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1、How do you get to school?,Unit 3,Section A 1a-2e,How do you get to school?,Enjoy a short song,train,subway,bus,bike/ bicycle,take the train,ride the bike,take the bus,take the subway,Self-study(自学),Turn to Page 13, and finish the following tasks. (自学教材P13,完成以下任务:) 1. Read the words and dialogues in

2、1a aloud. (大声朗读1a中的单词和对话) 2. Match the words with the pictures in 1a. (将单词与图片配对) 3. Mark your difficulties and findings on the book,and then write them down on your Study Paper. (把你的疑惑和发现先划记在书本上,然后记在学习单上。),温馨提示:请小组长检查组员学习单记录情况, 完成自学后,请及时翻转组牌并举手示意。,Group Work(小组合作),1. Read the words and sentences in

3、1a loudly . (组内大声朗读1a的单词和句子。) 2.Discuss your difficulties in your group ( 小组合作讨论疑惑) 3. Share your findings in your group. (组内分享你的发现,并记录在我的发现一栏。),温馨提示:讨论结束后请及时翻转组牌。,Match the words with the pictures.,2. take the bus_,3. take the subway_,4. ride a bike_,5. walk _,1. take the train_,a,d,e,b,c,1a,I ride

4、 my/ a bike to school.,How do you get to school?,He walks to school.,How does he get to school?,1b,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.,1. Bob,2. Mary,3. John,4. Paul,5. Yang Lan,6. Jim,2,3,4,5,6,take the bus,take the train,1c,Make conversation with your partner.

5、,ride a bike,walk,A: How do you get to school? B: I take the subway.,She _.,takes the subway,How does Mary get to school?,He _.,takes the train,How does Bob get to school?,He _.,How does John get to school?,takes the bus,They _.,How does Paul and Yang Lan get to school?,walk,一、选择题 1I go to school bu

6、s every morning.(重庆中考) A. in B. on C. by 2. He (walk) to school every day . A. walk B. walks C. walking 3.How did she Shanghai? A. reaches B. arrive at C. get to 4. do you usually get to school? - I walk. A. How B. What C. Why 5.He usually goes to school bike, but sometimes he goes to school_ foot. A. with on B. by on C. on by,C,B,C,A,B,二按要求完成句子 1. She goes to school by bike.(同义句) She _her bike _school. 2. I get to school on foot. (同义句) I _to school . 3. I go to America by plane 4. 他每天骑自行车去学校。 He _ _ to go to school every day. 5. 张杰怎样去上班? _ Zhang Jie go to work? 6.我不乘地铁上班。 I the subw


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