



1、广东省梅州市南口中学2023年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Jane _ this Sunday. Lets go and say goodbye to her. A. would leaveB. left C. has leftD. is leaving参考答案:D2. As a child, Jack studied in a village school, _ is named after his grandfather.A. whichB. where C. what D. that 参考答案:【答案】3. Many drivers stopped to offer help

2、 because our car _ on the road.A. broke down B. broke outC. broke into D. broke off参考答案:A【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为我们的车在路上坏了,所以许多司机停下来帮忙。A. broke down 坏了,出故障;B. broke out爆发;C. broke into破门而入;D. broke off折断。broke down “坏了,出故障”符合句意。故A选项正确。4. When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me?A.

3、 everything B. something C. anything D. nothing参考答案:B5. Please tell me _ from.A .where do you come B. where you comeC. where you will come D. there you come参考答案:B6. You left without _ meCan you tell me the reason _ that?()Atelling,ofBtell,ofCtelling,forDto tell,for参考答案:C你都没有告诉我就走了,你能告诉我你那样做的原因吗?解析:w

4、ithout没有是介词,其后应该接动词的ing形式;故B、D选项直接排除The reason for的理由/原因为固定短语,故A选项排除综上,本题答案为C选项7. A great number of university graduates _ to the call of the country and went to work in the northwest. A. responded B. answered C. told D. said参考答案:a略8. Will you show me how to download these songs?Press “Enter” and fo

5、llow the on-screen_.Ainformation BinstructionsCadvice Ddescriptions参考答案:B考查名词词义辨析。follow the on-screen instructions按屏幕上的指示操作,instruction常作复数,意为“指示,说明”。information信息;advice建议;description描述。9. It is widely accepted that parents should raise their children more by _ than by anything else.A. contrast B.

6、 forceC. example D. nature参考答案:C10. Atlanta_ him and they lived happily.A. married withB. married toC. marriedD. got married with参考答案:C11. -I saw Jane and her parents in the supermarket at eight last night.-Impossible. She_ TV with me in my home then.A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. is wa

7、tching参考答案:D12. The man _charge said everybody could get a copy _free, which pleased us all.A. in; for B. of; for C. in; with D. of; with参考答案:A13. _ in a well-known university is what everybody wishes for.A. Educated B. Being educated C. To educate D. Educating参考答案:B14. Shall we visit the museum thi

8、s Sunday?A lot of works of many famous artists will be_.A. on sale B. on boardC. on exhibition D. on end参考答案:Con sale“(尤指在商店中)出售”;on board“在船上、飞机上”;on end“连续地”;on exhibition“在展出;在展览”。15. Do you regret_2,000 yuan for the trip?No.I would gladly have paid_for it.Ato pay;twice so muchBto have paid;as mu

9、ch twiceCpaying;twice as muchDhaving paid;so much twice参考答案:C16. Quarrels often _ between the wife and husband but they both wish to take measures to prevent them _ happily. A. break out; from living B. break up; to live C. happen; to live D. take place; from living 参考答案:A17. With more traffic probl

10、ems arising, more strict rules have been set, which makes it difficult for people to succeed in the driving test.A. to passB. passingC. to have passedD. to be passed参考答案:B18. The reason why he was absent from that important meeting is _ he had to look after his sick mother.A. because B. for C. that

11、D. why参考答案:C19. You can ask anyone for help. _ here is willing to lend you a hand.A. Everyone B. No one C. One D. Someone参考答案:A二、 书面表达20. 书面表达(25分)假如你是李华,是育英高中的学生,成绩优异,曾为小学生做过家教。请根据下面的招聘信息,写封应聘e-mail。注意:1. 词数:120左右;2. e-mail的格式已写好(见答题卡),不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节。 Volunteers are wanted to teach English on we

12、ekends in local orphanages (孤儿院).Those who are interested please send e-mail to HYPERLINK / volunteersbefore 25th July, 2007, talking about your advantages and reasons for applying.Young Volunteer Club参考答案:Dear Sir / Madam, I have read the ad for volunteers and am interested in becoming one of the v

13、oluntary English teachers. Now Im writing to apply for the position. I am Li Hua, and am studying in Yu Ying High School. I have been doing well in my study and have a good command of English. I once tutored a primary school kid in English. This experience has helped me build up confidence and impro

14、ved my communication skills. In my opinion, being a voluntary teacher is more than improving language and teaching skills. It is helpful to broaden our horizons and improve our understanding of the world. Thats why I hope very much to take this opportunity. I believe, by helping those kids, I can ma

15、ke a big difference to their future and make a small contribution to society. Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua21. 假如你叫李华,看到同学中的很多独生子女在生活中存在下列现象,请你给报社编辑写一封信,希望他们给同学们些建议:比较自私,难与同学相处;不会关心他人,难理解父母;遇事不会处理,过分依赖父母;学习不努力,怕吃苦。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节;3.参考词汇自私的 selfish参考答案:I write t

16、o tell you some problems existing in some only-child students. Because the only-child families usually try every effort to give their children what they want and satisfy all their desires,these only-child students then become a little selfish,making them difficult to get along well with their classm

17、ates. Whats more,there exists the generation gap between students and parents. Some students are self-centered and cant understand their parents.In addition,some parents spoil their children by doing everything for them. Therefore, they depend on their parents too much and cant deal with difficult s

18、ituation. Owing to these,some students have become lazy and would rather not study hard.Im concerned about the situation. Could you please give some advice to help them get over these bad habits? Yours sincerely Li Hua三、 阅读理解22. Like a tired marriage.the relationship between libraries and publishers

19、 has long been dull. E- books, however,are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares, but many publishers are too cautious about piracy(盗版)and lost sales to co-operate. Among the big six, only Random House and Harper Collins license e-books with most libraries.Publishers are wise to

20、be nervous. Owners of e-readers (电子阅读器)are exactly the customers they need: book-lovers with money. If these people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them, what then? Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient. Unlike printed books, which must be checked out and returned to a physical li

21、brary miles from where you live, book files can be downloaded at home. The files disappear from the device when they are due.E-lending is not simple, however. There are lots of different and often incompatible(不兼容的)e-book formats, devices and licenses. Most libraries use a company called OverDrive,

22、which secures rights from publishers and provides e-books and audio files in every format. Yet publishers and libraries are worried by OverDrive s global market dominance (优势),as the company can control fees and conditions. Publishers were annoyed when OverDrive cooperated with Amazon, the worlds bi

23、ggest online bookseller,last year. Owners of Amazons Kindle e- reader who want to borrow e-books from libraries are now redirected to Amazons website, where they must use their Amazon account to secure a loan.According to Pew,an opinion researcher, library users are a perfect market for Amazon. Late

24、 last year Amazon introduced its Kindle Owners Lending Library, which lets its best customers borrow free one of thousands of popular books each month.Library supporters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers and that libraries are vital spaces for readers to discover new works. Many were ch

25、eered by a recent Pew survey?which found that more than half of Americans with library cards say they prefer to buy their e-books.So publishers keep adjusting their lending arrangements in search of the right balance.Random House raised its licensing prices earlier this year,and Harper Collins limit

26、s libraries to lending its titles 26 times.32. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that _.A. several big publishers have sold e-books to librariesB. most publishers are hesitant to cooperate with librariesC. libraries are eager to keep strong relationship with publishersD. libraries and publishers f

27、ace the same problem of e-books piracy33. Why are publishers worried that people will switch to electronic borrowing?A. E-books must be checked out and returned to libraries regularly.B. There is no time limit for the book files downloaded on the device.C. There are lots of different and incompatibl

28、e e-book formats available.D. Book sales may drop sharply because of convenient electronic borrowing.34. We can learn from the text that _.A. Amazon is adopting measures to win more customersB. e-books can be lent at libraries as many times as you likeC. OverDrive distributes e-books and audio files to publishersD. over half of Americans are borrowing e-boo from libraries35. What is the best title for the text?A. The Hopeful Future of Publishing BusinessB. The Uncertain Economics of Lending E-boo


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