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1、系统详细设计工具,2006年11月27日,GIS设计课程内容,1.熟悉ArcGIS 2.总论、设计思想 3.系统定义 4.总体设计 5.详细设计 6.数据库设计 7.系统实施、测试 (面向对象分析与设计) 8. ArcObjects开发 9.ArcGIS空间分析,1.ArcGIS操作 2.软件工程设计 visio 3.软件需求规格说明 4.总体设计实践 5.详细设计实践 6.数据库设计实践 7.系统实施、测试 (UML实践) 8.AO实践 9.ArcGIS空间分析操作,关于作业,本节内容,程序流程图 N-S盒式图 问题分析图 类程序设计语言 实习,程序流程图(program flow char

2、t),方框表示处理步骤,菱形框表示逻辑判断,箭头表示控制流,过程,判断,开始,终止,可选过程,流程,程序流程图(program flow chart),优点 简单明了、易于掌握 适用于具体模块 可以嵌套,缺点 缺乏全局考虑 随意转移流程 不易表示数据结构,程序流程图示例,N-S (nassi-shneiderman)盒式图,nassi和shneiderman开发,经Chapin扩充,所以叫N-S图和Chapin图 始于一个大盒子,内部分解表示不同处理过程 表达清晰 不能任意转移控制流 易于确定数据工作域 易于表示递归,盒式图基本结构,问题分析图(problem analysis diagram

3、),日立制作所开发 在Pascal语言基础上发展 二维树状图 结构清晰 自顶而下、逐步细化,问题分析图的基本原理,类程序设计语言,用程序设计语言的语法控制框架,内部使用自然语言表示数据结构和处理过程 没有图形工具清晰 适于表现算法 便于程序代码转化 将其作为注释插入到程序中,便于维护,类程序设计语言的具体形式,TYPE drawing IS STRUCTURE DEFINED number IS STRING LENGTH(12); geometry DEFINED lines: (x, y) start; (x, y) end; line.type; circle: (x, y) cente

4、r, radius, arc.angle; point: (x, y); curve: (xi, yi) for i 2 notes IS STRING LENGTH(256); BOM DEFINED part.sequence IS LIST; STRING format aa-nnnnnn; pointer IS PTR; END drawing TYPE;,实习,表现空间自相关计算的算法与设计思路,地理学第一定律,The First Law of Geography: everything is related to everything else, but near

5、 things are more related than distant things (Tobler, 1979. Philosophy in Geography).,进一步的解释,It means if features situated close together have similar attribute information, then the pattern in the data can be described as exhibiting positive autocorrelation. When features close together are more di

6、ssimilar in attribute value than features further away, pattern in the data is negatively autocorrelation. Zero autocorrelation exists when attributes or their values are independent of location (Goodchild, 1986).,量化方法,Morans I n is the number of cases. xi is the variable value at a particular locat

7、ion, xj is the variable value at another location, a is the mean of the variable. wi, j is a weight applied to the comparison between location i and location j. It is a contiguity matrix: if zone j is adjacent to zone i, the interaction receives a weight of 1. Another option is to make wi, j a distance-based weight which is the inverse distance between locations i and j.,Gearys C a is the mean of x values wij = 1 if i,j adjacent, else 0 c is 1 if neighbors vary as much as the sample as a whole c 1


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