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1、天津小学英语优秀教案 教案包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等。下面是给大家整理的天津小学英语优秀教案,仅供参考希望能够帮助到大家。 天津小学英语优秀教案1 一、教材依据 本课时教学是依据小学英语PEP教材四班级上册第四单元A部分 Lets learn和Lets do设计而成。 二、设计思想 这个课时的教学目标原来主要是: 1、让学生掌握单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room,kitchen听说与认读。 2、能说唱“Lets do”部分的内容并能做出相应的动作。 本人根据学生的实际程度和课程理念出发,又增加了两个教学目

2、标: 1、能听说词汇watch TV, read a book, have a snack, take a shower, have a sleep。 2、完成一个交际任务:介绍自己的家。采纳了新课标提倡的“任务型”教学途径。 在教学中,新单词的教学都应在一定的语言情境中呈现,并结合学生已经学过的语言结构、富有韵律和动感的“Lets do”以及学生所喜好的歌曲和游戏活动进行大面积操练,巩固新语言,最后给出新语言框架:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a . I can watch TV in the living ro

3、om, I can read a book in the study . Welcome to my home!,通过老师示范、尖子生示范,让学生学会介绍自己的家,并在交际活动中活化新语言,完成学习任务。 三、教学目标 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能听懂并发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room/ . Watch TV. Read a book. Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sleep. 3.能用下列语言简单介绍自

4、己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a . I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study . 4.培育学生对家的热爱。 四、教学重点 1.能听、说、认读单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能用简单的语言介绍自己的家,培育学生对家的热爱。 五、教学难点 能理解并会说Have a snack. Take a shower. Have a sl

5、eep.等语言,并能用下列语言简单介绍自己的家:This is my home. You can see a living room, a bedroom, a . I can watch TV in the living room, I can read a book in the study . 六、教学准备 1.老师制作多媒体课件。 2.学生每人准备一张自己家的平面图。 3.老师准备study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen的单词卡片。 七、教学过程 Step1: Warm-up(热身导入) 1.介绍话题 T: Boys and girls

6、, look at the screen. Today, our topic is “My home”. Who can read? (ask some Ss to read the topic) In this class, were going to talk about “home”, everybody here should learn to introduce your home to us. OK? Ss: OK. 2.Sing a song In the classroom T: First, lets sing a song, OK? Ss: OK. Step2: Prese

7、ntation(新课呈现) 1.教学living room (唱完歌曲,多媒体出示一幅living room的图片。) T: Is this a classroom? Ss: No. T: What is it? Ss: Living room. T: Yes. This is a living room. Follow me:living room, Ss: (read one by one) T: What can you see in the living room? Ss: I can see a table, a sofa, a , a TV. T: Lets watch TV, O

8、K? Ss: OK. living room. T:(多媒体出示一幅TV图。) Do you like watching TV? S1: Yes. T: Lets go to the living room and watch TV. S1: OK. T: Go, go, go. Go to the living room, watch TV. Lets go together. S1: Go, go, go. Go to the living room, watch. TV. 2.教学study (多媒体自动切换成study的图片。) T: Is this a living room? Ss

9、: No. T: Oh, weve got the wrong way. What is it? Ss: A study. T: Yes, this is a study. Follow me: study,study. Ss: (read one by one) T: What can you do in the study? Ss: Read a book. T: (多媒体出示短语read a book。) Do you like reading books? Ss: Yes. T: Lets go to the study and read a book. Go, go, go. Go

10、to the study, read a book. 3.教学kitchen T: Oh, Im tired. I feel a little hungry. I want to have some snack. (老师拿 出一些小点心,并吃上一块。) Do you want to have a snack? S1: Yes. T: Here you are. Have a snack. Who want to have snack? Ss: I want to have a snack. T: Oh, snacks are gone. Where can we get some? Ss: G

11、o to the kitchen. T: (多媒体出示kitchen图片和单词) Follow me:kitchen, kitchen. Ss: (read one by one) T: Lets go to the kitchen, have some snack. Go, go, go. Go to the kitchen, have a snack. 4.教学bedroom T: (多媒体出示一些家具和小电器。) Look at these things. Can you help them get home? Ss: Put the TV in the living room./ Pu

12、t the . T: Oh, where should the bed go? Ss: Go to the bedroom. T: (多媒体出示bedroom图片和单词。) Follow me:bedroom,bedroom. Ss: (read one by one) T: Lets sing a song “My bedroom”, OK? Ss: OK. 天津小学英语优秀教案2 【学生分析】 本节课的话题是新年,过新年是学生喜闻乐见的,也是熟悉的,而且教学此课的时间刚好接近新年,相信学生会对这一内容感爱好。这个年龄段的学生学习乐观性很浓,只要教学方法得当,将很容易把学生的学习爱好调动起来

13、,从而让教学顺利进行,并取得良好的效果。 【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是让学生能够用句型 Lets 提出建议,并会使用Good, idea.进行回答。同时学会用Happy New Year .进行问候。此外还将学习几个动词短语:make a Near Year card,say happy New Year ,sing and dance , go to the zoo等,本节课生词较多在一节课内掌握有一定的困难,本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一。 【教学目标】 1、知识目标: (1)复习巩固英语颜色词。 (2) 学习单词make, come, say, sing

14、, dance, New Year, card, happy, good, idea 。 (3) 能听懂会说以下句子 The New Year is coming . Lets make a New Year card .Happy New Year .Lets sing and dance . Lets go to the zoo . 能力目标:能听懂并会用Lets的句子;懂得在新年时用Happy New Year .进行问候;能看懂并会写简单的英文的新年贺卡。 情感目标:培育学生浓厚的学习爱好,乐于仿照,敢于开口,同时让学生了解在新年到来之时可以通过向亲友表示问候、或与亲友互赠贺卡等形式表

15、示对人的一种关怀和爱,以增进人与人之间的感情。 【教学重点】 1. 学习掌握本课新词汇。 2. 学习掌握本课的句型:Lets以及它的回答Good idea .等. 3.能在生活中灵活运用本课的句型。 【教学难点】 由于本课生词较多,学生学习起来有一定困难,因此教学难点在于培育学生通过所学知识进行有效交际的能力。 【教学准备】单词卡片,录音机等。 【教学过程】 热身、复习 1. 师生问候。 2. 听一首歌曲Happy New Year . 【设计思路】通过听歌曲能活跃课堂气氛,同时让学生先感知本课的内容,为后面的学习做好铺垫。 3、试读生词竞赛。 【设计思路】这一环节一是检查学生预习生词的情况,

16、二也是为了让学生再次感知新课内容。 . 导入、教学新课 一、 生词和课文教学 1. 老师向学生出示一本20 xx年的挂历,并说Its new .引出并教学new 这个词。 2. 翻开挂历的第一页问学生:这是一个什么日子?教学New Year 这个词。 3. 告诉学生今天的日期(12月15日)并教The New Year is coming .以及生词come 。 【设计思路】通过以上三个步骤能够较自然地引出生词,这样生词教学不会显得太生硬,学生乐于接受。 4. 老师出示一张手工制作的贺卡教学make,和make a Near Year card . 5. 老师说The New Year is

17、coming李红提出了什么建议呢? Lets listen to the tape .引出并教学lets 。 6. 播放第79页的课文录音一遍,问学生李兰提出了什么建议, 让学生用课文原话Lets make a Near Year card .来回答,并让学生操练此句。 7、让学生再听一遍录音并问学生王涛回答的是什么。引出并教学Good idea . 【设计思路】通过让学生听并自己找答案的方式既教学了新知,又能让学生自学能力得到一定的培育。 8. 听音仿照、跟读、分角色朗读,表演等。 【设计思路】仿照表演是学生能够学会自由地运用的基础和前提。 二、句型教学。 1. 问学生在新年人们通常会说什么

18、祝福语,引导学生说Happy New Year .教学词组say Happy New Year 。 2. 用图片和动作教学生词dance, sing 和词组 sing and dance 。 3. 用图片教学zoo 和 go to the zoo 。 4. 通过做动做游戏等方式练习说以上词组。 【设计思路】此环节教学的生词、词组相对较多,因此通过做游戏、做动作等方式来教学会提高学生的爱好,并能较快地记住单词。 5. 老师说:假设今天是新年,我宣布今天不用上课了并且提议Lets go to the zoo .你们觉得老师的提议如何?引导学生说Good idea .师生就此话题操练一遍: 师:Le

19、ts go to the zoo . 生:Good idea . 6. 老师用以上教的词组带领学生说几遍对话(Lets Good idea .)。 7. 播放课文第80页录音,让学生跟读、仿照。 8. 让学生两两对话表演课文对话。 9.教学生如何制作贺卡。 三、巩固提高。 1.让学生做课文第81页练习。 2.让学生仿照课文自编对话。(老师给予指导:替换词组、人物等) 【设计思路】学习语言是为了运用语言,让学生自己编对这个环节学生的能力得到了体现,老师也可通过这一环节来检验本节课的教学效果的好坏。 课后作业 1. 听、读课文、单词各三遍。 2. 制作一张贺卡。 天津小学英语优秀教案3 教学目标:

20、 1.能比较流畅地朗读A部分对话,并进一步表演对话。 2.能熟练运用本单元的重点句型 Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like根据实际情况进行问答。 3.通过完成D部分练习,使学生掌握听力填空的答题技巧。 教学重点: 能熟练运用本单元的重点句型 Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like根据实际情况进行问答。 教学准备: 日历、录音

21、机及磁带、句型小黑板、 板书设计: Unit 3 Bens birthday A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthdays on A: What would you like as a birthday present? B:Id like 教学过程: A. Free talk 1.Greetings 2.Look and say(看日历说日期) 3.Free talk T: What day is it today? T: What date is it today? T: Whens your birthday? T: What would you lik

22、e as a birthday present? T: Would you like a ? T: Whens the Teachers Day?/Whens the Childrens Day? S: Its Monday. S: Its the S: Its on the S: Id like a S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. S: Its on the tenth of September./Its on the first of June. B. Read and act 1. Books opened at P22. Read the text after t

23、he tape. 2. Then read in chorus. Try to recite the text. 3. Act the dialogue. C. Ask and answer 1.T:Whens your birthday? T: What would you like as a birthday present? Open the books at P25. Ask and answer in pairs. 2. Do a survey 全班进行汇总反馈 A: _s birthday is on He would like D. Listen and write 1.Book

24、s opened at P26.Look at the picture , please. T: Bens birthdays coming. He is talking to his family about his birthdayparty. What would he like as his birthday present? Lets listen carefully. 2.T: What would he like as his birthday present? T: What else would he like? T: What color? T: What does Ron

25、 want? 3.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blankets. 4.Check up the answers. 5.Read the sentences in chorus. S: He would like a big cake with a lots of strawberries. S: He would like some fish. S: A blue one and a yellow one. S: He wants a blue fish, too. E.Assign homework 1. Ask and answer(P

26、25) 2. 通过询问制作全班同学生日表。 3. 预习Part E。 天津小学英语优秀教案4 教学目标: 知识与技能 1、Can follow the tape and points out the correct English Numbers. 2、Can use the correct English pronunciation and intonation say 1 to 10,saying the chant. 过程与方法 1.According to the teachers instruction to act。 2.Listen to the music, and culti

27、vate with the ability of music songs. 情感态度价值观 Through games, action performances and other activities, develop andmaintain students interest in learning English. 教学重点: To be able to understand and speak English number 1 to 10 。 教学难点: To understand and sing English songs 授课类型: The new teaching 教法学法:

28、Listen ,act ,and the game method 教学准备: PPT课件 教学过程: 、Warm-up Lets chant One finger, two finger, three fingers, four One two three four five fingers more Six finger, seven finger, eight fingers, nine Six seven eight nine ten fingers ten. 、Preparation T: Good morning! Boys and girls. Ss: Good morning!

29、T: Show me your pencil/ruler/schoolbag/book. Ss will do action. 、Presentation 1.Teacher will show some pictures and let students describe thepictures. T: Look at the pictures. Whats this? S1: Its a tiger. T: Ok! How many tigers do you see? You can speak Chinese. 2.Teacher will write the new word on

30、the blackboard. T: Read after me. Ss read the new words together. 3.Teacher will show the other new words by the pictures. 4.Students will read the new words by the cartoon. 、Practice 1.Teacher let students count their fingers. Who can act it? 2.Teacher show some pictures and let students count it o

31、ne by one. 3.Listen and do. Teacher will say the numbers and students do action. T: Show me five. Students listen and do action. 4.Students watch the cartoon and chant after it. 5.Students read the new words by the word cards. 6.Students chant after the tape. 板书设计: Unit4 numbers One two three four f

32、ive 作业布置 1.Students will count the real things. 2. Sing 1-10 English songs to your parents. 天津小学英语优秀教案5 教学内容: unit 3 part a look, read and say 教学目标: 1、学生能听说读单词exciting 2、学生能听说读写单词excited, sports. 3、学生能了解一般过去时的意义和基本用法:it was there just now. they were here a momentago. 4、学生通过本课的学习,知道要照看好自己的物品。 重点难点: 一

33、般过去时态的理解和运用 教学准备: 1、多媒体课件 2、录音机 教学过程: 一、free talk t: hello, boys and girls. its a fine day today, isnt? s: yes. t: what date is it today? s: its t: whens your birthday? s: my birthdays on the of t: my birthdays on the of so yesterday was my birthday. i got manypresents and i was very excited. unders

34、tand? s: yes. t: and i watched a sports meeting on tv with my friends. its olympicgames. when was the beijing olympic game?(课件展示奥运会图片和口号) s: it was on the 8th of august. 二、presentation 1、sports t: do you like olympic games? s: yes, i do. t: so i think you like sports. (课件展示运动的单词和图片,以旧带新读出新单词) t:look, the children are having a sports meetin


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