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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、(2017内蒙古包头30)Why did you buy so many flowers?_ my wife. I did something wrong yesterday. She is still angry with meAPleaseBTo pleaseCPleasingDBe pleased2、Our scho

2、ol is not far from the _ / p:k /?ApackBpassCparkDpick3、When it began to snow, the boys _ soccer on the playground.AplayBplayedCare playingDwere playing4、 Do you know the film Big Hero 6? Sure. I like it very much and I _ it three times since it was on.AseeBsawChave seenDam seeing5、Please_the call to

3、 the sales department if the customer rings up for me again,.Arun throughBlook throughCgo throughDput through6、To my surprise, I _ from hundreds of students to make a speech to teachers, parents and fellow students.Awere chosenBwas chosenCchoseDwill be chosen7、When do you think is the best time to v

4、isit Yancheng?You come here in spring or autumn. The weather is quite pleasant.Ahad better Bwould rather Chave to Dwould like8、He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went _the road.AonBalongCfromDoff9、Knives and forks for most Western food.Ais usingBare usedChave usedDwill

5、be used10、A survey about cycling to work was made among two hundred people. According tothe result below, the people who choose cycling because of health and fitness are _ more than those who choose cycling because of no parking problems.Health and fitnessNo costsLess pollutionFaster than drivingNo

6、parking problems?30%13%15%12A60B72C30. 完形填空11、Choose the the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)How is your summer holiday going? Im having fun in Tianjin, China. Im sitting in a 1 now. It is big and there are about 50 tables in it. I am 2 some tofu and a small bowl of mu

7、tton noodles with carrots. Im also drinking some black tea. I will 3 50 yuan on the meal. The dumplings here look good and I will eat them next time. The food here is very good. The noodles and tofu are 4 . The vegetables are fresh, but the tea isnt very good. The people here use chopsticks to have

8、meals. I cant use them. Im learning 5 to use them. It is very interesting. I think it will take me a long time to 6 the meal. I will go back to New York next week. Yours, Lucy.1ArestaurantBbankCsupermarketDcinema2AdrawingBleavingCeatingDcooking3AtakeBcostCspendDput4AsoftBdeliciousCdifferentDlarge5Aw

9、hyBwhereCwhenDhow6AcollectBfinishCshareDget. 语法填空12、Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, you can improve it 1you are patient. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be 2(will) to take action. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends staying home alone.Jo

10、ining a club or a group, talking to those who like the same things as you do is much3(easy). Or join someone in some activities.Many people are4when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown. And its human nature to feel a bit5(pleasant) about the unknown. Most of

11、fears about 6(deal) with new people come from doubts (怀疑) about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging usfinding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But dont forget that they must be feeling the s7way. Try to accept yourself as you are, and try to make others feel at home. Youll

12、all feel 8(comfortable).Try to be brave even if you dont feel that way when you enter a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight, look directly at other people and smile. If you see someone youd like to speak to, say something. Dont wait for the other person to start a talk.Just meeting someon

13、e new9(do) mean that youll make friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual (相互的) likings and give and take.10 takes time and effort (精力)for us to develop friendship. And there are things that stop a new friendship from growing. 阅读理解A13、Historic Canal(运河) Places to VisitIf you want to vi

14、sit a city with canals, is Venice the only choice you know? Let s know more about these places.Amsterdam, NetherlandsBeautiful canals probably arent the first thing that comes to your mind when you are thinking of Amsterdam, but Amsterdam actually has more canals than Venice. The first canals were b

15、uilt in the Middle Ages and Amsterdam has four main canals now. Today, you can see the classic buildings, along any of the canals, In 2009, UNESCO named Amsterdams central canal ring a World Heritage Site.Stockholm, SwedenWater makes up nearly one-third of Swedens capital across 14 islands. Stockhol

16、m with a name “Beauty on Water”, is connected by a huge canal network and 57 bridges. In winter, when the canals freeze over, locals and tourists visit there for ice-skating, which gives them the feeling like flying. Bruges, BelgiumJust a short train ride away from Brussels lies Bruges, an old canal

17、 town in Belgium. Although it was built in the 13th century, Bruges appears like something out of a fairy-tale: small, cobblestone(鹅卵石) streets, beautiful bridges and neat houses. Bruges canals host a festival every four years, which includes performances by musicians and actors, and lights shining

18、throughout the canals.1 has even more canals than Venice.AAmsterdamBBrugesCStockholmDBangkok2If you are a girl who loves fairy stories very much, which town probably is your favorite?ABangkok.BStockholm.CBruges.DAmsterdam.3In _, Stockholm is more attractive.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinterB14、A poor far

19、mer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know where lo plant it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree n

20、ear the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come al night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.Finally he planted the tree in his woods (树林) where no one could see it

21、. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died. Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. Whats the difference?” the farmer said angrily.If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in on

22、e of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit.”Yes, said the friend, but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed (抢夺) everyone of the fruit, but al

23、so you have destroyed (摧毁) a good apple tree!1What did the farmers friend give him one day?AAn apple.BSome apples.CA young tree.DSome young trees.2Why didnt the farmer want to plant the tree in his field?AHe thought strangers would steal the fruit.BHe thought the tree would die.CHe thought his child

24、ren would take the fruit.DHe thought his neighbors would steal the fruit.3Where did the farmer plant the young tree?ANear the road.BIn his field.CIn his woods.DNear the house.4Why did the young tree die in the end?AStrangers pulled out the tree.BHis neighbors cut down the tree.CHis children broke th

25、e tree.DThere was less sunlight and poor soil.5What does the story tell us?AWe should care about others feelings.BWe should learn to share beautiful things.CThe young tree can provide apples for us when it grows up.DThe young tree can grow up one day.C15、Fishing is a popular activity and every fishe

26、rman knows the rule: Keep the big ones, throw the smaller ones back. The idea behind Lt is simple - the larger fish are probably older. If you keep the smaller ones, they wont be able to reproduce, and the fish population is in danger.But fishing out the largest fish from a population has an unwante

27、d effect: Over time, fewer adult fish get really big. If only the smaller fish reproduce(繁殖), then future generations become smaller. This is an example of evolution(进化) in action.One scientist, Dr David Conover has spent the last decade studying the effects of the “keep the big ones” rule and if th

28、ey can be reversed(颠倒).To set up his experiment, Conover and his team caught hundreds of silverside fish and divided them into six groups. For two groups, Conover followed the “keep the large ones” rule and took out the biggest fish. For two other groups, he removed only the small fish.For the last

29、two groups, he removed fish at random (随意的).After five years, he measured the fish in each group. In the two groups where the largest fish were regularly removed, the average fish size was smaller than the average size in the other groups. Here was evolution in action: If only small fish survive to

30、reproduce, then future generations of fish will also tend to be small.For the second five years of his experiment, Conover changed the rules and took fish randomly from each group. At the end of the experiment, he found that the fish that were in the “keep the large ones” group for the first five ye

31、ars had started to get larger again, although he calculated it would take at least 12 years for the fish in that group to return to their original size.In other words, it takes less time to shrink(变小) than it does to recover.1The underlined word “it” (Line 2) refers to “ ”Athe activity Bthe fishCthe

32、 rule Dthe fisherman2Why do many people follow the “keep the big ones, throw the small ones back” rule?AIt helps to protect fish numbers.BIt helps to protect fish size.CIt is the custom in most countries.DThey will be punished if they dont.3What did Conover find after the first five years of his exp

33、eriment?AThe “keep the big ones” rule made no difference to fish size.BThe “keep the big ones” rule made fish smaller on average.CThe “keep the big ones” rule made the fish bigger on average.DThe “keep the big ones” rule affected all fish populations in the same way.4What is the authors intention in

34、 writing this article?ATo encourage people to fish more carefully.BTo urge governments to change the rules of fishing.CTo describe the results of a scientific experiment.DTo introduce the rules of fishing to readers.D16、Roller Coaster RideI had never been on a real roller coaster. Fear of speed, fea

35、r of heights: They just werent for me. The closest I had ever got was a kiddie-coaster when I was six. It was probably six feet tall, but I had it stopped even before we got up to the first slope.So today I just waited for my friends while they took the 53 mph roller-coaster-riding. As they stepped

36、off the ride, they all tried to persuade (说服 ) me to follow them onto the next one. roller coasterCome on, Lisi! Jennifer said, Youre so boring! Just come with us!Its not that scary, added Jackie, Ill sit next to you.Look: This is the slowest ride in the park! Christina pointed out.Finally, I gave i

37、n and agreed to get on the roller coaster, although I still wasnt sure. Of course everyone had come out alive so far, but you never know what will happen.As we stood in line, I got more scared. It looks really big from down here, I worried out loud.Finally, we reached the front of the line. I sat in

38、 a seat with Jackie and said that I would not let go of her hand until we were safely off the ride.As soon as we started moving, I began to scream and held Jackies hand tightly. We started to climb the slope toward the highest point of the ride.WHOOOOSH!It felt as if something had broken. We started

39、 falling fast. The wind blew hard and it seemed like my face would blow off. I screamed so loud that I couldnt hear myself anymore. Oh my gosh, we werent going to stop! I knew it. This had been a terrible idea. I closed my eyes, never stopping my scream.CLUNK!The ride came suddenly to a stop. I open

40、ed my eyes. We were back where we started! I hadnt died! I stepped off the ride, tired and dizzy. My friends looked at me, searching for my reaction.Can we do that again? I said in a low voice.1What happened when Lisi was on a kiddie-coaster at six?AShe fell off the ride. BShe refused to step off.CS

41、he had it stopped. DShe screamed with joy2Lisi finally decided to ride the roller coaster becauseAher friends persuaded her Bshe loved trying new thingsCher friends enjoyed the ride Dshe disliked waiting for friends3What did the writer think of the roller coaster ride in the end?AIt was boring and t

42、iring. BIt was challenging but fun.CIt was scary and dangerous. DIt was safe but disappointing.E17、根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。LOST 20-08-2010Name: BethAnimal: catColour: orangeWhere: RomseyMobile:0872271035Other Information:outgoing and friendly4-month-old maleLOST 07-08-2010Name: LynnAnimal: dogColour: whiteWhe

43、re: TipperaryMobile:0863919489Other Information:blue eyes,quiet,7-year-old girlFOUND 29-08-2010Animal: dogWhere: KildareMobile:0857844492Other Information:brown and white dog foundin Kildare area on the 29thof AugustFOUND 23-08-2010Animal: dogWhere: outside CastlelyonsMobile:0874197016Other Informat

44、ion:under 1 year old probably, big dog, around 15 kilos, all black with white stripes on his chest, wearing a red coat and very friendly dog1If you found an orange cat ,which number should you call?A0874197016.B0857844492.C0863919489.D0872271035.2Hou old is Lynn?A4 months old.B7 years old.C15 years

45、old.D1 year old.3The dog found outside Castelyons is _.Awhite.Bbrown and white.Call black with white stripes on his chest.Dorange.4Where was Lynn lost?AIn Tipperary.BIn Romsey.CIn Kildare.DOutside Castlelyons.5Which is NOT right according to the form?ABeth is outgoing and friendly.BLynn has blue eye

46、s and is very quiet.CThe dog found on August 7, 2010 was wearing a red coat.DThe dog found on August 23, 2010 is very big.F18、Whats the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody says hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetic

47、ally(按字母表的顺序) and use numbers to represent each ofthem, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c, you can change an English word into a number. So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98, meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96, while love :12+15+22+5=54, and luck: 12+21+3+11=47

48、, a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What about money or prayer(祈祷)? They cant , either.Then what else? Dont be worried. You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude. Yes, attitude is

49、 the word. See for yourself: attitude: 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100, a full mark.Different attitudes lead to different ways of life. Most times people hope for a better life. It is possible that you will have a change for the better after you have changed your attitude.When you change your manner and bec

50、ome friendly towards others, youll meet more smiling faces. In the same way, if you take a positive(积极地) attitude towards failure(失败), youll find you may have more chances to succeed.1We can use _ to represent “money”.A72 B71 C702The underlined word “them” in the second paragraph refers to _.Ahard-work and loveB26 English lettersCall numbers3In the writers opinion, what


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