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1、,Unit 12 Reflections on Life,四,六级核心词汇 Capability/capacity/civilization/confront/curiosity/failure Frontier/fruitful/genius/infinite/inherit/inner/intensity/ Judgment/magnify/motivate/mysterious/passion/probe/ provided/resolve/rigid/at times/get along with/let alone/ Regardless of/accommodation/clima

2、te/distinction/lesson Periodic/remedy/retirement/talent/variable/view/worthwhile/ due to/lie in/ in view of/ awaken/continual/define/drift/harsh Liberty/outward/plot/precede/presidential/reflection/ Satisfactory/superficial in,让步状语从句 状语从句按其意义可以分为时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,条 件,比较,方式,让步等类别.让步状语从句通常由下列连词 引导:althou

3、gh, as, even if(though) however whatever, no matter (how, what, where, when), whetheror有些是倒装语 序. e.g. Though I am fond of music, I can not play any instrument. Young as I am, I know some of the family secrets. However high it may be, it cannot reach the sky. Try as I might, I could not finish it in

4、time. Whether you like it or not, youll not have to accept it.,典型考题 1._ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A) Being Published B) Published C) Publishing D) To be published 2._ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and m

5、odeled them accurately. A) If only B) So long as C) Even if D) As far as 3.We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A) May we use B) we may use C) Even if D) As ear as,4.Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _ Will happen to her

6、private life. A) That B) what C) it D) this 5._, he does get annoyed with her sometimes A) Although much he like her B) As he likes her much C) Much although he likes her D) Much as he likes her,词语注释 Freud弗洛伊德(奥地利神经学家,精神病学家,精神分 析的创始人) retain保持,保留 magical不可思议的 Sophomore大学二年级学生 hang out挂出 indoors户 Con

7、test论争,竞争 tumble翻跟头 录音原文 I was born across the street from the public library, and in my memory it remains my favorite spot in my hometown When I was six I learned to read. From the beginning, language seemed like magic to me. Recently I read that Freud said: “ words and magic were in the beginning

8、one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.”,Listening-Centered Activities,During the Christmas season of 1927, when I was a sophomore in high school, I hung out in the street with other kids my age. The weather was so harsh we played indoors, and after swimming

9、and running and tumbling, we became bored. I suggested we hold a contest to see who could keep A Dairy the longest. My challenge was accepted by two of my friends. One wrote his dairy for two weeks, the other three months, and here I am, still writing mine when I am 50. It has taught me that one way

10、 to find the truth is to tell the truth. Listening II Sack n. 麻布袋shelf架子 chattering喋喋不休地说 stiff 艰难的stumble 踌躇lung肺,录音原文 On life When you see me sitting quietly, Like a sack left on the shelf, Dont think I need your chattering Im listening to myself Hold! Stop! Dont pity me! Hold! Stop your sympathy!

11、 Understanding if you got it, Otherwise Ill do without it! When you bones are stiff and sitting And my feet wont climb the stair,I will only ask one favor: Dont bring me a rocking chair, When you see me walking, stumbling, Dont study and get it wrong. Cause tired doesnt mean lazy And every goodbye i

12、snt gone Im the same person I was back then A little less hair, a little less chin, A lot less lungs and much less wind. But arent I lucky I can still breathe in.,Reading-Centered Activity In-Class Reading Activity 本篇议论文着重讨论了人生的一些问题. 作者首先感叹自己人到达50依然脑筋灵活,充满活力和 好奇心.接着,分析了自己的性格,对于人生,认为只有爱工 作才能使其有意义. 文章

13、最后提出人与人之间应该多加交流,没有了交流,类 社会也不会存在下去.,Vocabulary Absorb: vt. 吸收,吸引的注意 The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teachers could give him. Be absorbed by 为所吸引be absorbed in/with全神贯注于 Related words: absorber吸收装置 absorbing引人入胜的 absorbed 专心致志的absorption吸收,专注 absorptive有吸引力的 典型考题 She was so _ in her

14、 job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door. A) Attracted B) drawn C) absorbed D) concentrated be absorbed in全神贯注于concentrate与“on”连用,Capability: n. 能力,潜能 The boy has great capabilities. First rate capabilities Related words: able 能干的 capable有才能的 Synonym: ability/capacity/competence/faulty/

15、potential Power/skill/talent/ Antonym: incompetence 典型考题 Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full_ A) Capacity B) strength C) length D) possibility Capacity能力 strength 力量length长度 possibility可能性,Confront: v. 面对,遭遇 The president was confronted with the evidenc

16、e that he actually accepted the bribes. Be confronted with/by面对,面临 Related word: confrontation Confront 和face 均有“面对”的意思Confront 指遇到,面对, 使对立,系正式用语she confronted the vital question of being bankrupt./ face 指正视,不想逃避,属于口语体,语 气比Confront强 Lets face the facts instead of evading it. Antonym:evade/avoid,典型考题

17、 I feel much more optimistic about our ability to solve the problems and obstacles which _ our civilization. A) Confront B) encounter C) rescue D) originate Confront 面临encounter遭遇 rescue 挽救originate起源于 Genius gift talent均有“天赋”,“才能”之意Genius的程度最 高,指“最全面的天才”; gift 侧重于“天赋”; talent侧重 于“才能”。 Einstein was

18、a great genius. He has a gift for music. She showed great talent in language. Passion: n. 热情,酷爱之物 Soccer is his passion.,Fly into a passion 勃然大怒have a passion for热爱 ruling passion 主要的志趣tender passion爱情 Related words: passionate充满热情的 Passionful= passionate充满热情的 passionless没热情的 典型考题 He has a _ for bir

19、d-watching. A) Feeling B) emotion C) passion D) mood Feeling感情(泛指人体的一切感觉,情绪和心情) Emotion情绪,激情(指较强烈,较深刻且能感动人的感 情和情绪,多含精神上的反映) passion激情(往往因为 正确的判断受其影响而表现出强烈的或热烈的情绪,有 时不能自持甚至失去理智) mood心情,Provided: (常与连用)假如,在条件下 You may keep the book a further week provided (that) no one else requires it. 典型考题 We would be able to do the job for you quickly, _ you gives us all the necessary information. A) As if B) in case C) or else D) provided that Let alone: 更不用说,更别提 He has


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