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1、 Class Preparations课前准备课本双色笔激情Passion老师寄语:全力以赴会让你与众不同! Class Preparations课前准备课本老师寄语Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious !ReadingUnit 2 I think that mooncakes Learning aims:(Reading)1. To study a passage about Christmas and master the keys words like: Christmas, novel, business, present, warmt

2、h and so on.2. To master the reading skill of inferring by self-study and cooperation(合作).3. To learn how to be friendly to people around you. Learning aims:(Reading)4Guessing Competition:Guess what festival it is and the date according to the picture you see as quickly as you can.Are you ready?4Gue

3、ssing Competition:Are you 5Mid-autumn Festival August 155Mid-autumn Festival August 156Valentines Day February 146Valentines Day 7Halloween October 317Halloween October 318Thanksgiving Daythe fourth Thursday of November8Thanksgiving Daythe fourth ThLead-in:Close your eyes and enjoy a song.Lead-in:Cl

4、ose your eyes and enChristmasChristmasWhat do you know about Christmas?What do you know about Christm目标导向: Read the passage quickly to know the main idea and answer the following questions. ( 2min) 1.What are the common things that people think of for Christmas?2bFast reading2.Who wrote A Christmas

5、Carol?3.What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas?Gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus.Charles Dickens.The true spirit of Christmas is the importance of Sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.目标导向: Read the passage quickly目标导向: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

6、 on page 15 of 2d. Some answers need to be inferred. (5mins)Careful reading:Task one目标导向: Read the passage carefulInferringIt means you have to “read between the lines” to get the meaning that are not clearly stated in a text.所谓推断,就是根据阅读材料中所提供的信息,推断出未知的信息。即把有关的文字作为已知部分,从中推断出未知部分。据以推断的有关文字可能是词或句子,也可能

7、是若干句子,甚至是全文。问题的答案一般针对文章内容和读者应有的常识,文章中虽然没有明确的答案,但读者在理解全文的基础上可以进行推理和判断其答案。InferringIt means you have to 1.Why does Scrooge hate Christmas?2. Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not?3.Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died?4. Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know?5.How

8、 does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day?6.What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits?2d目标导向: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions on page 15 of 2d. Some answers need to be inferred. (5mins)1.Why does Scrooge hate Christ内容:组内讨论P15 2d的问题。要求:1.人人参与,热烈讨论,大声表达自己的思想。2.

9、组长控制好讨论节奏,确保讨论效果。3.没解决的问题组长记录好,准备质疑。4. 2 mins 目标导向:Group discussion and cooperation 小组讨论,合作学习建议:1. 勾画出重点 2. 做好拓展,补充准备。 3. 决定好发言人员。内容:组内讨论P15 2d的问题。目标导向:Group d1.Why does Scrooge hate Christmas?2. Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not?3.Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died?目标导向:Ch

10、eck the answers .2dBecause he doesnt want to share and give love and joy to people around him. He is mean and he only thinks about himself and cares about whether he can make more money.No, he doesnt. Because he is mean and he only thinks about himself. And he doesnt treat others nicely. Because lik

11、e Scrooge, he used to be mean and only thinks about himself.1.Why does Scrooge hate Christ4. Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know?5.How does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day?6.What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits?目标导向:Check the answers .2dYes, he does.

12、 Because he warns Scrooge to change hisWays if he doesnt want to end up like him.He feels scared.He decides to change his life and promises to be a betterperson. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He nowtreats everyone with kindness and warmth,

13、 spreadinglove and joy everywhere he goes.4. Does Jacob Marley want to h目标导向: Read the passage carefully again and try to complete the chart and then prepare to retell the passage according to the chart. (5mins)Careful reading:Task two目标导向: Read the passage careful九年级全一册Unit2-Reading(共25张PPT)目标导向:Re

14、ad the passage aloud by yourself and then try to translate the following sentences. (3mins)1.But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving Love and joy to people around us.但是圣诞节的真正含义隐藏在所有这些东西的背后:把爱和快乐分享给我们周围的人。2.He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesntwant to end up like him.他警告斯克鲁奇:如果不想下场和他一样,就得改变方式。3.He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,Spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.现在,他用善良和热情对待每个人,不管走到哪里都传播爱与欢乐。目标导向:Read the passage aloud by


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