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1、,CHINESE-ENGLISH TRANSLATION,Chapter 2 Fundamental Knowledge,汉英翻译基本知识,汉英翻译就是译者将作者为汉语读者所写的汉语文本转换为功能相似、语义相符、供英文读者阅读的英语文本的活动。, 陈宏薇,国际翻译界一般认为: 从外国语译入本族语易,反之难。 从本族语译入外国语非明智之举。 译出翻译的最佳模式是合作翻译。,该校有三千名学生。 The school has three thousand students. 苦尽甘来。 Sweet comes after bitterness. 凯文是几兄弟中最热心的。 Kevin is the m

2、ost warm-hearted of his brothers. 日暮途穷。 The day is falling and the road is coming to an end.,正 There are three thousand students in the school.,正 After rain comes the sunshine. / Pain past is pleasure.,正 Kevin is the most warm-hearted of all the sons in the family. /Kevin is more warm-hearted than a

3、ny of his brothers.,正 The night is falling and the road is coming to an end.,注:“日暮”除译作 The night is falling 外,又可译成 the night is closing in,或 night is coming(on),或 it is getting dark。汉语的“途穷”,除如上照字面译出的以外,又可译为 no road ahead,或意译为 straitened, in poor circumstances 等。,车来了。您先请。 Here comes the car. You go f

4、irst, please. 这个教授教得很烂。 The professor teaches badly. 周末许多人睡得很晚。 Many people sleep late at weekends. 这个任务很危险,但总得有人去冒险。 The task is really dangerous. But someone has to take the adventure. 一辆白色轿车前来接新郎新娘去教堂。 A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church.,正 Here comes the car. Afte

5、r you. 正 The professor is so terrible. 正 Many people go to bed very late at weekends. Many people sleep late at weekends. = 周末许多人睡懒觉。 正 The task is really dangerous. But someone has to bell the cat. 正 A white car turned up to take the bride and the groom to the church. 注:汉英两种语言均有各自固定的词序,因此翻译时要根据各自的语

6、言习惯进行适当的调整。之所以将新娘放在前面,也许是西方文化中“女士优先” 吧!又如:“衣食住行”译成英语是 food, clothing, shelter and transportation; 同样,“左顾右盼”翻译成look right and left。,文化,语言,思维,什么是文化?P.15 文化、语言与汉英翻译的关系?P.16 中西思维方式有什么异同?P.18,清 翠十八子手串,清翠鱼纹佩,Qing Dynasty Jadeite Rosary Bracelet of Eighteen Beads Jadeite Pendant with Fish Design,Treasures

7、of the Palace Museum Jewelries of Empress and Imperial Concubines,中英思维方式对比,中国人注重伦理(ethics); 英美人注重认知(congnition) 中重整体(integrity)、重综合性(synthetic)思维; 英重个体individuality)、重分析性(analytic)思维 中重直觉(intuition)、重形象思维(figurative thinking); 英重实证(evidence)、重逻辑思维(logical thinking), 连淑能,中国人的形象思维体现在用具体形象的词语比喻抽象的事物,以物

8、表感、状物言志。 明枪易躲,暗箭难防 It is easy to dodge a spear thrust in the open,but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hiding 脚踩两只船 straddle two boats;have a foot in either camp 脚踏实地 have a down-to-earth manner,胆小如鼠 as timid as a mouse;chicken-hearted 居高临下 occupy a commanding position 蒙在鼓里 be kept in t

9、he dark 顶天立地 dauntless;of gigantic stature;of indomitable spirit;giant,萝卜青菜,各有所爱。,B,D,A,C,E,汉英语音对比,汉英句法对比,汉英文字对比,汉英词义对比,汉英篇章对比,汉英语言对比,Type,汉语属汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan Family) 英语属印欧语系(Indo-European Family) 汉语是世界上最古老语言之一 英语是世界上使用最广的语言之一,汉语是分析型(analytic)语言,其典型特征是没有屈折变化即汉语的名词不会改变自身的形式(form)变为(inflection),复数,动词

10、也不用改变自身的形式表示过去时、现在时或将来时;汉语的词没有阳性和阴性的变化,汉语中也没有表阳性和阴性的词缀。 汉语词语组合成句依靠词序(word order)和虚词(empty word)。 如: “鸟儿飞出了笼子。”是按正常词序组成的正确句子,若颠倒“鸟儿”和“笼子”的位置成为“笼子飞出了鸟儿”,该句则成了病句;然若加上“里”字,“笼子里飞出了鸟儿”,句子便又恢复正常,突出了鸟儿是从笼子里飞出来的信息。,汉语还被认为是粘着型(agglutinative)语言,词的组合依靠词素的粘着。 如: 光(+明) 光明(+正大) 光明正大 打(+击) 打击 (+犯罪+分子) 打击犯罪分子,英语是分析型

11、和综合型(synthetic)语言。其分析型特征也体现在词序和助词(auxiliary)的组句功能上。 如: “He works well”是正确句子,不能颠倒词序将其变为“Works he well”,但可以改变词序变为“Well he works”以突出“well”。 Does he work hard?”一定得将does置于句首成为一般疑问句,若改变词序使其为“He does work hard”则改变了该句的功能,变为陈述句,强调“work hard”。,英语又属综合型语言是因为它有丰富的屈折变化形式。 如: table(桌子)tables(几张桌子) run(跑)ran(跑,过去时)

12、run(跑,过去分词) the boys (s表示所属关系) She sings(-s表示现在时单数第三人称),Linguistic System,文字(script),也称书面语言(system of writing),是语言的有形记录,它的出现往往晚于所记录的语言。 人类历史上有四种最古老的表意文字,它们是古埃及的圣体字,古苏美尔人的楔形文字,中美洲玛雅人的文字和古汉字。除了汉字至今保持着旺盛的生命力,其余的三种文字都已湮没在历史的长河中。,古汉字是一种用符号表示思想或概念的表意文字(ideographic script),因为它主要是象形字。P32 随着指事字、会意字和形声字的出现,且数

13、目不断增多,汉字已不能简单地视为表意文字,而应该视为有表意倾向的音节文字(ideographic-oriented syllabic script)。汉字一字一音,一字既可代表语素,又可代表音节。汉字是多功能的,它是字(character),即构成文字的基本单位;有些汉字又是词(word),如:句、书、打、走等;有些汉字既可作词单独使用,也可略变写法作偏旁部首(radical)使用,如金、木、日、米等;少数汉字只能作为语素(morpheme)与其他汉字组合成词语,如菩、乒、忐等。,Development of Chinese characters: Inscription on bone or

14、 tortoise shells (甲骨文): the Shang Dynasty 2) Bronzeware script (金文): the Shang Dynasty the Zhou Dynasty; 3) Seal character (篆书): the Zhou Dynasty the Qin Dynasty 4) Official script (隶书): the Warring State Dynasty the Han Dynasty 5) Regular script (楷书): the Han Dynasty the Tang Dynasty 6) Cursive scr

15、ipt (草书) / Running script (行书): the Han Dynasty the Southern and Northern Dynasties,1) Pictographs (象形字) are pictorial representation of the things or objects they originally represented. e.g. 山, 川. 2) Indicatives (指事字): Unlike pictographs, indicatives do not picture things, but “indicate” their pro

16、perties. e.g. 上, 下. 3) Ideographs (会意字) are typically composed of pictographs / indicatives arranged in a special way to suggest something more abstract. e.g. 明, 休. 4) Sound-shape compounds (形声字): Typically consist of two parts: one called “radical” (偏旁) indicating semantic area, and the rest is pho

17、netic element (声旁) indicating phonetic realization. e.g. 妈, 钾. 5) Changed-annotation characters (转注字) are characters which were originally the same character but have become two different ones through orthographic drift. e.g. 考 老. 6) Fake-borrowed characters (假借字) are homophones which are borrowed f

18、or use when a spoken word has no corresponding character. e.g. 令 (as in 命令县令), 长 (as in 长者长官).,英语是拼音文字(alphabetic Script)。英语有26个字母,组合构成词。所以,英文字母绝大多数都不能像汉字那样可以单独使用。 英语没有字,只有词。,Phonetic system,汉语的音素(phoneme)分为韵母(final)和声母(initial)两大类 英语的音素分为元音(Vowel)和辅音(consonant)两大类 汉语音节一般由一个韵母和一个声母构成 英语音节的构成比汉语复杂得多,

19、一个元音可与一个或两个辅音甚至三个或四个辅音(辅音连缀)构成音节 (CCC)V(CCCC),汉语是声调语言(tonal language)。 每个汉字都有四声:阴、阳、上、去。声调不仅是汉语的重要语音表达手段,还能帮助辨义。汉语的单音节只有一个重读音节(stressed syllable),双音节词可能两个音节都重读,也司能只有一个音节重读。重读音节不同,意义也就不同。 例如:“大意” 若读成dayi,其意为“主要的意思”(main idea),若读成dayi,则表示“疏忽,不注意”(careless)。 当然,在翻译中,我们主要依靠上下文,依靠所译词与语篇内外其他词的关系来确定词义。,“英语

20、是语调语言(intonation language)。语调的单位一般是句群或小句,调核一般在语句的末尾。 语调既有语法作用,能分开陈述句、疑问句或反意问句,也有独特的表意作用,具有很强的表情功能,不同的语调可以表示不同的态度、口气和思想感情。此外,语调还赋予英语一种旋律美,难怪有的语音学家形象地将语调比做“英语的灵魂” 。 英语的单词没有声调,但有重音,而且重音的排列有规律。 英语的句子也有重音。一般情况下,实词(content words)重读,虚词(form words)不重读。,Tone is the pitch of a word in a language to distinguis

21、h lexical meaning. Intonation is the pattern of pitch across a stretch of utterance (such as a clause or sentence) to convey syntactic information. Chinese is a typical tone language in that tone, like vowel and consonant, has a distinctive value. By comparison, tone in English does not have a disti

22、nctive value. Generally, every Chinese syllable (i.e. character) consists of three components: the initial consonant (声母), the vowel (韵母) and the tone (声调). The four tones of Chinese are: (1) high and level tone (阴平, ), (2) rising tone (阳平,), (3) falling-rising tone (上声,), and (4) falling tone (去声,)

23、,Intonation language is a language in which the meaning of a sentence largely depends on its intonation contour. English is an intonation language in that intonation plays a very important part in conveying the speakers attitude, emphasis, emotion and other shades of meaning. English has a very comp

24、lex intonation system, which is generally recognized to have 11 intonation patterns, among which the following 6 are most common: 1) Falling intonation (): expressing assertion, definiteness, command, etc. 2) Rising intonation (): showing uncertainty, request, reservation, etc. 3) Level intonation()

25、: indicating indifference, neutrality, suspension, etc. 4) Falling-rising intonation (): denoting doubt, hesitation, reservation, impatience, etc. 5) Rising-falling intonation (): conveying deep impression, complacence, joking, sarcasm, reproach. 6) Rising-falling-rising intonation (): showing contr

26、ast, encouragement, cheerfulness, etc.,Semantic system,意义的分类 (Leech) 外延意义denotative meaning 内涵意义connotative meaning 风格意义stylistic meaning 情感意义affective meaning 联想意义reflective meaning 搭配意义collocative meaning 主题意义 thematic meaning,词是具备形、音、义,可以独立运用的最小语言单位,也是最小的语法单位。词具有指称意义和蕴涵意义,因而难译。 英汉词汇意义的对应大致有以下三种情况

27、: 1)词义相符(semantic correspondence) 学生(student) 环境保护(environmental protection) 学习知识 to learn knowledge (to acquire knowledge) ; 词义部分相符 山 hill, mountain 鸡 hen, chick, rooster,2) 词义相异(semantic non-correspondence) A. 指称意义相符,蕴涵意义相异. 松、梅、竹(岁寒三友,蕴含不畏唁函,傲然风雪的品德)然而,英语中pine trees, plum blossoms, bamboo不具备上述蕴含意

28、义。 B. 指称意义和蕴涵意义相异. 龙凤呈祥 (Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity) 3) 词义空缺(semantic zero) 见书265面节气,Chinese compound words involve the following 5 structures: Subject-verb construction (主谓结构): 地震,脉搏,年轻,目睹,神往,胃下垂 2) Verb-object construction (动宾结构): 唱票,管家,吃惊,用功,拼命,跑龙套 3) Verb-complete construction (动补结构)

29、: 提高,建成,长大,煮熟,杀死 Coordinate construction (并列结构): 国家,尺寸,美好,口舌,强迫,吞云吐雾 5) Subordinate construction (限定结构): 雪白,万分,闲谈,forming through reduplicated words: 1) AA: 星星,姐姐,刚刚,常常 2) AAB: 眨眨眼,刷刷牙 3) ABB:红通通,乱哄哄,亮晶晶 4) BAA: 眼巴巴,乱蓬蓬 5) AABC: 脉脉不语,楚楚动人 6) BCAA: 衣冠楚楚,风雪茫茫 7) AABB: 叮叮当当,磨磨蹭蹭,说说笑笑 8) ABAB: 休息休息,活动活动

30、,研究研究,清醒清醒 9) A里AB: 流里流气,罗里罗嗦,糊里糊涂,傻里傻气 10) A一/呀/啊A: 试一/呀/啊试,看一/呀/啊看,听一/呀/啊听,想一/呀/啊想,外延意义不对应 红茶 black tea 税 tax duty tariff bond 白酒 spirits/liquor (不是white wine白葡萄酒) 红眼 pink eye (to be green-eyed) (Red eye 廉价的威士忌酒 ),词义相异,内涵意义不对应 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成为强大的社会主义国家。 译文 So long as we stick to the reform

31、 and opening-up policy,we will be able to turntransform China into a powerful Socialist country 分析初学翻译的人很可能把“一定能”译成“will surely be able to”,这就是中式英语,问题出在“surely”身上,此词用在这里表示自己就没有什么把握,与原文意思相反。“把我国建设成为”如译成:“to build China into”又违背了英语惯用法。,搭配意义不对应 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水平。 译文Our primary task at present is

32、 to develop national economy and improve the standards of living. 分析“提高人民生活水平”译为“to improve (better) the lives of the peopleto improve (uplift) the quality of the lives of the peopleto improve the texture of the lives of the peopleto improve (raise) standards of living都是符合英语惯用法的。如译成“to raise the lev

33、el of the lives of the people”则成了中国式英语。,联想意义不对应 有一次,译员用英语通知一位外国专家参加一个会议,其中有一句话是“You had better attend the meeting on time”(您最好及时参加这个会。)英语的语法是毫无问题的。但外国专家听后十分不悦,原来“had better do sth”只能用于上级对下级,老师对学生,老一辈对下辈,同等地位或年龄的人之间。,同时,市场自身的弱点和消极方面也会反映到人们的精神生活中来。 译文Meanwhile,the weak points and negative factors invo

34、lved in market operation will find expression in peoples cultral life. 分析“精神生活”在这里译为“cultural life”是符合英语惯用法的。如译文“spiritual life”很可能有宗教的因素。,情感意义不对应 过去我们在对外宣传中,一直把“宣传”译为 “propaganda”(贬义的成分为多,使人易与吹牛、说谎、怀有政治目的等负面含义联系起来),现在多使用“publicity”等中性词;“精神文明”被译ritual civilization,在外国人的心目中含有宗教色彩,现在改“ethical and cult

35、ural progress”以及其他译法。,语篇意义 语用意义 语体文本意义 指称意义 ,Discussion,1馆: 博物馆、图书馆、旅馆、宾馆、大使馆、领事馆、茶馆、饭馆、理发馆、体育馆、展览馆、文化馆、美术馆、科技馆、天文馆、照相馆 1museum,library,hotel,guest house,embassy,consulate,tea house,restaurant,barbers shop,gymnasium,exhibition hall,cultural center,art gallery,science and technology center,planetariu

36、m,photo studio,2酒: 葡萄酒、白酒、烈酒、啤酒、香槟酒、鸡尾酒、白兰地酒、威士忌酒、杜松子酒 2wine,alcohol,spirits,beer,champagne,cocktail,brandy,whisky,gin.,3. 笔: 钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔、蜡笔、粉笔、毛笔、画笔、电笔 3. fountain pen,pencil,ballpoint pen,wax crayon,chalk,writing brush,painting brush,electroprobe,4好: a他是祖国的好儿子。 b庄稼长得真好。 c他们对我真好。 d楼的质量不好。 e这个问题很好回答。

37、f啊,好票,4 aHe is a worthy son of our motherland bThe crops are doing well cThey are really kind to me dThe building is not well built eThis question is easy to answer fOh,a good seat !,5学习: a学习知识 b学习技术 c学习外语 d学习成绩 e学习别人的长处 f互相学习 g以雷锋为学习的榜样,5 aacquire knowledge bmaster a skill cstudy a foreign language

38、 dacademic records eemulate others strong points f1earn from each other gfollow the example of Lei Feng,English and Chinese share a lot in common in their syntactic structures. SV: The bell rang. / 铃响了。 SVC: He is a teacher. / 他是老师。 You look young. / 你看上去很年轻。 SVO: He dug a hole. / 他挖了个洞。 SVoO: He ga

39、ve me a pen. / 他给了我支笔。 SVOC: She wished her son safe and sound. / 她希望儿子平平安安的。 SVA: She smiles prettily. SVOA: She completes the program smoothly.,compare,Hypotaxis means the arranging of clauses and sentences with connectives showing the relations between them, in other words, the different parts of

40、 the text are organized and developed by connectives (i.e. conjunctions, relative pronouns, relative adverbs, present / past participles, etc). Parataxis means the arranging of clauses and sentences without connectives showing the relations between them. Therefore different sentences are juxtaposed

41、to form sentence groups or text by underlying semantic / logic relations (rather than connectives). English is a hypotactic language which relies heavily on formal links such as connectives. Chinese is a paratactic language which depends largely on underlying semantic/logical relations rather than f

42、ormal links., 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 A person can not be judged by his appearance, just as the ocean can not be measured by pints. 聪明难,糊涂更难。 Its difficult to be wise, but its even more difficult to play the fool. 想要什么吃的、什么玩的,只管告诉我;丫头老婆们不好了,也只管告诉我。 曹雪芹红楼梦 Just tell me if you have a fancy for anything special

43、to eat or pass the time with. When a housemaid or an old nurse becomes nasty, also let me know.,1) 天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。 It was so cold that the river froze. 2) 早知今日,何必当初? If I had known it would come to this, I would have acted differently. If you had known it would come to this, why should you have acted t

44、hat way? 3) 江山易改,本性难移。 It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a persons nature. (A person can hardly change his nature as) a leopard can hardly change its spots.,English language is a subject-prominent language. Chinese is a topic-prominent language. A subject-prominent languag

45、e is a language in which the grammatical units of subject and predicate are basic to the structure of sentences and in which sentences usually have subject-predicate structure. A topic-prominent language is one in which the information units of topic and comment are basic to the structure of sentenc

46、es, and subject-predicate structure is not always obligatory.,1) 鱼,我所欲也。熊掌,亦我所欲也。两者不可兼得,舍鱼而取熊掌也。 Fish is what I desire, and bears paw is also what I desire; if I can not have both, I will give up fish and take bears paw. 2) 开车他没有经验。 He is inexperienced in driving. 3) 一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。 We ate

47、half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing.,东边闪电出日头,西边闪电必有雨,南边闪电天气热,北边闪电有雷雨。 If it lightens in the east, it will be sunny; if it lightens in the west, it will be rainy; if it lightens in the south, it will be sultry; if it lightens in the north, it will be stormy. 这种力,是一般人看

48、不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现, It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself.,良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, (so) unpalatable advice benefits conduct. 一个稳定、强大的中国符合美国的利益;一个强大、自信和参与全球事务的美国符合中国的利益。 A secure and strong China is in Americas inter

49、est. And a powerful, confident, and globally engaged U.S. is in Chinas interest.,燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? Swallows fly away, yet return; willows wither, yet burgeon again; peach-blossom fades, yet blooms afresh. But tell me, you who are wise, why do our days de

50、part never to return? 带织入狗中,狗织入白云中。白云织入村女中 The belts interwove with the dogs, the dogs with the white clouds, and the white clouds with the country girls. P 47-48,山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名叫“黄龙古寺”。寺前有一溶洞,深邃莫测。寺后有一石碑,除碑檐外,几乎全被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。 (原译) On the hill top stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist re

51、treat built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). A karst cave lies before it, and a stone tablet was erected behind it. All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable. (改译) On top of the hill stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Ming Dyna

52、sty (1368-1644) structure for a Taoist retreat. In front of the monastery is a karst cave of infinite depth, and behind it stands a stone tablet, all but the top of the tablet having been eroded by calcium carbonate and the inscriptions on the tablet hardly distinguishable.,(京剧)脸谱主要是用在“净”、“丑”这两种角色的脸

53、上。“净”又称“花脸”,“丑”就是“丑角”。脸谱有两种用意,一种是表示剧中人的身份和性格。如“红脸”表示这个人忠勇,“黑脸”表示这个人粗豪,“白脸”表示这个人奸恶。再一种用意是体现人们对这个角色的道德评价和审美评价。如可敬的,可恨的,崇高的,可笑的,等等。 Masks, applied to the two roles of the jing or male character and the chou or clown, serve two purposes. One is to indicate the identity and character of the role. For exa

54、mple, a red face means the person is loyal and brave; a black face signifies the person is straightforward; and a white face identifies the person as crafty and evil. The other purpose is to express peoples appraisal of the roles from a moral and aesthetic point of view, such as respectable, hateful

55、, noble, or ridiculous.,脸谱的含义,脸谱是指中国戏曲(尤其是京剧)演员脸上的化妆图案,因为这些图案均有特定的规格,所以被称为脸谱。脸谱的作用是运用不同的色彩和线条构成各种图案,以象征剧中人物的性格和各种特质,例如忠奸善恶等等。,脸谱的分类介绍,红色脸 象征忠义、耿直、有血性,如:“三国戏”里的关羽、斩经堂里的吴汉。 其他:有讽刺意义,表示假好人。 黑色脸 既表现性格严肃,不苟言笑,为中性,代表猛智。 如“包公戏”里的包拯;又象征威武有力、粗鲁豪爽,如:“三国戏”里的张飞,“水浒戏”里的李逵,“杨排风”中的焦赞。,白色脸 表现奸诈多疑,含贬义,代表凶诈,如:“三国戏”里的

56、曹操、打严嵩中的严嵩。 蓝色脸 表现性格刚直,桀骜不驯。 如:上天台中的马武,连环套里的窦尔墩。 紫色脸 表现肃穆、稳重,富有正义感。 如:二进宫中的徐延昭,鱼肠剑中的专诸。 金色脸 象征威武庄严,表现神仙一类角色。 如:闹天宫里的如来佛、二郎神。 绿色脸 勇猛,莽撞,冲动。 如:白水滩里的徐世英。,主要角色:生、旦、净、末、丑,中国戏曲中人物角色的行当分类,按传统习惯,有“生、旦、净、丑”和“生、旦、净、末、丑”两种分行方法,近代以来,由于不少剧种的“末”行已逐渐归入“生”行,通常把“生、旦、净、丑”作为行当的四种基本类型。每个行当又有若干分支,各有其基本固定的扮演人物和表演特色。其中,“旦

57、”是女角色的统称;“生”、 “净”、两行是男角色;“丑”行中除有时兼扮丑旦和老旦外,大都是男角色。,一:(京剧)脸谱主要是用在“净”、“丑”这两种角色的脸上。“净”又称“花脸”,“丑”,就是“丑角”。 Masks ,applied to the two roles of the “Jing” or “male character” and the “Chou” or “clown”, serve two purposes . 京剧是中国的国粹,“净”和“丑”是京剧角色,在英语中是没有对应词的,译者采用音译,用斜体注明。“花脸”和“丑角”是“净”和“丑”的别称,也是他们的同义词,“male character”突出了“净”的角色,这样更能使人了解到京剧的特殊


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