七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic1 He has a big head教案 仁爱版_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Topic1 He has a big head Section B Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. 通过“Touch Your Body”这个游戏竞赛复习学过的身体各部位名词,从而导出几个生词。游戏步骤:(1)每组选两个同学到黑板前排成一队面向全体同学;(2)把食指放在鼻子上,根据不同的指示触摸;(3)出错的同学回到座位,最后看一下哪一组或哪一个同学胜出。注意用英语讲解游戏步骤时肢体语言的运用。T : Do you like playing games? Today lets play this game Touch Your Body. Ill

2、 ask two students from each group to come to the front. You should stand in a line and face your classmates. Then put one finger on the nose. When I say “Touch your mouth.”, you should put your finger on your mouth, and then put the finger back on the nose. If you are wrong, you should go back to yo

3、ur seats. The one who stands here at last will be the winner. Understand?Ss: Yes. (如果学生有疑惑可再用英语说明一遍。)T : Good! Who wants to try? Come on!(学生上来站好后开始。)T : Are you ready?Ss: Yes. T : OK. Lets begin. Touch your face. (经过几次后可能只剩下两三个同学了,这时导入新词leg, hand, arm 和 foot , 因为上一课时已经让学生预习。肯定有的同学会,而下面的同学也肯定会积极反应,板书

4、划线部分。)T : Touch your leg. Touch your arm. Touch your hand. Touch your foot. 2.(把2部分的4幅图张贴在黑板上,让学生认真观察后每组分一幅图进行描述,描述时尽量让更多同学有机会起来说。) T : Now, please look at the pictures on the blackboard. Who are they? Do you know?Ss: Yes. (老师分别指着不同的图片问。)T : Who is this boy?Ss: He is Kangkang. T : Who is this girl?S

5、s: She is Maria. T : Now Group A describe Kangkangs appearance. Group B describe Marias appearance. Group C describe Michaels appearance. Group D describe Janes appearance. Group A: S1: Kangkang has big eyes. S2: He has short hair. S3: He has a small nose. S4: He has a wide mouth. T : Well done! Gro

6、up B, its your turn now. Group B: S5: Maria has small eyes. S6: She has a small head. (Group C 和 Group D 参照前面。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) 1. (老师准备好成龙,章子怡等明星的图片,注意先不呈现图片,而提供信息让学生猜,在师生互动过程中呈现新的语言点。板书划线句子。)T : Today Ill show you some nice pictures. First, please pay attention to my questions.

7、 Do you know Zhang Ziyi?Ss: Yes. T : Who is she?Ss: 电影明星(学生可能不会用英语说。)。T : Yes, she is a film star. Do you like her?Is she your favorite film star, S1?(引导学生说出。)S1: Yes. She is my favorite film star. T : What does she look like?S1: She has long hair and big eyes. T : Very good. Who is your favorite fi

8、lm star, S2?S2: Li Lianjie(李连杰). T : Good. Do you know who is my favorite film star?Ss: No. T : Guess.(老师做出一个思考的动作。)He is from Hong Kong. He is Chinese. He has short hair, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is strong. Ss: 成龙。T : No, guess again, (由此导出1a的对话, 并且讲解,板书关键句。)He has short hair, a big nose and

9、 a wide mouth. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:8分钟)1.(让学生听录音1a, 并注意语调。听完后说明英语中有升、降调。)T : Now, please listen to the tape and pay attention to the intonation. 2.(让学生从头到脚再现身体各部位名词,然后听3a完成练习并核对答案。)T : Lets review the parts of the body together. Then listen to 3a and finish it. 3.(听录音4,学会判断和标注升降调。)T : Li

10、sten to 4 and pay attention to the intonation. S1: Whos that girl? S1: Look, she has a small face, big eyes, and a small nose. S2: Thats right. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟)1.(听1a, 标出升降调。练习语音语调。)T : Listen to 1a and mark the intonation. (K=Kangkang, M=Michael)K : Michael, who is your favorite film

11、 star? M: Guess. K : OK. Is he from the U.S.A.? M: No, he is Chinese. He has short hair, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is very strong. K : I know. Its Bruce Lee. M: No. Guess again. 2.(贴出成龙的图片让学生用has的句子描述,再让学生试着用be动词句式描述。)He has short hair. His hair is short. He has a big nose. His nose is big. He

12、 has small eyes. His eyes are small. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)1. Finish 1b. (同桌分别描述自己最喜爱的明星外表,让同桌来画图并猜猜他/她是谁。可以综合练习描述外貌的表达方式。)T : Describe your favorite film star. Let your partner draw a picture and guess who he/she is. S1: My favorite film star is from China. Her hair is long. Her face is

13、 round.Her eyes are big. Her mouth is small. Her nose is small. Who is she?(画完后。)S2: She is S1: No. Guess again. 2. Play a guessing game. (每个同学可以描述一个自己最要好的同班同学的外表,让其他同学去猜,老师可以先示范,然后请两、三个同学来描述。)T : I have a good friend. He has long arms and long legs. (学生这时在班上到处找,可能说得是错的,老师再进一步描述。)Ss: He is T : No. He has a big head. His eyes are small. Ss: He is T : Good. You ar


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