



1、广东省汕头市城郊中学2022年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Can you hit that bird with your gun, Tom?No!It is out of the _of my gun.Alength Baim Cdistance Drange参考答案:D略2. -It is hard to find a job today.-I might at least get some work experience _ I dont get a good job. A. so that B. in cast C. now that D. even if参考答案:D3. T

2、im is in good shape physically he doesnt get much exercise.A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as参考答案:B考点:考查状语从句。解析:句意为:“尽管Tim不经常锻炼,但他身材很好。”前后是让步转折关系,故选B项。4. The police found that the house and a lot of things Ahas been broken into,has been stolen Bhad broken in,had been stolen Chad been broke

3、n into,stolen Dhas been broken into,stolen参考答案:C5. _ house prices up all the time, complaints can be heard everywhere. A. As B. For C. Through D. With参考答案:D6. You can borrow my car you promise not to drive too fast.Aunless Beven ifCin caseDas long as参考答案:D7. Before the Kings returned home, the house

4、 thoroughly. A. has cleaned B. had cleaned C. has been cleaned D. had been cleaned 参考答案:D8. -Will you cycle to the countryside for sightseeing at the weekend? - , but the weatherman said it might turn out rainy AThat depends BWith pleasure CGo ahead DId love to参考答案:6. D考查交际英语在具体语境中的使用。A项意为“得看情况”; B项

5、意为“十分乐意”,表示客气地接受或同意;C项意为“开始, 进行”;D项意为“愿意”。 根据语境可知选D。 略9. Guandan, a Poker game, originating _ Premier Zhou Enlai was born, has been popular with the men in the street around the country.A. from which B. in whereC. where D. what参考答案:C【详解】考查地点状语从句。句意:起源于周恩来总理出生地的打牌游戏“Guandan”,在全国各地的大街小巷都很受欢迎。结合句意可知此处是

6、where/引导的地点状语从句,故选C。10. - What is upsetting you, dear? _ it is necessary for us to move our home to the city. A. Why B.How C.That D.Whether参考答案:D11. Deeply depressed, I reached the point I believed I no longer had options. A.where B.that C.when D.which参考答案:A12. They _ drinking although they are driv

7、ers, which is very dangerous both to them and the passengers.Agive up Bdevote themselves to Cquit Dabandon themselves to参考答案:D13. Fully _ looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. A. attached B. occupied C. contributed D. devoted参考答案:B略

8、14. According to an old proverb,a red sky at night often fine weather the next dayAindicates Bimpresses Cobtains Dexposes参考答案:A 15. After the death of her mother, the girl was sold to a rich man just in the neighboring area, from _ house she tried to escape twice.A. whom B. his C. whose D. which参考答案

9、:C考察关系代词和人称代词。A.先行词指人,在定语从句中充当宾语;B.人称代词,他的;C. 先行词指人或物,在定语从句中充当定语;D.先行词指物,在定语从句中充当主语、宾语;句意:在她母亲死后,这个女孩被卖到了附近地区的一个富有的男人家中。在他的家中,女孩两次尝试逃跑。故选C。二、 完型填空16. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。During the years when I was a teacher, I learned a lot of things. Pe

10、rhaps the most important one was the life-changing 36 of encouraging words.I 37 what Leo Buscaglia had done with his students in University of Southern California. In one class Leo Buscaglia and his students had made two lists of 38 , one positive and one negative. Then they 39 the negative words in

11、 the trash and tried to use only the 40 words for one month. They were 41 at how much better their lives became just by using words full of 42 . I decided to try this as well by 43 something good to write on each paper my students 44 . No matter how many mistakes a students paper 45 , there was alwa

12、ys a 46 sentence, beautiful thought, or a great idea that I could 47 on. I remember glancing over my desk and 48 some of the students reading those encouraging words 49 . It was a joy seeing their eyes shine a little brighter, their 50 sit up a little straighter, and their learning climb a lot 51 .

13、I recently saw one of my 52 students and we talked for a while. He has got married, and has two children now. As I was saying goodbye, he said, “You know I 53 have a few of those old papers. I look at them from time to time. I just 54 my kids have a good teacher like you.” I was amazed at the 55 tho

14、se few positive words had on his life. May your own life be forever full of encouraging words in your ears, from your lips and in your heart. 36. A. method B. ability C. power D. approach37. A. improved B. learned C. wondered D. used38. A. books B. words C. ideas D. tasks39. A. threw B. collected C.

15、 stored D. wrote40. A. familiar B. standard C. common D. positive41. A. curious B. disappointed C. amazed D. confused42. A. astonishment B. encouragement C. friendship D. advantage43. A. buying B. finding C. asking D. wishing44. A. took down B. put away C. looked through D. handed in45. A. contained

16、 B. created C. avoided D. reduced46. A. complete B. strange C. simple D. meaningful47. A. agree B. comment C. bring D. depend48. A. keeping B. having C. seeing D. leaving英语试卷 第7页(共16页) 英语试卷 第8页(共16页)49. A. again and again B. now and then C. little by little D. step by step50. A. legs B. waists C. ba

17、cks D. shoulders51. A. further B. higher C. deeper D. wider52. A. present B. clever C. careful D. former53. A. ever B. never C. still D. merely54. A. hope B. admit C. complain D. remember55. A. result B. strength C. effect D. importance参考答案:略三、 阅读理解17. According to the most recent count, more than 6

18、,500 homeless people sleep on the street or in shelters in San Francisco, and there are only eight shower facilities(设施) specifically available to the homeless, and most of these have just one or two stalls(淋浴间)and arent open every day. Now San Francisco-based company Lava Mae, is trying to change t

19、hat with a simple but smart ideaturning retired city buses into mobile showers for the homeless. The idea known as Lava Mae, is a response to the need of the homeless in the city.It all started two years ago when Sandoval got in a cab after a meeting in the SoMa district of San Francisco, where the

20、homeless mainly lived. “My driver turned around and said, Welcome to the land of broken dreams. ” Then Sandoval awoke from her imagination and started really look at the people around her. “ A woman I passed was crying and saying that she would never be clean”, Sandoval said. She took what the woman

21、 said as a sign that she should focus on the problem of hygiene(卫生), one of the most pressing needs for the homeless.After doing some research, Sandoval hit on the idea of a mobile unit that could be equipped with shower facilities. According to the companys founder Doniece Sandoval, every bus will

22、be renewed and equipped with two separate private areas, each with a shower stall, sink, changing areas, toilet and bench. Sandoval says that if everyone sticks to a five-minute shower, a single Lava Mae bus could provide service for about 100 people during each 8- to 10-hour shift.The project has b

23、een several years in the making as it has not been easy to get officials to agree. In addition, it is also difficult to ask the bus company to donate buses. Now she has reached an agreement with a bus company, which will donate the buses being retired in the next four years.While Lava Mae is now foc

24、used on the city of San Francisco, there is no reason that the idea cannot be spread all over the world.32. The main idea of this passage is that _.A. the homeless lived a comfortable life in San FranciscoB. the bus company shows great support to Lava MaeC. Lava Mae creates shower service to help th

25、e homelessD. Sandoval made great achievements in her career.33. _ contributed to Sandovals idea of creating mobile shower service to help the homeless.A. The benefit of her companyB. The requirement of the governmentC. The poor woman that she met in SoMa districtD. The meeting she had in the SoMa di

26、strict of San Francisco34. What is TRUE about the project of Lava Mae?A. A single Lava Mae bus could provide service for 100 people at a time.B. The project has met a lot of difficulties.C. The officials strongly support the project.D. The idea of Lava Mae will not be spread all over the world.35. What is the authors attitude about Lava Maes development?A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Objective. D. Uncertain.参考


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