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1、重视基础 突出重点提高效率 决战高考,兰州大学附属中学 刘学智,一、2009年高考英语命题综述,1. 教育部考试中心命制 2009年,与2008年大体相同,15个省、自治区采用教育部考试中心命制的英语试卷。考试中心根据这些省份的要求命制了三类高考英语试卷: 含听力试卷, 不含听力试卷, 新课程标准试卷, 由2个省区使用:宁夏和海南 新课程标准卷既宁夏海南卷大部分与含听力卷相同,只是有二十分不同(补全短文和改错),2. 各地高考试题,16个省、直辖市独立命题。 3. 试卷简评 (1)语言知识与词汇考查要求 全国卷要求考生掌握2000左右的词汇,而课改区卷要求掌握2500-3800不等,较大幅度提

2、高了词汇要求。 (2)非选择题试题比例呈提高趋势。 非选择题比例的提高一方面避免了考生猜测答案,提高考试信度,另一方面考察了考生的语言综合运用能力。“课程标准”英语课程的评价体系做出了新的规定,要求“笔试应避免单纯的语音知识题和单纯语法知识题;增加具有语境的应用形试题;适当减少客观题,增加主观题”,(3)保持听力考查 (4)保持重点测试阅读理解能力,突出语篇。 各地利用不同题型,在语篇基础上提升了试题考点角度的灵活性和测试层次的多样性,较好的考察了考生快速获取信息,综合运用语言知识和各种技能的能力 (5)提高写作能力要求,取消和改革短文改错 辽宁和浙江省采用了宁夏海南卷短文改错形式。 相比而言

3、,全国卷是目前难度比较低的试题,2009年宁夏海南卷 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,Dear Mrs Winthorp, So my first week at college is over! No lectures this morning so think Id email you

4、 and let you know what things are going. Im glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them s

5、o that we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here. Well, I had better to stop now. Im going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon ,for Ive got some preparation to make .Keep in touch. Best, Carol,2010年高考英语命题预测:,总体预测:重视基础、加强能力、平稳过渡、稳中求变。,但考虑到新旧课标的过渡以

6、及部分省区自主命题的实际情况,全国高考试题做一些微调,特别是词汇量、长难句、选材的广度和深度、试题的难易度和区分度等方面的局部变化还是有可能的,所以,我们必须保持高度的警惕性,严肃认真的把握10高考脉搏,随时搜集高考信息,以不变应万变,力争高考取得较好成绩。,二、二轮词汇复习策略与教学要求,(一)考纲要求,大纲版考纲要求2 000左右的词汇及相关词组,课标版考纲要求词汇量为3500左右。 各省区可在“考试说明”中调整但不得低于2500个单词;同时,应制定计划,在一定时间内分期、分批增至3500单词,(二)高考词汇复习的重要性,高考试卷中词汇无处不在 词汇的音、形、意、用。 答好听力离不开熟悉单

7、词的音 读懂题目离不开熟悉单词的形 特别是完形填空,80个备选项,要求考生不但熟悉单词的“意”还要能够正确使用单词 在解答主观题中,既要拼对单词还要用准单词,(三)考生复习单词的现状,1. 兴趣不足 2. 识记效率不高 When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point. (08辽宁D) the hind legs of a horse behind, Its difficult to foresee whether shell be well enough

8、to go to work. before, forehead;forefinger,3、理解不全面。 Why do its streets _ in this particular way, and not in other way? (08安徽完形) 44. A. openB. run C. beginD. move What is the _ of studying towns in this way? 52. A. pointB. view C. problemD. difficulty,run, I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. Fo

9、r a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston. The software will run on any PC. if a computer program runs, it operates The company is running a series of advertisements in national newspapers. to print something in a newspaper or magazine, or broadcast something on television Shall I run you home? driv

10、e He is running for a second term as President. The road runs along a valley.,point, The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1. a particular place or position I suppose we could save one or two of the trees, but whats the point ? the purpose or aim of something I had reached a po

11、int in my career where I needed to decide which way to go. an exact moment, time, or stage in the development of something Ill come straight to the point talk about the most important thing first,4、不会准确运用。 如何表述 “那可能存在安全隐患” That may exist potential safety hazard. exist vi. The custom of arranged marr

12、iages still exists in many countries.,5. 学习材料上单词的处理对于考生的误导 学习材料上单词的处理 教材词汇表的结构通常为 SpellingPronunciationPart of speechChinese meaning 学生往往重视spelling和meaning 考试大纲和考试说明 SpellingPart of speech 词汇手册 词条堆积,难以承受,考生记忆效率低下的原因浅析:,1考生侧重于进行简单的机械重复和死记硬背; 2考生对于联想、分类和分析在记忆中的运用较薄弱; 3. 考生对于词根、词类和搭配、词组句子篇章在记忆中的作用不够重视;

13、 4. 考生的学习习惯和学习观念容易受到教师教学思想的影响,往往不能用积极的态度自行规划词汇学习,(三)二轮词汇复习策略复习策略1. 识别英文单词的“偏旁部首”,英语中的“偏旁部首”指英语中的词根与词缀 词根是一个字主要意义所在,通常不会改变。 词缀分为前缀和后缀 前缀,置于字根或单字的前面,以改变原有的意思。 后缀,通常表示出这个字的作用,如名词、形容词或动词等。 比如:describe:scribe, 写; de, 下 description (全国II卷两次出现) descriptive,indescribable 培养学生根据词根,推测词义 literature: Literate;i

14、lliterate,except, besides, in addition to, 除之外 We play football in addition to soccer.,策略2:找规律,集中理解识记,come up come up with put up put up with make sense make sense of run out run out of add up add up to keep up keep up with make up make up for,复习策略3.善于结合语境理解英文词汇的意义,比如:人教社第一册interview给出的释义: 接见;会见 Fat

15、her had an interview with the teacher about Johns work. Dont be late for your interview, or you wont get the job. Before he left, the Prime Minister gave an interview to the newspaper reporters.,复习“make”这个单词,一轮复习中可以罗列以下短语和例句 make a mistake,make a decision , make money , make a quick phone call, make

16、 effort to do, make a suggestion, make tea, make friends, make a living, make coffee, make it There are a few points Id like to make. The police were called but no arrests were made. They made a profit of 140 million last year. Im sure you will make a very good teacher. If we run, we should make it.

17、 等等,比如:复习“put up”这个短语,我们可能罗列以下词条 put up your hand (put your hand up) 举起 (手) put up the Chinese flag 升起 中国国旗) put up high-tension lines 架起 (高压电线) put up a telephone 安装 (一部电话) put up her umbrella 撑起 (她的雨伞) put up many tall buildings 盖起 (许多高楼大厦) put up a shed 搭起 (棚子) put up a notice 张贴 (布告) put (sb) up

18、 (for the night) 留下 (某人过夜),再如:复习water这个词时,可给出例句 The food smells good. My mouth waters. The room is smoky. My eyes water. I have a terrible headache and a backache. I feel feverish and shivery. I also want to pass water more often than usual.,cover Cover the table with a cloth.Snow covered the ground

19、. He covered his wife from the mans blows with his own body. (保护) By sunset we had covered thirty miles. (走完一段路程) Will $10 cover the cost of a new shirt? (够付费用) The best reporters were sent to cover the war. (报导),复习策略3. 重视英语词汇在英语中的用法,昨天在公共汽车上我被偷了。 他们抢了银行,抢走了5万美元。 steal if I dont like it, I can alway

20、s go back to my 33 earlier position.,2009年全国I卷完形 Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived 37 for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a 38 . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son 39_ Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long 40 over the hills. They had been 41 this for sev

21、eral days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days 42 . To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some 43 . One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert _44 that the boy had drawn a large cross

22、 in the middle of 45 . Whats that? he asked. Thats the 46 treasure said the boy. Robert suddenly 47 something of an adventure story in the boys 48 .,(2)文形结合,合理想象; 2007年全国II卷完形 But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing _31_ (towards) me. I got out of _32_(way) as fast a

23、s I could by backing into the garage _33_(again) and the man behind _34_ me. “Its such a problem to _35_(remember) to drive on the right side, isnt it?”my wife said.,(3)揣摩心理,感同身受; 2008年全国I卷完形 Before I knew it, the restaurant was full of people. I moved slowly, _42_ (minding) every step. I remember h

24、ow _43_ (happy) I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was _44_(trained) on. It had a nice handles, which made it _45_(easy) to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to _46_(think) I was a natural at this job.,(4)细推情节,合情合理; 2008年全国I卷完形 At f

25、irst, his _51_ did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then I got it. I had set my trays on his wifes orthopedic walker. I stood frozen as ice, but my face was _52_. 51. A. ideaB. praiseC. message D. need 52. A. coldB. full of joy C. pale D. on fire,左右逢源,(5)选项用法正确,语义通顺。 比如:2009年全国I卷51题 51.

26、A. praiseB. produce(55%) C. include(22%)D. accept 2007全国I卷完形48题 As they grew, the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to fly. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when awake and in her dreams. Later, she had an idea: she would pilot

27、a plane to guide them in 48 . 48. A. sky B. heaven C. flight D. plane 正确答案是C,左右逢源,1.(56) top(37) 2.(in other words) because 3.(29) harmorsay bad things 4.(37) yell orloudly 5.cant say turn my back on herrefuse 6.(30)be responsible for 7.(32)values , (33) never, (34)instead,上下贯通,1.back , shoulder, ch

28、est pressure 2.cant say, of course, yell, feel, trouble 3.but in actual fact, I didnt hear them.,完型填空训练的目的:两个提高 1)提高阅读理解能力; 2)提高词语运用能力。两个培养 1)培养良好的解题习惯; 2)培养语言逻辑思维能力。两个忠告 1)不求语言知识增长,只求解题能力提高; 2)不求100%的理解和正确率,只求训练过程 和良好解题习惯的养成。,五、二轮阅读复习建议“阅读理解”部分的命题特点和备考建议,(一)“阅读理解”测试的内容 “阅读理解”部分旨在测试考生的阅读理解能力。阅读理解能力是

29、指一个人读懂所读材料或掌握所读材料意思的能力,具体为对词、句、段落和篇章的理解能力。阅读理解能力无法直接观察,需要观察一个人的语言行为。“阅读理解”部分的命题就是考查考生的阅读行为水平,所以命题人命题时首先要确定具体的阅读测试内容。,(1)考试大纲要求 理解主旨和要义; 理解文中具体信息; 根据上下文推断生词的词义; 做出简单判断和推理; 理解文章的基本结构; 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。,(2)根据“考试大纲的说明”可以将阅读理解能力概括为五个方面。 掌握所读文章的主旨和大意以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 既能理解具体的事实,也能理解抽象的概念; 既能理解字面意思,也能理解根据字面意思

30、可以推断出来的没有明确说出的深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等; 既能理解某句、某段的意义,也能理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断; 既能根据文章所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生自己应有的常识去理解。,题目设计 (1)考查技能 (2)题项设计 高考命题人命制干扰项常用的方法: 1. 无中生有 2009年全国高考I卷B篇62题A选项He had done well in all his exams. 2009年全国高考II卷A篇42题B选项Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast. 原句:I know lots of women who sk

31、ip breakfast.,2. 事实错误 2009年全国高考I卷A篇56题A选项 the calf was about to fall into the river. 原文:holding her whole body against the rushing water. 2009年全国高考I卷B篇62题D选项 He had learnt to use computers at school. 原文:I had already written some programs.,3. 偷桃换李张冠李戴 2009年全国高考I卷A篇58题D选项It was a musical note. 原文为but

32、 to her calf it was music,指的是母象的叫声对小象来说就像音乐。 2009年全国高考I卷C篇64题A选项 come from Columbia 原文出现at Columbia University,但指的研究专家,而不是宠物。 2009年全国高考II卷C篇51题A选项 A. breathe through its skin. (另外一种鱼的特征),2004年天津卷E篇73题B选项are puzzled with technological exhibits 原文,design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzl

33、ed. 4. 似是而非 2009年全国高考I卷D篇70题C选项 C. to share the phone with friends (whole family),说的是教会孩子合理使用电话。,5. 移花接木 2009年全国高考I卷A篇57题B选项 57. How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast flowing water? A. By putting it on a safe spot. B. By pressing it against her body. C. By taking it away with her. D.

34、 By carrying it on her back. 64%的考生选择B,可能出于文中第二段Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk against the rocky bank. 本句表达母象用头和象鼻抵住岩石。出题人命制B项,pressing it文中提到,against提到,但拼到一起,就不符合原文了,是救小象的过程,同时题干中manage的正确理解是succeed in doing,而不是汉语“想法设法做”正确答案A,根据文中第二段Then with a huge

35、effort, she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it in a narrow shelf of rock.,6. 反客为主 2009年全国I卷63题 63. Why did David decide to leave school and start working? A. He received lots of job offers. B. He was eager to help his mother. C. He lost interest in school studies. D.

36、He wanted to earn his own living.,2006年天津卷D篇50题 50What is the advantage of AIBO over live dogs? A. It is easier to keep at home. B. It can help the disabled people. C. It responds to all the human orders. D. It can watch TV with its owner. The AIBOs respond to certain orders. The researchers say the

37、y have some advantages over live dogs, espeically for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by walking it or playing with it. A robotic dog removes exercise and feeding concerns.,7. 以偏盖全 2009年全国高考I卷D篇70题B&D选项 70. The last paragraph is about how to teach a teenager

38、_. A. to use the phone in a sensible way B. to pay for his own telephone C. to share the phone with friends D. to answer the phone quickly,8. 范围不当 2009年全国高考I卷59题 59.What can be the best title for the text? A. A Mothers Love B. A Brave Act C. A Deadly River D. A Matter of Life and Death BCD就事论事(l挪威馆的

39、例子) 2005年北京卷 What is the best title for the passage? A. Good Tool Design for Women B. Importance of Good Tool Design C. Tool Design and Prevention of Injuries D. Overuse of Tools and Worker Protection,(二)考生失分原因即考生阅读能力提高的瓶颈 1词汇量不足,理解不灵活 一方面,考生对于考纲上应知的词汇不熟,另一方面,对于熟悉的单词理解教条。 “Reading is a psychological

40、 guessing game.” 当然,生词不多,猜猜可以,生词一多, 猜也就不灵了。因此,考生词汇量不足,理解不灵活直接影响对文章的理解,造成失分。 2不能灵活运用语法知识理解句子含义 2009年全国I卷阅读A篇 If she were carried down, it would be certain death. 2009年全国I卷阅读D篇 At the same time, remind him that youre always there for him should he seek advice or help.,09年全国卷完型 Ive discovered I 35 a la

41、rge number of different talents and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities.,3不能熟练的分析句子结构 遇到长的句子,无从下手,不分主次,理解混乱 2009年全国I卷阅读C篇 When monkey-pox, a disease usually found in the African rain forest, suddenly turns up in children in t

42、he American Midwest, its hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings. (39 words) 2009年全国II卷阅读C篇 The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time, while lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live ou

43、t of water, but only in an inactive state. (36 words),09年全国卷完型 Ive discovered I 35 a large number of different talents and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities.,4语言背景知识不足 2009年全国I卷阅读B篇 a year after leaving school with six O-le

44、vels 2008年全国I卷阅读B篇 straight As 2007年全国II卷完形 英国道路开车方向,我国和欧洲国家靠右行驶,英国靠左行驶。,5对文章图式(题材体裁)不熟悉 高考选材,内容新颖丰富,考生忙于备考,图式储存不足(认知结构或知识结构) 6考生心理素质不过硬 篇章在英语试卷中比例高,考生连续阅读,特别是当文章长了或者难了,有些学生就会产生厌烦心里,不能静心解题,造成失分。 2009年全国I卷A篇较难,考生容易失去信心,这时就比较心理素质了,如考生能保持冷静,镇定解题,就会取得好成绩。,能力提高途径: 一. 词义判断能力 词义判断,是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇的信息、逻辑、语言结构和

45、背景知识等的综合理解去判断关键词和生词在上下文中的合理解释。 词义判断包括 1。合理猜测生词词义 2。合理理解背过的词的词义,比如:2009年全国II卷E篇 And any one of us can enjoy Fijis spirit by being part of the traditional sharing of yaqona, a drink made from the root of a Fiji plant. 再如:2009年全国II卷B篇45题C选项 C. is the main breadwinner 再如:2009年天津D篇 Harlows work and later

46、 studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills. caregivers, people who give care,比如:2009年全国I卷D篇 If your child is unwilling to discuss something, dont insist he tell you whats on hi

47、s mind. The more you insist, the more likely that hell clam up. 69. What does the phrase “clam up” in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. become excitedB. show respect C. refuse to talkD. seek help,(2)合理理解背过的词的词义 指导考生面对语篇的时候,不要一成不变的只根据自己背的词的意思理解,而要判断这个词在上下文中的合理理解。 比如:calf,考生熟悉的是“小牛,牛犊”,在文章中就是“小象”; 再如:judg

48、e, There are normally three judges for the national poetry contest. Everyone stood up as the judge entered the courtroom.,(3)提醒注意对给出注解的单词的处理 09全国I卷阅读C 第一段Most of the infections(感染) we think of as human infections started in other animals. 文章最后一段Monkey-pox doesnt look a major infectious disease. 09年全

49、国II卷阅读A I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早餐), and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. 文章第四段中出现breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight 08全国II卷阅读C 文章开头Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive (欺骗)? 文章最后一段This kind of deception happens too often.,二.

50、 单句理解能力 提高阅读速度和理解程度,一方面要具备较强的词义判断能力,同时还要培养考生单句理解能力,特别是理解长句和常用句式的能力 1。理解长句的能力培养 2。理解常用句式的能力 英语中有一些固定的句式,尽可能多地掌握它们对提高阅读速度和质量有帮助。 Mary is the last person hed like to see. I wish I hadnt met her yesterday. It is five years since he lived here. Hardly had he arrived when it began to rain.,英语只有一个句子,句子传递的是

51、一个完整的意思 一个完整的意思包括四个部分: 主题 内容 内容修正 词义限定,一个句子有四个成分承载,主语,谓语群,状语,定语,1. 解读较长的简单句的一般规律是,信息内容,信息修正,词义限定,主语,be动词,V动词,表语,宾语,补语,状语,定语,定语,名词,信息主题,状态谓语信息内容,行为谓语信息内容,1)找到谓语确定信息内容,2)找到主语确定信息主题,3)找到状语确定信息成立的条件,4)找到定语以确定某个名词的准确意义,2. 复合句解读的一般规律是:,谓语,She,saw,宾语,That her boss, Mr. Foss, was dead on the floor,When Miss

52、 Green got to the office early yesterday morning,,Who works in a big company,,主语,状语,定语,找到主句及其谓语。,主句是复杂句中 不带连接词的句子,When Mrs. Green , who works in a big company, got to the office yesterday morning, she saw that her boss, Mr. Foss, was dead on the floor.,小结:解读句子的一般规律是 1)找到谓语确定信息内容 2)找到主语确定信息主题 3)找到状语确

53、定信息成立的条件 4)找到定语以确定某个名词的准确意义 解读复杂句子的一般规律是 解读句子的关键是找到主句的谓语。主句是复杂句中不带连接词的句子. 谓语动词的构成有规律可寻 谓语总是由 “不同时态、语态、情态、语气的助动词 + 实义动词的不同形式”构成。,三. 细节定位能力 考纲中明确指出考生应能理解文中具体信息。高考试题中考查考生获取具体信息以及理解文章所提供的信息的能力的试题称为细节理解题。细节理解题在高考试题中比例高,难度较大。 比如:2009年全国高考II卷E篇57题 57. Where is the international airport of Fiji? A. In SuvaB

54、. In Sydney C. On the island of Vatoa D. On the island of Viti Levu 原文第二段Viti LevuGreat Fijiis the largest island. Here youll find the capital Suva and the international airport at Nadi.,比如:2009全国I卷E篇几篇日记 72. Where did the author get off the train? A. ParisB. Strasbourg C. NancyD. Barn My wife and I

55、 took the train from Paris to Strasbourg where we were met by our driver and72题正确答案B 73. On which days did the tourists spend most of their time on the boat? A. Monday and Tuesday B. Tuesday and Wendnesday C. Wednesday and Thursday D. Monday and Wednesday Sunday train-boat(dinner)-walk Mondaysail Tu

56、esdaydrove-drove-drove Wednesdaysail Thursdayminibus 73题正确答案D,74. From the text, we learn that Baccarat and Sorrenbourg are the names of _. A. townsB. churches C. museumsD. mountains Mondaya tape on Baccarat, where we will visit tomorrow Tuesdaydrove over to Baccarat and toured its museum and the ch

57、urch Later we drove to Sorrenbourg to see the 13th century church 74题正确答案A,四. 推测判断能力 比如:2009年全国I卷B篇60题针对细节判断 60. In which way is David different from people of his age? A. He often goes out with friends. B. He lives with his mother. C. He has a handsome income. D. He graduated with six 0-levels.,200

58、9年全国I卷D篇71题考查考生在掌握短文主要内容的基础上进行推理判断的能力 71. What should parents do in raising a teenager according to the text? A. Not allow him to learn driving or take drugs. B. Give him advice only when necessary. C. Let him have his own telephone. D. Not talk about personal things with him.,五. 总结归纳能力 比如2009年全国高考I

59、卷D篇 68. The main purpose of the text is to tell parents _. A. how to get along with a teenager. B. how to respect a teenager C. how to understand a teenager D. how to help a teenager grow up,70. The last paragraph is about how to teach a teenager _. A. to use the phone in a sensible way B. to pay for his own telephone C. to share the phone with friends D. to answer the phon


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