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1、.,城市设计中的功能主义(Functionalism)和经验主义(Empiricism),.,.,对环境(Environment)的分类,Terrestrial environment Animate environment Social environment Cultural environment,.,.,Terrestrial environment + animate environment = biogenic environment The biogenic environment provides the setting, or physical frame, for huma

2、n life. Social environment + cultural environment = sociogenic environment The sociogenic environment refers to the social system where people exist.,.,The Nature of Environmental Experience,.,.,Motivations and Needs Perception Cognition and Affect Actions,.,Motivations and Needs,.,Maslows Hierarchi

3、cal Model of Basic Human Needs,Survival Safety and security Affiliation (Belonging) Esteem Self-actualization,.,Perception,Perception is the active and purposeful process of obtaining information from the environment.,.,Cognition and Affect,Cognition is the process of thinking which involves learnin

4、g and remembering (or forgetting) , generalizing, feeling and attitude formation, liking and disliking.,.,Generalizing Response generalizing the same response is given to different stimuli Stimulus generalizing different responses are given to the same stimulus at different times,.,.,The Role of the

5、 Built Environment in Human Lives,The concept of affordance The concept of habituation The concept of competence The concept of Predisposition (inclination) The concept of costs of rewards Environmental design as environmental adaptation,.,Affordance The affordance of anything, material or nonmateri

6、al, are what it offers a species in terms of the activities and meanings it allows because of its characteristics.,.,.,Competence Everybody has a level of competence, ability, skill, or expertise in dealing with the biogenic and sociogenic worlds and thus the built environment.,.,.,.,Costs and rewar

7、ds Our perception of the quality of the elements of the built environment depends on our perceptions of the costs and rewards associated with them. Indeed, all activities have costs and rewards associated with them.,.,.,The Urban Designer as Designer of Guidelines for Design,.,Prescriptive and Perfo

8、rmance Guidelines,Prescriptive guidelines establish the limit or framework within which buildings must be built. Performance guidelines provide the designer with the criteria whereby the impact of any proposal will be assessed.,.,The Use of Guidelines,Defining and designing the public realm Specifyi

9、ng and/or restricting certain uses and building forms Stimulating types of development Preserving existing urban environments Specifying the nature and location of public art,.,Specifying and/or restricting certain uses and building forms Zoning control Transfer of development rights Physical form a

10、nd pattern guidelines Aesthetic regulation Restrictive covenants,.,.,Design Principles,The city beautiful and the grand idea Empiricism and rationalism: looking back and looking forward A set of generic solution the design of new types Functionalism Human needs as a basis of functional design Social

11、 concern Design method,.,美国当代城市设计中需要关注的一些问题,.,The need for urban design to be seen within a moral order The need o understand urban designs potential contribution in a changing world The need to deal with different and changing models of reality The need to recognize the political nature of urban de

12、sign The need to see urban design as a collaborative act The need for a future orientation The need for an experiential approach to urban design The need for a knowledge-based urban design,.,城市设计中的功能主义(Functionalism),.,Human Needs as the Basis for Concepts of Functionalism,.,.,.,城市功能和城市 (The Functio

13、ns of Cities and Urban Places),.,Manifest functions and latent functions Manifest functions economic, social, recreational, etc Latent functions psychological, unconscious, abstract, etc Primary functions, secondary functions and tertiary functions,.,The Citys Primary Functions,The Communication Fun

14、ction The Transportation Function The Economic Function The Cognitive Function The Social Function,.,城市设计中的一些要素,.,Substantive Elements Behavior settings and architectural patterns Systems of behavior settings Enclosing behavior The public realm The milieu as display The creation as settings,.,The El

15、ements of the Behavioral Environment,.,.,The Elements of the Milieu,.,Spatial character Enclosing character Furnishing Illumination,.,Procedural Elements The elements of an urban design plan Master plan (illustrative site plan) Implementation mechanism (such as design guidelines, policy guidance, po

16、licy plan, etc. ) The elements of the design process for total urban designs The mechanism of public sector control The issues of concern,.,.,城市设计中的基础设施设计,.,Transportation systems Pedestrian networks Mass transit systems Waste management systems Energy supply systems Public facilities systems,.,Meet

17、ing Psychological Needs,.,.,人类心理需求的等级序列,Survival Health Development Comfort,.,针对人类心理需求的设计,Design for access Transportation systems Barrier-free design Design for activities Design for shelter and comfort Visual quality and comfort The sonic environment and sonic comfort Olfactory comfort Metabolic c

18、omfort: temperature, humidity, air movement,.,Meeting Safety and Security Needs,.,.,Sources of Psychological Insecurity,Harmful bacteria and pollutants Natural Disasters Patterns and materials of the built environment Machines The sociogenic environment,.,提供心理安全感的要素,The segregation of incompatible u

19、ses The nature of surveillance The role of privacy and community in attaining security The meaning of orientation in space and time,.,提供心理安全感的设计要素,Psychological form and psychological safety needs Physical form, privacy and territorial behavior in the public realm The physical form of the public rea

20、lm and orientation Physical form and a sense of place,.,Orientation,Orientation in a cosmological system Orientation in geographic space Orientation in time,.,Meeting Affiliation Needs,.,.,心理归属感,Belonging to a family and a kinship system Belonging to a nonkinship organization Belonging to a people B

21、elonging to a regional jurisdiction and nation Belonging to a place,.,提供心理归属感的要素,Sustaining human contact Homogeneity or heterogeneity of population Socially hierarchical society,.,提供心理归属感的设计要素,Nodes, boundaries and a sense of place The locations and scale of institutions and facilities The dealing

22、with changes Links and places of the public realm The symbols of affiliation The affiliation of place with its surroundings: contextualism,.,Meeting Esteem Needs,.,.,提供心理尊重感的要素,The development of competence Displaying skills Displaying status Behavior settings, land uses and self-esteem Status diffe

23、rentiation through design Controlling design and the design process,.,提供心理尊重感的设计要素,The development and display of competence The symbolic aesthetics of status The spatial configuration of cities and their precincts The character of open space Land uses, activity patterns and status Design for good m

24、aintenance,.,Meeting Self-actualization Needs,.,.,Meeting Cognitive Needs,.,.,提供心理认知的要素,Physical form and formal learning The child and the city The environment of adulthood The particular needs of adolescents The maintenance of cognition Opportunities of expression,.,Meeting Aesthetic Needs,.,.,Env

25、ironmental Aesthetics,Sensory aesthetics Formal aesthetics The sequential experiencing of the environment The expressive meaning of line and form Symbolic aesthetics Intellectual aesthetics,.,Intellectual Aesthetics,The fit between the built environment and task functions The environment as a work o

26、f art The environment as a container of works of art Urban design ideologies,.,提供审美感的设计要素,Behavior settings The milieu Sensory aesthetics Formal aesthetics Symbolic aesthetics Intellectual aesthetics Expressive aesthetics,.,.,.,.,.,.,城市设计理论概述,.,一、古代西方城市设计,.,起源巴比伦 空中花园(The Hanging Garden),.,欧洲国家,.,欧洲

27、国家,.,突尼斯,.,突尼斯,.,南美印加帝国,.,南美印加帝国,.,二、现代西方城市设计理论的起源,.,空想社会主义与城市设计 工业革命与城市设计 城市空间感知与城市 Camillo Sitte 1889 ,.,当代西方城市设计理论的分类,.,城市设计理论的哲学基础,.,经验主义(Empiricism),Locke, Berkeley, Hume “Looking back” 通过实证研究归纳过去和已有的设计经验、城市物质环境的规律和特征、研究者的观察分析结果以指导城市设计 Sitte (1889), Lynch (1960), Cullen (1961), Bacon (1976),.,理

28、性主义(Rationalism),Descartes “Looking forward” 基于对未来城市的理性或主观分析推理而提出的各种城市设计理论 霍华德的“田园城市”,柯布西埃的“光辉城市”,莱特的“广亩城市”,.,实用主义(Pragmatism),Pierce, James, Dewey 主要见于北美学术界 强调城市设计的适用性,即城市设计对于改造城市环境以及相关的社会、经济、生态等方面所产生的效果,.,功能主义(Functionalism),Lang(1994)总结 源于现代主义的建筑设计思潮 设计的目的是为了满足人类的各种需要,首先要满足个人和社会的功能需求 实质是实用主义的哲学基础

29、结合了经验主义的城市设计分析方法,.,城市设计理论的主要研究领域 (认识论),.,景观视觉领域,19世纪末20世纪初 起源于传统的景观和建筑美学的研究 Camillo Sitte (1889) 和Raymond Unwin (1909) 研究城市物质环境所形成的景观和视觉特征 研究者对城市环境作主观的观察、分析和评价来总结出城市环境景观的规律和范例以解决现有问题和指导未来的城市设计 缺乏系统、客观、能被普遍认同和重复验证的方法论 研究结果与普通大众的观点经常不同 经验主义为基础:以过去的经验指导将来的城市设计;建立在研究者自身的主观经验上,.,认知意像领域,19401950年代 将城市设计的研

30、究领域从传统的单一的客观城市环境拓展到了人与环境的二维领域 Kepes (1944), Lynch (1960) 研究人对环境的认知结果 分析掌握影响人们认知的环境(要素)及其特征,以指导城市设计,改善/创造城市环境使之接近/符合人们的认知规律 以案例研究为基础的实证研究 景观视觉领域的继承和拓展,社会学、心理学和城市设计的结合 经验主义为基础,应用了社会学的理性和系统的分析方法,因此也具有理性主义的成分,.,环境行为领域,1960年代 在认知意像领域研究的基础上对人对环境的认知和反应的更深层次的研究 Lynch (1960),Appleyard (1976, 1981), Rapoport

31、(1977) 研究人对环境的认知和反应,包括人、环境和他们之间的相互关系 研究人的环境认知、反应的规律及其特征,并以此指导城市设计以创造符合人认知和反应规律的城市环境 社会学和心理学的研究方法,以实证研究和理性的系统分析为主 从人类的生理、心理、社会属性上分析和解释人类环境认知和反应的本质和原因 经验主义、功能主义和实用主义为基础,.,社会领域,19501960年代 多学科/跨学科研究:社会学、人类学、城市/社会/人文地理学 Mumford (1961), Jacobs (1961) 研究个人、不同的社会群体、全社会/公众所形成的社会问题与城市环境之间的相互关系 通过研究和理解社会问题、社会需求和城市环境之间的关系以指导城市设计改善城市环境,进而解决相应的社会问题 研究方法与社会学、人类学、地


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