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1、Unit 10 Diogenes and Alexander,(left)Alexander; (right)Gordian Knot,Alexander the Great,A brilliant tactician and leader, but could also be ruthless and cruel Sleep with Iliad under his pillow, identify himself with Achilles War against Persia in 334 BC: TroyEgypt Babylon defeated Persian king Dariu

2、s and Married the Persian princess India died of fever,Plato, ancient Greek philosopher,Academy, near Athens, the most influential school of the ancient world, Aristotle being his famous pupil His work is in the form of epistles(letters) and dialogues Early works: the Apology, presenting Socrates in

3、 conversations that illustrate his major ideas-the unity of virtue and knowledge and of virtue and happiness Middle works: the Republic, discussing the relationship between the soul, the state, and the cosmos Later works: the Laws and Parmenides, containing treatises on law, mathematics, technical p

4、hilosophic problems, and natural science,Platos Teaching,Plato regarded the rational soul as immortal, and he believed in a world soul and a Demiurge造物主, the creator of the physical world. He argued for the independent reality of Ideas, or Forms, as the immutable archetypes of all temporal phenomena

5、 and as the only guarantee of ethical standards and of objective scientific knowledge. Virtue consists in the harmony of the human soul with the universe of Ideas, which assure order, intelligence, and pattern to a world in constant flux. Supreme among them is the Idea of the Good, analogous to the

6、sun in the physical world. Only the philosopher, who understands the harmony of all parts of the universe with the Idea of the Good, is capable of ruling the just state.,Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher,At the age of eighteen Aristotle came to Athens from Macedonia in the north for the purpose o

7、f studying with Plato. Although he was an original thinker who made great contributions of his own, he remained a student in Platos Academy for twenty years. his own school Lyceum an original and deep thinker, an observer, an organizer, a systematizer of knowledge. He laid the foundation of all scie

8、nces and philosophies by defining and classifying the various branches of knowledge: Psychology, Metaphysics, Politics, Rhetoric and Logic.,Hercules(Roman name); Heracles(Greek name),A hero noted for his strength and courage and 12 labors As a baby, strangle two serpents sent by Hera; as a young man

9、, cloak-the skin of a lion, helmetits head; conquer a tribe and marry the princess of Thebes; in a fit of madness sent by Hera, kill his wife and 3 children, then told by the oracle at Delphi to perform 12 labors: Kill a lion that could not be wounded by any weapon; kill a monster in the swamp that

10、has 9 heads, one immortal; capture alive a stag雄鹿 with golden horns and bronze hoofs sacred to Artemis狩猎神; capture a great boar公猪;,Twelve labors of Hercules (continued),clean up in one day the 30 years of accumulated filth of the Augean stables; drive off a huge flock of man-eating birds with bronze

11、 beaks, claws and wings; capture a mad bull that Poseidon海神 had sent to terrorize Crete克里特岛; bring back the man-eating mares of Diomedes; get the girdle腰带 of Queen Hippolyta; capture the oxen of the 3-headed monster Geryon; support the world on his shoulders while Atlas helps him fetch the golden ap

12、ples of Hesperides金苹果乐园; bring back the 3-headed dog Cerberus from the lower world with the permission of Hades冥神,Homer, Iliad and Odyssey,Iliad, the 9th year of the war between the Argives led by King Agamemnon and the Trojans led by King Priam with participation of many gods and goddesses Showing

13、values of the Bronze Age: honor and bravery Always be the best, my boy, the bravest, and hold your head up high above the others. Never disgrace the generation of your fathers.,Odyssey,In Northern Africa, Odysseus and his men encounter the Lotus-Eaters. Some of the crew eat the temptful fruit. Aeolu

14、s, king of the winds, gives him a wind bag The island of cannibals destroy 11 of his 12 ships Go to the underworld and seek the advice from Hades on how to go home The island of the Sirens; bypass a whirlpool and a 6-headed monster; live with a nymph for 9 years; After a tempest by Poseidon, he fina

15、lly gets to Ithaca, defeating the suitors of his wife Penelope and taking back his kingdom,Grammar (line 2) he had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn,副词的位置: (一)方式副词+地点副词+时间副词(句首或句末), 如: She sat quietly in the room for an hour. Jane played the piano wonderfully at the school concert last night. 或 L

16、ast night, Jane played the piano wonderfully at the school concert.,TOEFL exercises: 1. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building_. A. sent faithfully flowers each week to the cemetery B. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery ea

17、ch week D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.,C,2. “_.” “So did I.” A. I saw them last Saturday at the game. B. I saw them at the game last Saturday C. At the game I saw them last Saturday D. At the game last Saturday I saw them,B,(二) 在go, run, drive等动作动词后面,地点副词或状语通常置于方式状语前面,这是因为这些动词

18、与地点副词关系甚为密切之故。如: They went to school hurriedly after breakfast. He went to the market alone this morning.,TOEFL exercise: “What did the mother say?” “She said that _.” A. her son went every day to school very slowly B. her son went slowly every day to school C. her son went every day slowly to schoo

19、l D. her son went to school slowly every day,D,devour, vt.(尤指动物)吞吃, 狼吞虎咽, 挥霍, (火灾等)毁灭, 破坏, 吞没, 贪看, 贪听 The lion devoured the deer. (eat up greedily) The boy devoured the books he could get about the author in the kitchen. (喻) (read eagerly) The fire devoured the forest. (destroy) be devoured by 心中充满(

20、好奇心, 焦虑等); 全部注意力为.所吸引,狮子狼吞虎咽地把鹿吃了下去。,这个小伙子在厨房里如饥似渴地读着他能弄到的关于这个作者的一切书。,大火烧毁了森林。,Syn: devour/ bolt/ wolf/ gobble/ gulp/ swallow Devoureat hungrily or greedily 吞咽 The hungry boy devoured his supper. Boltswallow food quickly 仓促吞咽 We bolted a few mouthful of food and hurried on. Wolfeat quickly and greed

21、ily 狼吞虎咽 He wolfed his jam roll, wiped his mouth, and said: “ I move we have our tea.”,Gobbleeat (up) fast, noisily, and greedily狼吞虎咽 Li sat down and gobbled (down) his supper. Gulpswallow food or drink quickly or greedily吞食 I gulped down a few mouthfuls and decided to leave the rest. Swallowcause o

22、r allow to go down the throat吞食 He swallowed his food too quickly.,Elaborate: complicated because of being planned in great detail,The company has worked out an management training scheme for graduates. He is known for his costume. ( clothing or material is made with a lot of detailed artistic desig

23、ns),sophisticated, worldly-wise; showing knowledge of the world Richard was still young, but he was sophisticated enough to know when people were not telling the truth. advanced or complicated The missile has a sophisticated guidance system.,complexities vs. complications,Complexities: Many complica

24、ted factors involved in Complication: A problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with Complex: having many different parts so difficult to understand; 复杂句;建筑群;综合体系;情结; Complicated: having many parts or aspects so difficult to understand or deal with,Grammar: keep us warm (p2),现在分词

25、用于set, catch, start, make, have, get, keep, leave等词后表示“致使”,“使役” The joke set us all laughing. Tom is a lazy boy. I often catch him dozing off in class. The mechanic managed to start the machine running again. I wont have you cleaning the room.,My typewriter is out of order. I cant get it going again

26、. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. His equivocal remark left me wondering what he was driving at. 他的话模棱两可,使我摸不清是什么意思。,American superhero series: “Superman” (1938- ), “Batman” (1939- ), “The Amazing Spider-Man” (1962- ),Superman is a native of the planet Krypton, but he grows up on a farm in rura

27、l America. He moves to the big city and gets a job as a reporter. At the newspaper, he is known as mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, but when he puts on his cape and fights crime, he becomes Superman.,With great power comes great responsibility.,restrain / curb /check hold back or keep under control. Restrain implies restriction or limitation, as on ones freedom of action: curb is to restrain as if with reins: 象用辔头那样来约束: Check implies arresting or stopping, often suddenly or forcibly: 意为通常是突然或强有力地停止或阻止: (economical) a wise and frugal government, which shall _ men fr


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