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1、Part II,Reading Comprehension,Book 4-Unit 11,Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work,Reading Comprehension,Book 4-Unit 11,Return to Menu,Pre-Reading Task,Discuss the following questions.,Book 4-Unit 11,How to earn a good reputation ? How to maintain a good reputation ?,How to earn a good r

2、eputation ? Suggested points keep ones promise b. be honest and truthful c. be faithful to your work and the people in your life d. pursue a high quality of work and try to develop a sense of professionalism e. keep your mind open to suggestions, ideas and even criticisms from others f. be polite an

3、d graceful in managing inter-personal relationships g. keep a loving spirit for the people in your life h. be sympathetic towards those who are underprivileged maintain your dignity in the face of authority j. be modest,Book 4-Unit 11,How to maintain a good reputation ? Suggested points be empatheti

4、c by putting oneself in some elses shoes b. be aware of details of work and everyday life c. be persistent in work even when confronted with difficulties d. be honest and brave enough to admit your incompetence when you can not do what is expected e. keep mottoes to warn oneself of selfishness, gree

5、diness, and other evils f. keep role models in mind, especially when you are tempted by undue desires,Book 4-Unit 11,1. Who are your role models ? Lei Feng / Dr. Henry Norman Bethune (白求恩) / Zhang Side (张思 德) / Jiao Yulu (焦裕禄) / George Washington / Abraham Lincoln / Mother Teresa / etc.,Extra Sugges

6、ted Ideas for the Pre-reading Questions,Book 4-Unit 11,2. Can you think of some mottoes to highlight honesty? Its easy for us to do one good deed in our life but difficult to do good deeds all our life. (一 个人一辈子做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好 事)(Chinese saying) Do not think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it;

7、do not think any vice trivial, and so practice it. (勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之)(Confucius) There is no such thing as a free lunch.(天下没 有白吃的午餐)(Anonymous),Book 4-Unit 11,Comprehension Work,Text Organization Probe the Text Essay Questions Difficult Sentences,Book 4-Unit 11,Task 1: Read the text and summarize the

8、 main idea of each part.,Para. 1-6,Para. 7-10,Beginning the article with a story, the author intends to tell us that the familys good reputation helped him win others respect and trust.,The author is discussing a good name and its corresponding responsibility: it helped him and his siblings to build

9、 up self-respect and prevent them from doing wrong; it cultivated in them a good sense of responsibility; it aroused in him a strong desire to constantly aim high in his life and career.,Text Organization,Book 4-Unit 11,Para. 11-14,Para.15,The author is talking about the necessity to restore a sense

10、 of shame: it can exert the same positive effect as pride in a good name; many wrongdoings could be avoided if young people had a sense of shame; polite language is not only an expression of respect for others but a display of self-respect as well.,In conclusion, the author emphasizes the fact that

11、he owes much of his success in career to his familys good name. The familys good name always reminds one of ones responsi-bility not to damage it, thus paving the way to success in life and career.,Book 4-Unit 11,1. Why did the writer say that to ask for credit at the store was a damper on his spiri

12、t? As a young man of sixteen, he needed respect, not charity. Asking for credit at a store is a humiliating experience like asking for favor and pity from the owner of the store. In addition, racism made the situation worse. Black youths were watched like thieves in the store.,Probe the Text,Book 4-

13、Unit 11,2. Why did the store owner trust the writer? How did the writer feel about the trust? The store owner agreed to put him on credit without hesitation. He trusted the boys father who always kept his word and never failed to pay back the money he owed. This made him feel very proud of his fathe

14、r and his familys good reputation.,Book 4-Unit 11,3. What is childrens responsibility in relation to the good name of their family? According to the writer, children, while enjoying their familys good name, have the responsibility to maintain it. Compromising it would hurt not only the transgressor,

15、 but also those they love and those who love them.,Book 4-Unit 11,4. How did the family good name help the writer in life? First, the good name makes him decide to become a better person than he otherwise might be and eventually become a decent citizen. Second, the desire to keep the good name prope

16、lled him to be the first one to go to university. Finally, the good name gave him the initiative to establish himself in the public relations business.,Book 4-Unit 11,5. What point does the writer want to make in the discussion of the social problems in the U.S.A.? The point the writer wants to make

17、 is that many of the social problems today result from the lack of a sense of pride in having good reputation and no sense of shame for bad reputations. Parents who dont care about keeping a good reputation and have no sense of shame when they fail to set good examples for their children; nor can th

18、ey provide children with the kind of security and guidance they need. Consequently, many of these children grow up without a sense of shame either. They worship violence, which is respectfully portrayed on TV and in movies. As families disintegrate, communities fall apart and crime rises.,Book 4-Uni

19、t 11,6. What does the writer hope to prove with the description of his fathers last months? The writer wants to prove that keeping a good reputation is rewarded not only by outsiders esteem, but also by the trust placed in you by those who know you best.,Book 4-Unit 11,In society some people lack se

20、nse of conscience, social dignity, and shame. Have you observed any cases of dishonesty and shamelessness? Work in groups to describe your observations.,Essay Questions,Book 4-Unit 11,那时我16岁,最喜欢的事莫过于 驾驶我们的雪佛兰牌小皮卡车去做事。可是这次我却打不起精神来,因为爸爸在没办法的情况下让我不得不去商店赊欠购物。,1. At 16, I liked nothing better than gettin

21、g behind the wheel of our Chevy pickup, but this time there was a damper on my spirit. My father had told me Id have to ask for credit at the store.,comparative degree in structure , superlative degree in meaning,driving our small Chevy truck,The boy had to ask the store owner to let him have the go

22、ods now but pay later, since his father gave him no money.,something that makes me low in spirits. Damper: a person, or thing, or situation that gets people down,Difficult Sentences,Book 4-Unit 11,Nothing more than Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action. 最可怕的事情莫过于无知而行动。 Nothing is more pr

23、ecious than independence and freedom. 没有什么比独立和自由更宝贵的了。 Nothing is a greater misfortune than not being able to bear misfortune. 经不起不幸是最大的不幸。 It is nothing less than a pain to ask the boy to sit still for the whole afternoon.,Book 4-Unit 11,2. Id seen my friends ask for credit and then stand, head dow

24、n, while a patronizing store owner questioned whether they were “good for it.”,a colloquialism meaning being trustworthy,我曾见过我的朋友想通过赊欠购物,当俨然以恩人自居而傲慢的店主问到他们是否能按时偿还时,他们低下了头,无精打采地站在那儿。,the owner showing condescending attitude to (the teenagers who asked for credit),Book 4-Unit 11,3. Buck was a tall, we

25、athered man in a red hunting shirt and khaki pants.,The mans face was wrinkled by constant exposure to the weather.,培克个子高高的,饱经风霜的脸上布满了皱纹,穿着一件红色打猎衫和卡其布牛仔裤。,Book 4-Unit 11,4. That day I discovered that a good name could bestow a capital of good will of immense value.,A good name gives one a great deal

26、 of good will of great value.,就在那天,我发现好名声能产生巨大价值的精神财富。,Book 4-Unit 11,Language Work,Word Study In Other Words Work with Sentences,Book 4-Unit 11,Word Study (page 204),Book 4-Unit 11,Study the words or expressions in Part a together with the models in Part b. Explain the words or expressions based on

27、 the model sentences. Then translate the model sentences into Chinese. Finish Part b: Use the prompts to produce sentences.,a. At school, I liked nothing better than playing football after class. b. In those good old days, I was interested in nothing better than experimenting with my construction mo

28、dels. c. Janet likes nothing better than lying on the lawn reading books on a sunny afternoon.,1. At 16, I liked nothing better than getting behind the wheel of our Chevy pickup,comparative degree in structure , superlative degree in meaning,那时我16岁,最喜欢的事莫过于 驾驶我们的雪佛兰牌小皮卡车去做事。,Book 4-Unit 11,2. Your f

29、ather is always good for it.,The store owner believed that the boys father would pay him when he had the money.,你父亲信誉很好,总能按时偿还。,2. a. Are you good for the good name? b. His credit is good for 5000. c. Is Sam good for such a large sum of money?,Book 4-Unit 11,3. a. Her citation by the local governmen

30、t gave her the initiative to do her job far better than before. b. The pay rise failed to give employees more initiative to improve their efficiency. c. The result of the research gave them the initiative to set up a new transit system in the town.,3. Eventually, it gave me the initiative to start m

31、y own successful public relations firm in Washington, D.C.,最终,它给了我动力,使我能够在华盛顿(即哥伦比亚特区)成功地拥有自己的一家公共关系公司。,Book 4-Unit 11,4. a. Addiction to drugs propelled him to start dealing drugs. b. The pressure from his parents propelled him to work hard for a higher degree. c. Financial problems propelled her t

32、o look for a better job.,4. The desire to keep the respect of a good name propelled me to become the first in our family to go to university.,to force me to work hard to become the first (university student in my family) .,在渴望让人尊重的愿望的激励下,我成为家中的第一个大学生。,Book 4-Unit 11,5. But it was my familys good nam

33、e that paved the way.,这是家庭的好名声为我今日的成功铺平了道路。,made something possible,5. a. It was the countrys economic policies that paved the way for industrial expansion. b. It was his work that paved the way for the new scientific theories. c. It was the data gained from the probe that paved the way for a more d

34、etailed exploration of Mars.,Book 4-Unit 11,6. a. He knew very well that he would fulfill the various responsibilities of the post. b. He was told that he had to meet the general responsibilities regarding the cleanliness of the environment. c. The manager wanted to make sure that Mary had met the r

35、esponsibilities of her full time job at the company.,他想确认一下他是否已经履行了他应承担的责任。,6. He wanted to be sure he had met his responsibilities in this world.,Book 4-Unit 11,Fill out each blank with a word from the text which is closest in meaning to the words or expressions in the brackets. (Page 203: A),Some

36、ancient recluses believed that man was a selfish creature in a much corrupted world. With their attitude they never trusted anyone. (skeptical about the goodness of human nature) The former Mayor was found guilty of his authority by interfering with the legal investigation. (using something in a wro

37、ng way or for bad purpose),cynical,abusing,In Other Words,Book 4-Unit 11,3. The young mans curly brown hair, attractive features, bright and cheerful eyes were all gifts that Nature had to him for his adornment. (award, confer) 4. The old captain did not show any trace of terror on his face when his

38、 ship was caught in a violent hurricane. (rough because of exposure to the air) Superstition is still holding fast in many areas and will not altogether. (quickly disappear),weathered,vanish,bestowed,Book 4-Unit 11,6. There is a atmosphere of fear that overpopulation will eventually lead to total de

39、pletion of the worlds natural resources. (widespread, prevailing) 7. The new TV programme has struck a chord with the audience. But something must be done to public interest. (keep up, maintain) 8. The old economic system in the Southern States began to , when the Confederate army was defeated in the U.S. Civil War. (collapse, destroy),sustain,disintegrate,pervasive,Book 4-Unit 11,The successful release of her debut album gave the singer much confidence and encouraged her to achieve more. 2. To solve the


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