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1、Unit 2,Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,Section B 1 1a2e,2. The teacher asked the students to be quiet.,1. The girl wanted to take the joy home.,3. There are enough time to get to the airport.,Review,说出下列不定式的用法。,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,e.g. He put on his gloves and repaired the truck. 他戴上手套开始修卡车。,1.

2、repair v. 修理;修补,2. fix v. 安装;使固定,e.g. The nail doesnt fix well. 这个钉子不牢固。,New words,3. give away 赠送;捐赠,4. wheel n. 车轮;轮子,e.g. They gave away 5,000 bags for shopping at the exhibition. 在展览会上,我们赠送了五千只购物袋。,e.g. The wheels are turning. 轮子在转。,Matching,Match the sentences with similar meanings.,Ive run out

3、 of it. I take after my mother. I fixed it up. I gave it away. I repaired it. I dont have any more of it. I am similar to her. I didnt keep it.,b,c,a,d,1a,Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.,run out of take after fix up give away,1b,my bike money my father o

4、ld clothes,1. I gave away my bike to a childrens home. 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,I took after my father.,I gave away my old clothes to the poor kid.,I ran out of my money last weekend.,I fixed up my bike during the weekend.,Listening,Listen and number the pictures 1- 4 in the correct order.,1c,3,1,4,2,1d,

5、Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.,F,T,F,T,Talking,Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information in 1c and 1d.,1e,What do you do, Jimmy?,I fix up.,New words,door n. 门,letter n. 信,miss n. 小姐 (未婚女士),madam n. 女士 (不知婚否),sir n. 先生,carry v. 拿,提,be blind,be unabl

6、e to walk,be deaf and be unable to speak,be unable to use hands,disabled people,Warming up,How to help them?,A helper-dog,2a. How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Discuss this with your partner.,Call them and thank them face to face. Do something for them in the future Write a thank-you l

7、etter to let them know how you feel ,Reading,2b,Skim the letter and answer the questions.,1. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?,Ben Smith. He wanted to thank her for sending money to Animal Helpers and to tell her how Animal Helpers helped him.,What did Miss Li do? She sent money to Animal Helper

8、s, a group that was set up to help disabled people.,This picture made me sad. They dog called Paco was lying on the floor quietly and didnt want to leave, because his owner just died here during the traffic accident a few hours ago.,honest friend 诚实的朋友 guide the house 看家 play with us 和我们玩 help the b

9、lind 帮助盲人,Look at the picture and read 2b, and answer my questions below:,Where is it? Who are they? Who is “Lucky”? Whats wrong with Ben? Who helped Ben out? Does Ben like “Lucky”? Why? What cant you do if you are blind or deaf? What can “Lucky” do for Ben? How does Ben describe “Lucky”.,1. The wri

10、ter cant use her arms or legs well. 2. Lucky was brought to the writer by her friend. 3. They have been trained at “Animal helpers” for seven months. 4. A dog-helper is for those who are disabled. 5. Lucky can understand different orders.,Read and circle “T” or “F”.,T,T,F,T,F,2d,Use the information

11、in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.,SUBJCT Miss Li Ben Smith Lucky Animal Helpers,VERB can get trains sent is,OBJECT unable to move well. money to Animal Helpers. animals like Lucky. things for disabled people.,1. Miss Li sent money to Animal Helpers. 2. Ben Smith i

12、s unable to move well. 3. Lucky can get things for disabled people. 4. Animal Helpers trains animals like Lucky.,分辨词性,disabled A 残疾人 B 变成残废 C 残疾的 difference A 不同点 B 有区别的 C 区分开来 Difficulty A 困难的 B 困难 C 变难 opening A 开幕式 B 打开 C开放的 Trained A火车的 B训练 C 经过调教的 lucky A 幸运的 B运气 C幸运儿 Luck A 幸运的 B运气 C幸运儿,V,V,V,

13、V,V,V,V,Lucky dog,1. group (adj. / n. ) _ 2. disabled (adj. / adv. ) _ 3. difference (adv. / n. ) _ _,Wed better go in a group.,2c,Look at the list of words below. Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.,I know a lot of disabled people need our help.,Can

14、you find the differences of the two pictures?,4. imagine (v. / n. ) _ 5. difficulties (n. / adj. ) _ 6. normal (adv. / adj. ) _ _,You can easily imagine my surprise.,Each family has its own difficulties.,A persons normal temperature is 37 degrees Centigrade.,7. training (adv. / n. ) _ 8. kindness (n

15、. / v. ) _ _,Nurses have several years of training.,Good looks are not as important as kindness.,我已经把它用完了,run out of 动词+副词+介词,主语为人=use up run out,主语为物 我已经把纸用完了 = My paper ran out.,Ive _ it.,run out of,Ive run out of paper,我像我母亲,take after, 像= be similar to = look like = be like 你儿子和你一点都不像,I _ my mot

16、her.,take after,多指外貌,多指性格,Your son doesnt take after you at all.,我把它修理好了,你可以修理这辆小汽车吗? =,I _,fixed it up,Can you fix the car?,I _,repaired it,Can you repair the car?,我和她很像,1. be similar to 与相像 我的新连衣裙与你的相似 2. be similar in 在某方面相似 这两座建筑物在风格上相似 3. 相似的,相像的 他们有相似的爱好,Im _ her,similar to,My new dress is sim

17、ilar to yours.,The two buildings are similar in style.,They have similar hobbies,Jimmy fixed up broken bicycle parts, like wheels.,Broken形容词,破损的,残缺的 我的自行车坏了 当心碎玻璃! break 打破,破碎,动词 broke打破,破碎,过去式 broken 过去分词,形容词,My bike is broken.,Mind the broken glass.,谁给李小姐写了这封信,write a letter to me =,Who wrote the

18、letter _ her,to,write me a letter,谁给李小姐写了这封信,write a letter to me = letter 信,字母,Who wrote the letter _ her,to,write me a letter,Im sure you know that this group _ to help _ people like me.我相信你知道这个组织是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人而建立的,1. set up 建立,设立,后接组织,机构,团体等名词,如hospital, government, company 我们成立了一家新公司 2. Disable形容

19、词,意思为丧失能力的,残疾的 Able有能力的-disable使残疾-disabled残疾的 形容词 动词 形容词,was set up,disable,We set up a new company.,You helped to make _ possible for me to have lucky.有了你的帮助,我才有可能有幸运儿,think/find/make + it + 形容词+ to do sth 认为/发现/让 做某事是., it是形式主语 我发现跟你谈话很难,it,I find it difficult to talk t you.,Lucky _ to my life.幸运

20、儿对我的生活产生了很大的影响,make a big difference to. 对产生影响 make _ difference to. 对没有影响 这对我没有什么影响! 这对我影响很大!,Makes a big difference,no,It makes no difference to me,It makes a big difference to me.,Lucky _ to my life.幸运儿对我的生活产生了很大的影响,make a big difference to. 对产生影响 make _ difference to. 对没有影响 这对我没有什么影响! 这对我影响很大!,M

21、akes a big difference,no,It makes no difference to me,It makes a big difference to me.,Lucky _ to my life.幸运儿对我的生活产生了很大的影响,make a big difference to. 对产生影响 make _ difference to. 对没有影响 这对我没有什么影响! 这对我影响很大!,Makes a big difference,no,It makes no difference to me,It makes a big difference to me.,或者想象一下你不能

22、自如地走也不能自如地使用双手,Imagine,后接动名名代 I cant imagine being a millionaire. Imagine,后接从句(that, who, what, where, how, which, when,if , unless, until 等引导从句) 我想象不出来他长什么样,Or _ you cant walk or use your hands easily.,imagine,我无法想象百万富翁是什么样子的,I cant imagine what he looks like.,大多数人从没考虑过这一点,但是许多人有这样的困难,difficulty 困难

23、(具体困难为可数,抽象的困难可数) He met many _ when studying English. He has great _ (in) studying English 他在学习英语方面有很大的困难 = He has great _ (in) studying English =He has great _ (in) studying English,Most people would never think about this, but many people have these _,difficulties,在学英语的时候,他遇到了很多困难,difficulties,di

24、fficulty,problem,trouble,搬东西这些平常事对我来说很困难,辨析:carry, bring, take, get Please _ this bag for me, it is too heavy. 搬动 Please _ this bag to me. 带来 Please _ this bag to her. 带走 Please _ some water to wash the dishes. 去取来,or _ things are difficult for me.,carrying,carry,bring,take,get,她与动物帮手组织联系,试图给我找一只经过特

25、殊训练的狗,1. a special trained dog 一只经过特殊训练的狗 trained 过去分词作定语(形容词), 被动语态,已经发生或者完成的 类似用法: 如broken, 破碎的,损坏的等 2. train动词,训练 train sb/sth to do sth. 训练某人做某事 3. train名词,火车,She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special _ dog.,trained,我对拥有一只狗的主意感到很兴奋,be excited about sth/doing sth be excited to do st

26、h Im so _ that were going to New York. His work is _.,I was _ _ the idea of having a dog.,excited,about,对做某事感到兴奋,excited,exciting,为你的仁慈,我才能有一个狗狗帮手,形容词后加-ness 变成名词 good-goodness 善良 ill- illness 疾病 happy-happiness 幸福 sad - sadness 悲伤,You see, Im only _ _ have a “dog helper” _ your _.,able to,kindness,

27、because of,understand,understand 理解,领会,明白 过去式 understood, 过去分词understood 形容词: 善解人意的 Do you understand? 你理解吗? No,I dont understand. 不,我不会理解!,understanding,Thank you again for _my life.再次感谢你改变了我的生活,1. change 改变,动词 我们可以换个话题吗? 2. change 改变,做可数名词 There are many changes in my hometown. 3.change,零钱,不可数名词 D

28、ont forget your change. 别忘了你的零钱,changing,Can we change the subject?,Thank you again for _my life.再次感谢你改变了我的生活,1. change 改变,动词 我们可以换个话题吗? 2. change 改变,做可数名词 There are many changes in my hometown. 3.change,零钱,不可数名词 Dont forget your change. 别忘了你的零钱,changing,Can we change the subject?,Language points,1.

29、 Im sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.,set up 建起;设立,e.g. Lets set up our tent by the river. 我们在河边搭建帐篷吧。,disabled adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的 dis (否定前缀) able (能够) disabled,e.g. He was disabled in the accident. 他在事故中残疾了。,2. Lucky makes a big difference to my life.,make a dif

30、ference 影响;有作用,e.g. It would make a big difference to my life. 这会对我的生活产生很大影响。,3. What would it be like to be blind or deaf?,deaf adj. 聋的,blind adj. 瞎的;失明的,e.g. Deaf people cant hear, and blind people cant see. 聋人听不见,失明的人看不见。,4. Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily. imagine v. n. 想象;设想,e

31、.g. You dont imagine it is true. 你别想象那是真的。,5. but many people have these difficulties.,difficult adj. 困难的 difficulty n.,difficulty n. 困难;难题,e.g. When youre in difficulty, ask me for help. 当你遇到困难时,向我求助。,6. opening and closing doors,e.g. Open the door, please. 请开门。,open v. 打开;开,train v. 训练;培训,train v. training n. 训练;培训,e.g. Im training myself for a race. 我正在为赛跑作训练。 Very hard training is necessary. 刻苦训练很必要。,7. Sh


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