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1、Welcome back to school!,What classes do you have this term?(学期),Chinese,maths,English,science,PE,music,art,computer,Moral Education,Social Studies,maths teacher 数学老师 English teacher 英语老师 art teacher 美术老师 Chinese teacher 语文老师 music teacher 音乐老师 science teacher 科学老师,My teachers,Whos your .teacher?,Mr/

2、Miss ,谁是你的.老师?,English teacher maths teacher science teacher art teacher music teacher .,Whos your .teacher?,Mr/Miss ,Whos your .teacher?,Whos your .teacher?,Mr/Miss ,谁是你的.老师?,老师。,Good to know,西方称呼: Mr 先生 Mrs 夫人(已婚随夫姓) Miss小姐,女士(未婚) Ms 女士(不知婚姻状况) 西方人的名字在前,姓在后;中国人刚好相反。西方人一般尊称他人在姓之前加Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms; 而中

3、国人在姓之后加先生/女士/小姐/职业称呼(如老师、医生) 西方人和中国人关系密切的情况都可以直呼其名。,He/she has .,He/she is .,Lets learn new words,new friend Oliver,Talk about Oliver! 描述一下Oliver!,He has .,He is .,Whos he?,Hes 12 years old.,Hes young.,young (年轻的),long,strong,Im . years old.,Im young.,How old is he?,Olivers grandma,She is old. (老的,年

4、纪大的),A: Is he old?,B: Yes, he is.,Mr Young is not young.,Mr Young is old.,=,kind (慈祥的,和蔼的),Talk about your teachers!,Mr Young is a music teacher, he is old, but he is kind.,-Is he kind?,kind?,strict (严厉的),-No, he isnt. Hes strict.,Mr Liu is a Chinese teacher, he is very strict.,Talk about your teach

5、ers!,-Is he strict?,He is funny.,-No, he isnt.,(滑稽的,可笑的),- Is he funny?,- Yes, he is.,- Is he funny?,- Yes, he is.,-No. He is a science teacher. (科学),-Is he a maths teacher?,Talk about your teachers!,Role play,(校长),head teacher,A: Whos Miss 江,Mr唐。?,(史密斯夫人),B: Hes/Shes .Hes/Shes .,How about Zhang Pen

6、gs teachers?,(Zhang Peng的老师们是怎么样的呢?),Lets Learn,A: Whos your teacher?,B: Mr./Miss .,A: Is he/she ?,B:Yes, . No, .,火眼金睛,根据你看到的字母在脑海中组合字母成为 单词。越快越好哦 小组分:一分一个哦加油吧 Are you ready?,kind,old,funny,young,strict,A: Whos your art teacher?,B: Mr Jones.,A: Is he funny?,B: Yes, he is.,谁是你的美术老师? 琼斯老师。 他风趣吗? 是的,他是

7、。,把句子补充完成 Mr Young _ _ music teacher. Mr Jones _ _ science teacher. Miss White _ _English teacher. Mr Li _ _ maths teacher.,is,a,is,a,is,an,is,a,Listen to the lets talk,Who do they talk about?,Whats his job?,小结: 1.Whos your .teacher? Hes Shes . 谁是你的。? Whos= who is 谁是 回答“某人” Whose 谁的 回答“某人的” Is he she it .? Yes, _ is . No, _isnt. 他、她、它 是。吗?,小 结,What have you learned this lesson?谈收获,单词:young ,old ,tall ,short ,funny ,kind ,strong ,thin,strict句子: Whos your .teacher?Mr/Miss Is he/she young/. ? Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isnt.,HOMEWORK,1.Recite P5 Lets learn 听读并背诵p5:let


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