高中英语-Festivals and Celebrations教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第1页
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1、1. Warming up T: What is the date today?(April 25th) Is it a special day?(No)Butwhatabout five days later? (It is Labor day)So it is a festival.Do you like festivals? Why?学生预习情况, 生日-National dayJingle bell-Christmas daygongxifacaiSpring festivalathersday设计意图 教师对与节日有关的歌曲进行了精心的筛选和设计, T: Can you name s

2、ome other festivals? Discuss in your group.设计意图 因为听歌曲猜节日游戏,牢牢地吸引了学生的眼球,此 T: Enjoy a video and try to guess which festival it describe. Task one :Do fast reading and find out what is the purpose ofFestivals of the Dead让学生讨论端午节的来历。由此引出 Part two :Festivals to Honour ePleaseread Part two :Festivals to H

3、onour People as quickly as possible and try to Match the festivals with the proper people.听录音(教师自录)猜节日。由此引出 Part three: Harvest festivals. Task one :Do fast reading and find out why are Harvest festivalspyeventsTask two: Read this part again and try to fill in these blanks.显示图片猜节日(春节)。由此引出 Part four

4、: Spring festivals.False) The ancient people neednt worry about their food.2 ) Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead.etwhopeoplehonoralotinChina4) Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. Facing the losing of Chinese traditional culture, What should we do? Wri

5、teacompositionon “How to protect our traditional culture” within 120 words.设计意图 本环节为输出阶段,旨在通过创设活动任务,培养和检 外,又能发展他们使用网络的技能;同时要求学生根据所学内容,写 性非常高,如:李兵,王鑫鑫,孟凡鑫等。但也有部分学生比较被动,缺乏积极性,如:刘 书佳,聂欣,王洪飞等。我认为,缺乏积极性主要有两方面原因:一是缺乏对英语的兴趣。 习 位,多对学生进行教学方法的指导, 帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯 强调重难点,一目了然。 精神, 而课件中一些彩图的利用,学生更清楚地了解节日知识,包括中外节日类型

6、,庆祝节 不牢,比如 toom、carnival 等等,给学生讨论的时间不是很充足,另外,这又是单一的说 作文自己,并向周围的人学习,为早日成为一名合格的教师而努力。Festivals Around the World (世界各地的节日)是人教版新课标高中英语必修三第一课 的内容。本单元围绕 Festivals Around the World (世界各地的节日)这一主题展开进行听、 说、读、写等多种教育活动。节日对人们有着各种各样的不同意义。各国人民的节日各有不 同,人们在节日中的表现、活动、习俗也有所不同。本单元主题的选择兼顾到了学生的知识 理解,而且对外国的节日 中国传统文化的重要性,加

7、强学生的爱国主义教育。Unit1 Festivals around the worldrationsPart1.Festivals to honor the deadFill in the table with words or phrases.Kinds Names Countries What people doClean 2_, light incense,1lamps and play music.ivalsDayoftheEat special food and cakes3and gifts to the dead.Children 6_ and go to their5ester

8、nneighbours homes to ask for sweets.Part 2 Festivals to honour peopleMatch the festivals with the proper people.莒南一中National FestivalPart3. Harvest festivalsDragonBoatsDayswerthefollowingquestionWhy are Harvest festivals always happy events?Fillin the blanksInEuropeancountriessandtownhallsflowersand

9、fruits2 _ _ to have meals 3 _ _ for their farm produceIn China and Japan :People _ the moon and in China,enjoy_.Part4 Spring FestivalsFillinthistablesomvallyreligiousternNames oftivitiescussionFacing the losing of Chinese traditional culture, What should we do? 的时候,注重寓乐于教,注重激发学生的兴趣。本堂课的成功之处有: 忆,以旧带新,自然过渡,并诱发学生思维,启动学生学习的主观能动性,从而引导学生积 在学生答不出某些问题时,我会及时以提问形式启发。以疑激思,善问善导就是关键。 与教学活动。 2.设计的问题有一定的启发性 启发性提问等于给学生提示思考方向、思考主 题,能扩大思维广度、增加思考层次、增强学生的自信心,有益于他们的智力发


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