七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 8 Our things导学案牛津译林版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 8 Our things导学案牛津译林版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 8 Our things导学案牛津译林版_第3页




1、Starter Unit 8 Our things 第1课时 Welcome to the unit &listening and speaking 【学习目标】掌握have/has的基本用法。熟练掌握camera, yours, CD, watch, radio等单词【课前预习】一、用have, has, there be 填空1. They _ a big classroom.2. Fangfang _ two pink caps.3. Li Lei and Sally _ a beautiful kite.4. We _ some comic books in our reading r

2、oom.5. In the library, _ thousands of books.6. Mary _a nice pencil case. _ a ruler, a rubber and some pens in it.二、预习书38页Welcome to the unit and listening部分,填上适当的词,1. Do you have any c_ books? Yes ,I do . What a _ your sister?2. These are their bats . Y _ are in the classroom.3. _ you _ a car? No ,I

3、 dont .4. Mike h _some kites.5. Is that your m_ plane ?【课堂训练】一、写出下列词组1 一个随身听_ 2 许多东西_3 许多连环画_ 4 有一件外套_5 我们的照相机_6 一架模型飞机_二、根据句意和首字母填入所缺单词。1.Do you have any comic b_? What a _your sister?2.Nicks c_ has a basketball.3.Millie doesnt have any hair c_.4.What d_ Lily have in her box?5.Is this m_ plane Pete

4、rs ? Yes, it is.6.Is that blue scarf y_, Jill?三 单项选择:1. -Who _ a dog in our class? -Many students _.A. have; haveB. has; haveC. have; hasD. has; has2. I _ a big room. _ a nice desk in it.A. am ; There isB. have ; Have C. have ; There isD. there is ; There is3. -Are there many classrooms in your scho

5、ol? - _.A. Yes, therereB. Yes, they areC. No, there arentD. No, they arent4. -_ is the cat? -Its _ there.A. Where ; inB. Where ; overC. What ; atD. What ; over5. -_ you have any comic books? No, I _.A. Do ; dontB. Do ; doC. Are ; dontD. Are ; am not6. The yellow skirt looks like _.A. herB. myC. shes

6、D. Hers【课后巩固】一、用适当的疑问词填空1 is your mother? Shes fine, thank you.2 is that boy? Tom.3 is the wall? Its white.4 are they? They are cats.5 ball is this? Its Peters.6 is your father? He is a doctor.7 is the toilet? Its on the right of the playground.二、翻译句子1. -这是彼得的照相机吗?-不是,他没有。这是他表弟的。 _2. - 这个高个男孩有模型飞机吗?

7、有。-是什么颜色的?是灰色的。 _ 3 -你的裤子是浅蓝色的。他的呢?-是深灰色的。 _ 4. 桌上有一些漫画书吗? 三句型转换:1.I have two music CDs in my bag.(同义句)_2.There are two hundred people in the hall. (同义句)_3Lily has some yellow hair clips behind the teddy bear. (否定句) _4His sister has many comic books on the desk (改一般疑问句并作否定回答) _5 I have five stickers

8、. (改为否定句) _四 阅读理解:Mr. Black, Mrs. Black and their children, Nancy and David are in the park. They are beside the flowers. Mrs. Black has a big bag. There are cans of coke in it. She also has some snacks. They are all for Nancy and David. What do David and Nancy have? They have tennis rackets. They all play tennis in the park.根据短文内容回答下列问题1.Who are in


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