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1、Lesson 62:After the fire,Free talk: Have you ever experienced any natural disasters?,volcano(火山),sandstorm (沙尘暴),Can you tell some kind of the natural disasters?,drought(旱灾),tsunami (海啸),Typhoon(台风),Fire(火灾),What happened ?,What can you see in this picture?,Everything was destroyed(毁灭) The city beca

2、me ruin(废墟),Earthquake,Earthquake of Tangshan in China in 1976,The cracks cut across the roads .,The buildings fell down .,Many things were destroyed, such as ,bridge,railway,buildings,A great number of people died and the number of people losing their homes was large.,What do you think may happen b

3、efore an earthquake?,Bright lights in the sky,Chickens are flying and dogs are barking, ,and Pigs and cows are too nervous to eat.,Fish jump out the pond, and mice run wildly out of the fields.,The well has deep cracks in it , and the water in it rises and falls.,What shall we do if an earthquake ha

4、ppens?,Discussion,Dos,Donts,Be close to the outside wall.,2.Stay on the balcony(阳台),3. Jump out of the tall building.,4. Use the lift .,1.Stay in a small room, such as kitchen or bathroom.,2.Hide under the table or bed , if you havent time to escape , you may stand close to the inside wall with some

5、 things covering on the head.,3.If you stay in the open air , keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees .,Discussion: Imagine there is an earthquake now, your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?,pe

6、rsonal washing things,a bottle of water,money,torch (手电筒),mobile phone,food and sweets,blanket (毯子),What will you take with you?,medicine,You will take:,Tang Shans new look,Brave City of China,While there is life, there is hope.只要人在,就有希望,What do you think of the earthquake in Wenchuan?,I cant stand

7、it. Because ,The earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan province.,What do you think of the earthquake?,I dont like it . Because ,What do you think of the Chinese people?,I love them. They are friendly and .,What do you think of China?,Hold on, China!,New words and expressions,control spray smoke q

8、uantity desolate root threaten century surrounding patch destruction blacken flood grass-seed authority,Queations on the text:,How long did it take the firemen to get the fire under control? Had all the trees been burnt or not? Why were the surrounding villages of the hills threatened with destructi

9、on? What did the forest authority do after the fire had been put out? What had begun to appear in the blacked soil in place of the green trees?,【New words and expressions】,control n. 控制 smoke n. 烟 desolate adj. 荒凉的 threaten v. 威胁 surrounding adj. 周围的 destruction n. 破坏,毁灭 flood n. 洪水,水灾,authority n.

10、(usu pl. )当局 grass-seed n. 草籽 spray v. 喷撒 quantity n. 量 root n. 根 century n. 世纪 patch n. 小片 blacken v. 变黑,发暗,control n. 控制,in control 在控制之内 under control 在控制之下,被控制 out of control 失控 control sth I can control it. =I can manage it. 我能对付(口语) The situation is under control. I can control the situation.,

11、smoke n. 烟(雾),full of smoke 充满烟雾 smoky adj. 多烟的(名词加-y, 变为形容词) smoking area 吸烟区 ; nonsmoking area 禁烟区 smoker n. 抽烟的人 heavy smoker 烟瘾重的人 ; nonsmoker 不抽烟的人 smoke v. 吸烟 Dont smoke! = No smoking! He smoked heavily. 他烟瘾很大 smoking apartment 火车上的吸烟车厢 cigarette = cigar n. 香烟,desolate adj. 荒凉的,desolate adj. b

12、e devoidofinhabitants “streetswhichwereusually so thronged now grown desolate (DanielDefoe). 由岩石组成的、荒凉的月球表面 therocky,desolatesurfaceofthemoon lonely adj. unfrequented by people, desolate alonelycrossroads deserted : abandoned: uninhabited adesertedsentrypost adesertedisland,threaten v. 威胁的,1. to exp

13、ress a threat against or give indications of taking hostile action against: threaten sb. with sth. 以来威胁/恐吓某人 The thief threatened him with a knife. 2. Togivesignsorwarningof;portend: The black clouds threaten a storm. 3.threaten to do sth. 威胁着要做(与人相连);有迹象表明 Hethreatento take the tenant to court. It

14、threatened to rain. 有迹象表明天要下雨了。,surrounding adj. 周围的,surroundings n. 环境(在周边的事物) They lived amid beautiful surroundings. atmosphere n. 大气层, 氛围(在周边的人文环境) an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country Environment 环境, 周围状况, 自然环境 a happy environment at school. Setting: the context and environment in whi

15、ch a situation is set, the background Rome is the perfect setting for romance.,destruction n. 破坏, 毁灭,destroy v. 破坏 destructive adj. 毁灭性的 construct v. 建设(为创造更好的条件) construction n. 建设, 建筑 China Construction Bank 建设银行 constructive adj. 建设性的(意见) build v. 建设(具体的建某物),flood n. 洪水, 水灾 v.大量涌出,flood = floods

16、都对,都可以用,无区别 Peoplefloodedthesquare. Theriverfloodsnearlyeveryspring. Fake products flooded (into) the market. a flood of people A wave of happiness flooded me.,authority n. 当局(常用复数authorities),authority n. 权威(单数) He began to assume airs ofauthority. 装出一副威风凛凛的样子 He is a notedauthorityon English liter

17、ature. 他是著名的英国文学权威。,spray v. 喷撒 n.喷雾,浪花,spray sth. over/on 往上喷洒 给花喷水 spray water over/on flower spray grass-seed over/on the ground hair spray 发胶,quantity n. (数)量,A large quantity of 大量的 quantities of 大量的 quality n. 质量 sth. with good quality 质量好的东西,quantity用法结论:,1.aquantityof 后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们

18、分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常看of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。 1)如果是接不可数名词,则谓语用单数形式, 2)如果是接复数可数名词,则谓语通常要采用复数形式 2quantitiesof后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词,后面的谓语都用复数形式。,practice,此外,还发现了大量的邮包。 1Besides,alargequantityofmailbags werefound. 喝了好多啤酒。 2.Alargequantityofbeerwas consumed. 3.Quantitiesoffakecertificatesandofficial stamp

19、swerealsoseized. 查获大量假证和假公章,root n. 根,What is the root cause? 根本原因是什么? root of 的根 take root 生根 come out 长出来 shoot come out 发芽(bud; sprout; shoot 芽) flower come out/ blossom out 开花 bear fruit 结果 Synonym: source, derivation, origin, cause, century 世纪,百年,Age Time Era Period decade millennium We waited

20、as the clock ticked away the last few seconds of the old millennium. 我们静候着时钟滴答走过千年的最后几秒钟.,patch n. 小片,颜色和周围不同的部分,patch n. (平面上的)一片, 补丁(本意) What is that yellow patch on the wall? 墙上那块黄斑是什么? a patch of 一小片 ;patches of 许多片 There are patches of cloud in the sky. a piece of / a bit of / a sheet of /a sli

21、ce of 一片,一块,blacken v. 变黑,发暗,The smoke has blacken the walls. 烟把墙熏黑了。 -en后缀表示动词,译为“使变得” weak weaken v. 使变弱,削弱 blacken, whiten, widen, shorten,Redden, soften, harden, darken, Ripen deepen broaden, gladden Sadden, harden, flatten ,brighten Strengthen, weaken, frighten, lengthen Fasten, loosen, tighten

22、, unfasten Moisten, straighten, youthen, heighten, lighten, sweeten, steepen, sharpen deaften, madden, dampen, deaden,【课文讲解】1、Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.,fight sth. 和作搏斗 get it under control表示“使它得到控制”,get有“使处于某种状态”的含义,“get+

23、宾语+介词短语”作宾补: The Government can no longer keep prices under control. 政府已控制不住物价。 Get the room in order. 把房间整理好。,2、A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around.,a short time before和a short time ago都可以与段时间相连 a short time before 不久以前,从过去某一点时间算起,一段时间以前 a short time ago 过去

24、某段时间,从现在算起,一段时间以前 for miles around 方圆几英里(around表示“在周围,向四周”) This is the only modern building for miles around.,不久之前, 村民们惊悉恩得利农场的鬼死了.Endley A short time ago, villagers were astonished to learn that the ghost of Endley had died. 这是方圆几英里唯一的一幢现代化建筑物。 This is the only modern building for miles around.,3、

25、Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. rise up (from) 升上来 smoke rise up (烟、雾)弥漫 He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑.,4、Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only was

26、h away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.,winter was coming on 冬季即将来临 (季节的来临的通用表达式),come on的过去进行时形式表示的是过去将来时,它在这里表示季节的“到来,来临”: When spring comes on, there will be flowers everywhere. I was still in the forest when night came on. wash away 冲掉,冲走,洗掉 A wooden bridge was washed away by the

27、 flood. I cant wash the spot away.,春天来时,到处都有鲜花。 When spring comes on, there will be flowers everywhere. 如果冬天来了, 春天还会远 吗 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? Percy Bysshe Shelley出自西风颂作者:雪莱 ( 17921822 ),5、When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a sp

28、ecial type of grass-seed which would grow quickly.,put out /extinguish the fire 扑灭火 order 定购 type 强调与其他同类的东西有明显不同的特征的种类,与kind有区别,6、The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes.,quantity单数时仅表示“数量”,既可以用于表示多也可以用于表示少: They drank a large /great /small quantity of beer last night.

29、 quantity复数时表示“大量”: He bought books in (large) quantities.,7. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain.,飞机撒播近一个月后, 开始下起雨来.,8、By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root.,take root表示“生根”,这个短语也可以表示某处思想/想法等“扎根”: This type of grass takes root easil

30、y. 这种想法在他脑海里扎了根。 The idea has taken root in his mind.,9、In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.,in place of 替代,取代 (只能指代位置、空间,原来放的东西现在不在了) 以前放的是茶杯,现在放的是花瓶。 In place of a cup , I put a vase there. 简代替玛丽接了电话。 Jan

31、e answered the phone in place of Mary. instead of 替代+没做的事 Instead of staying home, I went to school. (此句就不能用“in place of”,而指地点空间时,既可以用“in place of”也可以用“instead of”。),Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. They had to get

32、a job to supplement the family income. We consider it a compliment to be called conservative,【Key structures】 过去完成时和过去完成进行时 过去完成进行时的构成:had been +现在分词 过去完成进行时用于强调某动作在过去更早的某一段时间内一直在进行,并对过去某一时刻产生结果,过去完成进行时也可用来表示过去经常重复的动作,还可以表示根据直接或间接的证据而得出结论。与它经常连用的表示时间的词有before,for,since,all day等。,She was very tired.

33、She had been typing letters all day. Jill was angry. Jim had been phoning her every night for a whole week. Her eyes were red. It was obvious she had been crying. 在包含间接引语的句子中,如果引述词是过去时态,则现在完成进行时要改为过去完成进行时。 过去完成时与过去完成进行时有时可以互换。但需要表示某个工作已经完成时,只能用过去完成时。 When I arrived, theyd alredy put the fire out.,【S

34、pecial Difficulties】,Control and Check control vt. 控制,指挥,支配,管理 Dont try to control other people. n. 控制(能力),支配(能力) Its hard to keep the number of people coming into the country under control. check vt. 检查,核对,查看 Theyre going to check our passports.,Great and Big great adj. 大的(强调重要性),伟大的,重大的,重要的 Frank

35、has just made a great decision. big adj. 大的(强调面积、体积、规模上的大) Sam is a big man.,Soil and Ground soil n. 泥土(能让植物生长的),土,土地,土壤 Trees and grass grow quickly in rich soil. ground n. 地表,地面(与土壤无关),场地,土地 He threw the cup to the ground.,过去完成时与过去进行时的比较,现在完成时表示的是开始于过去的动作一直持续到目前为止,同理,过去完成时则表示开始于过去的某一个时刻的动作持续到过去另一时

36、刻为止,即动作开始时间是过去的过去,动作结束时间应该是过去,Exercises:,1.到去年年底,我已经学了个单词,By the end of last year I _2000 words.,2. 在来美国之间,我已经学习了一些英语 I _some English before I came to America.,had learned,had learned,Thank you !,1.你必须节制开支. 2.我去年全年都在那里。 3.他不仅洗了车,还打了蜡。 4. 他经常泡吧,昨天还喝了好多啤酒 5. 这种想法在他脑海里扎了根。 6. 简代替玛丽接了电话。 7. 多云的天空中只见到一小块儿湛蓝。 8. 他正试图洗清他的罪过。,1.你必须节制开支. You must get your spending under control. 2.我去年全年都在那里。 I was there all theyeararound. 3.他不仅洗了车,还打了蜡。 He not only wa


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