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1、Lesson 67,Volcanoes,单词,volcano active Kivu Congo Kituro erupt violently manage brilliant liquid escape alive,n. 火山 adj. 活动的 n. 基伍湖 n. 刚果 n. 基图罗 v. (火山)喷发 adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地 v. 设法 adj. 精彩的 adj. 液态的;n. 液体 v. 逃脱 adj. 活着的,活火山,active volcano,休眠火山,dormant volcano,海底火山,Submarine volcano,基伍湖Kivu,刚果Congo,基图罗火山Kitu

2、ro,active 1) adj. 活动的,活跃的 活火山 an active volcano 市况活跃 The market is active. 2) adj. 积极的 反义词 passive adj. 消极的, 被动的 公司需要采取积极措施以增加出口。 Companies need to take active steps to increase exports.,violently adv. 猛烈地, 剧烈地 她猛烈摇头 She shook her head violently. violent adj. 猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 有时男人会变得非常暴力。 Sometimes

3、the men get violent. violence n. 猛烈, 强烈, 暴力 他们用暴力威胁我。 They threaten me with violence.,manage v. 设法 manage to do sth. = try to do sth. and succeed 设法做成某事 我能把这件事办好 I can manage it. = I can manage it myself. = I can do it.,我总算在目的站下了车 I managed to get out at the right station. 那栋房子你最后找到了没有? Did you mana

4、ge to find the house?,escape vt. 逃脱 escape sth. 死里逃生 escape death escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事,他逃过了惩罚。 He escape punishment/being punished. n. 逃脱 narrow escape 九死一生 今年我们有三起越狱事件 We had three escapes from the prison this year.,alive adj. 活着的 alive 做定语时一定要放在被修饰词后面, 属于表语形容词,做后置定语,每个活着的人都有自己的麻烦。 Every man ali

5、ve has his/her own troubles. live adj. 现场的,活着的(永远不和人连用) 现场演唱会 live concert 活鱼 live fish,spend some time (in) doing sth. 花多少时间干 她用太多时间装扮自己 She spends too much time (in) dressing herself. lifetime n. 毕生精力 spend ones lifetime 花了某人毕生精力 in all parts of the world 世界各地的,Observe 1)v. 观察,观测,注意看 注意看我怎样做 (这件事)

6、 Observe how I do this how to do this. 2)v. 遵守; 保持 遵守交通规则 observe the traffic regulations,Set up 竖立,架起;创立,建立 他们竖起一些石头当界碑。 They set up some stones as land marks 在他17岁的时候就创立了一家公司。 He set up a company when he is only 17 years old.,close to 离很近,与靠近 他把车停到靠近河边的地方。 He parked the car close to the river. 不要坐

7、的离火太近。 Dont sit so close to the fire.,Manage to do sth 设法做成某事 A number of 大量的 她在那家商店买了很多蛋 She bought a number of eggs at the store. 我可以给你举出很多理由 I can give you a number of reasons. for longfor a long time,He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. notice that + 宾语从句 注意到 他脱帽时我注意到他的

8、头秃得很厉害 When he took off his hat, I noticed that he was very bald. notice sb. do/doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事 我发觉一个陌生男人正向我走来。 I noticed a strange man going towards me.,a river of 形成的河流 a river of soil and stone 泥石流 在二战中,血流成河。 Rivers of blood flowed during World war II. 当她听说了这个消息,眼泪如河水般从她脸上流下。 When she heard

9、 the news, a river of tears came down her face.,threaten to 威胁着要,有迹象表明 他扬言要离开这个队。 He threatened to leave the team. 天有下雨之势 It threatens to rain.,in time 及时,来得及 我正好赶上了车。 I caught the train just in time. 医生及时前来挽救他的生命。 The doctor came in time to save his life,manage to do sth. 设法做到某事,努力完成某事(虽然很费劲,但仍然做到/

10、完成某事) try to do sth. 设法做某事,努力做某事(但并不一定成功) so that 以便于(目的状语从句),一定含有情态动词,manage to在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时,经常代替be able to,它更强调“虽然困难很大,但仍然”。在否定句中,manage to与be able to经常可以互换。 He was able to finish the job yesterday. (表示可能) He managed to finish the job yesterday. (暗示他克服了不少困难才完成) What do you think of the film? Im

11、afraid I havent managed to/been able to see it yet.,拿近一些,好让我看得更清楚些。 Bring it nearer so that I may see it better 他把钱积蓄起来,以便暑期能出国度假。 He saved his money so that he might go abroad in his summer holiday,risk ones life 冒着生命危险 她冒着生命危险来帮助一个残疾人 She risked her own life to help a disabled man. take a risk of

12、冒着的危险 冒着被杀害的危险,刘胡兰仍然什么也没有说。 Take the risk of being killed, Liu Hulan still didnt say anything. risk doing sth. 冒着危险做 你把这个给Ken看太冒险了。 Youre taking a big risk showing this to Ken.,notice that + 宾语从句 notice sth. notice sb. do/doing sth. 注意到某人做某事/正在做某事,a river of 形成的河流 a river of soil and stone 泥石流 River

13、s of blood flowed during World war II. (rivers of blood 血流成河) When she heard the news, a river of tears came down her face.,Watch DVD,Why does Tazieff risk his life like that?,【Special Difficulties】 带 say与tell的短语 1、say 在表示“说,讲”时,say后面不跟间接宾语(人)。如果一定要指明,则用“to +名词/代词”。表示“道别,诵读(祈祷),背诵”等含义时用say而不能用tell。s

14、ay有“表达(思想、意见等)”、“据说”含义,tell则没有。,2、tell 在表示“说,讲”时,tell后面可以跟双宾语。tell经常用于表示“讲(实话,谎话,秘密等)”。tell可以表示“辨别,分辨”,say则不可以。 tell the time表示根据钟表等“说出时间,识钟” Can you tell me anything about it? 你能告诉我有关的任何事情吗? He is only five, but he can already tell the time.,tell (sb.) a lie 说谎(谎言有很多个,为可数名词) He often tells lies. 他经常说谎. tell (sb


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