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1、Oxymoron,1 .the definition of oxymoron,2 .the structure of oxymoron,3 .the translation of oxymoron,whats oxymoron,lets look at some examples :gentle nightmare,温和的噩梦,Thunderous silenceThe structure of Oxymoron,(a)完全的反关系would you have the cruel kindness to give me a quick death?请发残忍的善心。请让我快点死。Cruel的反义

2、词是Kindness,it is an open secret that the scientist and the nurse are already of one mind。牙齿科学家和牙齿护士的意气相投是已经公开的秘密。Open的反义词是secret,2 .the structure of oxymoron,(2)半议关系she was half Spanish and the rest Norwegian。a smoking bubbly mixture of cold fire and hot ice(Wilbur Smith 3360 when the lion feeds)她有一

3、半西班牙血统,一般挪威血统,寒冷火焰和热冰块的混血儿,热情而充满幻想的混血儿Fire(约翰f肯尼迪,美国电视电视剧,艺术作品)同样,人们必须首先在ice中联想到cold,然后使它成为与hot矛盾的立体。2 .The structure of Oxymoron,(b)准反义关系the welcome of land to the man from the sea was warm and generous . but to the oiler the lands only welcome welcomeComfort只是给心理warm。周瑜公客死他乡,凄惨可怜,唯一的安慰只是黄土。2 .The

4、structure of Oxymoron,(3)同源反义关系his honor rooted in dishonor stood . and faith unfaithful kept him falsely true。(;)他的不忠和可靠的忠诚使他看起来像真的。Honor和dishonor、faith和unfaith是同一词源,属于同源反义词。另一个例子:“deathless death(尽管死亡)helpless help(帮助的帮助)expressionless expression(无表情的表情)”,2。the structure of oxx Worst touch up best

5、 man。Worst best是字面上的对立,意义上的统一关系。3 .The translation of Oxymoron,移植方法there was an audible stillness,in which the common voice sounded strange。Enoch had a pleasant day with his ten-year-oldson . but,anxiously,he found him a changeless change .以诺和10岁的儿子们愉快地度过了一天,orderly chaos又脏又整齐。he sat there and watch

6、ed them,so changeless ly changing,so bright and dark,so grave and gay。他坐在那儿注视着。光彩也是耀眼朦胧的黑暗。庄严肃穆,轻松愉快。,Written for the sake of Forgetting Hereditary disposed to my opia,He recognizes only the persons and habitats of his own species among ww他们的遗传都是短视的。所以他只知道自己的同类和同类的巢。只是在他们之间,你只能争我静下来,添加词语或改变词汇,约翰哈德凯普

7、特on thinking of his parents laughing good-natured un tidiness John总是想到你父亲那样笑,很和蔼,但不改变边幅,hard up,年复一年地悲伤,到处都没有家。引用法in the thought there was a bitter sweet ness。想到这里,她又甜又苦,苦又甜。Love is a sweet torment。爱是既甜又不失幽默的效果。an intimate stranger亲密陌生的全球村busy idleness忙碌的open secret公开秘密living death僵尸silence sings all roundme,my headis boundme I fear and houndme我害怕,但也有希望。我燃烧了,但冻得像冰一样。it has the poorest millionaires、the ittle ST great men、the haughtiest beggars、


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