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1、Unit5 Why do you like pandas?,SectionA 1a-1c,T: Do you like animals? What animals do you like? Whats your favorite animal? Why do you like? Because.,Warm-up:,T: Where can you see a lot of different (不同的) animals?,zoo,s,Lets go to the zoo to see some animals.,a tiger,tigers,a lion,lions,a panda,panda

2、s,an elephant,elephants,a koala,koalas,a giraffe,giraffes,What other animals do you know?,e.g. pig 猪 cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子,tiger elephant koala panda lion giraffe,老虎 大象 考拉 熊猫 狮子 长颈鹿,animals,PK: Who have good eyes?,What do you think of these animals?,tiger,lion,Theyre scary.,elephant,Its strong.,gira

3、ffe,Its tall and fun.,panda,Its cute.,koala,Its lazy and shy.,It sleeps 22 hours every day!,Pairwork:,What animals do you like? /What are your favorite animals? I like s. /My favorite animals are Why do you like? Because they are What about you? A. I likes because they are,what animals do you like?,

4、I like pandas.,Why?,Because they are very cute and funny. What about you?,I like lions because theyre very cool.,A model:,Match the words with theanimals in the picture.,1a,tiger_ elephant_ koala_ panda_ lion_ giraffe_,a,f,c,e,d,b,Listen and check the () the animals you hear in 1a.,1b,tiger_ 2.eleph

5、ant_ 3.koala_ 4.panda_ 5.lion_ 6.giraffe_,Conversation 1 Girl: Lets see the _ first. Theyre my favorite animals. Boys: Why? Girl: Because they are very _.,pandas,cute,Conversation2 Girl: Lets see the_. Boys: Why do you want to see them? Girl: Because they are_.,giraffes,beautiful,Conversation3 Girl:

6、 Lets see the _ now. I like _. Boys: Why? Girl: Because they are_.,koalas,koalas,interesting,Lets see the lions first.,Why do you want to see them?,Because they are interesting.,1c,Practice the conversation with your partner. Then make conversations about the other animals you know.,lion,elephant,ti

7、ger,giraffe,panda,koala,cat,chicken,pig,monkey,dog,friendly adj. interesting/fun scary adj. smart/clever adj. beautiful adj. ugly adj. lazy adj. cute adj.,可爱的,友好的,有趣的,恐怖的,吓人的,聪明的,美丽的,丑陋的,懒散的,Ask your group members the animals he/she likes and doesnt like and why.,e.g. Hello. My friend is XX. His/Her

8、 favorite animals are(复数). He/She likes them because theyre(评价词). He/She doesnt like. Because theyre . Thank you!,一、根据英语意思写出动物名称。,a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose:_ an Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves:_,tiger,koala, pig

9、, elephant, panda, giraffe,elephant,koala,小结训练,3. a large, black and white animal that lives in the southwest of China:_ 4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin, legs:_ 5. Its strong and big. It looks like a cat. Its the king of the forest:_ 6. It is very fat. Its lazy. It has

10、 two big ears and a short tail:_,panda,giraffe,tiger,pig,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 I like giraffes because they are very _(interest) 2. I want to see the tigers _ (one) 3. There are many _(tree) in the forest 4. There are two _(zoo) in our city 5. Elephants are very _(friend) to people.,interesting,first,trees,zoos,friendly,三、单项选择 ( ) 1.- _ do you like pandas? -Because they are very cute. A. How B.W


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