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2、、一式两份。、截止日期:3月29日4月30日 完成开题报告,写作提纲5月1日5月15日 完成论文初稿5月16日5月25日 完成二稿5月26日6月5日,完成论文三稿6月6日6月15日 完成论文定稿6月16日6月18日 完成论文装订6月21日6月23日 答辩、论文结构及要求:太原理工大学毕业论文统一封面;毕业论文任务书;中英文摘要300字左右,关键词3-5个;目录:包括引言、主要层次标题(按二级标题编写),参考文献、致谢、外文原文、中文翻译; 论文正文;参考文献;致谢;外文原文;中文翻译。毕业设计(论文)主要内容: 学生应交出的设计文件(论文):开题报告一份正本二份3副本二份 主要参考文献(资料)

3、: 专业班级 法学二学位0801班 学生 刘秀鑫 要求设计(论文)工作起止日期 2010年3月29日2010年6月18日 指导教师签字 日期 教研室主任审查签字 日期 系主任批准签字 日期 摘要AbstractChinas historical development, the song is a beginning in the Tang dynasty, Emperor of the Ming dynasty, under the feudal emperors of the Qing dynasty. Since the Song dynasty strong stem weak bra

4、nches of State policy, the songs monitoring system centrally features very clearly, on the confluence of the Herald of the remonstrations, strengthen local officials of the authority, the formation of a multi-tiered closer monitoring of the network, established to monitor the officials of the superv

5、isory system, in contrast, the ratio of the Tang dynasty have evolved and changed. The song of the monitoring system is relatively complete, develop a central place in the network. This period of monitoring the system helps monitor the management of the officials, but also has its drawbacks. Althoug

6、h its administrative supervision system today still has a very important reference. This article will explore the song administrative supervision system, analysis of the causes and find the reference to the present day.Keywords :the song; administrative supervision 目 录TOC o 1-2 u 引言 PAGEREF _Toc6495

7、 1一、1二、2224556三7(一)7(二)8(三)8(四)8(五)8四9(一)9(二)9(三)9(四)9五10(一)10(二)10(三)10结语10参考文献12致谢13外文原文14中文译文23 宋代行政监察制度的分析研究 引言 庆元条法事类。 宋会要职官十七之十一、十三。 宋会要职官十七之十一、十三。 同上。 续资治通鉴长编卷八三大中祥符七年十二月戊午、九年四月乙未。 同上。 续资治通鉴长编卷八三大中祥符七年十二月戊午、九年四月乙未。 同上。 宋会要刑法六之五五。 宋会要刑法四之二五。 庆元条法事类卷一o,职制门。 庆元条法事类,职制令、职制敕。 续资治通鉴长编卷一七,开宝九年十月乙卯条。

8、 续资治通鉴长编卷一七,开宝九年十月乙卯条。 致 谢 秋去春来,岁月如梭。转眼间,大学生活就要结束了。在太原理工大学,我度过了一段美好难忘的时光,完成了学业,实现了曾经的梦想。在这里,我首先要感谢我的论文指导老师宫宏祥教授,在他的帮助和细心指导下,我的毕业论文才能顺利地完成。还要特别感谢在二学位学习期间给我诸多教诲和帮助的法学院的各位老师,感谢他们给予我的指导和帮助。 感谢和我一起共同学习两年的同学,你们每个人身上都散发着不同的光彩,值得我去学习。“君子和而不同”,我们正是如此!愿我们以后的人生都可以充实、多彩、快乐!感谢母校,是你给我们如此安静的学习环境,使我们在这里安心的学习,成长。我忠心

9、的祝愿母校早日成为全国一流大学,面向世界,母校明天更美好! 一个人的成长绝不是一件孤立的事,没有别人的支持与帮助绝不可能办到。我感谢可以有这样一个空间,让我对所有给予我关心、帮助的人说声“谢谢”! 2010年 6月于太原理工大学 刘秀鑫 外文原文The main form JianChaFa song for the edict, miserable, etc, and reflects the essence of life. The prince legislation, Its main contents and characteristics of the summed up as f

10、ollows:First, the confirmation of the refreshing for emperor outside.In the song dynasty, the JianChaFa by longitudinal tang tradition, and since the age characteristics. Highlights Mainly for maintaining the royal and centralized, such as declaring execution supervision of subject for the emperor -

11、 outside the refreshing. October 16 years chung rather the commandments about prison company quantity YuBi hekun portfolio conceived in hand edict, said: the way by prison department points for the refreshing. On December 21 in politics in the commandment Chi Taiwan officials said things YuBi hand a

12、lso edict, said: the refreshing to send, doing is an ancient king. The principal of confusion, men are, therefore, to elegant arch in a client, and listen, XinShangBiFa tabled wide, as the wisdom to yu monarch, and her to summons. man million, Meanwhile, in the training of Chi within 100 company aga

13、in declared: the official also post, refreshing, Taiwan, but ye adjudicates officer of the buddhist, and its branches, nilai rectification unlawful. Will punish disintegrated without forgiveness. Because of the emperor is outside, so refreshing, if have the treacherous, not spew endless, blind coric

14、h, a law-abiding citizen, severely punished.Second, the company and the detailed decides prison was the official duties and unlawful disposal solution.The article such as celebrating not favoured to regulation, are as follows:The department appointed old prison per second, according to the state, co

15、unty tour amounted to avenge the non-lawsuit, SouFang interests, and JianJu administrator, according to rape to smell disintegrated spoils.The old SuoBu state prison in sauce, quantity, the county, more mutual points over age at tour. Some jail time still two month, and a year, month, day tour has r

16、esulted ShenShangShu provinces.The prison department shall find tour calendar, there is always a especially by folding give money, make mutual concerns.The prison by xu meet guests tour company, and dont quote staffs.The prison department, by alex tour book book tally, according to legal and illegal

17、, and round, not least to score for, no business not to live for three days.The company must command runs into the road being dry run, each state in the calendar has tour.The state department, prison prison ban quarterly close, if have, cause or ShuFang yet, because to smell.The company by decree of

18、 each old prison SuoBu considered points tally, urged, absolutely forbidden sinners, saw all the states, for company limited since late may and July 15 days before, still have toured to place, ShenShangShu on provinces.According to the prison in the state department tour, state court, Richard, and c

19、ounty banned and sinners, MingFu, business, although not all ACTS, and listen to the judge, and if in doubt, or feeling, or lawsuit against sound sinners, and should carry out move feeling, die belongs to push prison, if the company reported no though or pile, and improper ShiYin.The state departmen

20、t each years prison tally, YanLiu banned county should not cause excessive, or have the official, position, when the name, according to the disintegrated, to smell.ZhuSheng sons and kill, or abandon the sin, rural counties treaty, quarterly XiaoShi wall powder, prison company tour calendar often tal

21、ly.The inspection and Xie in county commandant, daily teach others by your teaching reading, still in the calendar, according to read by prison took calendar tally.The prison company, according to read by alex tour was an archer will read each, valet.The imperial guard, because of the poor set crook

22、ed road, private to camp, if TuoJi way to send, flange, avoid levy, and let the longitudinal lawsuit cases, approval not perceive tour in prison by alex disintegrated.The deputy training shall be bound CuoZhi soldiers, and military government ministry illegal, or improper, listen to the state can be

23、 broken, the sheriff perceive JingLve appease bells, or files will rule, such as should survey pawn, still move right disintegrated into tour company dont disturb calendar tally.The army must be under some things, transport company years a tally jail time.The state department, transshipment gathered

24、 in imperial tour to tally, alex hypodermal lawbreakers, die some jail time division.The official line, shipped prison, SuoBu not offset division, solid seal, not sent, delivering tour, has driven by calendar.In the interview that you visit by, whether in general, ShenShangShu shape to cure year WuC

25、henShen provinces, the privy council.The prison, till every department according to age, a name, ZangLi have picked, ShenShangShu provinces.The prison in the second half, with the department runs SuoBu magistrate, have good governance, and distort the job, he doesnt ShenShangShu provinces.The compan

26、y every years on prison in the second half, according to the state, county, tour, SouFang amounted to cause, and JianJu administrator, according to rape to smell disintegrated spoils. The prison SuoBu known, law department, though not their transgression slowly, ShiYin die belongs to execute the pri

27、son, MingGuan recommendation, not Li rather than the position, this still has to play, namely, the CiSong belong to accept. This company has been broken into the party, Daniel. XuThe press was known SuoBu officer has made official, if the affair, cream, teach others by your person more, dont listen

28、to that GanAi qing strong organizing, investigate whether the firm, and sin, by lawsuits, the chapter, sit in the official bodies ShiYin to investigate, and shall not ChuBang called ShouGao person, namely make gifts, although already departed, sin because of the defendant or things, to commend dew a

29、ccording to cure.The case was not according to law, and have official business, not by ship company, prison prison till each shipment, the company JingLve perceive touch, and delivery, belong to prison, company by the interoperability.The SuoBu officer has made, according to JunShou department accor

30、ding to prison, not lean on cabinet office, the company is mutual. (according to the name of the miserable example, said the company for transport, prison, point, torture, and lifting enterprise; the prison was the officer said, according to the company, the more general to each year and general hea

31、dquarters to stipulate in the ministration.The article such as not favoured, celebrating the miserable regulation system are as follows:The prison SuoBu calendar, tour, dont over 100 staff, again not thou, second-class.According to the prison to tour company names, though, will be called workes tour

32、 with a rod, the world 100.According to the prison officials are a tour company, someone should be sent to hire, and two ACTS.The prison, every years tour SuoBu calendar in county, if do not command, pile, and functional because of illness, not back again, there is always a departure for granted to

33、feed, and especially by giving. ExceptionThe idea of each old prison, SuoBu tally, catch, absolutely forbidden sinners, to see in should not appoint officers and there is always a committee, and two years.The ship, with prison where LiRen, alex tour for feedback on by exception, which faces prison b

34、y property.The prison, accompanied by tour company level and collectors in male SuoBu, goods, make person ever.The state department, because male collectors prison alex tally, there is always a tour, staff from 100. Because it saves the chase cry, add a minute, and caleb, never stop charge.The compa

35、ny SuoBu implement law knowledge into transgression, slow, continually with things die subordinate supervisor, if not pile, according to the newspaper that KuoLve and execute or the department not die yuan, belong to ZouZhe prison due to wait, sauce, Which department in prison ministry refused to sl

36、ow, each department, must not till the spoils, private, if not sin, accompanied by the sin of sin.The SuoBu illegal, the company according to general year and the heave and lost.The press was SuoBu dimension, the official in the crime with the sauce shape, no one white. The first volume by decree, t

37、hough, but lost things according to the reality, in addition to sin. The article, celebrating not favoured class libraries and miserable stables celebrating the noise of the miserable, not favoured provisions are as follows:The shipment, accompanied by prison tour company, a male collectors to yi co

38、upon, illegal and give each ACTS 2,.The ship, with tour company according to the prison to sell wine, staff from 100.Due to poor families hosts without a fugitive, officer note cadastral, open ge lifted off, and this has urged the proclamation, two ACTS. Shipment by the procuratorial, prison company

39、 with sin. The prison officials (with) of the flow in the boat, to be sent by there is always a tour of lead in person, if, according to the poor and tour to the company or has not sent them, each staff 100.Third, given by the authorities tally at outside powers.The so-called tally refers to the thr

40、ee provinces to check whether local authorities, running official duties were procrastinated ChaShi, so as to enhance the efficiency of administration. There are regular and irregular tally.YuanFeng five years (in) in December, 10.82 letter: he YuShiTai qiu dong, a sequence of bad criticism in the t

41、hree provinces tally room, without delay to take words. the intervention, within six YuShiTai: every half one post rings took the room three provinces in picking ChaShi sluggish, the book tally taxation bureau and no wheel for taking the law, collectors three provinces in a letter every thing was sa

42、id to the judges, sequence by provincial tally is Taiwan collector. where every years or a tally, or quarterly, or a tally company patrol calendar by prison tally.Fourth, to supervise an important task for justice.True ZongDaZhong fu seven years (in) in December, constant ennui sichuan-shaanxi, sout

43、h fujian, transshipment make some punishment prison officer was there, TanMo division opposed collectors punished illegal, &despairs carved by smell. in nine years (1016 medium fu) in April, and fabricated: three jing, the DaBi road, prison which cause the rather than Daniel, sergeants-at-arms some

44、jail time officer of ezer. QingLi seven years in March (1047 transshipment, torture, and instructions per second division: tour to the states and counties, first traverse the punishment. The prison asked sinners in person died, ban when two department with inspection form, such as the reason unknown

45、, tally is kao scratching, immediately and cable poor officer details see case-solving, execute male. god Pope XiNing three years (1070) in November, imperial edicts prison sentence has been executed procuratorial company, if the wrong is correct, and that the government and detailed smell.According

46、 to the other classes, celebrating not favoured DuanYu , also the prison to exercise judicial supervision department to the following provisions: the company according to prison, which disintegrated with 30 according to people and should be recorded, pushing the case series. ShenShangShu still send

47、officers according to the facts, or not in the mood to spew disintegrated, as first came to have no command $survey, for criminal disintegrated the smell.The company never sinners, in prison in county hook. If the rod straight tour of states and counties, alex had sent to nearby hook is sent. Also,

48、more shall never without rod straight theory, also meet the lawsuit valet. According to official tour was not moved, alex tally of sinners in compartments store lock.The chief officer in prison is the local sheriff dereliction according to the law, or by processing, the so-called ; According to or,

49、which disintegrated smell on playing for the cutting and chapter is more ShenShangShu province , by administrative litigation.Fifth, the maintenance of national policy, and strengthening agriculture economy supervision.According to official policy by the Angle of zadok, maintenance on humanism and t

50、he national policy. For example, the examination of celebrating not favoured class. regulation: that the company has advised farmers into every old and ennui, hands down, when do inspection tour calendar year, by the magistrate advised farmers procuratorial laziness, old end more frequently, especia

51、lly for the author to (such as bad as age for moving, die eventually after a general officer, XianCi) in the end. (the one each year, SuoBu fifty county magistrate, each second. 50 county, a member of the following person, or without listening to go as revealed.), has revealed the leadership, the qu

52、ality of the people to ask (offshoring this).According to the other classes, celebrating not favoured NongSang door: the edge advised farmers, there is always annoying after two years, the household. Let the longitudinal and ACTS of sin, and collectors the ShouLing out every years, rural advised by

53、15 February. Not so play and take collectors, there is always a joy, banquet guests with prostitution. A disaster, flood and drought SiShuai keep playing prison smell, or inaccurate, and hidden in violations of theory. .In addition, because of the song dynasty, the special historical background also

54、 strengthened economic monitoring. First, to maintain national activity is of important significance for the tax revenue. The identities of celebrating the door, not favoured regulation: the one door lose, should pay rent to transport department light-damper, when the month in price valuation. Have

55、offenders, must bring punishment prison company perceive the , the tax disintegrated without a move to rent now, or rather to play, there is always a traveler, each ACTS 2.Folk festival to buy, buy officer cast tax dollars, fellowship dare against crime in county, namely Chu add heavy responsibility

56、.Secondly, with the expansion of foreign trade, trade officials refused the supervisory system has become an important content. The article, celebrating not favoured such provisions prohibiting Que door: not perceive the money out of China, copper and copper or in SAN BoYi business department, munic

57、ipal proceeds as officers (refers to buy when the state department official, guard on), person with violations of knowledge, theory. The magistrate cheng, and village, place via revealed on patrol. Therefore, staff with a prisoner with vertical to reduce a.Sixth, YanShen outside the legal liability,

58、 promote mutual ezer method.Not only JianChaFa strict rules of the legal responsibility, but also outside list of levying discipline. Who should not, and ezers blessing, or presume a law-abiding citizen or a rejection, respectively, and a hundred and twenty thousand years ACTS, and never accept puni

59、shment Syria. Chung (better) about the commandments 1106 prison company quantity YuBi hekun portfolio conceived in hand edict, said: the way by prison department points for the refreshing, close down command and business, regardless of size and wait-and-see, confusion, hidden under the attached to b

60、erea, divide facts, destroyed, that court judgment, in addition to the sin is already in great quantity Chu line, accountability, from today to have conceived treacherous, not enough spew two thousand, flow, the distance, never accept attaching to Syria, still not miserable officer. Notice the down


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