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1、.燕山地区2021-2022学年第一学期九年级期末质量监测英语试卷2922年I月本试卷共8页,满分6分,考K时阏9分钟。在试卷和答拽卡上准确網卞校名称、姓名和准考证9。试题芥案“律填涂成15写在答题卡上,餓卷上作答允效。在答题卡选择题用2B铅宅作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字策作答。考雕浆,迠将本试卷和答题卡一并交冋。知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空。(共6分,每小题0 5分)从F而所给的A、B、C、D叫个选项屮,选择nf以坡入空门处的A1什选项。 Jerry and I arc friends.arc in the same class.A. HeB. SheC. WeMy father oft

2、en plays games me on weekends. I love him A,alB,onC,from than me.C fastB. fasterExcuse me. is this pen?6.7.8.ICs 5 yuan.A. How muchB. How many Tom,whal did you do last weekend? Oh, I TV at home.A. watchB. watchedLook! No food,please!” You A. cantB. needntMike, where is your dad?一 He lhe car in the y

3、ard.A washesB. washedC. How oftenC. will watcheat in the library. C. mustntC. is washingD. Theyvery much.D. wilhD. the fastestD. How longD. was watchingD. couldn*tD.was washingSome people dont have amis or legs, they can do lots of things. A. soB. butC. andD.Sam the piano every evening. He can play

4、it very well. A practicesB. practicedC He had MS seriously and was unable to go on cycling.26. Wlial opinion docs the writer hold?A,Nobody was boni with kindness.B Experience is very important lo our success.C There arc lots of not-so-kind people out lhere.There arc more kind people than unkind peop

5、le.Il is a common experience: Youre checking through a social media pageIl is a common experience: Youre checking through a social media page,and you see pictures九年级绝九年级绝ki试位笫5奴(儿8虹)Il is a common experience: Youre checking through a social media pageIl is a common experience: Youre checking through

6、 a social media page,and you see pictures九年级绝九年级绝ki试位笫5奴(儿8虹)of friends traveling or going to parties. Suddenly you start to wonder why you are not doing those things. Are you missing out on something fun or exciting? This experience is blown as FOMO the fear of missing out. In some ways,people have

7、 always been worried about missing out on social events. But with the rise of social media, FOMO is becoming much more common.While wanting to take part in exciting things is completely normal, it can bring about some negative ( jZtlhf 的)cfleets. For some people, il leads to an obsession (沉迷)with ch

8、ecking their phones to find out what other people arc doing. Even while doing things that arc fiin or necessary, people can feel like lhcrcfs something better going on elsewhere. This strong wish to conned can make tlicm disconnect from the people they arc actually with. It stops them from being sat

9、isfied with the good things in lheir lives. It can even be dangerous; some people try io check messages while driving.So what can we do lo overcome FOMO? Firstly, il is imporlanl to remember lhal whal people prefer lo pick and choose to post on social media doesnt necessarily show lheir life overall

10、, so we only know a small pari of anyone clscs life. Il is also important to accept your limitations. You can*l be everywhere and do everylhing that might be interesting, and thafs OK. Il might even be necessary to turn off your phone or log oul of social media for a while. Stay away from lhe consta

11、nt reminders of everylhing lhafs happening in lhe world. You can even set particular limes in your day to check email or social media. By stepping away for a time, you can view others1 lives in a reasonable way,Finally, focus on lhe things in front of you. Relish lheni,do them well and lei everythin

12、g else go. When you arc fully involved in life you will worry less about what you arc not doing.Dont let lhe fear of missing out cause you lo miss out on the good things you have in life. Relax, enjoy whal you do and lei other people enjoy lheir lives without envying (羡 ,嫉妒)llicm. 27 Experiencing FO

13、MO, people may .like to drive fastB. miss oul on social eventsC. prefer to slay aloneD. be unsatisfied with real lifeWhal docs lhe underlined word relish” probably mean?Break-B. Change.C. Enjoy.D. Remember.According to the passage, whal can help people overcome FOMO?A Breaking their own limitations.

14、Staying away from social media.C Making friends as many as possible.D Checking social media at particular limes.九年级英语试卷第九年级英语试卷第7 (共8餌)九年级英语试卷第九年级英语试卷第7 (共8餌)九年级英语九年级英语W卷笫6页(丼8页)Chinese athletes did a great job al the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, winning 88 medals in lolal. But did you know that there

15、arc many cool technologies behindtheir success?Sa Bingtian. the first Chinese sprinter, reached an Olympic 100mfinal. With the help of scicniiGc training, he made his breakthrough ”h lakes Sn 47 steps to run 100 meters. Each step counts,” Ucin Dewg,amember of training learn, told Shenzhen Evening Ne

16、ws. ”RunefyHuntington. St/fs American coach and a biomechanics ( 4物 力 ) expert in track and field, has collected a lot of data (数据)on outstanding sprinters and built a database. He put in all of Stts data and got a near-optimal (接近IS ft 的)model. When .S is training, the team uses high-speed cameras

17、to record his training and compares it with the model to find out his weaknesses.11Technology has also brought a new improvement to table tennis. On July 27, the semifinal match between Chinas Sun Yingsha and J叩ans Mima Ito was in full swing ( lE在全力进行)al the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. You wouldnl

18、 have guessed that besides players, judges and audiences, a powerful Al platform was watching the match.Every serve, swing and movement of Mima ho was caught by this Al cloud plalfbrm set in Tokyo. At an average speed of 10() Mbps, the data was sent to the technical leam of the Zhej iang Universitya

19、ble Icnnis Intelligent Big Data Analysis Platform, 2,442 kilometers away from the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, according to The Paper.The platform has stored the data of more than XJ)O() matches so far. The research team has been working on match simulation (投拟)since 2018. Using big data and Al,we

20、can correctly simulate and predict how the winning rate uill change when players change certain tactics (策略),” Professor Wu Yinccii, die main developer of the plallorm, told CCTV-2.The Tokyo Olympic Gameshave seen nol only scientific support in training, but many cutting-edge technologies in athlete

21、s1 devices (没折 .For example, the Kenya womens volleyball teams GPS devices fed data on each players sticnglh, heart rate and so on to coaches, who used the informalion to prevent injury (受 伤)and personalize training plans lor each individual, South China Morning Post reported.3(L What helped Su liin

22、gticm a lol to make his breakthrough?His scientific training.Support from his family.Hiscoachsencouragement. Support from other sprinters.Whats the advantage of match simulation according to Professor Wu Yincm?Players can study other players tactics.Players can know their own weaknesses.It helps pla

23、yers improve lheir winning rate.It helps judges make the correct judgement.The GPS devices can help coaches A. quickly find out players1 infomiationB give proper treatnient for sports injuriesmake better decisions for future trainingfollow players movement during the gameWhat docs the passage mainly

24、 talk about?The success of the lokyo Olympics.The advantages of using Al at the Tokyo Olympics.The ways athletes prepared for the Tokyo Olympics.Technologies that helped athletes at the Tokyo Olympics.四,阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Today, our currency (货币)is a mixture of metal coins and paper money,

25、but it wasnt always that way. Before metal coins and paper bills existed ( ( ft ), people used alot of unusual things to buy what they needed. In one part of the world, forexample, people used the sharks tccih for money, while in another place, rare seashells were money.There arc many fantastic fact

26、s about the history of money. Bright featherswere the lightest money used by people on a Pacific island. Stones were theheaviest money and some weighed over 500 pounds. Greece used a lot of metal coins which were smaller than apple seeds. They were the smallest money ever used.No one knows for sure

27、when people started using tnctal coins for money. Scientists have found coins dating from 600 BC、so we know they have been around for a long time. At first people used the precious metals, such as gold and silver to make coins. In the 1200s, people in China used iron (铁)coins for their currency. The

28、se coins werent worth very much,so people had to use a lot of them to make their purchases (购久物).Because iron coins were inconvenient, the government started printing paper bills. People took these bills to banks and traded them in for coins. This is die first example we have of paper money.Today, m

29、ost countries use a mixture of coins and paper bills for lheir currency. In some countries, the paper bills arc all the same size and color. In many others, the bills come in various sizes and colors. This makes il easier for people to tell the value of their money.In 2002, twelve European countries

30、 started using a completely new currency. Its called the euro. Many Europeans miss their old currencies, but now it is easier lo move money from one country to another.九年级英语试卷第九年级英语试卷第8贝(共8页)What did people use to buy things before metal coins and paper bills existed?Whal was the lightest money ever

31、 used on a Pacific island?36,When did China use iron coins for their currency?Why did many countries use bills in various sizes and colors?What is the passage mainly talking about?B面表达(共io分)五、文段表达。(共10分)从个题II屮根裾屮文和英文從示,完成一篇不少f50W的文段W作。 文中已给出内容又么A数。所给從仅供选用。W不耍写岀你的校名和姓名。题目2021年10 ) 16日,我国神舟Xin宇宙6船成功发射。3名宇航员己在太空生活和工 作近3个门。似没你足名华,你们学校的英义网站|-:作斤展“给卞航M的一W戶”征文活动。 w你给字航s上亚平写封f,7,说明你的写L川的,你对太空知w的r解及你想问她的问题。 提示词语:interested, admire, astronaut, exciting捉示问题: Why arc you writing the letter?What do you already kn


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