



1、教 学 设 计课题Module7Unit2 She couldnt see or hear.设计者鄢加敏执教者鄢加敏版本外研社三年级起点年 级六年级册 数下册教学目标知识目标(体现学科性):全体学生能理解词汇born, as ,became, letter, spell, herself, all over, live, role model.全体学生能运用词汇live. 部分学生能运用词汇born, as ,became, letter, spell, herself, all over, role model.全体学生能运用She couldnt see or hear 这类语句来介绍人物

2、的生平事迹。能力目标(体现创新性):能用英语来介绍人物的生平事迹。情感目标(体现教育性):激发学生的学习热情,了解名人榜样的事迹,学习他们的良好品质。教学重点能用英语来介绍人物的生平事迹。教学难点全体学生能运用She couldnt see or hear 这类语句来介绍人物的生平事迹。教学准备Teaching properties: 教学动画,PPT, pictures, cards.板书设计Module7Unit2 She couldnt see or hear.a role modela role modelWhen?What?When?What?How?Where?How?Where?

3、 教学过程教师活动学生活动媒体资源选择及设计意图Step1Warm-upStep2Lead inStep4New textStep5practiceStep6HomeworkGreetings2. Teach says. activity1.Play the tape, ask Ss listen and try to answer: What could Helen do ? What couldnt she do? Ss look, listen and repeat.Read this chant together.SB activity2T: Today will learn some

4、thing about her. and answer. Ask Ss to watch and answer.understand the text, then readHelp Ss understand the text.listen the text again, and learn the new words, then read them . in 4 Help Ss understand the text, then read to read. in 4 to practice.7. According the Bb to retell. activity3 T:Ask some

5、 Ss to tell their answers.Lead Ss understand the practice.2SB activity6Ask student to make a card about a famous person and talk to their friends or parents about her.3Watch a video about Helens learning.Talk about their feeling?1. Read the text of activity 2 fluently.2. Tell your friends about Hele

6、n Keller. Greetings2. Blind Drawing Game. Ss draw activity1.Ss listen and try to answer: What could Helen do ? What couldnt she do?Ss look, listen and repeat.Ss do this chant together.1. SB activity2Look and listen.2. Listen and answerSs watch and answer then Ss follow to read the text the text agai

7、n, and learn the new words, then read them together in 4to Underline the key sentences. to read. in 4 to read the text. Please care about the pronunciation7. According the Bb to retell. activity3 Ss tell their answers.Ss understand the practice.2SB activity6.Do and saymake a card about a famous pers

8、on and talk to their friends or parents her. a video about Helens learning.Talk about their feeling?师生问候,拉近师生关系。让生闭着眼睛画画,初步感受盲人生活,同时以滑稽的作品调动学生学习兴趣用动画展示chant,引出could/couldnt以及本课课题,使学生在轻松愉悦的中有效掌握课文知识要点。整体感知文本在动画的帮助下理解文本,找出答案。学习单词:born,as,became重点短语带着问题听,理解文本,找出答案,学习单词:letter,spell分组进行学习,有效促进学生互助合作,培养学

9、生学习兴趣。跟读,模仿语音。相互帮助,听单词发音情况,及时纠正.全文简要复述,巩固学生对课文的理解。由输入到输出检测文本学习情况经过学习,过渡到写出,难度递增通过视频,让生更深刻体会海伦学习的艰辛,激励生好好学将本课知识延伸到生活中,达到灵活运用。课后反思本课是新标准英语小学课本第七模块第二单元,在设计时,我考虑到学生应到达的综合能力,教学设计中主要有以下特点:1、重视培养学生 综合语言运用的能力,如开始部分通过“chant”调动起学生学习的积极性。引出could,并让孩子进行造句, 激活学生大脑思维,综合运用了句型结构、单词多角度练习所学知识。 2、采用多种练习方式,让学生熟悉课文,如:个人思考、小组讨论、集体探究等方式使学生由浅入深、步步深入的学习了本节课的知识点,在不知不觉中将课文内容消化了。 拓展环节注重学生所学知识在实际生活中的应用,并注意学生的情感培养。请同学们谈一谈你了解的励志故事,并仿写,让学生变成了课堂的主人,而教师的作用和价值,体现在最大程度的调动学生内在的积极性。尽可能大的拓展多种句型、时态的综合运用能力,从而将听到、看到的知识内化成自己的知识。 3、纵观整个教学,在教学实施环节中,能够较好地实现设


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