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1、festivals,Festivals in China,The Dragon Boat Festival,The Double Ninth Festival,The Spring Festival,Qingming,The Lantern Festival,The Middle Autumn Festival,The Double Seventh Festival,Ghost Festival,The Spring Festival,(lunar January 1),couplet fireworks fireworks paper- cuts lucky/ gift money,对联 烟

2、花 爆竹 剪纸 压岁钱,The Lantern Festival,(Lunar January 15),lion /dragon dance riddles written on lanterns exhibit of lanterns rice glue ball,舞狮/龙 灯谜 灯会 元宵,Ching Ming Festival / Tomb-sweeping Day,(Lunar April 5),rebirth of nature celebrat it with picnics, and kite flying sweep and weed graves honor ancestor

3、s,Dragon Boat Festival,(Lunar May 5),rice dumplings Dragon Boat race,棕子 龙舟赛,Double Seventh Festival,(Lunar July 7),Cowherd Girl Weaver the Milky Way magpie,牛郎 织女 银河 喜鹊,Mid-Autumn Festival,(Lunar August 15),Chang E flying to the moon moon cake,嫦娥奔月 月饼,Double Ninth Festival,(Lunar September 9),ascendi

4、ng a height enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum,登高 赏菊,festivals,Festivals in other countries,Christmas,FoolsDay,ValentinesDay,Carnival,Easter,Thanksgiving Day,MothersDay,FathersDay,Halloween,holi,They paint all kinds of colours on their faces, singing and dancing to welcome the coming of the spri

5、ng.,Valentines Day(情人节),Feb. 14th,Easter (March 23 to April 25),This is a Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life.,Easter Bunny,Easter eggs,Easter,This is a Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Chris

6、t and his return to life.,Easter Bunny,Easter eggs复活节彩蛋,This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.,Halloween (万圣节) (31th. October/ 1st Nobember),( All Saints Day ),Jack-o-Lantern (南瓜灯,杰克灯),Trick-or-Treat(不给糖果就捣蛋)on Halloween,Dunking For Apples(咬苹果),Halloween Parade,Thanksgiving

7、Day,This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.,turkey 火鸡,pumpkin pie 南瓜饼,Thanksgiving Day,Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) (The th Thursday in November),turkey,pumpkin pie,This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.,Christmas,Christmas (25th December),This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter.,reindeer,sleigh,Santa Claus,圣诞老人 驯鹿 雪橇,Introduction-2. western festivals(4m),How much do you know about the following western festivals?,Christma


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