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1、单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.official2.instantly3.to tell4.exploration 5.a6.as7.counts,English is spoken as an 1.(office) language in more than 60 countries across the world and it can sound very different from place to place.Pronunciation,as well as grammar and vocabulary,can change 2. (instant) from o

2、ne area to another.But you can tell which part of the English-speaking world someone comes from by their accent and its also easy 3.(tell)apart British and American English. English spread across the world over hundreds of years because of trade,4. (explore) and business and this process produced 5.

3、 huge number of different Englishes.As a result,it has become impossible to say which English is “correct” and which is “incorrect”. Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long 6. speakers can understand each otherits communication that 7.(count).,The main differences between Australian English and oth

4、er varieties lie 8. the individual sounds and intonation patterns.The variety of English spoken in Jamaica has some grammatical features of the African languages 9. (speak) by the ancestors of the Jamaican people,10. the variety of English in Singapore has been influenced in particular by Malay and

5、the Chinese dialect Hokkien.,答案:8.in9.spoken10.while,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.lies in2.get down to3.In conclusion4.let her down5.as long as,1.The real secret to successful learning (在于) students taking an interest in what they are doing. 2.When you really (开始做)it,the noise and distractions arent really ob

6、stacles at all. 3. (总之),we will consider how to choose from among the three frameworks the one best suited to your needs. 4.I promised to go to the party with Jane and I cant . (让她失望). 5.You wont find paper cutting difficult . (只要)you keep practicing it.,答案:1.People often debate about which English

7、is good, British or American English. 2.Many students cant tell apart British and American English. 3.In fact,as long as we can understand them,it doesnt matter which English others speak.,.微写作,1.人们经常讨论是英式英语好还是美式英语好。 2.许多学生不能够区分英式英语与美式英语。 3.事实上,只要我们能听懂,别人讲哪一种英语并不重要。,答案:4.The key to learning English

8、well lies in practice. 5.I am convinced that we will make progress in English by working hard.,4.学好英语的关键在于练习。 5.我相信我们通过努力会在英语方面取得进步的。,.单句语法填空,答案:plaining,语境活用,1.China was (oppose) to a US bill that regards Chinas territory as under the authority of a US-Japan security pact. 2.Molly agreed,but she di

9、dnt sound very (convince). 3.If you take too much of this medicine,you will be . (resist) to it. 4.He threw in a joke,and the tension was (instant) relieved. 5.The old worker was praised for bearing hardship without (complain) for so many years.,6.The twins look so alike that strangers can hardly te

10、ll them . 7.After some pleasant talk,we got down business. 8.Some people waste food others havent enough to eat. 9.It is not how much you read but what you read that . (count). 10.If you work hard,you (overcome) the problem.,答案:6.apart7.to8.while9.counts10.will overcome,1.The instantly he got the ne

11、ws,he burst out laughing. 2.You are more superior to me in many things. 3.Lets get down to do the experiment. 4.It has been reported that the countrys health-care reform is still in debate. 5.After the summer vacation,the professor,together with his fellow teachers,go on with the research.,答案:1.将ins

12、tantly改为instant2.去掉more3.将do改为doing4.将in改为under5.将go改为goes,.单句语法改错,6.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 7.Tired although he was ,there was no hope for him being able to sleep. 8.We are firmly opposed to help the young man addicted to alcohol. 9.Convincing of the accuracy of the data,they stuck to their opinion. 10


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