已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、任务型阅读应试技巧,先迅速浏览后面题目,注意表格中的主题,议论文,论点,论证,总结(解决问题方法),Points of view,Environmental protection is more important.,Industrial waste, fishing .,Reasons provided,solutions,2.然后有针对性到文中找答案,避免盲目性读文章,可以预测文章大意 可以了解文章体裁和结构,effect,affect,effective,Punishment doesnt seem to him,2.Punishment doesnt seem to have an h

2、im,3.Punishment doesnt seem to be_for him.,effect,affect,effective,on,2.,4.Faced with serious problems ,we should take,effective,measures.,第2题 选,A,We oil and salt.,Oil and salt have,A. run out of B. run out,3,run out of been run out run out,run out,We run out of my ink. My ink run out .,第3题 选,B,I us

3、ed to be dependent my parents . Now Im independent my parents .,on,of,4.,7.,They make boys to wash the plates.,The boys were made to wash the plates.,They make the laws to preserve the environment.,They ask boys to wash the plates.,第7题 选,depend on =,rely on,B,解题关键,make,当作 时,当作 时,to,要省略,表目的,使役动词,制定,9

4、,A large of money is spent on the project.,Large amounts of money is spent on the project.,are,amount,a,the,number of,总数量,大量的,记忆技巧,泛指,特指,a,the,第9 题选,D,They are still proud of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney in August .,10.,being held held holds to be held,to be held,They are proud of the 2008 Olymp

5、ic Games in Beijing in August .,held,第10题 选,12. the matter ,I am about the matter which all of us.,Concerning,concerned,concerns,12.,My room is,larger than your room.,more than,My room is as large as your room.,Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910 .,A.more than twice as many

6、 B.more than twice C.twice as many as D.as twice as much,more than twice as many,three times,three times,倍数 +比较级 +than,倍数 as + 原级+ as,总结英文中倍数表达方法,15.,I think are to blame.,rather than Tom,you,is,that,it is,Who,Which,第15题 选,B,完形填空应试技巧,答题前,先快速通读全文,从整体上掌握文章大意 联系上下文,捕捉线索,the idol(偶像),a player in IT indu

7、stry,told his young of the efforts,make products the best selling,Sellers of PC were all 13. foreign brands,Personal computer,Legend beat foreign brands,price + Pentium,9999,16,000,Pa1,Pa5,(奔腾处理器),puter,3.,Neither had he dreamed of becoming the idol(偶像) of young Chinese, only worshipped (崇拜) foreign

8、 names such Bill Gates.,B. many of them,C. many of whom,B.and many of them,利用语法知识-复合句,A句 B句,连词,引导词,(where,what等),(and,but等),6.,He told his young of the efforts he has into making his companys products the best-selling computers.,admires,students,put made,made efforts to make his companys.,Put effort

9、s into making his companys.,阅读理解应试技巧,带着问题读文章,避免盲目性 如何做主旨题 了解文章大意 细节题(找具体信息,如人名,地名,地点,数字等)则根据关键词定位到文章相应段落,可根据题目预测,文章首末段和首末句,Q1 .细节题 where-the Galapagos islands,Q2.细节题 animals-NOT mentioned,Q3. 主旨题 title,Q5.细节题 unusual featrues,Q4. 细节题the mail is delivered by,Pa1,Humans - nature,The Galapagos islands are special,导入,Pa2-5,2. People and animals,3.avoid damaging the environmen


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