



1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 新学期学生英语10篇新学期学生英语作文七新学期学生英语作文八 The happy Spring Festival is over in the twinkling of an eye, and we usher in a new semester. In this new semester, I am full of expectations. As the saying goes, the plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in spring. In the new se

2、mester and new atmosphere, I should study purposefully and strive towards my goal, so I should develop my strengths and avoid my weaknesses, overcome my weaknesses and make continuous progress. I have a bad habit that is very serious. When teachers talk about key points in class, they are easy to ge

3、t distracted. They always like to gnaw their fingers and look at the beautiful scenery outside the window. When the teacher finished talking about the important knowledge points and asked me to answer the questions related to this knowledge, I came back to my mind. I must be at a loss when I know no

4、thing about strange topics. In the new semester, I must pay full attention to the lecture and keep the important knowledge points in my mind. Its better to have a bad memory than to say. So after class, I copied these knowledge points completely and correctly in my notebook as soon as possible. Befo

5、re, I always dared not raise my hand to speak. In this new semester, I must actively raise my hand to speak and speak boldly. In this new semester, in this season of flowers in full bloom, I must bloom more beautiful. 新学期学生英语作文九 Its the new semester. Im in grade two. I am so happy to think that I ha

6、ve taken another step towards the graduation holiday! The arrival of new students brightened my eyes, and I couldnt help saying: Wow! Their new school uniform is much uglier than ours, hahaha! I always thought our school uniforms were ugly enough, but I didnt expect the new school uniforms to be mor

7、e ugly! The school built the canteen in the new semester. On the way to the canteen at noon, I saw the freshmen playing happily on the playground. I thought about what I used to be. Later, I found that I had stopped playing on the playground as early as the sixth grade of primary school. But talking

8、 with friends while walking on the playground, walking through every corner of the playground. We cant find anything to play. Many of them are boring. Nowadays, these freshmen are still so energetic and playful. Really, really let the old man envy. There are always noodles in the school canteen. I e

9、at that every noon because I eat that much faster than I eat. Every time I finish eating, I wont call again because its too much trouble. There is no need to eat boxed lunch in the canteen. Everyone goes to the canteen to eat. In this way, there will be a lot of people in the canteen. When there are

10、 more people, there will be a sound. It will not be too quiet for lunch every day. The voice of students and the voice of teachers management. Among these voices, the loudest is the voice of management. There is a speaker in the canteen. As soon as the teacher speaks, the big speaker rings. The nois

11、e is very loud. The key is that he is still very close to the place where the meal is served. The original beautiful mood is not beautiful directly under its loud noise. In the new semester, some changes have taken place. I am also adapting to these changes. I may not be in good shape at first, but

12、I should be better later. 新学期学生英语作文十 On February 17, we ushered in the official opening of the new semester and a new atmosphere. The class group has also undergone earth shaking changes. Each group began to change its members again, and I, who was lucky to be the leader of the fourth group, began t

13、o consider it with great interest. First, my good friends can stay, so there are only two empty positions left; Second, we need to choose some people who can answer first, but later, I found that most talents have their own masters; Finally, I decided on the candidates for new friends: Qian Kexin an

14、d Wang Wenxiu. In the next few days, I gradually got to know them. Qian Kexin looks forthright and informal, but in fact she is a very careful girl. When I carelessly lose something, she will always help me enthusiastically. Where I dont pay attention, she will find out what I need. Sometimes, there

15、 are some mistakes in my homework, such as forgetting a topic, she will always point out in good faith. Wang Wenxiu is a generous girl who knows how to share. She will give you a biscuit or bread when you are hungry and tired. She can also give you a brand-new pen when you need a pen urgently. Of course, now as the head of the group, I cant stand back when I see the team members face life one by one. I want to change my impetuosity and carelessness and serve them wholeheartedly. Of course, tolerance a


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