F)2. The city of London was founded by the Romans. (T)3. All African population live in London. (F)4. 39% of the total p

44、opulation of London are Chinese. (F)5. Old people are also “skilled cross-cultural travelers”. (F)Passage 10 For a web user, the home page is the first web page that is displayed after starting a Web Browser like Netscapes Navogator or Microsofts Internet Exporer. The browser is usually preset () so

45、 that the home page is the firt page of the browser manufacture. However, you can set it to open to any Web site. For example, you can specify () that .home pages for a Web user or a Web site developer have the same meanings (F) the home page displayed on a Web browser is usually preset by the brows

46、er manufacturer. (T) the home page for a Web user can be reset to any Web site you prefer. (T)you have to enter or select Web addresses every time with a blank space on your Web (T) browser.Web addresses usually lead to relative home pages. (T)Passage 11 Wang Xiaojun is 12 years old.he lives in the

47、country in Hubei province 。today is his birthday。his parents prepare a nice dinner for him,but the boy says,“I wont have the dinner because after the dinner,today is over ,and parents are leaving for Shenzhen tomorrow。I dont want to let you go。”it is the first birthday that Wang xiaojun is spending

48、with his parents in three years。In the past three years,his parents stayed in Shenzhen and worked to make money。They havent seen their son for three years。tomorrow they will have to leave home to go to shenzhen。Wang is not the only stay-at-home child,there are more than 20 million children face a lo

49、t of problems.many of them stay with their grandparents.they get less care from their parents.their parents cant hlep them with their study.The Chinese govenment now cares about the children very much and is trying to solve their problems. 是个十二岁的孩子,家住湖北省的一个村庄。今天是他的生日,他的父母为他准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐。但是这孩子却说,“我不想吃这顿

50、饭,因为吃完了今天就过去了。然后爸妈明天就要去深圳了。我可不想让你们离开。”这是三年来王晓军首次和父母一起过生日。过去的三年,他的父母都在深圳打工挣钱。他的父母三年没见到儿子了,明天他们还要离开家前往深圳。王晓军不是唯一的,还有两千多万的孩子和他一样。他们面对着各种问题,大多数的他们都和爷爷奶奶住在一起。他们从父母那里得到很少的关爱,并且父母也无法在学习上帮助他们。现在非常关心这些孩子并且正在努力解决他们的问题。.it is Wang Xiaojun”s first birthday. (F )Wang Xiaojun wont have the birthday dinner because

51、 he is not hungry at all (F)there are many stay-at-home children in the country of China.(T) maybe Wang Xiaojuns parents will take him to Shenzhen at last.(F)the Chinese government is doing something to solve the problem of the stay-at-home children.(T)Passage 12 About 130 years ago. Thomas Edison o

52、f the US invented the light bulb. Edisons bulb has turned night into day ever since. But today, many want to turn the light off. The European Union (欧盟) recently decided that by 2009,people should stop using the Edison-style light bulb. Instead,they should use compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs节能 灯). C

53、FLs save energy and last longer. They can save money in the long run, said a British official. CFLs use 67 percent (67%) less electricity than the older bulbs. They last up to 10 times longer. Scentists say that if everyone used CFLs, electricity use would be cut by 18 percent. There would also be m

54、uch smaller amounts of greenhouse gases given off. But its difficult to make people change their lighting habits. First the CFLs are more expensive. They cost eight times the price of the older bulbs. Many people dont like the CFL bulb. They find it too bright. You cannot change the light of a CFL,e

55、ither. CFLs have been around for several years. However. the older lights still make up about two-thirds of total light bulb sales.1. Thomas Edison invented the CFL bulb 130 years ago. (F) 2. Countries in the European Union will not use Edison-style bulbs by 2009.(T)3. Using CFLs helps protect envir

56、onment. (T)4. If you get an older bulb for 1 Euro (欧元). the CFL bulb will cost you 8 Euros. (T) 5. CFLs have been widely used instead of the older bulbs for several years. (F) Passage 13 On Sunday Xiao Zou takes Chen Hua to the study center and introduces him to Professor Liang. She says Chen Hua is

57、 her husbands best friends younger brother He wants to study Natural Science. To Professor Liang, Chen Hua looks much younger than most TVU students, but Chen Hua is older than he looks. He wants to study part time as he works too. Professor Liang understands that and if Chen Hua wants to join the T

58、VU, he is very welcome. As long as he tries as hard as he can, if he studies at home before and after the TV programmes and goes to the study center for tuition, hell be okay. The semesters are a bit longer than at the conventional university, but the work is not more difficult and the exams are as

59、fair as at the conventional university. So, if he goes to all the classes, if he reads as much as he can and if he watches all the TV programmes, he might be the best student in the class!1. Xiao Zou takes Chen Hua to the study center on Saturday. (F)2. Chen Hua is her best friends husbands brother.

60、 (F)3. Xiao Zou wants to study Natural Science.(F)4. The semesters are shorter at the conventional university. (A)5. The exams are more difficult at the TVU. (B)Passage 14 A recent Time/CNN poll in the USA has discovered that 75% of people agreed that the news media is sensationalist, 63% found it t


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