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1、Unit 15,Thanks and Gratitude,Overview:,Lead-in Warm-up Activities Dialogues Vocabulary Useful Expressions Exercises Culture Tips Class Activities,Lead-in,Do you think it is important to be grateful to others? Why do you feel grateful? You may use the following expressions for help:,Examples: Im grat

2、eful because I feel (truly/ deeply/ extremely/overwhelmingly) grateful to because,Warm-up Activities,I. Read the following words and pay attention to the pronunciation of “ir” .,:firm sir bird circledirt,II. Read the passage below and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.,We automatica

3、lly say “thank you” because we have been taught that it is right. What that automatic response lacks to us is the feel that it is right. It is time for our good and the good of others to start saying “thank you” with a deep sense of Grace (感恩) what has been given us. Its easy because you dont have t

4、o be embarrassed by expressing gratitude at first to the Universe. There are no words to memorize or audience to please. You can express gratitude in the space of a few minutes - any time anywhere. Say thank you for what you have previously taken for granted, for the commonplace(寻常事), for the very g

5、rowth of your insight(见识) and experience. Say “thank you” for having two,sound legs to walk on, eyes that can see, a person or people to love you. Moreover, if you dont have anyone that loves you, say “thank you” that that can change, that you have a new day and a new opportunity to work for and att

6、ract respect and good people to you. Express gratitude for the job that you hate (it helps you pay the bills), and for the opportunity to start a business of your own with some of the finest teachers and soon-to-be comrades. Express gratitude for the ability to wake up, think coherently, and experie

7、nce the day. You will be surprised by what this simple act can do first for yourself and then for others as you put out grace, more grace will come to you.,Dialogues,Dialogue 1,A: I really dont know how to thank you. B: Im glad I was able to help. A: I dont know what Id have done without your help.

8、B: Dont mention it. It was the least I could do. A: Thank you so much. Im really very grateful to you. B: It was a pleasure.,Dialogue 2,Passenger: Hi! Could you please help me out? I need to catch the next train to Beijing, but Ive no idea where to go. Passer-by: Dont worry. Take the escalator. Its

9、over there, to the lower level. Then enter the platform area and go to Platform Number 8. Its on the left side. Youll see the time schedule there, too. Passenger: I see. Downstairs, Platform 8, on the left side. Passer-by: Yes, thats right. Also dont forget to keep your ticket stub to show the ticke

10、t collector. Passenger: Thanks a million! Passer-by: Its a pleasure to have been of some assistance.,Dialogue 3,A: Whats the matter? B: Theres something wrong with my camera. A: Do you want me to have a look at it? B: Its very kind of you, but I think I can manage. A: Oh, well, if you need any help,

11、 just let me know. B: I will. Thank you very much. A: Youre welcome.,Dialogue 4,A: I really like the disc you brought to me the other day. B: Oh, dont mention it. Im glad you like it. A: The melody is just so wonderful. Everyone in my dorm likes it very much. B: Im happy you like the disc. Its for T

12、eachers Day. A: Im most grateful. It must be expensive. I dont know how to express my thanks. B: You deserve it.,Dialogue 5,Lily: Hi, Mary. Mary: Hello, Lily. How are you doing? Lily: Fine, thanks. You know, Im planning to take Listening and Speaking this semester. Can you recommend a professor? Mar

13、y: Sure. I would recommend Prof. Ryan. One of my roommates attended her classes last year, and she said that she is one of the best professors for that course. Lily: Good! Thanks!,Dialogue 6,Tom: Congratulations. Mr. Pitt. Ive got the news that you won the Best Actor. Brad: Thank you, Mr. Hanks. Tom

14、: I really feel happy for you. I know you deserve the honor. Brad: Its very kind of you to say so. Tom: I have watched many of your movies and I was very much impressed. Brad: I owe much to your kind help and support, Mr. Hanks. Tom: Im sure you will have more wonderful performance in the next movie

15、. Brad: Thanks for your kind words. Im looking forward to our cooperation in the future.,Dialogue 7,Ann: Maggie. Ive come to say good-bye. Im leaving tomorrow. Maggie: Why so soon? Cant you stay a few days longer? Ann: No. And I just cant leave without thanking you for all you have done for me. Magg

16、ie: Its so nice to have had you here. Its a shame that you are leaving. Ann: I enjoyed myself immensely. You made everything so glorious. I hope I can do something in return for you someday.,Vocabulary,passer-by pa:sbai n. 过路人,经过者 escalator eskleit n. 自动扶梯 platform pltf:m n. 平台,月台 assistance sistns

17、n. 帮助,援助 dorm d:m n. (集体)宿舍 deserve diz:v v. 应该得到,应受,值得 semester simest n. 学期 shame eim n. 羞愧,遗憾的事 v. 使羞愧 immensely imensli adv. 极大地,无限地 glorious gl:ris a. 光荣的,辉煌的 in return 作为回报,作为报答,Useful Expressions,A. Expressing gratitude,Thank you. Thanks a million. Thanks so much. Many thanks. I can never tha

18、nk you enough. I really cant thank you enough. Im extremely grateful to you. Thank you ever so much. Thank you very much indeed.,Much obliged. Much appreciated. Its very kind of you. Its so sweet of you. It was ever so nice of you. Im very much indebted to you. That was extremely good of you to I do

19、 appreciate your Its very good of you to Youre very kind. Youre just wonderful. I should like to express how grateful Im for Youre very thoughtful. Its most thoughtful of you.,B. Responding to thanks,Thats all right. Thats OK. No problem. Its all right. Think nothing of it. Not at all. No bother at

20、all. No trouble at all. Youre welcome. My pleasure. Its a pleasure.,Pleasure was all mine. Delighted I was able to help. Delighted to have been of some help. Its a pleasure to have been of some assistance. Im glad to be of some assistance. At your service. Im glad to have been of some service. Any t

21、ime. Im very glad you enjoyed it. It was the least I could do. You would have done the thing in my position, Im sure.,Exercises,I. Choose appropriate expressions in the box to complete the short dialogues.,1. Good luck with your exam. Im sure you will do great. _ 2. Do you need help cleaning this we

22、ekend? _,B,C,3. Wow, your hat is so smart. _ 4. Thank you very much for an excellent tea. _ 5. I couldnt have done it without your help. I really appreciate it. _,A,E,D,II. Complete the dialogues by using the expressions of thanks learned in this unit.,1. Mary: Youre a great dancer, Bob! I wish I co

23、uld do half as well as you! Bob: _. 2. Peter: Sam, your photographs are unbelievable! I really wish youd give me some advice to help my pictures come out better. Sam: _. 3. A: What a pretty necklace you have! B: _. 4. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the library? B: Sorry, Im new here, too

24、. A: _. 5. A: Im looking for the recent edition of the Oxford Idioms by the foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. B: Let me seeIm sorry we dont have any more in stock. A: _.,III. Act out the following pictures with your partner(s). Be sure to use the expressions for expressing and responding

25、 to gratitude that you have just learned.,IV. Topics for discussion,1. There are many holidays used by people as opportunities to express gratitude. Can you list the holidays and say who you should thank and how? 2. Tell your classmate who is the one you want to thank most. And explain why. 3. Descr

26、ibe situations in which we need to express our gratitude and thanks.,Culture Tips,Expressions of gratitude and thanks are found in every culture. It is common to say “Thank you” for an invitation, a present, an offer of help, etc. Although some native speakers of English have the reputation of being

27、 informal in their conversations, they are accustomed to using a set of behaviors and speech patterns that are culturally defined as polite. Differences arise between the Chinese and the English-speaking people in that we Chinese do not use “Thank you” so frequently between family members or very in

28、timate friends as westerners do. If one should do so in China, it might sound strange or suggest a remote relationship. However, the native speakers of English say “Thank you” in nearly every situation, no matter how minor or routine it is. When someone, no matter who he is, does something for you, however trivial it is, it is proper to say “Thank you”. For example, you would say “Thank you” in any one o


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